european 1xbet online casino Union General Data Protection Regulation privacy notice and request for consent

The following is the Kansas State University privacy notice and request for consent for research intellectual property, and/or commercialization purposes.


This Privacy Statement and Request for Consent describes the practices of the Kansas State University and the Kansas State University Research Foundation (collectively, “Kansas State,” “K-State,” “We,” or “Us”), a United States-based educational institution, with 1xbet online casino relating to you (“Personal 1xbet online casino ”). Kansas State collects, uses, and maintains (hereinafter “processes”) Personal 1xbet online casino from you relating to research subjects as part of its academic research activities.

By submitting 1xbet online casino to K-State and when you execute any form incorporating this notice and asking for your consent, you consent to K-State's processing of your Personal 1xbet online casino .

This Privacy Statement and Request for Consent addresses personal 1xbet online casino you submit or that is collected as part of Kansas State’s research, intellectual property, and/or commercialization activities. Any questions or comments about this Statement or the processing of data related to research purposes can be directed to the University Research Compliance Office at

Collection of personal 1xbet online casino

When you participate in Kansas State’s research, intellectual property, and/or commercialization activities, we may collect 1xbet online casino from you as described below.

  1. 1xbet online casino you voluntarily submit: Kansas State, as a part of your participation in its research, intellectual property, and/or commercialization activities, may ask you to submit Personal 1xbet online casino . We may combine 1xbet online casino you submit as part of research, intellectual property, and/or commercialization activities with other 1xbet online casino we have collected from you, whether on-line or off-line. We treat the combined 1xbet online casino in accordance with this Privacy Statement. The 1xbet online casino we process after you voluntarily submit it may include your:

    • Name

    • Addresses

    • Emails

    • Phone numbers

    • Sex

    • Marital status

    • Social Security Number

    • Tax identification number

    • Date of birth

    • Place of birth

    • Race/ethnic group

    • Disability status

    • Highest level of education

    • Educational transcripts

    • Education majors and degrees

    • Standardized test records

    • Fingerprints and biometric identifiers

    • Copy of passport

    • Health and treatment records

    • Photographs, video images, and likeness

  2. Sensitive Personal 1xbet online casino : Unless we specifically request or invite it, we ask that you not send or otherwise disclose to us your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health and treatment records, criminal background, or trade union membership. In those cases where we may request or invite you to provide the foregoing 1xbet online casino , we will only do so with your express consent, as and when required in accordance with any applicable data protection law requirements. Where you provide us with such 1xbet online casino without request from K-State, we reserve the right (but do not have any obligation) to erase any such 1xbet online casino at our discretion.
  3. 1xbet online casino about minors: Kansas State research activities are not intended for participation by persons under the age of 16, unless specifically stated otherwise as related to a specific research project. We do not knowingly collect Personal 1xbet online casino online from persons in this age group. We reserve the right to delete any 1xbet online casino identified as having been provided by such persons at our discretion.

How we use the 1xbet online casino we collect

We use Personal 1xbet online casino submitted by you or otherwise collected as part of Kansas State research activities for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement and Request for Consent and as otherwise described to you at the point of collection. Generally, we use the 1xbet online casino you provide to us only for the reason for which it was provided. Specifically, we may use Personal 1xbet online casino from or about you for:

  • Carrying out academic research

  • Processing payments

  • Compliance with legal obligations

  • Ensuring research subject safety

  • Preparing academic papers and presentations

  • IP management and commercialization activities

We may use any 1xbet online casino that does not personally identify you, your computer, or your device for any purpose.

Our disclosure of your 1xbet online casino

K-State does not sell your Personal 1xbet online casino . We may share your Personal 1xbet online casino with third parties as described in this Privacy Statement and Request for Consentor as otherwise described at the point where we collect the 1xbet online casino from you, including:

  • To departments within Kansas State for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement.
  • To companies or individuals that we hire to provide services to us, such as application processing, contact management, legal services, website hosting services and payment processing.
  • To relevant governmental authorities to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • To university-controlled affiliated corporations for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement.
  • With contractors, subcontractors, vendors, and third-party researchers for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement.

Where your 1xbet online casino is processed

Kansas State University is based in the United States. No matter where you are located, your personal 1xbet online casino will be processed in the United States, unless you are otherwise notified related to a particular research project. The laws of the United States and other countries governing data protection may not be as comprehensive or as protective as the laws in the country where you live.

Data retention

We generally retain personal 1xbet online casino for so long as it may be relevant for the purposes identified in this Privacy Statement and Request for Consent, unless a longer period of time is required by law or K-State policy.

Your consent to the processing of your sensitive personal 1xbet online casino

The laws in some countries require your consent to the processing of certain 1xbet online casino , including:

  • Health and treatment records

  • Race/ethnic group

  • Disability status

  • Data concerning your sexual orientation or activity

  • Genetic data

  • Biometric data

By executing the form incorporating this notice and requesting your consent, you consent to Kansas State's processing of data in these categories. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of these types of your Personal 1xbet online casino at any time, for which you have consented and when K-State does not have another legitimate basis for processing and/or controlling. You may exercise this right by contacting Please note that doing so may mean that Kansas State will be unable to provide certain services to you as a researcher, research subject, or other role.

This Privacy Statement and Request for Consent is issued on behalf of K-State as Controller of your Personal 1xbet online casino under applicable data protection laws. A "Controller" is the person or organization who alone or jointly determines the purposes for which, and the manner in which, any Personal 1xbet online casino is, or is likely to be, processed.

Lawful basis for processing your personal 1xbet online casino

The laws in some countries require us to tell you about the lawful grounds we rely on to collect, use, disclose, and otherwise process your Personal 1xbet online casino . This does not apply to the categories of 1xbet online casino for which you must provide express consent for processing, as discussed above. To the extent those laws apply, our lawful basis for processing your Personal 1xbet online casino is because it furthers our legitimate interests in performing academic research, to the extent that those interests do not outweigh your own interests.

Your data rights and choices

If you are within the European Union, you have the right to request access to your Personal 1xbet online casino and the rectification of inaccurate Personal 1xbet online casino from Kansas State. If you are within the European Union, you also have the right to obtain from Kansas State the erasure or the restriction of processing of your Personal 1xbet online casino in certain circumstances, including when the data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, except when Kansas State is required by law to maintain or otherwise process your Personal 1xbet online casino , for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, or the protection of the rights of another person. You may exercise these rights by contacting Kansas State using the contact 1xbet online casino provided below. If you are within the European Union, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the country of your habitual residence, place of work, or place of alleged infringement of the applicable law.

If you would like to submit a data access, correction, restriction, or deletion request, you can do so by contacting us at and we will process such request with respect to any Personal 1xbet online casino that we are able to link to you individually based on the 1xbet online casino that you can provide to us. Exercising any of these rights is a guarantee to be afforded a process and does not guarantee any particular outcome. These rights and options that you have with respect to personal 1xbet online casino are subject to limitations and exceptions under applicable law.

Right to change privacy statement

Kansas State reserves the right at any time to modify, alter, or update the terms of this Privacy Statement and Request for Consent. Your use of the site following any changes means that you agree to follow and be bound by the Privacy Statement and Request for Consent as changed, subject to limitations under applicable law. Please review this Privacy Statement and Request for Consent periodically, and especially before you provide any personal 1xbet online casino to us. This Privacy Statement and Request for Consent is available at the Office of Vice President for Research website. The Privacy Statement and Request for Consent was last updated on March 6, 2019.