event 1xbet best casino website descriptions

SciComm 2019 is packed with opportunities to learn and practice 1xbet best casino website communication skills — and even have some fun!

register 1xbet online casino now!. Note: When 1xbet best casino website arrive at the conference, please sign in at Rathbone Hall before attending workshops or other events.

Pre-1xbet best casino website workshops

Four workshops 1xbet best casino website be offered on Friday afternoon before the official start of the conference. Workshops are free for conference participants, but registration is required as seats are limited.

  • Leading an effective outdoor experience: Come to the Konza Prairie Biological Station and join Director of Education Jill Haukos on a hike of the beautiful Butterfly Hill trail. Along the way, you 1xbet best casino website get advice on how to effectively lead an outdoor experience, whether it is a hike or a specific activity. Activities 1xbet best casino website focus on the special considerations that are particular to an outdoor venue. Wear clothing and footwear suitable for an easy hike. 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., including travel time; transportation is included.

  • Visual Thinking Strategies for 1xbet best casino website : Science communication increasingly employs visual and multimedia tools. The old saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words” comes to mind as researchers seek new, visual ways to convey complex relationships in their data and among large data sets. Multimedia technology tools allow scientists to view their findings in new visual formats, whether as extreme magnifications or as digital models. Though we “read” pictures, graphs, and diagrams every day, too little attention has been given to improving our ability to use visual evidence and think critically about interpretations. This workshop 1xbet best casino website introduce participants to Visual Thinking Strategies or VTS. Based on research into aesthetic development in the arena of the arts, it has become a valuable tool in scientific fields as well. Learn the basics of VTS through participatory viewing and discussion, and hone your skill at maximizing brainstorming sessions in the field, the lab, or the classroom through practice of active listening and precise but flexible uses of language. This workshop 1xbet best casino website be led by Linda Duke, director of the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, and 1xbet best casino website meet at the Beach Museum of Art on the southeast corner of the Kansas State University campus from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

  • How to 1xbet best casino website on Tap: Science on Tap events have become popular across the nation, and they serve as a wonderful template for engaging with adult, non-expert audiences in different contexts. This workshop focuses on storytelling exercises, visual communication, and audience engagement strategies that 1xbet best casino website allow you to easily tweak your science story to audiences with different backgrounds and interests. This workshop 1xbet best casino website be led by Jared Bixby, curator of education at Sunset Zoo, and Michi Tobler, associate professor of biology at Kansas State University, and 1xbet best casino website meet in 324 Ackert Hall from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

  • Improv and 1xbet best casino website : Improvisation and storytelling are the perfect avenues for hands-on experiential learning that 1xbet best casino website strengthen your communication skills and awaken your spontaneous creative spirit. Join LaVonne Canfield, MA, RDT, CCFP in the Purple Masque Theatre from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. to explore how simple creative drama games can help you become a clearer, more empathetic proble- solver and enrich your capacity to communicate and connect. No previous experience needed. Fun provided. Bring laughter.

Showcasing 1xbet best casino website through film and lightning talks

Friday evening 1xbet best casino website provide an opportunity to showcase exciting stories about science and science communication in short film and lightning talk formats. Films and talks must be less than 5 minutes long, targeted at non-expert audiences, and attempt to provide information in a new and exciting way. The use of PowerPoint (maximally 5 slides) as visual aids for Lightning Talks is permitted but not required.

When you register, you'll be asked to provide a title and an abstract in the form of a tweet (280 characters maximum; please include #SciComm2019). Films (in MP4 format) and PowerPoint slides (16:9 format) must be submitted by March 20 using a Dropbox link. Information 1xbet best casino website be provided via email.

Contributions 1xbet best casino website be judged by a panel of judges, who 1xbet best casino website conduct a panel discussion about techniques used in the presentations once the talks are complete. Judge’s choice and audience’s choice awards 1xbet best casino website be presented at the end of the evening.

Contributed 1xbet best casino website

On both Saturday and Sunday morning, there 1xbet best casino website be oral presentations by conference attendees. We invite presentations that broadly pertain to science communication to diverse audiences, including presentation related to K-12 education, discipline-based education research, science in media and social media, broader impacts, informal STEM education, science communication research, and approaches to science communication education for scientists. Contributed talks 1xbet best casino website be 15 minutes long.

When you register, you 1xbet best casino website be asked to provide a title, an abstract, and a tweet describing your talk (280 characters maximum; please include #SciComm2019).

Community 1xbet best casino website Festival at Sunset Zoo

Science at Sunset Zoo 1xbet best casino website be an opportunity for scientists to implement, and potentially evaluate, their informal science activities for the public. Scientists 1xbet best casino website be positioned at tables (~6 by 3’) throughout the zoo, where they 1xbet best casino website engage visitors in science-focused learning through engaging, hands on activities or demonstrations. This is a unique opportunity for scientists (e.g. PIs of National Science Foundation grants with Broader Impacts) to bring their science communication materials to a large public audience. Importantly, it is also an opportunity for scientists at various career stages who are wanting to develop informal science activities to engage in activities developed by others and to talk with other scientists about their experiences developing informal science learning programs.

When you register, you 1xbet best casino website be asked to provide a title, a brief description of your activity in the form of a tweet (280 characters maximum), and to provide any information about special needs to make your activity possible.

Communicating 1xbet best casino website through ART(ifacts)

Poster sessions are a fixture of scientific conferences, because they facilitate conversation. Posters usually provide a visual aid to dive deep into the specific topic the presenter is studying. Since SciComm 2019 1xbet best casino website not be attended only by researchers, we want to break the scientists’ habit to show up with graphs and statistics. Communicating Science through ART(ifacts) is aimed at sparking conversations about science through art displays and artifacts that represent your research. This might be a photograph or an audio recording you took during fieldwork, a painting inspired by your work, a specimen that you collected, or an unusual piece of equipment that you might use frequently.

When you register, you 1xbet best casino website be asked to provide a title, a brief description of your activity in the form of a tweet (280 characters maximum), and to provide any information about special needs to make your activity possible.

Contributions 1xbet best casino website be judged by a panel of judges. Judge’s choice and audience choice awards 1xbet best casino website be presented at the evening event.

Open Mic Night: Explain 1xbet best casino website Like I'm 5

Saturday night we 1xbet best casino website gather at O'Malley's Alley to socialize. To practice our improv skills and talk about science in a not-so-serious way, we 1xbet best casino website have an Open Mic Night. Explain your research or your passion or challenges in science communication a way that a 5-year-old can understand it. No registration is needed, but we hope all of you 1xbet best casino website line up. If you need any inspiration, check https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/

Contributions 1xbet best casino website be judged by a panel of judges. Judge’s choice and audience choice awards 1xbet best casino website be presented at the end of the evening.