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Research Awards, December 2017

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Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Barkley, Andrew P., Featherstone, Allen M., Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), and Schwab, Benjamin B., US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , 6,930, "BHEARD Program: Uganda."

Barkley, Andrew P.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Featherstone, Allen M., Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), and Schwab, Benjamin B., US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , 6,930, "BHEARD Program: Uganda."

Featherstone, Allen M.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Barkley, Andrew P., Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), and Schwab, Benjamin B., US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , 6,930, "BHEARD Program: Uganda."

Golden, Bill B.,Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), and Sanderson, Matthew R. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,500, "Sustaining 1xbet online casino through Adaptive Management to Preserve the Ogallala Aquifer under a Changing Climate."

Schwab, Benjamin B.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Barkley, Andrew P., Featherstone, Allen M., and Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , 6,930, "BHEARD Program: Uganda."

Gillen, Robert L., US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,000, "Acquisition of Goods and Services."

Adee, Eric A., Support Funds, ,000, "AGR Support Funds Experiment Field 26."

Ciampitti, Ignacio, North Central Soybean Research Program, ,767, "Benchmarking Soybean Production Systems in the North Central USA."

Fritz, Allan K., 1xbet online casino Wheat Alliance, Inc., 0,000, "Implementation of Advanced Breeding Technologies."

Fritz, Allan K., Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., ,050, "Hybrid Wheat Seed Production Agreement."

Fritz, Allan K.,Jagadish, Krishna SV, and Prasad, V. P. Vara (Dean of 1xbet online casino and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, ,829, "Development of Heat Tolerant, High Yielding and Climate Resilient Wheat Cultivars Utilizing Genomics, Molecular and Physiological Information."

Hettiarachchi, Ganga M.,Davis, Lawrence C. (Biochemistry), Erickson, Larry E. (Center for Hazardous Substance Research), and Roozeboom, Kraig L., North Atlantic Treaty Organiztion (NATO), ,329, "New Phytotechnology for Cleaning Contaminated Military Sites."

Jagadish, Krishna SV,Fritz, Allan K., and Prasad, V. P. Vara (Dean of 1xbet online casino and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, ,269, "Development of Heat Tolerant, High Yielding and Climate Resilient Wheat Cultivars Utilizing Genomics, Molecular and Physiological Information."

Lollato, Romulo P., Taminco, Inc., ,667, "Plant Growth Regulator Efficacy Testing - 2017-18 Season."

Min, Doohong, Forage Genetics International, ,700, "Alfalfa Research Study."

Morris, Geoffrey, US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,128, "Improving Cold Tolerance in Sorghum: A Promising Feedstock for Biofuels and Biobased Products in the Northern Great Plains."

Pierzynski, Gary M., Support Funds, ,000, "AGR Support Funds Research 52."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), and Prasad, V. P. Vara (Dean of 1xbet online casino and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, "Innovation Lab on Sustainable Intensification."

Presley, DeAnn R., Kansas Department of 1xbet online casino and Environment, ,794, "KSU Agronomy Compost Site Development and Operation and Compost Operator Educational and Technical Assistance."

Ransom, Michel D., US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,921, "Completion of the Isee Soils Database for the North Central Region."

Rice, Charles W.,Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), and Sanderson, Matthew R. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,500, "Sustaining 1xbet online casino through Adaptive Management to Preserve the Ogallala Aquifer under a Changing Climate."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Davis, Lawrence C. (Biochemistry), Erickson, Larry E. (Center for Hazardous Substance Research), and Hettiarachchi, Ganga M., North Atlantic Treaty Organiztion (NATO), ,329, "New Phytotechnology for Cleaning Contaminated Military Sites."

Stamm, Michael J., US Department of 1xbet online casino , 5,500, "Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains Region."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Histidine: Lysine Requirement for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Influence of Fermentation Byproduct on Urine pH."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., DSM Nutritional Products AG, ,800, "Studies to Evaluate the Effects of Phytase in Swine Diets or Premixes."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Quality Technology International, Inc., ,000, "Effect of CALSPORIN on Sow Fecal Microflora and Piglet Growth Performance, Lfecal Consistency, and Fecal Microflora until the Nursery Phase."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Histidine: Lysine Requirement for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Influence of Fermentation Byproduct on Urine pH."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., DSM Nutritional Products AG, ,800, "Studies to Evaluate the Effects of Phytase in Swine Diets or Premixes."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Quality Technology International, Inc., ,000, "Effect of CALSPORIN on Sow Fecal Microflora and Piglet Growth Performance, Lfecal Consistency, and Fecal Microflora until the Nursery Phase."

Nelssen, Jim L., DSM Nutritional Products AG, ,000, "Evaluating the Effects of Replacing Feed Grade Antimicrobials with Essential Oil or Zinc Oxide and Copper Sulfate on Nursery Pig Performance."

Rolf, Megan, US Department of 1xbet online casino , 3,143, "Beef Cattle Selection and Management for Adaptation to Drought."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Histidine: Lysine Requirement for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Influence of Fermentation Byproduct on Urine pH."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason C., DSM Nutritional Products AG, ,800, "Studies to Evaluate the Effects of Phytase in Swine Diets or Premixes."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Quality Technology International, Inc., ,000, "Effect of CALSPORIN on Sow Fecal Microflora and Piglet Growth Performance, Lfecal Consistency, and Fecal Microflora until the Nursery Phase."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Histidine: Lysine Requirement for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Influence of Fermentation Byproduct on Urine pH."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., DSM Nutritional Products AG, ,800, "Studies to Evaluate the Effects of Phytase in Swine Diets or Premixes."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Quality Technology International, Inc., ,000, "Effect of CALSPORIN on Sow Fecal Microflora and Piglet Growth Performance, Lfecal Consistency, and Fecal Microflora until the Nursery Phase."

DEAN OF 1xbet online casino AND DIRECTOR OF AES
Bascom, Nathanael D., and Dalton, Timothy J., McKnight Foundation, ,050, "Strengthening Agro Ecological Intensification and Farmer Research Network Participation at the Sorghum in the 21st Century Global Conference."

Dalton, Timothy J., and Bascom, Nathanael D., McKnight Foundation, ,950, "Strengthening Agro Ecological Intensification and Farmer Research Network Participation at the Sorghum in the 21st Century Global Conference."

Prasad, V. P. Vara,Fritz, Allan K. (Agronomy), and Jagadish, Krishna SV (Agronomy), US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , ,098, "1xbet online casino of Heat Tolerant, High Yielding and Climate Resilient Wheat Cultivars Utilizing Genomics, Molecular and Physiological Information."

Prasad, V. P. Vara,Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), and Pierzynski, Gary M. (Agronomy), US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , 0,461, "Innovation Lab on Sustainable Intensification."

Sexton-Bowser, Sarah A.,Aldrich, Greg (Grain Science and Industry), Koppel, Kadri (Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and 1xbet online casino ), and Miller, Brandi M. (Grain Science and Industry), US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,859, "Reintroducing Kansas Grain to Midwest Pet Food Manufacturing and Processing Markets."

Park, Yoonseong, Monsanto Company, 0,000, "Characterization of the Insecticidal Activity of Insecticidal Proteins on Western Corn Rootworm Larvae and its Alimentary Canal."

Park, Yoonseong, and Prakash, Om (Biochemistry), US Department of 1xbet online casino and Human Services, 2,461, "Discovery of GPCR-Targeted Insecticides for Malaria Mosquito Control."

Phillips, Thomas W., US Department of 1xbet online casino , 2,074, "Integration of Food Grade Coatings into Ham Nets as a Means to Control Ham Mite Infestation."

Aldrich, Greg,Koppel, Kadri (Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and 1xbet online casino ), Miller, Brandi M., and Sexton-Bowser, Sarah A. (Dean of 1xbet online casino and Director of AES), US Department of 1xbet online casino , 5,163, "Reintroducing Kansas Grain to Midwest Pet Food Manufacturing and Processing Markets."

Blodgett, Paul E., and Smith, Gordon L., General Mills, Inc., ,164, "Project Charge - Service Task Order #1."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos,Miller, Brandi M., O'Neil III, Howard J., Stark, Charles, and Thiele, Shawn M., US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,380, "USSEC Addendum to Independent Contractor Master Agreement 18KAO2U64A."

Miller, Brandi M.,Aldrich, Greg, Koppel, Kadri (Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and 1xbet online casino ), and Sexton-Bowser, Sarah A. (Dean of 1xbet online casino and Director of AES), US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,576, "Reintroducing Kansas Grain to Midwest Pet Food Manufacturing and Processing Markets."

Miller, Brandi M.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, O'Neil III, Howard J., Stark, Charles, and Thiele, Shawn M., US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,076, "USSEC Addendum to Independent Contractor Master Agreement 18KAO2U64A."

O'Neil III, Howard J.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Miller, Brandi M., Stark, Charles, and Thiele, Shawn M., US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,076, "USSEC Addendum to Independent Contractor Master Agreement 18KAO2U64A."

Smith, Gordon L., and Blodgett, Paul E., General Mills, Inc., 0,477, "Project Charge - Service Task Order #1."

Stark, Charles,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Miller, Brandi M., O'Neil III, Howard J., and Thiele, Shawn M., US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,152, "USSEC Addendum to Independent Contractor Master Agreement 18KAO2U64A."

Sun, X. Susan, Henan Yizhou Investment Co. Ltd, ,715, "High Performance Biobased Adhesives for Carbonized Plywood."

Thiele, Shawn M.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Miller, Brandi M., O'Neil III, Howard J., and Stark, Charles, US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,076, "USSEC Addendum to Independent Contractor Master Agreement 18KAO2U64A."

Braun, Ross C., and Bremer, Dale J., US Golf Association, Inc., "Simulation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Zoysiagrass Fairway Turf Using the DACENT Model."

Bremer, Dale J., and Braun, Ross C., US Golf Association, Inc., ,812, "Simulation of Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Zoysiagrass Fairway Turf Using the DACENT Model."

Hoyle, Jared, Support Funds, ,975, "AHF Support Funds Research 26."

McElwain, Scott K., and Shoemaker, Candice A., Greater Manhattan Community Foundation, ,000, "Aesthetic Enhancement of the Visitors Experience at the Gardens through Landscape Lighting."

Sharp, Ryan L., and Skibins, Jeffrey, US Department of the Interior, ,000, "Quantifying the Relationship between Visitor Use, and Resource and Social Conditions at Katmai National Park & Preserve and Lake Clark National Park & Preserve."

Shoemaker, Candice A., and McElwain, Scott K., Greater Manhattan Community Foundation, "Aesthetic Enhancement of the Visitors Experience at the Gardens through Landscape Lighting."

Skibins, Jeffrey, and Sharp, Ryan L., US Department of the Interior, ,000, "Quantifying the Relationship between Visitor Use, and Resource and Social Conditions at Katmai National Park & Preserve and Lake Clark National Park & Preserve."

Lilja, Nina K.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R. (Agricultural Economics), Barkley, Andrew P. (Agricultural Economics), Featherstone, Allen M. (Agricultural Economics), and Schwab, Benjamin B. (Agricultural Economics), US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , "BHEARD Program: Uganda."

Lilja, Nina K.,Pierzynski, Gary M. (Agronomy), and Prasad, V. P. Vara (Dean of 1xbet online casino and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, "Innovation Lab on Sustainable Intensification."

Kane, Mary R., US Department of Education, ,427, "FFA-YF/YFW Organization."

Akhunova, Alina, and Akhunov, Eduard D. (Plant Pathology), US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,000, "Validation, Characterization, and Deployment of QTL for Grain Yield Components in Wheat."

Akhunov, Eduard D., and Akhunova, Alina (Plant Biotechnology Center), US Department of 1xbet online casino , 2,000, "Validation, Characterization, and Deployment of QTL for Grain Yield Components in Wheat."

Gill, Bikram S., Bayer CropScience, LP, ,000, "Partner Agreement for I/UCRC."

Gill, Bikram S., Heartland Plant Innovations, Inc., ,000, "Partner Agreement for I/UCR."

Gill, Bikram S., 1xbet online casino Wheat Commission, ,000, "Partner Agreement for I/UCRC."

Gill, Bikram S., Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., ,000, "Partner Agreement for I/UCRC."

Kennelly, Megan, US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,700, "Diversify with Lavender: Resources, Training, Networks for Commercial Lavender Producers."

Little, Christopher R., United Soybean Board, ,286, "Diseases of Soybean: Characterization and Education."

Liu, Sanzhen, and Todd, Richard B., Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute, "Linking Regulation of Primary and Secondary Metabolism in Fungi for Improved Animal and Human 1xbet online casino ."

Poland, Jesse A., Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 5,122, "Delivering Genetic Gain in Wheat."

Poland, Jesse A., Monsanto Company, ,308, "Monsanto Beachell-Borlaug International Scholars Program (Ms. Emily Delorean's PhD Study)."

Todd, Richard B., and Liu, Sanzhen, Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute, ,000, "Linking Regulation of Primary and Secondary Metabolism in Fungi for Improved Animal and Human 1xbet online casino ."

Todd, Timothy C., Nebraska Corn Board, ,000, "Linking Lesion Nematode Reproduction to Rotatiom and Cover Crops by DNA Barcoding."

Gillen, Robert L., Support Funds, ,616, "ASW Support Funds Research 37."

Holman, Johnathon D., Advanta US, Inc., ,880, "Forage Variety Testing."


Beamish, Anne E., and Canfield, Jessica, City of Manhattan, KS, ,250, "Warner Park Master Plan."

Canfield, Jessica, and Beamish, Anne E., City of Manhattan, KS, ,250, "Warner Park Master Plan."

Newmark, Gregory, US Department of Transportation, ,500, "Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship (DDETFP) Student: Rachel Foss."

Newmark, Gregory, US Department of Transportation, ,000, "Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Graduate Fellowship (DDETFP) Student: Andrew Young."


Davis, Lawrence C.,Erickson, Larry E. (Center for Hazardous Substance Research), Hettiarachchi, Ganga M. (Agronomy), and Roozeboom, Kraig L. (Agronomy), North Atlantic Treaty Organiztion (NATO), ,514, "New Phytotechnology for Cleaning Contaminated Military Sites."

Geisbrecht, Erika R., 1xbet online casino Board of Regents, ,000, "Toll Signaling in Drosophila Muscle Damage."

Prakash, Om, and Park, Yoonseong (Entomology), US Department of 1xbet online casino and Human Services, ,115, "Discovery of GPCR-Targeted Insecticides for Malaria Mosquito Control."

Chapes, Stephen K., US Department of 1xbet online casino and Human Services, ,938, "Undergraduate Coordinator Office - KINBRE."

Fleming, Sherry D., 1xbet online casino Board of Regents, ,992, "Sex Difference in Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion."

Haukos, David A., Pheasants Forever, Inc., 4,244, "Lesser Prairie-Chicken and Grassland Response to Intensive Wildfire in the Mixed-Grass Prairie."

Jumpponen, Ari M., US Department of Energy, ,449, "Phenotypic Response of the Soil Microbiome to Environmental Perturbations."

Aakeroy, Christer B., Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc., ,000, "1xbet online casino of Structural Informatics Tools for Solid Form Risk Assessment and Co-crystal Design."

Jaberi-Douraki, Majid, Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute, ,964, "1Data: Creating a Simulation Environment for Human and Animal 1xbet online casino Data."

Berg, Matthew J., US Army, ,763, "Extracting Scattering Observables from Digital Holograms: Application to Aerosol Particle Characterization."

Smethers, Steven J.,Irwin, Brandon (Kinesiology), and Kerr, Jessica P. (Educational and Personal Development), Kansas 1xbet online casino Foundation, ,234, "The Healthy Communities Lab: Building Organizational Capacity to Create a Culture of 1xbet online casino in Manhattan, KS through Digital Media Storytelling and Public Dialogue."

Sanderson, Matthew R.,Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), and Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,500, "Sustaining 1xbet online casino through Adaptive Management to Preserve the Ogallala Aquifer under a Changing Climate."


Burenheide, Bradley, and Vontz, Thomas, US Department of Education, ,690, "James Madison Legacy Project (JMLP) of the We the People Program (WTP)."

Vontz, Thomas, and Burenheide, Bradley, US Department of Education, ,690, "James Madison Legacy Project (JMLP) of the We the People Program (WTP)."

Shuman, Cindy, University of 1xbet online casino Medical Center, ,400, "1xbet online casino IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (K-INBE) External Evaluation."

Shuman, Cindy, US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,250, "USDA Team Nutrition Training Grant Leading School Wellness into Action - Evaluation."

Shuman, Cindy, US Department of 1xbet online casino and Human Services, ,500, "Building Integrated Pathways to Independence for Diverse Biomedical Researchers (Project Pathways) - Evaluation."

Yelich Biniecki, Susan M., University of Opole, 2, "Annex to Inter-institutional Agreement 2016-2021."


Lanz, Bret E., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Support Funds, "Match Funds Agreement for KS0973."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., Huck Boyd Foundation, ,500, "Huck Boyd USDA RD Funding."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Lanz, Bret E., Support Funds, ,076, "Match Funds Agreement for KS0973."

Moore, Trisha L., US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,281, "Restoring Grazing Land Hydrologic Services through Eastern Redcedar Management."

Rogers, Danny H.,Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), and Sanderson, Matthew R. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), US Department of 1xbet online casino , 0, "Sustaining 1xbet online casino through Adaptive Management to Preserve the Ogallala Aquifer under a Changing Climate."

Erickson, Larry E.,Davis, Lawrence C. (Biochemistry), Hettiarachchi, Ganga M. (Agronomy), and Roozeboom, Kraig L. (Agronomy), North Atlantic Treaty Organiztion (NATO), ,324, "New Phytotechnology for Cleaning Contaminated Military Sites."

Fitzsimmons, Eric J., US Department of Transportation, ,900, "FHWA Dwight D. Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP)."

Im, Jeongdae, American Chemistry Council, 0,414, "Biologically Mediated Abiotic Degradation (BMAD) of Bisphenol A."

Peterman, Robert J., Caterpillar, Inc., ,213, "Establishing Pre-Stressing Frames for Engineering Hall."

Caragea, Cornelia A., National Science Foundation, ,000, "BIGDATA: IA: Collaborative Research: Domain Adaptation Approaches for Classifying Crisis Related Data on Social Media."

Caragea, Cornelia A., National Science Foundation, 9,707, "CHS: Small: Collaborative Research: Automating Relevance and Trust Detection in Social Media Data for Emergency Response."

Caragea, Cornelia A., National Science Foundation, 1,010, "CRISP Type 2: Collaborative Research: Resilience Analytics: A Data-driven Approach for Enhanced Interdependent Network Resilience."

Caragea, Cornelia A., National Science Foundation, ,960, "III: Small: Collaborative Research: Keyphrase Extraction in Document Networks."

Kim, Jungkwun, Leejo Co. Ltd., ,000, "Planning International Joint R & D Tasks and Finding Overseas Partners for Developing Fine Precision Metal 3D Printer and Its Applications."

Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, Black & Veatch Corporation, ,095, "Modeling and Predictive Analysis of Springfield Sanitary Sewer System from a Machine/Statistical Learning Perspective."

Thompson, David E., US Department of Energy, ,000, "Real-Time Navigation System Simulation Advancement."

Bahadori, Amir, and Leseman, Zayd C., 1xbet online casino State University Foundation, ,000, "Miniaturized Nuetron Spectrometer for Characterizing Cancer Risk."

Leseman, Zayd C., and Bahadori, Amir, 1xbet online casino State University Foundation, ,000, "Miniaturized Nuetron Spectrometer for Characterizing Cancer Risk."


Wu, Yingying, Gneiss Concepts, LLC, ,870, "Gneiss Concepts MOA."

FOOD, NUTRITION, DIETETICS AND 1xbet online casino
Koppel, Kadri,Aldrich, Greg (Grain Science and Industry), Miller, Brandi M. (Grain Science and Industry), and Sexton-Bowser, Sarah A. (Dean of 1xbet online casino and Director of AES), US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,576, "Reintroducing Kansas Grain to Midwest Pet Food Manufacturing and Processing Markets."

Behnke, Brad J., and Poole, David C., US Department of 1xbet online casino and Human Services, 4,010, "Novel Strategies to Prevent Respiratory Muscle Vascular Dysfunction with Mechanical Ventilation."

Irwin, Brandon,Kerr, Jessica P. (Educational and Personal 1xbet online casino ), and Smethers, Steven J. (School of Journalism and Mass Communications), Kansas 1xbet online casino Foundation, ,483, "The Healthy Communities Lab: Building Organizational Capacity to Create a Culture of 1xbet online casino in Manhattan, KS through Digital Media Storytelling and Public Dialogue."

Poole, David C., and Behnke, Brad J., US Department of 1xbet online casino and Human Services, ,051, "Novel Strategies to Prevent Respiratory Muscle Vascular Dysfunction with Mechanical Ventilation."

Garcia, Jane M., 1xbet online casino State University Foundation, ,000, "Improving the Quality and Consistency of Nutrition Care for 5,000,000 Americans with Swallowing Disorders: Impact on Speech-Language Pathologists (Anna Boyer)."

Yelland, Erin L., US Department of 1xbet online casino , ,655, "North Central Region Aging Network Toolkit Development."


Coetzee, Johann F., US Department of 1xbet online casino , 0,000, "Optimizing an Immunocastration Vaccine Ear Implant to Prevent Pain Associated with Bovine Castration."

Poole, David C., and Behnke, Brad J. (Kinesiology), US Department of 1xbet online casino and Human Services, ,951, "Novel Strategies to Prevent Respiratory Muscle Vascular Dysfunction with Mechanical Ventilation."

Shi, Jishu N.,Blecha, Frank (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), and Wang, Lei (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), Zoetis LLC, ,000, "International Veterinary Collaboration for China DVM Program."

Higginbotham, Mary Lynn, and Wouda, Raelene, Morris Animal Foundation, ,466, "D16CA-518: A Contemporaneous Controlled Study of the Standard of Care (SOC) in Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma."

Higginbotham, Mary Lynn,Coffee, Calli (Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital), Sheppard, Sabina P. (Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital), and Wouda, Raelene, Morris Animal Foundation, ,359, "The Use of a Recombinant, Attenuated Listeria Monocytogenes Espresing a Chimeric Human HER2/neu Protein to Prevent Metastatic Osteosarcoma."

Wouda, Raelene, and Higginbotham, Mary Lynn, Morris Animal Foundation, ,466, "D16CA-518: A Contemporaneous Controlled Study of the Standard of Care (SOC) in Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma."

Wouda, Raelene,Coffee, Calli (Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital), Higginbotham, Mary Lynn, and Sheppard, Sabina P. (Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital), Morris Animal Foundation, ,359, "The Use of a Recombinant, Attenuated Listeria Monocytogenes Espresing a Chimeric Human HER2/neu Protein to Prevent Metastatic Osteosarcoma."

Blecha, Frank,Shi, Jishu N. (Anatomy and Physiology), and Wang, Lei, Zoetis LLC, ,000, "International Veterinary Collaboration for China DVM Program."

Wang, Lei,Blecha, Frank, and Shi, Jishu N. (Anatomy and Physiology), Zoetis LLC, ,000, "International Veterinary Collaboration for China DVM Program."

White, Bradley J., American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners, ,600, "Creation of Online Education modules for the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Histidine: Lysine Requirement for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Ajinomoto Co., Inc, ,000, "Influence of Fermentation Byproduct on Urine pH."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), DSM Nutritional Products AG, ,800, "Studies to Evaluate the Effects of Phytase in Swine Diets or Premixes."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Quality Technology International, Inc., ,000, "Effect of CALSPORIN on Sow Fecal Microflora and Piglet Growth Performance, Lfecal Consistency, and Fecal Microflora until the Nursery Phase."

Fang, Ying,Anderson, Gary A. (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Bai, Jianfa (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Li, Yanhua, Liu, Xuming (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), and Peddireddi, Lalitha (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Swine 1xbet online casino Information Center, ,080, "Development and Evaluation of Antibody Detection Assay for PCV3 Virus."

Fang, Ying,Anderson, Gary A. (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Bai, Jianfa (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Li, Yanhua, Liu, Xuming (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Ma, Wenjun, and Peddireddi, Lalitha (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Swine 1xbet online casino Information Center, ,220, "Development of Antibody Detection Assay for Swine Influenza B, C, and D Viruses."

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