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Research Awards, August 2017


Tonsor, Glynn T., 1xbet online sports betting , 9,211, "A Human Behavioral Approach to Reducing the Impact of Livestock Pest or Disease Incursions of Socio-economic Importance."

Perumal, Ramasamy, 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Development and Characterization of Sorghum with Improved End-Use Quality."

Adee, Eric A., Support Funds, ,000, "AGR Support Funds Experiment Field 26."

Lin, Xiaomao,DeWolf, Erick D. (Plant Pathology), Lollato, Romulo P., Sassenrath, Gretchen F. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, "Reducing the Impact of Fusarium Head Blight."

Lollato, Romulo P.,DeWolf, Erick D. (Plant Pathology), Lin, Xiaomao, Sassenrath, Gretchen F. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, "Reducing the Impact of Fusarium Head Blight."

Moorberg, Colby, Monsanto Company, ,200, "Service Order No. 51."

Morris, Geoffrey, 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Genotyping of Sorghum for Grain Quality Traits."

Presley, DeAnn R.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Middendorf, Gerad D. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Rice, Charles W., Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Tomlinson, Peter J., and Waggoner, Justin (Southwest Area Office), 1xbet online sports betting , "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."

Rice, Charles W.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Middendorf, Gerad D. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Presley, DeAnn R., Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Tomlinson, Peter J., and Waggoner, Justin (Southwest Area Office), 1xbet online sports betting , 7,779, "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."

Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Middendorf, Gerad D. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Presley, DeAnn R., Rice, Charles W., Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Tomlinson, Peter J., and Waggoner, Justin (Southwest Area Office), 1xbet online sports betting , "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."

Tomlinson, Peter J.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Middendorf, Gerad D. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Presley, DeAnn R., Rice, Charles W., Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), and Waggoner, Justin (Southwest Area Office), 1xbet online sports betting , "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."

Bradford, Barry J., and Delamanha Mendonca, Luis G., NutriQuest, ,763, "Evaluation of NutriQuest Topical Heat Strees Aid for Reducing Heat Stress in Lactatin Dairy Cows."

Bradford, Barry J.,Delamanha Mendonca, Luis G., Hulbert, Lindsey E., and McGill, Jodi L. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Phibro Animal Health Corporation, ,702, "Evaluating Impacts of Omnigen on Immun/Reproductive Interactions during the Transition to Lactation."

Delamanha Mendonca, Luis G., and Bradford, Barry J., NutriQuest, ,227, "Evaluation of NutriQuest Topical Heat Strees Aid for Reducing Heat Stress in Lactatin Dairy Cows."

Delamanha Mendonca, Luis G.,Bradford, Barry J., Hulbert, Lindsey E., and McGill, Jodi L. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Phibro Animal Health Corporation, ,645, "Evaluating Impacts of Omnigen on Immun/Reproductive Interactions during the Transition to Lactation."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Micronutrients, ,800, "Effects of Feeding Increasing Levels of Iron from Either Iron Sulfate or a New Source of Dietary Iron on Growth Performance and Iron Status of Nursery Pigs."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Micronutrients, ,800, "Effects of Feeding Increasing Levels of Iron from Either Iron Sulfate or a New Source of Dietary Iron on Growth Performance and Iron Status of Nursery Pigs."

Hulbert, Lindsey E.,Bradford, Barry J., Delamanha Mendonca, Luis G., and McGill, Jodi L. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Phibro Animal Health Corporation, ,587, "Evaluating Impacts of Omnigen on Immun/Reproductive Interactions during the Transition to Lactation."

Jones, Cassandra K.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Hefley, Trevor (Statistics), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason C., National Pork Board, ,364, "Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Transmission in Feed."

Lee, Charles D., Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, ,347, "Extension Education Position Support."

Rolf, Megan, 1xbet online sports betting , ,342, "Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program - 2017 - Asia and Latin America: Biotechnology."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason C., Micronutrients, ,800, "Effects of Feeding Increasing Levels of Iron from Either Iron Sulfate or a New Source of Dietary Iron on Growth Performance and Iron Status of Nursery Pigs."

Tokach, Michael D.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Hefley, Trevor (Statistics), Jones, Cassandra K., Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Woodworth, Jason C., National Pork Board, ,910, "Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Transmission in Feed."

Tokach, Michael D.,Tokach, Lisa M. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Vipham, Jessie (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, ,000, "Improved Pig Health and Nutrition: The Major Drivers of Profitability and Sustainability for Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Micronutrients, ,800, "Effects of Feeding Increasing Levels of Iron from Either Iron Sulfate or a New Source of Dietary Iron on Growth Performance and Iron Status of Nursery Pigs."

Woodworth, Jason C.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Hefley, Trevor (Statistics), Jones, Cassandra K., Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Tokach, Michael D., National Pork Board, ,364, "Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Transmission in Feed."

Vipham, Jessie,Tokach, Lisa M. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), US Agency for International Development, ,000, "Improved Pig Health and Nutrition: The Major Drivers of Profitability and Sustainability for Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia."

Londono, Berlin L., Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, ,226, "Mosquito Vector Exposure in DoD Beneficiaries Going to High Risk Regions for Malaria or Arboviral Infections."

Ruberson, John R., Support Funds, ,000, "AEN Multi-Sponsor Off-Campus 26."

Smith, C. Michael, 1xbet online sports betting , 9,117, "Principles Underlying the Spread of Sorghum Halepense, Toward its Containment and Mitigation."

Zurek, Ludek, 1xbet online sports betting , 0,000, "Fly-microbe Interactions Across Life History."

Aldrich, Greg, Jones-Hamilton Company, ,130, "Assessing the Efficacy of Chemical Treatment to Control Salmonella in Rendered Chicken Fat."

Sun, X. Susan, and Wang, Donghai (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Acquisition of Goods and Services."

Fry, Jack D., US Golf Association, Inc., ,500, "Evaluation of Experimental Bermudagrasses in Kansas."

Sharp, Ryan L., 1xbet online sports betting the Interior, ,031, "Visitor Use Study - Extended Day Use on Corridor Trails, Grand Canyon National Park."

Devlin, Daniel L.,Middendorf, Gerad D. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Tomlinson, Peter J. (Agronomy), and Waggoner, Justin (Southwest Area Office), 1xbet online sports betting , 0,957, "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."

DeWolf, Erick D.,Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Lollato, Romulo P. (Agronomy), Sassenrath, Gretchen F. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, "Reducing the Impact of Fusarium Head Blight."

DeWolf, Erick D., 1xbet online sports betting , ,176, "Prediction Models and Improved Pre-Harvest Estimates of Deoxynivalenol."

Gill, Bikram S., and Poland, Jesse A., National Science Foundation, ,250, "I/UCRC: Collaborative Research: Wheat Genetics Resource Center: A Public-Private Consortium."

Leslie, John F., and Toomajian, Christopher, 1xbet online sports betting , ,725, "Population Genomics to Identify Fusarium graminearum Genes to Target."

Poland, Jesse A., and Gill, Bikram S., National Science Foundation, ,250, "I/UCRC: Collaborative Research: Wheat Genetics Resource Center: A Public-Private Consortium."

Toomajian, Christopher, and Leslie, John F., 1xbet online sports betting , ,522, "Population Genomics to Identify Fusarium graminearum Genes to Target."

Trick, Harold N., 1xbet online sports betting , ,672, "A Centralized Wheat Transformation Facility for the Fusarium Community."

Sassenrath, Gretchen F., Cytokinetics, Inc., ,000, "Testing Additives for Yield Improvement in Row Crops."

Sassenrath, Gretchen F.,DeWolf, Erick D. (Plant Pathology), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Lollato, Romulo P. (Agronomy), and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Reducing the Impact of Fusarium Head Blight."


Klebba, Phillip E., Kansas State University Foundation, ,366, "Cancer Center Research Core."

Briggs, John M., and Horne, Eva A., National Science Foundation, 2,468, "Infrastructure Improvements in Support of Grassland and Native Grazer Research at Konza Prairie Biological Station."

Fleming, Sherry D., American Heart Association, Inc., ,200, "Complement Activation in Pregnancy and Hypertension."

Haukos, David A., Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, ,000, "Establishment and Operation of the Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit."

Horne, Eva A., and Briggs, John M., National Science Foundation, 2,468, "Infrastructure Improvements in Support of Grassland and Native Grazer Research at Konza Prairie Biological Station."

McDonald, Jocelyn A., National Science Foundation, 5,000, "Phosphatase Control of Collective Cell Migration during Development."

Olson, Bradley J., National Science Foundation, 0,000, "Co-option of Cell Cycle Regulation for Multicellular Evolution."

Spooner, Brian S., Kansas State University Foundation, ,863, "Biology Research Career Development Core."

Wallace, Nicholas, 1xbet online sports betting Defense, 0,231, "Cutaneous Human Papillomaviruses as Co-Factors in Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer."

Bossmann, Stefan,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Bailey, Heather R. (Psychological Sciences), Cain, Mary E. (Psychological Sciences), Kirkpatrick, Kimberly (Psychological Sciences), Loschky, Lester C. (Psychological Sciences), and Pickens II, Charles (Psychological Sciences), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, ,555, "Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (C-NAP)."

Hua, Duy H., and Li, Jun, 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 0,017, "Rapid Protease Profiling with a Multiplex Electronic Method for Detection of Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer."

Jankowiak, Ryszard J., 1xbet online sports betting Energy, 2,276, "Mutants of Light Harvesting Antennas and Reaction Centers: Disorder, Excitonic Structure, Electron Transfer, and Excitation Energy Transfer Dynamics."

Li, Jun, National Science Foundation, 8,367, "Exploring Specific Heating in Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Hierarchical Hybrid Nanomaterials for Future Sustainable Batteries."

Li, Jun, and Hua, Duy H., 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 0,040, "Rapid Protease Profiling with a Multiplex Electronic Method for Detection of Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer."

Auckly, David R., and Blank, Ivan, National Science Foundation, ,992, "Midwest Geometry Conference 2017."

Blank, Ivan, and Auckly, David R., National Science Foundation, ,992, "Midwest Geometry Conference 2017."

Laverty, James, National Science Foundation, 7,681, "Collaborative Research: Extending A Coherent Gateway to STEM Teaching and Learning."

Sayre, Eleanor C., National Science Foundation, ,517,083, "Collaborative Research: PhysPort's Usability and Impact on Faculty Teaching Practice."

Thumm, Uwe, National Science Foundation, ,000, "Attosecond Time-resolved Quantum Dynamics: From Atoms Towards Nanostructures."

Bailey, Heather R.,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), Cain, Mary E., Kirkpatrick, Kimberly, Loschky, Lester C., and Pickens II, Charles, 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 8,323, "Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (C-NAP)."

Cain, Mary E.,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Bailey, Heather R., Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), Kirkpatrick, Kimberly, Loschky, Lester C., and Pickens II, Charles, 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 8,323, "Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (C-NAP)."

Kirkpatrick, Kimberly,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Bailey, Heather R., Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), Cain, Mary E., Loschky, Lester C., and Pickens II, Charles, 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 6,655, "Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (C-NAP)."

Loschky, Lester C.,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Bailey, Heather R., Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), Cain, Mary E., Kirkpatrick, Kimberly, and Pickens II, Charles, 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 9,441, "Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (C-NAP)."

Pickens II, Charles,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computer Science), Bailey, Heather R., Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), Cain, Mary E., Kirkpatrick, Kimberly, and Loschky, Lester C., 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 8,323, "Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (C-NAP)."

Middendorf, Gerad D.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Tomlinson, Peter J. (Agronomy), and Waggoner, Justin (Southwest Area Office), 1xbet online sports betting , ,178, "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."

Hefley, Trevor,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), National Pork Board, ,548, "Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Transmission in Feed."


Liang, Jia,Fitzsimmons, Eric J. (Civil Engineering), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil Engineering), and Zacharakis, Jeffrey T., National Science Foundation, ,981, "Research Initiation: Investigating the Role of Social Responsibility on Veteran Student Retention."

Zacharakis, Jeffrey T.,Fitzsimmons, Eric J. (Civil Engineering), Kulesza, Stacey E. (Civil Engineering), and Liang, Jia, National Science Foundation, ,991, "Research Initiation: Investigating the Role of Social Responsibility on Veteran Student Retention."


Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., 1xbet online sports betting Commerce, ,000, "Kansas State University Olathe Innovation Accelerator University Center Program Grant."

Morgan, Heather M., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Rural Small Business Marketing and E-commerce Technical Assistance."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Morgan, Heather M., 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Rural Small Business Marketing and E-commerce Technical Assistance."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Kramer, Bradley A., 1xbet online sports betting Commerce, 5,000, "Kansas State University Olathe Innovation Accelerator University Center Program Grant."

Buyle, Raymond J.,Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Harner III, Joseph P.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Sharda, Ajay, Deere & Company, ,250, "Quantifying PWM Nozzle Body Flow and Pressure."

Wang, Donghai, and Sun, X. Susan (Grain Science and Industry), 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Acquisition of Goods and Services."

Edgar, James H.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Fitzsimmons, Eric J.,Kulesza, Stacey E., Liang, Jia (Educational Leadership), and Zacharakis, Jeffrey T. (Educational Leadership), National Science Foundation, ,967, "Research Initiation: Investigating the Role of Social Responsibility on Veteran Student Retention."

Hossain, Mustaque A., Kansas Department of Transportation, ,775, "Review of QC/QA Data to Improve Current Specifications for PCC Pavements in Kansas."

Kulesza, Stacey E.,Fitzsimmons, Eric J., Liang, Jia (Educational Leadership), and Zacharakis, Jeffrey T. (Educational Leadership), National Science Foundation, ,967, "Research Initiation: Investigating the Role of Social Responsibility on Veteran Student Retention."

Stokes, Robert W.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), and Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Andresen, Daniel A.,Bailey, Heather R. (Psychological Sciences), Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), Cain, Mary E. (Psychological Sciences), Kirkpatrick, Kimberly (Psychological Sciences), Loschky, Lester C. (Psychological Sciences), and Pickens II, Charles (Psychological Sciences), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, ,109, "Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (C-NAP)."

DeLoach, Scott A.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Hatcliff, John M.,Mizuno, Masaaki, and Neilsen, Mitchell L., 1xbet online sports betting the Interior, 9,553, "Modeling Security/Safety Interactions in Buildings for Compositional Security/Safety Control."

Mizuno, Masaaki,Hatcliff, John M., and Neilsen, Mitchell L., 1xbet online sports betting the Interior, 3,782, "Modeling Security/Safety Interactions in Buildings for Compositional Security/Safety Control."

Neilsen, Mitchell L.,Hatcliff, John M., and Mizuno, Masaaki, 1xbet online sports betting the Interior, 9,553, "Modeling Security/Safety Interactions in Buildings for Compositional Security/Safety Control."

Clark, Gary A.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Dawson, Darren M., DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Dawson, Darren M.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A., DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 0,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Gruenbacher, Don M.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Scoglio, Caterina M., 1xbet online sports betting , ,925, "Long-distance Dispersal and Disease Outbreaks: Effects of Initial Prevalence, Basic Reproduction Number, and Control Tactics."

Thompson, David E., 1xbet online sports betting Energy, ,280, "Real-Time Navigation System Simulation Advancement."

Maghirang, Ronaldo G.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Kramer, Bradley A.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Dunn, William L. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Kramer, Bradley A., National Science Foundation, ,540, "2018 NSF CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop."

Eckels, Steven J., Support Funds, ,676, "Thermal Properties of Textile Products."

Goode, Barbara L., and Larson, Nancy J., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,250, "Development and Management of the National Small Business Ombudsman/Small Business Environmental Assistance Provider 507 Program Website."

Larson, Nancy J., and Goode, Barbara L., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,750, "Development and Management of the National Small Business Ombudsman/Small Business Environmental Assistance Provider 507 Program Website."

Dunn, William L.,Buyle, Raymond J. (Architectural Engineering and Construction Science), Clark, Gary A. (Dean of Engineering), Dawson, Darren M. (Dean of Engineering), DeLoach, Scott A. (Computer Science), Edgar, James H. (Chemical Engineering), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Harner III, Joseph P. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kramer, Bradley A. (Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), Maghirang, Ronaldo G. (Engineering Experiment Station), and Stokes, Robert W. (Civil Engineering), Kansas Department of Commerce, 5,000, "University Engineering Initiative Act (UEIA)."

Hosni, Mohammad H., 1xbet online sports betting Energy, 7,500, "Nuclear Energy University Programs Fellowship and Scholarship Support."

McNeil, Walter J., 1xbet online sports betting Defense, 9,936, "Low-Profile HPGE Gama Ray Spectrometer for Radiological Detection, Localization, and Isotope Identification."


Toews, Michelle L.,Johannes, Elaine M. (School of Family Studies and Human Services), and Vennum, Amber V. (School of Family Studies and Human Services), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 6,436, "Healthy REWARDS (Relationships, Expectations, Willpower, Aspirations, Reactions, Decisions, Self-esteem): An Evidence-Based Approach to Sexual Risk Avoidance."

Rosenkranz, Richard R., 1xbet online sports betting , ,764, "Dissemination of the Evidence-Based SWITCH Program for Childhood Obesity Prevention."

Wang, Weiqun, 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Determining the Bioavailability of Sorghum Phenolic Compounds."

Johannes, Elaine M.,Toews, Michelle L. (Dean of Human Ecology), and Vennum, Amber V., 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, ,430, "Healthy REWARDS (Relationships, Expectations, Willpower, Aspirations, Reactions, Decisions, Self­ esteem): An Evidence-Based Approach to Sexual Risk Avoidance."

Vennum, Amber V.,Johannes, Elaine M., and Toews, Michelle L. (Dean of Human Ecology), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 6,436, "Healthy REWARDS (Relationships, Expectations, Willpower, Aspirations, Reactions, Decisions, Self-esteem): An Evidence-Based Approach to Sexual Risk Avoidance."


Apley, Michael D., and Lubbers, Brian (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 1,000, "Characterization of Antimicrobial Use in Beef Feedlots and Dairies."

Davis, Elizabeth G., and Rush, Bonnie R. (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), PetSmart Charities, 8,254, "Shelter Medicine Program at Kansas State University."

Schermerhorn, Thomas, Baycom Diagnostic LLC, ,000, "Investigation of Blood HbA1c as a Marker for Glucose Control in Diabetic Dogs."

Rush, Bonnie R., and Davis, Elizabeth G. (Clinical Sciences), PetSmart Charities, 8,254, "Shelter Medicine Program at Kansas State University."

White, Bradley J., 1xbet online sports betting , ,000, "Validation of Within-farm Disease-spread Model in InterSpread Plus with Data Collected from US Feedlots."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Micronutrients, ,800, "Effects of Feeding Increasing Levels of Iron from Either Iron Sulfate or a New Source of Dietary Iron on Growth Performance and Iron Status of Nursery Pigs."

Dritz, Steven S.,Hefley, Trevor (Statistics), Jones, Cassandra K. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Rowland, Raymond R. R., Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), National Pork Board, ,183, "Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Transmission in Feed."

Ma, Wenjun, and Richt, Juergen, 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, ,980, "Syndromic Surveillance of Swine Influenza Viruses in the United States."

McGill, Jodi L.,Bradford, Barry J. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Delamanha Mendonca, Luis G. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Hulbert, Lindsey E. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Phibro Animal Health Corporation, ,645, "Evaluating Impacts of Omnigen on Immun/Reproductive Interactions during the Transition to Lactation."

Richt, Juergen, and Ma, Wenjun, 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, ,980, "Syndromic Surveillance of Swine Influenza Viruses in the United States."

Rowland, Raymond R. R.,Dritz, Steven S., Hefley, Trevor (Statistics), Jones, Cassandra K. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Niederwerder, Megan (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), National Pork Board, ,095, "Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Transmission in Feed."

Rowland, Raymond R. R., PIC North America (PIC USA, Inc.), ,000, "Use of Genetically Modified Pigs to Evaluate PRRS Virus Susceptibility."

Tokach, Lisa M.,Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Vipham, Jessie (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), US Agency for International Development, "Improved Pig Health and Nutrition: The Major Drivers of Profitability and Sustainability for Smallholder Farmers in Cambodia."

Anderson, Gary A., and Henningson, Jamie N., 1xbet online sports betting , "NAHLN Support."

Henningson, Jamie N., and Anderson, Gary A., 1xbet online sports betting , ,509, "NAHLN Support."

Lubbers, Brian, and Apley, Michael D. (Clinical Sciences), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, ,000, "Characterization of Antimicrobial Use in Beef Feedlots and Dairies."

Niederwerder, Megan,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Hefley, Trevor (Statistics), Jones, Cassandra K. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason C. (Animal Sciences and Industry), National Pork Board, ,012, "Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Transmission in Feed."


Hadley, Gregg L., 1xbet online sports betting , 9,133, "Kansas Agricultural Mediation Service."

Farney, Jaymelynn K., Merck Animal Health, ,001, "Comparison of Revalor-G and Synovex One Grass on Double Stocked Native Flint Hills Pasture."

Shoup, Douglas E.,DeWolf, Erick D. (Plant Pathology), Lin, Xiaomao (Agronomy), Lollato, Romulo P. (Agronomy), and Sassenrath, Gretchen F. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, "Reducing the Impact of Fusarium Head Blight."

Shoup, Douglas E.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Middendorf, Gerad D. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), Tomlinson, Peter J. (Agronomy), and Waggoner, Justin (Southwest Area Office), 1xbet online sports betting , ,530, "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."

Onstad, Christen P., Support Funds, ,500, "XSW Support Funds Public Service 35."

Waggoner, Justin,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Middendorf, Gerad D. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), and Tomlinson, Peter J. (Agronomy), 1xbet online sports betting , ,530, "Resilience and Vulnerability of Beef Cattle Production in the Southern Great Plains under Changing Climate, Land Use, and Markets."


Gaeddert, Terri J., Kansas Board of Regents, 6,468, "Enriching and Integrating 21st Century Science and Technology Knowledge and Skills into Today's Classroom Through Effective Partnerships."

Carraway, Kurt J., and Meyer, Andrea C., PrecisionHawk USA, Inc., 4, "Task Order 3."

Meyer, Andrea C., and Carraway, Kurt J., PrecisionHawk USA, Inc., 4, "Task Order 3."


Procter, David E., Kansas Health Foundation, 6,600, "Healthy Food First Collaborative: A Technical Assistance Center and Learning Laboratory."

Herman, Michael A., National Science Foundation, 8,000, "NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) - 2017-2022."

Chapman, Grant M., US Agency for International Development, ,249, "Peace Corps Recruiter."

Niehoff, Ruth A., Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "Spainhour Faculty Chair for KAWSE."


Marino, Mary Lou, and Montelone, Beth A., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,421, "National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program (SPACE Grant) Training Grant 2015-2018."

Montelone, Beth A., and Marino, Mary Lou, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,421, "National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program (SPACE Grant) Training Grant 2015-2018."