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Research Awards, May 2018


1xbet online casino ECONOMICS
Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Ross, Kara,Shanoyan, Aleksan, andZereyesus, Yacob, US Department of Agriculture, 2,188, "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Golden, Bill B.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Perry, Edward,US Department of Agriculture, ,552, "Genetically-engineered Traits, Cross-licensing and Competition in the US Corn and Soybean Seed Industry."

Ross, Kara,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Shanoyan, Aleksan, andZereyesus, Yacob, US Department of Agriculture, "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Shanoyan, Aleksan,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Ross, Kara, andZereyesus, Yacob, US Department of Agriculture, "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Zereyesus, Yacob,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Ross, Kara, andShanoyan, Aleksan, US Department of Agriculture, "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

1xbet online casino RESEARCH CENTER-HAYS
Jaeger, John R.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.,O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Obour, Augustine K.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.,Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Dille, Johanna A.,Xarvio Digital Farming Solutions, ,000, "2018 Weed Image Collection via iCatcher App."

Hettiarachchi, Ganga M.,Bio Huma Netics, Inc., ,750, "Altering Phosphorus Fertilizer Reaction Pathways in P-Fixing Soils."

Hettiarachchi, Ganga M.,Hutchinson, Stacy L.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering), andParameswaran, Prathap(Civil Engineering), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Novel Platform for Channelized Nutrient Product Sequestration from High Strength 1xbet online casino Wastewaters through Optimized Anaerobic Bioprocesses."

Jagadish, Krishna SV,Flippo, Daniel(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Sharda, Ajay(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering), andVan Der Merwe, Deon(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), CNH Industrial America LLC, 5, "Testing and Evaluation Services Agreement."

Knapp, Mary C.,DeWolf, Erick D.(Plant Pathology),Lollato, Romulo P., andRedmond, Christopher A., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,800, "Kansas Wheat Dashboard: Information about Emerging Stripe Rust Epidemics and Other Threats to Wheat Production."

Lin, Xiaomao,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Lollato, Romulo P.,DeWolf, Erick D.(Plant Pathology),Knapp, Mary C., andRedmond, Christopher A., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,800, "Kansas Wheat Dashboard: Information about Emerging Stripe Rust Epidemics and Other Threats to Wheat Production."

Lollato, Romulo P.,andHaag, Lucas A.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Probability of Wheat Grain Yield Response and Breaking Even to Multiple Seed Cleaning by Seed treatment Combinations at Different Seeding Rates in Kansas."

Min, Doohong,National Alfalfa and Forage Alliance, ,200, "Identifying-Optimal Alfalfa Germplasm for Intercropping with Perennial Grasses in Dual-Purposed Cropping Systems."

Redmond, Christopher A.,DeWolf, Erick D.(Plant Pathology),Knapp, Mary C., andLollato, Romulo P., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,800, "Kansas Wheat Dashboard: Information about Emerging Stripe Rust Epidemics and Other Threats to Wheat Production."

Beyer, R. Scott,Paulk, Chad B.(Grain Science and Industry), andStark, Charles(Grain Science and Industry), Jefo Nutrition, Inc., ,160, "Effects of Jefo Protease and Dietary Lysine on Turkey Performance."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology),Goodband, Robert D.,Tokach, Michael D., andWoodworth, Jason C., Minnesota Pork Board, ,731, "Supplying Increased SID Lys and Energy During Transition to Improve Piglet Survivability, Sow Productivity, and Litter Performance."

Drouillard, James S.,andGragg, Sara E., MS Biotec, ,760, "Impact of the Probiotic Organism, Megasphaera Elsdenii on Prevalence of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Finishing Cattle."

Gonzalez, John M.,Paulk, Chad B.(Grain Science and Industry), andStark, Charles(Grain Science and Industry), AB Vista, 1, "Using NIR to Evaluate Soybean Meal Quality."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology),Tokach, Michael D., andWoodworth, Jason C., Minnesota Pork Board, ,731, "Supplying Increased SID Lys and Energy During Transition to Improve Piglet Survivability, Sow Productivity, and Litter Performance."

Gragg, Sara E.,andDrouillard, James S., MS Biotec, ,440, "Impact of the Probiotic Organism, Megasphaera Elsdenii on Prevalence of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Finishing Cattle."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology),Goodband, Robert D., andWoodworth, Jason C., Minnesota Pork Board, ,731, "Supplying Increased SID Lys and Energy During Transition to Improve Piglet Survivability, Sow Productivity, and Litter Performance."

Woodworth, Jason C.,DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology),Goodband, Robert D., andTokach, Michael D., Minnesota Pork Board, ,731, "Supplying Increased SID Lys and Energy During Transition to Improve Piglet Survivability, Sow Productivity, and Litter Performance."

Ulmer, Jonathan,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam(Grain Science and Industry),Campabadal Teran, Carlos(Grain Science and Industry),Harvey, Jagger J.(Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES),Leslie, John F.(Plant Pathology),Lilja, Nina K.(International 1xbet online casino Programs), andLindshield, Brian L.(Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health), US Agency for International Development, "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss."

Dalton, Timothy J.,US Agency for International Development, 0,697, "Implement a Genomics-Assisted Breeding Program in a Small Breeding Program in a Developing Country."

Harvey, Jagger J.,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam(Grain Science and Industry),Campabadal Teran, Carlos(Grain Science and Industry),Leslie, John F.(Plant Pathology),Lilja, Nina K.(International 1xbet online casino Programs),Lindshield, Brian L.(Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health), andUlmer, Jonathan(Communications and 1xbet online casino Education), US Agency for International Development, ,002,194, "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss."

Ruberson, John R.,Support Funds, ,300, "AEN Support Funds Off-Campus 26."

Bhadriraju, Subramanyam,Campabadal Teran, Carlos,Harvey, Jagger J.(Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES),Leslie, John F.(Plant Pathology),Lilja, Nina K.(International 1xbet online casino Programs),Lindshield, Brian L.(Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health), andUlmer, Jonathan(Communications and 1xbet online casino Education), US Agency for International Development, "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam,Harvey, Jagger J.(Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES),Leslie, John F.(Plant Pathology),Lilja, Nina K.(International 1xbet online casino Programs),Lindshield, Brian L.(Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health), andUlmer, Jonathan(Communications and 1xbet online casino Education), US Agency for International Development, "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos,andThiele, Shawn M., US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,300, "Addendum to Independent Contractor Master Agreement: 18KA022U64B."

Paulk, Chad B.,Gonzalez, John M.(Animal Sciences and Industry), andStark, Charles, AB Vista, ,830, "Using NIR to Evaluate Soybean Meal Quality."

Paulk, Chad B.,Beyer, R. Scott(Animal Sciences and Industry), andStark, Charles, Jefo Nutrition, Inc., ,160, "Effects of Jefo Protease and Dietary Lysine on Turkey Performance."

Stark, Charles,Gonzalez, John M.(Animal Sciences and Industry), andPaulk, Chad B., AB Vista, 1, "Using NIR to Evaluate Soybean Meal Quality."

Stark, Charles,Beyer, R. Scott(Animal Sciences and Industry), andPaulk, Chad B., Jefo Nutrition, Inc., ,680, "Effects of Jefo Protease and Dietary Lysine on Turkey Performance."

Thiele, Shawn M.,andCampabadal Teran, Carlos, US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,700, "Addendum to Independent Contractor Master Agreement: 18KA022U64B."

Fry, Jack D.,andKennelly, Megan(Plant Pathology), National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., 0, "2012 National Tall Fescue Test Ancillary Trial-Brown Patch Tolerance (TF-12-16)."

Fry, Jack D.,National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., ,000, "2014 National Bentgrass (Fairway/Tee) Test; BTF-14-01."

Fry, Jack D.,National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., ,500, "2014 National Bentgrass (Putting Green) Test; BTG-14-10."

Fry, Jack D.,National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., ,500, "Research Support Agreement (Grant-in-Aid) for the 2013 National Bermudagrass Test BG-13-04."

Fry, Jack D.,National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., ,000, "Research Support Agreement (Grant-in-Aid) for the 2013 National Zoysiagrass Test ZG-13-04."

Sharp, Ryan L.,The Nature Conservancy, ,658, "Understanding Visitor Use and Developing Visitor Use Monitoring Protocols for The Nature Conservancy Properties in Kansas."

Shoemaker, Candice A.,Support Funds, ,000, "AHF Multi Sponsor Extension 0."

Shoemaker, Candice A.,Support Funds, ,500, "AHF Support Funds Research 0."

INTERNATIONAL 1xbet online casino PROGRAMS
Lilja, Nina K.,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam(Grain Science and Industry),Campabadal Teran, Carlos(Grain Science and Industry),Harvey, Jagger J.(Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES),Leslie, John F.(Plant Pathology),Lindshield, Brian L.(Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health), andUlmer, Jonathan(Communications and 1xbet online casino Education), US Agency for International Development, "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss."

Devlin, Daniel L.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Aiken, Robert M.,The Land Institute, ,000, "Water Productivity and Genetic Variation of Silghium Integrifollum."

Aiken, Robert M.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.,Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Lamm, Freddie R.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.,Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

DeWolf, Erick D.,Knapp, Mary C.(Agronomy),Lollato, Romulo P.(Agronomy), andRedmond, Christopher A.(Agronomy), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,600, "Kansas Wheat Dashboard: Information about Emerging Stripe Rust Epidemics and Other Threats to Wheat Production."

Kennelly, Megan,andFry, Jack D.(Horticulture and Natural Resources), National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., 0, "2012 National Tall Fescue Test Ancillary Trial-Brown Patch Tolerance (TF-12-16)."

Leslie, John F.,International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, ,421, "Collaboration Agreement."

Leslie, John F.,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam(Grain Science and Industry),Campabadal Teran, Carlos(Grain Science and Industry),Harvey, Jagger J.(Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES),Lilja, Nina K.(International 1xbet online casino Programs),Lindshield, Brian L.(Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health), andUlmer, Jonathan(Communications and 1xbet online casino Education), US Agency for International Development, "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss."

Gillen, Robert L.,Support Funds, ,000, "ASW Support Funds Research 37."

Holman, Johnathon D.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.,Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.,Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."


Carver, Rial T.,andKim, Hyung Jin, Cornell University, "Neighborhood Differences in Access to School, Food, and Healthcare Along an Urban to Rural Gradient. (Rial Carver, Student)."

Kim, Hyung Jin,andCarver, Rial T., Cornell University, ,000, "Neighborhood Differences in Access to School, Food, and Healthcare Along an Urban to Rural Gradient. (Rial Carver, Student)."


Roelofs, Jeroen,US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,000, "Mechanism of Degradation of the Proteasome through Autophagy."

Spooner, Brian S.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,250, "Biology Research Career Development Core."

Higgins, Daniel A.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,680, "Center for Basic Cancer Research: Fraternal Order of Eagles Fund."

Hua, Duy H.,National Science Foundation, ,250, "Catalytic Asymmetric Oxidation Reactions by Chiral-supported Bimetallic Nanoclusters."

Farough, Aida,National Science Foundation, ,686, "Participation of Aida Farough on Expedition 376."

Mrozek, Donald J.,andTietzen, Katelyn, Smith Richardson Foundation, ,500, "Iraq in the Cold War and Beyond the Fall of the Soviet Union 1968 - 2003."

Tietzen, Katelyn,andMrozek, Donald J., Smith Richardson Foundation, "Iraq in the Cold War and Beyond the Fall of the Soviet Union 1968 - 2003."

Auckly, David R.,Simons Foundation, ,000, "Stability Related to Four-manifolds."

Korten, Marianne,andYetter, David, National Science Foundation, ,853, "REU Site: Topology, Partial Differential Equations, and Applications to Network Security and Biology."

Yetter, David,andKorten, Marianne, National Science Foundation, ,853, "REU Site: Topology, Partial Differential Equations, and Applications to Network Security and Biology."

Berg, Matthew J.,National Science Foundation, 1,817, "CAREER: In Situ Study of Aerosol in the Coarse Mode with Digital Holography."

Corwin, Kristan L.,andFlanders, Bret N., National Science Foundation, ,948, "REU Site: Physics at Kansas State University - Interactions of Matter, Light and Learning."

Flanders, Bret N.,andCorwin, Kristan L., National Science Foundation, ,423, "REU Site: Physics at Kansas State University - Interactions of Matter, Light and Learning."

Ivanov, Andrew G.,National Science Foundation, ,768, "U.S. CMS Operations at the Large Hadron Collider."

Samushia, Lado,National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,394, "Cosmology with the WFIRST High Latitude Survey - 2018."

Pinkall, Bryan R.,Master Teacher, Inc., ,950, "Summer Choral Institute."


Shuman, Cindy,US Department of Agriculture, ,714, "Diversifying the Water Portfolio for Agriculture in the Rio Grande Basin - Evaluation."

Doll, Richard,Kansas State Department of Education, ,485, "Kansas Educational Leadership Institute."


Tucker, Jeffrey W.,North Central Regional Planning Commission, ,000, "Off Campus Service Agreement."

Flippo, Daniel,Jagadish, Krishna SV(Agronomy),Sharda, Ajay, andVan Der Merwe, Deon(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), CNH Industrial America LLC, 5, "Testing and Evaluation Services Agreement."

Hutchinson, Stacy L.,Hettiarachchi, Ganga M.(Agronomy), andParameswaran, Prathap(Civil Engineering), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Novel Platform for Channelized Nutrient Product Sequestration from High Strength 1xbet online casino Wastewaters through Optimized Anaerobic Bioprocesses."

Rogers, Danny H.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Sharda, Ajay,Flippo, Daniel,Jagadish, Krishna SV(Agronomy), andVan Der Merwe, Deon(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), CNH Industrial America LLC, ,075, "Testing and Evaluation Services Agreement."

Amama, Placidus B.,US Department of Defense, ,000, "Effect of Ion Beam Bombardment of Different Metal Oxide Catalyst Supports on Carbon Nanotube Growth."

Edgar, James H.,andJanzen, Eli M., US Department of Commerce, ,219, "Undergraduate Research Through the NIST SURF Program (Eli Janzen)."

Janzen, Eli M.,andEdgar, James H., US Department of Commerce, "Undergraduate Research Through the NIST SURF Program (Eli Janzen)."

Hossain, Mustaque A.,US Department of Transportation, 9,832, "Optimum AC Overlay Thickness over FDR of Existing AC Pavements."

Kulesza, Stacey E.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R., andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Mathews, Alexander P.,National Science Foundation, ,000, "Eager: A Novel Bioprocess for the Valorization of Waste and Biomass."

Parameswaran, Prathap,Hettiarachchi, Ganga M.(Agronomy), andHutchinson, Stacy L.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Novel Platform for Channelized Nutrient Product Sequestration from High Strength 1xbet online casino Wastewaters through Optimized Anaerobic Bioprocesses."

Peric, Dunja,Kansas Department of Transportation, ,236, "Determining an Acceptable California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Value for Kansas Subgrades Based on Pavement Distress Data."

Steward, David R.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.,Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Caragea, Cornelia A.,National Science Foundation, ,730, "CAREER: Rom Data to Knowledge: Extracting and Utilizing Concept Graphs in Online Environments."

Caragea, Cornelia A.,National Science Foundation, ,000, "III: Small: Collaborative Research: Keyphrase Extraction in Document Networks."

Hatcliff, John M.,andVasserman, Eugene, US Department of Homeland Security, ,912, "Cyber Physical System Security (CPSSEC)."

Vasserman, Eugene,andHatcliff, John M., US Department of Homeland Security, ,746, "Cyber Physical System Security (CPSSEC)."

Eckels, Steven J.,Support Funds, 5, "Thermal Properties of Textile Products."

Carter, David A.,andHamel, Ryan J., Kansas Corporation Commission, ,500, "KCC and Kansas State University Energy Education Services."

Carter, David A.,National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ,000, "Wind for Schools."

Carter, David A.,Cook, Yvonne C., andHamel, Ryan J., US Department of Energy, ,500, "KCC and Kansas State University Energy Education Services."

Cook, Yvonne C.,Carter, David A., andHamel, Ryan J., US Department of Energy, ,250, "KCC and Kansas State University Energy Education Services."

Hamel, Ryan J.,andCarter, David A., Kansas Corporation Commission, ,750, "KCC and Kansas State University Energy Education Services."

Hamel, Ryan J.,Carter, David A., andCook, Yvonne C., US Department of Energy, ,250, "KCC and Kansas State University Energy Education Services."

Bahadori, Amir,McNeil, Walter J., andShultis, J. Kenneth, US Department of Energy, ,000, "Proposal for a Consortium for Nonproliferation-Enabling Capabilities."

McNeil, Walter J.,Bahadori, Amir, andShultis, J. Kenneth, US Department of Energy, 0,000, "Proposal for a Consortium for Nonproliferation-Enabling Capabilities."

Shultis, J. Kenneth,Bahadori, Amir, andMcNeil, Walter J., US Department of Energy, ,000, "Proposal for a Consortium for Nonproliferation-Enabling Capabilities."


Lindshield, Brian L.,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam(Grain Science and Industry),Campabadal Teran, Carlos(Grain Science and Industry),Harvey, Jagger J.(Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES),Leslie, John F.(Plant Pathology),Lilja, Nina K.(International 1xbet online casino Programs), andUlmer, Jonathan(Communications and 1xbet online casino Education), US Agency for International Development, "Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss."

Rosenkranz, Richard R.,US Department of Health and Human Services, ,200, "Whole-­of-Community Systems Intervention for Youth Population Physical Activity."


Shi, Jishu N.,andWang, Lihua, National Pork Board, ,250, "Development and Validation of Two Anti-CSFV-specific Antibody Competitive ELISAs with an Emphasis on the Differentiation of Infected from Vaccinated Animals."

Wang, Lihua,andShi, Jishu N., National Pork Board, ,250, "Development and Validation of Two Anti-CSFV-specific Antibody Competitive ELISAs with an Emphasis on the Differentiation of Infected from Vaccinated Animals."

Amachawadi, Raghavendra G.,andNagaraja, Tiruvoor G.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Lallemand Specialties Inc., ,203, "Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Lallemand's Microbial Cultures."

Cernicchiaro, Natalia,Nagaraja, Tiruvoor G., andRenter, David G., Legacy Animal Nutrition, ,061, "Randomized Complete Block Design to Evaluate the Efficacy of BactaShield at Reducing Shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Feces of Commercial Finishing Cattle."

Chang, Kyeong-Ok,andKim, Yunjeong, US Department of Health and Human Services, 7,958, "Small Molecule Protease Inhibitors against MERS-CoV."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M.(Animal Sciences and Industry),Goodband, Robert D.(Animal Sciences and Industry),Tokach, Michael D.(Animal Sciences and Industry), andWoodworth, Jason C.(Animal Sciences and Industry), Minnesota Pork Board, ,731, "Supplying Increased SID Lys and Energy During Transition to Improve Piglet Survivability, Sow Productivity, and Litter Performance."

Dryden, Michael W.,andHerrin, Brian, Elanco Animal Health, ,249, "Lotilaner and Spinosad to Control Flea Populations on Naturally Infested Dogs in Private Residences in West Central FL USA."

Fang, Ying,Hesse, Richard, andMarthaler, Douglas(Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), National Pork Board, ,720, "The Effect of Natural Planned Exposure on Sow Immunity and Passive Immunity in their Piglets via Genotype Specific Rotavirus A and C ELISA."

Herrin, Brian,andDryden, Michael W., Elanco Animal Health, ,249, "Lotilaner and Spinosad to Control Flea Populations on Naturally Infested Dogs in Private Residences in West Central FL USA."

Hesse, Richard,Fang, Ying, andMarthaler, Douglas(Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), National Pork Board, ,680, "The Effect of Natural Planned Exposure on Sow Immunity and Passive Immunity in their Piglets via Genotype Specific Rotavirus A and C ELISA."

Kim, Yunjeong,andChang, Kyeong-Ok, US Department of Health and Human Services, 7,958, "Small Molecule Protease Inhibitors against MERS-CoV."

Ma, Wenjun,andRicht, Juergen, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,134, "Host Dependence of Influenza A Virus Reassortment."

Mwangi, Waithaka,US Department of Health and Human Services, ,413, "Defining clinically relevant viral epitopes with cow antibodies."

Nagaraja, Tiruvoor G.,andAmachawadi, Raghavendra G.(Clinical Sciences), Lallemand Specialties Inc., ,203, "Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Lallemand's Microbial Cultures."

Nagaraja, Tiruvoor G.,Cernicchiaro, Natalia, andRenter, David G., Legacy Animal Nutrition, ,294, "Randomized Complete Block Design to Evaluate the Efficacy of BactaShield at Reducing Shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Feces of Commercial Finishing Cattle."

Nguyen, Thu A.,Boehringer Ingelheim, ,000, "2018 Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Scholars Program."

Nguyen, Thu A.,Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research, 9,247, "Development of 3D Heterogeneous Tumor Spheroids."

Renter, David G.,Cernicchiaro, Natalia, andNagaraja, Tiruvoor G., Legacy Animal Nutrition, ,533, "Randomized Complete Block Design to Evaluate the Efficacy of BactaShield at Reducing Shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Feces of Commercial Finishing Cattle."

Richt, Juergen,andMa, Wenjun, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,201, "Host Dependence of Influenza A Virus Reassortment."

Van Der Merwe, Deon,Flippo, Daniel(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Jagadish, Krishna SV(Agronomy), andSharda, Ajay(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering), CNH Industrial America LLC, 5, "Testing and Evaluation Services Agreement."

Marthaler, Douglas,Fang, Ying(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), andHesse, Richard(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), National Pork Board, ,400, "The Effect of Natural Planned Exposure on Sow Immunity and Passive Immunity in their Piglets via Genotype Specific Rotavirus A and C ELISA."

Moore, Susan M.,Corixa Corporation (d/b/a GSK Vaccines), 8,000, "In vivo Testing of In-house Reference Standard and Toxicity Lots of SAM-rabies CNE (Study No. 1 - 0104­18)."

Moore, Susan M.,Corixa Corporation (d/b/a GSK Vaccines), ,581, "Serology on Serum Samples Collected on a Repeated Dose Toxicity Study in Rats (CRO Study Number 1017-4901."

Moore, Susan M.,Corixa Corporation (d/b/a GSK Vaccines), ,648, "Serology on Serum Samples Collected on an Exploratory Toxicity Study in Rats - Alny Lipid Comparison (CRO Study Number 2327-14315)."


Potter, Shane A.,US Department of Agriculture, ,480, "Children, Youth and Families At-Risk: Professional Development and Technical Assistance (CYFAR PDTA)."

Biles, Larry E.,US Department of Agriculture, ,368, "Conservation Research Program 2018."

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Haag, Lucas A.,andLollato, Romulo P.(Agronomy), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Probability of Wheat Grain Yield Response and Breaking Even to Multiple Seed Cleaning by Seed treatment Combinations at Different Seeding Rates in Kansas."

Haag, Lucas A.,Support Funds, ,820, "XNW Support Funds Public Service Off Campus 26."

Johnson, Sandra K.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.,Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

O'Brien, Daniel M.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.,Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L.(Southwest Area 1xbet online casino ), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

SOUTHWEST AREA 1xbet online casino
Aguilar, Jonathan P.,Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), andVandeveer, Monte L., US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

Onstad, Christen P.,Support Funds, ,000, "XSW Support Funds Public Service 35."

Vandeveer, Monte L.,Aguilar, Jonathan P.,Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst),Golden, Bill B.(1xbet online casino Economics),Holman, Johnathon D.(Southwest Research Extension Center),Jaeger, John R.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),Johnson, Sandra K.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Kulesza, Stacey E.(Civil Engineering),Lamm, Freddie R.(Northwest Research Extension Center),Lin, Xiaomao(Agronomy),Obour, Augustine K.(1xbet online casino Research Center-Hays),O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area 1xbet online casino ),Rogers, Danny H.(Biological and 1xbet online casino Engineering),Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center), andSteward, David R.(Civil Engineering), US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Water Management to Sustain the Economic Activity from the Ogallala Aquifer on the Southern High Plains - KSU."

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Gott, Trisha C.,andKliewer, Brandon W., US Department of State, ,000, "Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders - 2018."

Kliewer, Brandon W.,andGott, Trisha C., US Department of State, ,000, "Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders - 2018."


Booker, Monshonda,National Science Foundation, ,500, "Teaching Through Technology (T3) Alliance."

Bosco, Pat J.,andFranklin, E. Bernard, Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, ,000, "KSCAC - Greater Kansas City Community Foundation."

Bosco, Pat J.,Kauffman Scholars, Inc., ,890, "IEP Kauffman Scholars Program - ISP."

Franklin, E. Bernard,andBosco, Pat J., Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, 5,000, "KSCAC - Greater Kansas City Community Foundation."