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Research Awards, September 2017

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Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Featherstone, Allen M., and Ross, Kara, US Agency for International Development, ,214, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI­Z)."

Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Ross, Kara, Shanoyan, Aleksan, and Zereyesus, Yacob, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 9,934, "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Featherstone, Allen M.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., and Ross, Kara, US Agency for International Development, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI-Z)."

Golden, Bill B.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,104, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Griffin, Terry W., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,036, "Managing Farm Risk Using Big Data."

Ross, Kara,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., and Featherstone, Allen M., US Agency for International Development, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI-Z)."

Ross, Kara,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Shanoyan, Aleksan, and Zereyesus, Yacob, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Sampson, Gabriel S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Rivard, Cary L. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Stewart, Zachary P. (Dean of 1xbet best casino website and Director of AES), and Vipham, Jessie (Dean of 1xbet best casino website and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, ,561, "Multidimensional Trade-off Analysis of Integrated Animal-Horticulture Farming Systems for Improved Smallholder Farmer Adoption Recommendations."

Schwab, Benjamin B., and Shanoyan, Aleksan, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,701, "Deep Dive Analysis of the Armenia Compact Water-to-Market Evaluation."

Shanoyan, Aleksan, and Schwab, Benjamin B., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,701, "Deep Dive Analysis of the Armenia Compact Water-to-Market Evaluation."

Shanoyan, Aleksan,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Ross, Kara, and Zereyesus, Yacob, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Zereyesus, Yacob,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Ross, Kara, and Shanoyan, Aleksan, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Minton, J. Ernest, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Acquisition of Goods and Services 58-3020-7-033."

Jaeger, John R.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K., O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,342, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Obour, Augustine K.,Foster, Anserd J. (Southwest Area Office), and Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,967, "Cover Crops to Increase Water Infiltration in Dryland and Irrigated Systems in Western Kansas."

Obour, Augustine K.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R., Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,736, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Adee, Eric A., Support Funds, ,000, "AGR Support Funds Experiment Field 26."

Ciampitti, Ignacio, John Deere World Headquarters, ,960, "Canola Yields as Affected by Management, Environment, and Genotype Factors: A Review-Analysis."

Ciampitti, Ignacio, United Soybean Board, 9,785, "Effect of Cultural Practices on Soybean Seed Quality: A Review and Research Studies."

Jagadish, Krishna SV,Durrett, Timothy P. (Biochemistry), Morris, Geoffrey, Schrick, Kathrin (Biology), and Welti, Ruth (Biology), National Science Foundation, ,682, "MRI: Acquisition of an Electrospray Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Improved Plant Lipidomics."

Jagadish, Krishna SV, National Science Foundation, 4,250, "RII Track-2 FEC: Comparative Genomics and Phenomics Approach to Discover Genes Underlying Heat Stress Resilience in Cereals."

Jagadish, Krishna SV, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Impact of Heat and Drought Stress on Sorghum and Wheat Grain Composition and Chemistry."

Jagadish, Krishna SV, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Tolerance to Environmental Stress in Wheat."

Jagadish, Krishna SV, and Shetty, Nithin J., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,984, "Unlocing Wild Wheat Potential for Enhancing Water Use Efficiency and to Sustain Yield Gains under Extreme Water-deficit and Heat Stress."

Lin, Xiaomao,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,052, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Morris, Geoffrey,Durrett, Timothy P. (Biochemistry), Jagadish, Krishna SV, Schrick, Kathrin (Biology), and Welti, Ruth (Biology), National Science Foundation, ,682, "MRI: Acquisition of an Electrospray Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Improved Plant Lipidomics."

Pierzynski, Gary M., Support Funds, ,500, "AGR Support Funds Research 52."

Pierzynski, Gary M., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Development of DNA Markers for Resistance to Wheat Diseases."

Presley, DeAnn R., and Tomlinson, Peter J., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Soil Health Monitoring Network - On-site Data Collection."

Shetty, Nithin J., and Jagadish, Krishna SV, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , "Unlocing Wild Wheat Potential for Enhancing Water Use Efficiency and to Sustain Yield Gains under Extreme Water-deficit and Heat Stress."

Thompson, Curtis R., Support Funds, ,500, "AGR Support Funds Public Service 35."

Tomlinson, Peter J., and Presley, DeAnn R., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Soil Health Monitoring Network - On-site Data Collection."

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Beyer, R. Scott, CEVA Sante Animale, ,590, "Evaluating Pre-hatch Egg Treatment on the Performance of Broiler Chicks."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Biomune Company, ,230, "Effect of GleptoForte Fe Injection Dosage in Newborn Piglets."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Purco, "PURCO Project."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Rivard, Cary L. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Sampson, Gabriel S. (Agricultural Economics), Stewart, Zachary P. (Dean of 1xbet best casino website and Director of AES), and Vipham, Jessie (Dean of 1xbet best casino website and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, ,780, "Multidimensional Trade-off Analysis of Integrated Animal-Horticulture Farming Systems for Improved Smallholder Farmer Adoption Recommendations."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Biomune Company, ,230, "Effect of GleptoForte Fe Injection Dosage in Newborn Piglets."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Purco, "PURCO Project."

Jones, Cassandra K.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Swine Health Information Center, ,607, "Assessing Tools for the Mitigation of Foreign Animal Disease Introduction and Transmission in Feed."

Jones, Cassandra K.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Paulk, Chad B. (Grain Science and Industry), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Trinetta, Valentina, and Woodworth, Jason C., Swine Health Information Center, ,750, "Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Senecavirus A Detection, and Surveillance of Viral Prevalence in United States Feed Mills."

Smith, J. Scott,Trinetta, Valentina, and Yucel, Umut, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,700, "Development of Validation of Analytical and Physical Testing Methods to Evaluate the Irradiation History of Animal Feeds."

Tarpoff, Anthony J.,Coetzee, Johann F. (Anatomy and Physiology), and Lin, Zhoumeng (Anatomy and Physiology), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 3,431, "Mitigation of Fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter in Cattle."

Titgemeyer, Evan C., Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH, ,000, "Evaluating the Ruminal Degradation of a Nutrient."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Biomune Company, ,230, "Effect of GleptoForte Fe Injection Dosage in Newborn Piglets."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Purco, "PURCO Project."

Tokach, Michael D.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K., Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Woodworth, Jason C., Swine Health Information Center, "Assessing Tools for the Mitigation of Foreign Animal Disease Introduction and Transmission in Feed."

Trinetta, Valentina,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K., Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Paulk, Chad B. (Grain Science and Industry), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Woodworth, Jason C., Swine Health Information Center, ,225, "Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Senecavirus A Detection, and Surveillance of Viral Prevalence in United States Feed Mills."

Trinetta, Valentina,Smith, J. Scott, and Yucel, Umut, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,900, "Development of Validation of Analytical and Physical Testing Methods to Evaluate the Irradiation History of Animal Feeds."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Biomune Company, ,230, "Effect of GleptoForte Fe Injection Dosage in Newborn Piglets."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Purco, "PURCO Project."

Woodworth, Jason C.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K., Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Tokach, Michael D., Swine Health Information Center, ,548, "Assessing Tools for the Mitigation of Foreign Animal Disease Introduction and Transmission in Feed."

Woodworth, Jason C.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K., Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Paulk, Chad B. (Grain Science and Industry), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Trinetta, Valentina, Swine Health Information Center, ,075, "Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Senecavirus A Detection, and Surveillance of Viral Prevalence in United States Feed Mills."

Yucel, Umut,Smith, J. Scott, and Trinetta, Valentina, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,400, "Development of Validation of Analytical and Physical Testing Methods to Evaluate the Irradiation History of Animal Feeds."

Hock, Gaea,Miller, Chad T. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), and Williams, Kimberly A. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Online Modules for High School Teachers that Hybridize Horticulture and Science Curricula While Promoting Horticulture as a Career."

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Dalton, Timothy J., US Agency for International Development, ,887, "The Management Entity of the Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab."

Stewart, Zachary P.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Rivard, Cary L. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Sampson, Gabriel S. (Agricultural Economics), and Vipham, Jessie, US Agency for International Development, ,682, "Multidimensional Trade-off Analysis of Integrated Animal-Horticulture Farming Systems for Improved Smallholder Farmer Adoption Recommendations."

Vipham, Jessie,DeRouchey, Joel M. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Rivard, Cary L. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Sampson, Gabriel S. (Agricultural Economics), and Stewart, Zachary P., US Agency for International Development, 4,023, "Multidimensional Trade-off Analysis of Integrated Animal-Horticulture Farming Systems for Improved Smallholder Farmer Adoption Recommendations."

McCornack, Brian P., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,325, "Areawide Pest Management of the Invasive Sugarcane Aphid in Grain Sorghum."

Michaud, John P., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,647, "Areawide Pest Management of the Invasive Sugarcane Aphid in Grain Sorghum - Kansas, Sugarcane Aphid Monitoring and Biocontrol."

Phillips, Thomas W., and Zhu, Kun Yan, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 2,500, "Developing and Implementing a Diversified Integrated Pest Management Program to Prevent Stored Product Insect Infestation."

Phillips, Thomas W., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,740, "Improved Trapping and Control Tools for Khapra Beetle."

Ruberson, John R., Support Funds, ,000, "AEN Support Funds Off-Campus 26."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Functions of Hessian Fly Effector Proteins in Wheat."

Zhu, Kun Yan, and Phillips, Thomas W., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 2,500, "Developing and Implementing a Diversified Integrated Pest Management Program to Prevent Stored Product Insect Infestation."

Paulk, Chad B.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Trinetta, Valentina (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Swine Health Information Center, ,075, "Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Senecavirus A Detection, and Surveillance of Viral Prevalence in United States Feed Mills."

Shi, Yong Cheng, Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas LLC, 1,705, "Developing Clean-label Starches with Improved Cold-storage Stability."

Barden, Charles J., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 5,000, "Great Plains Windbreak Crop Yield Study."

Barden, Charles J.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Rahmani, Vahid (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), US Department of the Interior, ,064, "Kansas Water Resources Research Institute 2016."

Fry, Jack D.,Hoyle, Jared, and Kennelly, Megan (Plant Pathology), Heart of America GCSA, 1, "Turf Research."

Hoyle, Jared,Fry, Jack D., and Kennelly, Megan (Plant Pathology), Heart of America GCSA, 3, "Turf Research."

Miller, Chad T.,Hock, Gaea (Communications and Agricultural Education), and Williams, Kimberly A., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Online Modules for High School Teachers that Hybridize Horticulture and Science Curricula While Promoting Horticulture as a Career."

Ricketts, Andrew M., and Haukos, David A. (Biology), US Department of the Interior, 1,409, "Survival Rates, Habitat Selection, and Movement of Sympataaric Mule Deer and White-tailed Deer in Kansas."

Rivard, Cary L.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Sampson, Gabriel S. (Agricultural Economics), Stewart, Zachary P. (Dean of 1xbet best casino website and Director of AES), and Vipham, Jessie (Dean of 1xbet best casino website and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, ,561, "Multidimensional Trade-off Analysis of Integrated Animal-Horticulture Farming Systems for Improved Smallholder Farmer Adoption Recommendations."

Sharp, Ryan L., and Skibins, Jeffrey, US Department of the Interior, ,000, "Quantifying the Relationship between Visitor Use, and Resource and Social Conditions at Katmai National Park & Preserve and Lake Clark National Park & Preserve."

Sharp, Ryan L., US Department of the Interior, ,998, "Visitor Use Study to Determine Relationship between Current Conditions, Travel Patterns, Visitor Thresholds, and Ferry Services at Cumberland Island National Seashore."

Skibins, Jeffrey, and Sharp, Ryan L., US Department of the Interior, ,000, "Quantifying the Relationship between Visitor Use, and Resource and Social Conditions at Katmai National Park & Preserve and Lake Clark National Park & Preserve."

Williams, Kimberly A.,Hock, Gaea (Communications and Agricultural Education), and Miller, Chad T., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Online Modules for High School Teachers that Hybridize Horticulture and Science Curricula While Promoting Horticulture as a Career."

Devlin, Daniel L.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,446, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Devlin, Daniel L.,Barden, Charles J. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Rahmani, Vahid (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), US Department of the Interior, ,319, "Kansas Water Resources Research Institute 2016."

Aiken, Robert M.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R., Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,052, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Lamm, Freddie R.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M., Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,762, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Boggs, Donald L., Kansas Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Development of an Agricultural Education Certification System and Promotion and General 1xbet best casino website ."

Cook, David D., US Department of Defense, 9,966, "Transcriptome 1xbet best casino website for Enhanced Agronomic Defense, Response and Performance."

Draper, Martin A.,Kennelly, Megan, and Todd, Timothy C., Support Funds, ,500, "APP Support Funds Research 52."

Draper, Martin A., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Wheat Rust Resistance Research."

Kennelly, Megan,Fry, Jack D. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), and Hoyle, Jared (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Heart of America GCSA, 3, "Turf Research."

Leslie, John F., International Institute for Tropical 1xbet best casino website , ,708, "Collaboration Agreement."

Liu, Sanzhen, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Improvement of Hard Winter Wheat for FHB Resistance."

Sassenrath, Gretchen F.,Farney, Jaymelynn K. (Southeast Area Office), and Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil Engineering), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,992, "Improving Soil Health and Profitability with Cover Crops and Precision Conservation."

Gillen, Robert L., Support Funds, ,000, "ANW Support Funds Research 37."

Holman, Johnathon D.,Foster, Anserd J. (Southwest Area Office), and Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,483, "Cover Crops to Increase Water Infiltration in Dryland and Irrigated Systems in Western Kansas."

Holman, Johnathon D.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J., Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,710, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D., Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,368, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."


Durrett, Timothy P.,Jagadish, Krishna SV (Agronomy), Morris, Geoffrey (Agronomy), Schrick, Kathrin (Biology), and Welti, Ruth (Biology), National Science Foundation, ,682, "MRI: Acquisition of an Electrospray Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Improved Plant Lipidomics."

Garcia, Brandon L., US Department of Health and Human Services, 5,000, "Development of Small Molecule Inhibitors of the Classical Complement Pathway."

Chapes, Stephen K., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,189, "Impact of Spaceflight on Primary and Secondary Antibody Responses."

Gido, Keith B., and Haukos, David A., US Department of the Interior, ,574, "Multi-scale Factors Influencing Occurrences of Topeka Shiner (Notropis topeka) in the Flint Hills, Kansas."

Govind, Revathi, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,700, "Curtailing Virulence of Clostridium Difficile."

Haukos, David A., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 7,804, "Use of Grazing Management and Prescribed Fire for Conservation of Lesser Prairie Chickens."

Haukos, David A., US Department of the Interior, 1,853, "Assessment of Resident Canada Goose Management in Kansas."

Haukos, David A., and Gido, Keith B., US Department of the Interior, 8, "Multi-scale Factors Influencing Occurrences of Topeka Shiner (Notropis topeka) in the Flint Hills, Kansas."

Haukos, David A., and Ricketts, Andrew M. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), US Department of the Interior, ,172,113, "Survival Rates, Habitat Selection, and Movement of Sympataaric Mule Deer and White-tailed Deer in Kansas."

Herman, Michael A.,Joern, Anthony, Johnson, Loretta C., and Sandercock, Brett K., US Department of Education, ,276, "Integrative Graduate Training for New Frontiers in Ecology, Evolution, and Genomics."

Joern, Anthony,Herman, Michael A., Johnson, Loretta C., and Sandercock, Brett K., US Department of Education, ,276, "Integrative Graduate Training for New Frontiers in Ecology, Evolution, and Genomics."

Johnson, Loretta C.,Herman, Michael A., Joern, Anthony, and Sandercock, Brett K., US Department of Education, ,242, "Integrative Graduate Training for New Frontiers in Ecology, Evolution, and Genomics."

McDonald, Jocelyn A., National Science Foundation, 6,539, "RII Track-4: Dynamic Live Imaging and Manipulation of Migrating Collectives Inside Tissues."

Sandercock, Brett K.,Herman, Michael A., Joern, Anthony, and Johnson, Loretta C., US Department of Education, ,483, "Integrative Graduate Training for New Frontiers in Ecology, Evolution, and Genomics."

Schrick, Kathrin,Durrett, Timothy P. (Biochemistry), Jagadish, Krishna SV (Agronomy), Morris, Geoffrey (Agronomy), and Welti, Ruth, National Science Foundation, ,682, "MRI: Acquisition of an Electrospray Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Improved Plant Lipidomics."

Welti, Ruth,Durrett, Timothy P. (Biochemistry), Jagadish, Krishna SV (Agronomy), Morris, Geoffrey (Agronomy), and Schrick, Kathrin, National Science Foundation, 8,094, "MRI: Acquisition of an Electrospray Ionization Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Improved Plant Lipidomics."

Zinovyeva, Anna Y., US Department of Health and Human Services, 5,807, "Molecular Control of MicroRNA Gene-regulatory Activity in vivo."

Aikens, Christine M.,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Comer, Jeffrey R. (Anatomy and Physiology), Liu, Bin (Chemical 1xbet best casino website ), Schmit, Jeremy D. (Physics), and Smith, Paul E., National Science Foundation, ,500, "MRI: Acquisition of a GPU-Enabled Compute Cluster for Molecular Modeling Applications."

Aikens, Christine M., US Department of Energy, 9,625, "Elucidating the Mechanism of Plasmon-Mediated Photocatalysis using Electron Dynamics Calculations."

Bossmann, Stefan, and Culbertson, Christopher T., National Science Foundation, ,230, "Integrating Optical Fiber Bridges in Microfluidic Devices for Ultrasensitive Analyses of Biomarkers in Single Cells."

Bossmann, Stefan, US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,000, "HTS for Copper-Activated Inhibitors Against MRSA."

Culbertson, Christopher T., and Bossmann, Stefan, National Science Foundation, ,230, "Integrating Optical Fiber Bridges in Microfluidic Devices for Ultrasensitive Analyses of Biomarkers in Single Cells."

Li, Ping, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,536, "Protein Structure and Function - COBRE Pilot Project Mentor."

Smith, Paul E.,Aikens, Christine M., Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Comer, Jeffrey R. (Anatomy and Physiology), Liu, Bin (Chemical 1xbet best casino website ), and Schmit, Jeremy D. (Physics), National Science Foundation, ,500, "MRI: Acquisition of a GPU-Enabled Compute Cluster for Molecular Modeling Applications."

Smith, Paul E., US Department of Health and Human Services, 6,852, "Residue Based Contributions to Protein Stability and Association."

Berg, Matthew J., US Army, ,763, "Extracting Scattering Observables from Digital Holograms: Application to Aerosol Particle Characterization."

Kaadze, Ketino, US Department of Energy, ,000, "LHC CMS Detector Upgrade HCAL Subsystem."

Law, Bruce M., American Chemical Society, 0,000, "Coupled Brownian Motion at Liquid-Air Surfaces."

Schmit, Jeremy D.,Aikens, Christine M. (Chemistry), Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Comer, Jeffrey R. (Anatomy and Physiology), Liu, Bin (Chemical 1xbet best casino website ), and Smith, Paul E. (Chemistry), National Science Foundation, ,500, "MRI: Acquisition of a GPU-Enabled Compute Cluster for Molecular Modeling Applications."

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Hefley, Trevor, US Department of the Interior, ,000, "Development of Multi-species Distribution Models for the Upper Mississippi River Restoration Program."


Herrera, Socorro G., US Department of Education, 4,243, "INSIGHT."

Zacharakis, Jeffrey T., American Association for Adult & Continuing Education, ,000, "Adult Education Quarterly Editorship."

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Lanz, Bret E., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Support Funds, "Match Funds Agreement for KS0973."

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Bigham, Kari A., and Moore, Trisha L., Kansas Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,900, "Tuttle Creek Watershed Streambank Site Assessment."

Flippo, Daniel,Sharda, Ajay, and Wang, Donghai, Topcon 1xbet best casino website Americas, LLC, ,874, "Protein Sensor Integration for Real-time Sensing on Grain Combines."

Maghirang, Ronaldo G., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 7,840, "Modeling of Stored Product Packing and Fumigation."

Moore, Trisha L., and Bigham, Kari A., Kansas Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0, "Tuttle Creek Watershed Streambank Site Assessment."

Rahmani, Vahid,Barden, Charles J. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y., US Department of the Interior, ,741, "Kansas Water Resources Research Institute 2016."

Rogers, Danny H.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,684, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Sharda, Ajay,Flippo, Daniel, and Wang, Donghai, Topcon 1xbet best casino website Americas, LLC, ,977, "Protein Sensor Integration for Real-time Sensing on Grain Combines."

Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.,Barden, Charles J. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), and Rahmani, Vahid, US Department of the Interior, ,290, "Kansas Water Resources Research Institute 2016."

Slocombe, John W., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Kansas AgrAbility Project."

Wang, Donghai,Flippo, Daniel, and Sharda, Ajay, Topcon 1xbet best casino website Americas, LLC, ,621, "Protein Sensor Integration for Real-time Sensing on Grain Combines."

Wang, Donghai, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Spectroscopic Measurement of Biological Materials."

Leven, Blase A., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,318,183, "Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities - US EPA Regions 5, 6, 7, 8 & National."

Leven, Blase A., and Saulters, Oral S., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,000, "Technical Assistance to Tribal Communities Addressing Brownfields."

Saulters, Oral S., and Leven, Blase A., US Environmental Protection Agency, 0,000, "Technical Assistance to Tribal Communities Addressing Brownfields."

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Amama, Placidus B., National Science Foundation, 9,739, "Scalable Production of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays on Metallic Substrates Using an Industrial Waste Gas Mixture."

Liu, Bin,Aikens, Christine M. (Chemistry), Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Comer, Jeffrey R. (Anatomy and Physiology), Schmit, Jeremy D. (Physics), and Smith, Paul E. (Chemistry), National Science Foundation, ,500, "MRI: Acquisition of a GPU-Enabled Compute Cluster for Molecular Modeling Applications."

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Hossain, Mustaque A., Kansas Department of Transportation, ,000, "Administration of KDOT/KTRAN Program."

Hossain, Mustaque A., and Jones, Christopher A., Kansas Department of Transportation, ,951, "Exploring a Rapid Test for Aggregate Qualification for 40-year Pavement Life."

Jones, Christopher A., and Hossain, Mustaque A., Kansas Department of Transportation, ,988, "Exploring a Rapid Test for Aggregate Qualification for 40-year Pavement Life."

Kulesza, Stacey E.,Farney, Jaymelynn K. (Southeast Area Office), and Sassenrath, Gretchen F. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,999, "Improving Soil Health and Profitability with Cover Crops and Precision Conservation."

Kulesza, Stacey E.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R., and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,368, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Parameswaran, Prathap, Bio Huma Netics, Inc., ,935, "Assessing the Denitrification Potential of PROBIOTIC SOLUTIONS for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment."

Parameswaran, Prathap, Black & Veatch Corporation, ,000, "Characterization and Evaluation of Biodegradability of a Complex Industiral Waste."

Peterman, Robert J., and Beck, B. Terry (Mechanical and Nuclear 1xbet best casino website ), US Department of Transportation, ,935, "Developing Qualification Tests to Ensure Proposer Selection and Interaction of Pretensioned Concrete Railroad Tie Materials."

Steward, David R.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K. (Northwest Area Office), Kulesza, Stacey E., Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,368, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Amariucai, George, National Science Foundation, 1,847, "TWC: Small: Time Advantage-based Key Establishment Protocols for Low-cost Wireless Networked Systems."

Andresen, Daniel A., and Caragea, Doina, National Science Foundation, ,000, "BIGDATA: IA: Collaborative Research: Domain Adaption Approaches for Classifying Crisis Related Data on Social Media."

Andresen, Daniel A.,Aikens, Christine M. (Chemistry), Comer, Jeffrey R. (Anatomy and Physiology), Liu, Bin (Chemical 1xbet best casino website ), Schmit, Jeremy D. (Physics), and Smith, Paul E. (Chemistry), National Science Foundation, ,500, "MRI: Acquisition of a GPU-Enabled Compute Cluster for Molecular Modeling Applications."

Caragea, Doina, and Andresen, Daniel A., National Science Foundation, 0,000, "BIGDATA: IA: Collaborative Research: Domain Adaption Approaches for Classifying Crisis Related Data on Social Media."

DeLoach, Scott A.,Brase, Gary (Psychological Sciences), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet best casino website ), Heier Stamm, Jessica L. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems 1xbet best casino website ), and Scoglio, Caterina M. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet best casino website ), National Science Foundation, ,636, "SSDIM: EAGER: Data Generation for the Coupled System Composed of the Beef Cattle Production Infrastructure and the Transportation Services Infrastructure in Southwestern Kansas."

Hatcliff, John M.,Ranganath, Venkatesh, and Robby, -, National Science Foundation, ,000, "FDA SIR: Architecturally-Integrated Hazard Analyses for Medical Application Platforms."

Ranganath, Venkatesh,Hatcliff, John M., and Robby, -, National Science Foundation, ,000, "FDA SIR: Architecturally-Integrated Hazard Analyses for Medical Application Platforms."

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Gruenbacher, Don M.,Brase, Gary (Psychological Sciences), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Heier Stamm, Jessica L. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems 1xbet best casino website ), and Scoglio, Caterina M., National Science Foundation, ,636, "SSDIM: EAGER: Data Generation for the Coupled System Composed of the Beef Cattle Production Infrastructure and the Transportation Services Infrastructure in Southwestern Kansas."

Scoglio, Caterina M.,Brase, Gary (Psychological Sciences), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Gruenbacher, Don M., and Heier Stamm, Jessica L. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems 1xbet best casino website ), National Science Foundation, ,060, "SSDIM: EAGER: Data Generation for the Coupled System Composed of the Beef Cattle Production Infrastructure and the Transportation Services Infrastructure in Southwestern Kansas."

Wu, Hongyu, US Department of Energy, ,996, "HEMS Code to Support Smart Home Hardware-in-the-Loop Experiments."

Heier Stamm, Jessica L.,Brase, Gary (Psychological Sciences), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet best casino website ), and Scoglio, Caterina M. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet best casino website ), National Science Foundation, ,894, "SSDIM: EAGER: Data Generation for the Coupled System Composed of the Beef Cattle Production Infrastructure and the Transportation Services Infrastructure in Southwestern Kansas."

Sinha, Ashesh K., Schneider Enterprise Resources, LLC, 1,101, "Dispatch Strategies in Intermodal Transportation: A Feasibililty and Validation Study."

Eckels, Steven J., Support Funds, ,627, "Thermal Properties of Textile Products."

Carter, David A., Kansas Corporation Commission, 8,596, "KCC and Kansas State University Energy Education Services."

Carter, David A., US Department of Energy, ,000, "KCC and Kansas State University Energy Education Services."

Goode, Barbara L., and Larson, Nancy J., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,409, "Providing Technical Assistance and Training to Rural Entities to Reduce Food Loss and Find Alternatives to Landfilling Food Waste."

Larson, Nancy J., Kansas Department of Health and Environment, ,500, "Kansas Food Recovery Technical Assistance Partnership."

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Larson, Nancy J., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,870, "Kansas Partners Identify and Implement P2 Strategies that Address National Emphasis Areas."

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Beck, B. Terry, and Peterman, Robert J. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), US Department of Transportation, ,935, "Developing Qualification Tests to Ensure Proposer Selection and Interaction of Pretensioned Concrete Railroad Tie Materials."

Betz, Amy R., National Science Foundation, 9,995, "Research Initiation: The Formation of 1xbet best casino website Students' Beliefs about Intelligence."

Bindra, Hitesh, US Department of Energy, ,238, "Experimental Investigation of Forced Convection and Natural Circulation Cooling of a VHTR Core under Normal Operation and Accident Scenario."

Pacey, David A., FCA US LLC, ,000, "SRT Phase 2 - Senior Design I & II."

Singh, Gurpreet, National Science Foundation, 3,751, "PIRE: High Temperature Ceramic Fibers: Polymer-based Manufacturing, Nanostructure, and Performance."

Wei, Mingjun, US Army, ,000, "Comprehensive Reduced Order Modeling and Validations for Loads and Flight Stability of a Flapping Wing."


Orthel, Bryan, National Endowment for the Arts, ,525, "Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre Agreement."

Roberts, Kevin R.,Sauer, Kevin L. (Human Nutrition), and Shanklin, Carol W. (Dean of Graduate School), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Center for Food Safety in Child Nutrition Programs."

Sauer, Kevin L.,Roberts, Kevin R. (Hospitality Management and Dietetics), and Shanklin, Carol W. (Dean of Graduate School), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Center for Food Safety in Child Nutrition Programs."


Choi, Seongo, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Spray-formed Dissolving Microneedle Patches for Enhanced Stability and Neele-free Delivery of Vaccines."

Coetzee, Johann F.,Lin, Zhoumeng, and Tarpoff, Anthony J. (Animal Sciences and Industry), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,744, "Mitigation of Fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter in Cattle."

Comer, Jeffrey R.,Aikens, Christine M. (Chemistry), Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Liu, Bin (Chemical 1xbet best casino website ), Schmit, Jeremy D. (Physics), and Smith, Paul E. (Chemistry), National Science Foundation, ,500, "MRI: Acquisition of a GPU-Enabled Compute Cluster for Molecular Modeling Applications."

Comer, Jeffrey R.,McGill, Jodi L. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Tamura, Masaaki, US Department of Health and Human Services, 2,600, "Cancer­targeted Local Pulmonary Immunotherapy with PD-L1 Inhibitory Peptide Secretory Genes for the Treatment of Lung Cancer."

Lin, Zhoumeng,Coetzee, Johann F., and Tarpoff, Anthony J. (Animal Sciences and Industry), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,908, "Mitigation of Fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter in Cattle."

Tamura, Masaaki,Comer, Jeffrey R., and McGill, Jodi L. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, 7,600, "Cancer­targeted Local Pulmonary Immunotherapy with PD-L1 Inhibitory Peptide Secretory Genes for the Treatment of Lung Cancer."

White, Bradley J.,Nagaraja, Tiruvoor G. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Renter, David G. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Sanderson, Michael W. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, 8,878, "Exposure Heterogeneity and Environmental Transmission Dynamics of Escherichia coli: Linking Mechanisms and Patterns."

Sebhatu, Tesfaalem T.,Burton, Kenneth R. (National Agricultural Biosecurity Center), Lockhart, Caryl Y. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Richt, Juergen (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,530, "In-depth Investigation of the Epidemiology of Rift Valley Fever Outbreak in Kabale District, Uganda."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Biomune Company, ,230, "Effect of GleptoForte Fe Injection Dosage in Newborn Piglets."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Purco, ,000, "PURCO Project."

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Dritz, Steven S.,Jones, Cassandra K. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Paulk, Chad B. (Grain Science and Industry), Rowland, Raymond R. R., Trinetta, Valentina (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Swine Health Information Center, ,075, "Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Senecavirus A Detection, and Surveillance of Viral Prevalence in United States Feed Mills."

Dryden, Michael W., Merck Animal Health, ,500, "Support Funds: Evidence Based Small Animal Clinical Parasitology Training Course."

Lockhart, Caryl Y., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,550, "Animal Disease Simulation Model and Australian Animal Disease Spread Model."

Lockhart, Caryl Y.,Burton, Kenneth R. (National Agricultural Biosecurity Center), Richt, Juergen, and Sebhatu, Tesfaalem T. (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,648, "In-depth Investigation of the Epidemiology of Rift Valley Fever Outbreak in Kabale District, Uganda."

McGill, Jodi L.,Comer, Jeffrey R. (Anatomy and Physiology), and Tamura, Masaaki (Anatomy and Physiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, ,800, "Cancer-targeted Local Pulmonary Immunotherapy with PD-L1 Inhibitory Peptide Secretory Genes for the Treatment of Lung Cancer."

Mwangi, Waithaka, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 5,000, "Improved Vaccine Platforms for Safe and Effective Control of Bovine Niral Diarrhea Virus."

Nagaraja, Tiruvoor G.,Renter, David G., Sanderson, Michael W., and White, Bradley J. (Clinical Sciences), US Department of Health and Human Services, ,220, "Exposure Heterogeneity and Environmental Transmission Dynamics of Escherichia coli: Linking Mechanisms and Patterns."

Renter, David G.,Nagaraja, Tiruvoor G., Sanderson, Michael W., and White, Bradley J. (Clinical Sciences), US Department of Health and Human Services, ,610, "Exposure Heterogeneity and Environmental Transmission Dynamics of Escherichia coli: Linking Mechanisms and Patterns."

Richt, Juergen,Burton, Kenneth R. (National Agricultural Biosecurity Center), Lockhart, Caryl Y., and Sebhatu, Tesfaalem T. (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,706, "In-depth Investigation of the Epidemiology of Rift Valley Fever Outbreak in Kabale District, Uganda."

Richt, Juergen, US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 8,720, "Understanding Pathogenesis and Epidemiology for Controlling Foreign Animal Diseases."

Richt, Juergen, US Department of Defense, ,058,164, "Determining the Ability of rVSV-ZEBOV to Infect Domestic Livestock."

Richt, Juergen, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,500, "Interaction between Rift Valley Fever Virus Glycoprotein and Heparan Sulfate."

Rowland, Raymond R. R.,Dritz, Steven S., Jones, Cassandra K. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Tokach, Michael D. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Swine Health Information Center, ,738, "Assessing Tools for the Mitigation of Foreign Animal Disease Introduction and Transmission in Feed."

Rowland, Raymond R. R.,Dritz, Steven S., Jones, Cassandra K. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Paulk, Chad B. (Grain Science and Industry), Trinetta, Valentina (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Swine Health Information Center, ,075, "Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Senecavirus A Detection, and Surveillance of Viral Prevalence in United States Feed Mills."

Sanderson, Michael W.,Nagaraja, Tiruvoor G., Renter, David G., and White, Bradley J. (Clinical Sciences), US Department of Health and Human Services, 2,488, "Exposure Heterogeneity and Environmental Transmission Dynamics of Escherichia coli: Linking Mechanisms and Patterns."

Volkova, Victoriya, and Lubbers, Brian (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), US Department of Health and Human Services, 5,000, "Retail Meat Surveillance in the State of Kansas as a Part of the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System."

Zhang, Weiping, PATH Vaccine Solutions, 8, "A Broadly Protective Subunit Vaccine Against Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Diarrhea."

Hanzlicek, Gregg A., US Department of 1xbet best casino website , 3,406, "NAHMS 2017 Beef Cow-calf BVD Testing."

Lubbers, Brian, and Volkova, Victoriya (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, "Retail Meat Surveillance in the State of Kansas as a Part of the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System."

Niederwerder, Megan,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Swine Health Information Center, 4,165, "Assessing Tools for the Mitigation of Foreign Animal Disease Introduction and Transmission in Feed."

Niederwerder, Megan,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Paulk, Chad B. (Grain Science and Industry), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Trinetta, Valentina (1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (1xbet best casino website and Industry), Swine Health Information Center, ,225, "Validation of a Low-cost Tool for Senecavirus A Detection, and Surveillance of Viral Prevalence in United States Feed Mills."


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O'Brien, Daniel M.,Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Jaeger, John R. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Johnson, Sandra K., Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet best casino website ), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Steward, David R. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Vandeveer, Monte L. (Southwest Area Office), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,342, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Farney, Jaymelynn K.,Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil 1xbet best casino website ), and Sassenrath, Gretchen F. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), US Department of 1xbet best casino website , ,999, "Improving Soil Health and Profitability with Cover Crops and Precision Conservation."

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