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Research Awards, June, 2015


Stahlman, Phillip W., Monsanto Company, ,440, "Service Order No. 33."

Zhang, Guorong, and Shi, Yong Cheng (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), Kansas Wheat Commission, ,600, "Evaluating Hard Winter Wheat for Asian-style and Instant Zhang, Guorong, Kansas Wheat Commission, ,000, "Genetic Improvement for Hard White Wheat."

Adee, Eric A.,Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), and Presley, DeAnn R., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,031, "Influences of Irrigation Regimes, Planting Date, and Soil Compaction Upon SDS in Kansas."

Knapp, Mary C.,De Wolf, Erick D. (Plant Pathology), and Redmond, Christopher A., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,800, "Kansas Wheat Dashboard: Information about Emerging Stripe Bust Epidemics and Other Threats to Wheat Peterson, Dallas E., Dow AgroSciences, LLC, ,000, "How Do Enlist Duo or Glufosinate/2.4-D Choline POST Programs with Sonic/Surveil PRE Compare to Conventional Gylphosate- or Glufosinate-based programs in HTMS Soybeans?."

Peterson, Dallas E., Monsanto Company, ,000, "Service Order #27."

Peterson, Dallas E., Syngenta Seeds, 1xbet best casino website ., ,000, "Herbicide Research."

Poland, Jesse A., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Confirmation of Genetic Identity and Purity of Certified Wheat Seed Lots."

Presley, DeAnn R.,Adee, Eric A., and Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), Kansas Soybean Commission, "Influences of Irrigation Regimes, Planting Date, and Soil Compaction Upon SDS in Kansas."

Redmond, Christopher A.,De Wolf, Erick D. (Plant Pathology), and Knapp, Mary C., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,800, "Kansas Wheat Dashboard: Information about Emerging Stripe Bust Epidemics and Other Threats to Wheat Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,500, "Nutrient Uptake and Partitioning in Current Kansas Wheat Varieties."

Schapaugh Jr, William T.,Kusel, Kelly R. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), Todd, Timothy C. (Plant Pathology), and Trick, Harold N. (Plant Pathology), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,585, "Breeding and Management of Soybean for Improved Performance."

Schapaugh Jr, William T.,McCornack, Brian P. (Entomology), Smith, C. Michael (Entomology), and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J. (Entomology), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,842, "Development of Genetic, Chemical and Population-Based Tactics to Manage Key Kansas Soybean Pests."

Stamm, Michael J., Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Enhancing Winter Survival of Canola."

Thompson, Curtis R., Monsanto Company, ,000, "Service Order No. 29."

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Amamcharla, Jayendra K., Dairy Research Institute, ,000, "Understanding the Effects of Electromagnetic Fluid Conditioning on Physical, Chemical and Functional Properties of Milk and Milk Products."

Amamcharla, Jayendra K., Dairy Research Institute, ,246, "Use of Novel Surface Modification Techniques to Reduce Biofilms on Plate Heat Exchanger Plates."

Amamcharla, Jayendra K., Land O'Lakes, 1xbet best casino website ., ,000, "Screening and Quantification of Dairy Ingredient Streams for Phospholipid Content."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (1xbet best casino website /Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Jones, Cassandra K. (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason, DSM Nutritional Products AG, "Determining the Impact of Vevovital and/or CRINA as Potential PEDv Mitigation Strategies as Determine by PCR Analysis and Bioassay."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (1xbet best casino website /Pathobiology), Jones, Cassandra K. (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason, DSM Nutritional Products AG, "Determining the Impact of Vevovital and/or CRINA as Potential PEDv Mitigation Strategies as Determine by PCR Analysis and Bioassay."

Lee, Charles D., Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, ,339, "Extension Education Position Support."

Odde, Kenneth G., Merck & Company, 1xbet best casino website ., 0,000, "Capturing Value from Superior Livestock Data."

Reinhardt, Christopher D.,Bartle, Steven J. (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), Hagenmaier, Jacob A. (Dean of Veterinary Medical Center), and Thomson, Daniel U. (1xbet best casino website /Pathobiology), Eli Lilly & Company, ,536, "The Effects of Aggressive Versus Low-stress Cattle Handling at the Time of Shipping to Slaughter on Physiological Responses in Cattle Fed Ractopamine Hydrochloride."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (1xbet best casino website /Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Jones, Cassandra K. (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), and Woodworth, Jason, DSM Nutritional Products AG, "Determining the Impact of Vevovital and/or CRINA as Potential PEDv Mitigation Strategies as Determine by PCR Analysis and Bioassay."

Woodworth, Jason,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (1xbet best casino website /Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Jones, Cassandra K. (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), and Tokach, Michael D., DSM Nutritional Products AG, ,990, "Determining the Impact of Vevovital and/or CRINA as Potential PEDv Mitigation Strategies as Determine by PCR Analysis and Bioassay."

Dalton, Timothy J., US Agency for International Development, 0,000, "The Management Entity of the Sorghum and Millet Innovation Lab."

Wiley, Zelia Z.,Grauer, Bette (Dean of Engineering), Mason, April (Office of the Provost), Montelone, Beth A. (Dean of Arts and 1xbet best casino website ), Morales, Amanda I. (Curriculum and Instruction), and Thurston, Linda P. (Dean of Education), National Science 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Pathways to STEM: Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation."

Cloyd, Raymond A., Gloeckner 1xbet best casino website , Inc. (Fred C.), ,000, "Effect of the Entomopathogenic Fungus, Beauveria Bassiana, and the Rove Beetle, Dalotia Coriatria, in Suppressing Populations of the Western Flower Thrips, Franliniella Accidentalis."

Cohnstaedt, Lee, and Ruberson, John R., Vestergaard Frandsen S.A., ,250, "Vestergaard 1xbet best casino website Health Impact Fellowship."

McCormack, Gregory D., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,750, "Agricultural Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) - Using Soybean as a Model System."

McCornack, Brian P.,Schapaugh Jr, William T. (Agronomy), Smith, C. Michael, and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Development of Genetic, Chemical and Population-Based Tactics to Manage Key Kansas Phillips, Thomas W.,Ambrose, R. P. Kingsly (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), Campabadal Teran, Carlos (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), and Maier, Dirk E. (Grain Science and 1xbet best casino website ), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Demonstrating a New Stored Wheat Cooling Technology for Improved Pest Control during On-Farm Storage."

Ruberson, John R., US Department of Agriculture, ,333, "Biololgy of Dipteran Vectors of diseases Impacting Livestock and Humans."

Ruberson, John R., and Cohnstaedt, Lee, Vestergaard Frandsen S.A., ,250, "Vestergaard 1xbet best casino website Health Impact Fellowship."

Smith, C. Michael,McCornack, Brian P., Schapaugh Jr, William T. (Agronomy), and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,368, "Development of Genetic, Chemical and Population-Based Tactics to Manage Key Kansas Soybean Pests."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,McCornack, Brian P., Schapaugh Jr, William T. (Agronomy), and Smith, C. Michael, Kansas Soybean Commission, "Development of Genetic, Chemical and Population-Based Tactics to Manage Key Kansas GRAIN SCIENCE AND 1xbet best casino website
Ambrose, R. P. Kingsly,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Maier, Dirk E., and Phillips, Thomas W. (Entomology), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Demonstrating a New Stored Wheat Cooling Technology for Improved Pest Control during On- Farm Storage."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos,Fowler, Mark, Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Corn Commission, ,750, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos,Ambrose, R. P. Kingsly, Maier, Dirk E., and Phillips, Thomas W. (Entomology), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Demonstrating a New Stored Wheat Cooling Technology for Improved Pest Control during On- Farm Storage."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos,Fowler, Mark, Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Wheat Commission, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program Support Project."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos, US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,500, "1xbet best casino website Production Educational Assistance."

Fowler, Mark,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Corn Commission, ,750, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program."

Fowler, Mark,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Wheat Commission, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program Support Project."

Jones, Cassandra K.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), Dritz, Steven S. (1xbet best casino website /Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason (Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), DSM Nutritional Products AG, "Determining the Impact of Vevovital and/or CRINA as Potential PEDv Mitigation Strategies as Determine by PCR Analysis and Bioassay."

Maier, Dirk E.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Fowler, Mark, and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Corn Commission, ,750, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program."

Maier, Dirk E.,Ambrose, R. P. Kingsly, Campabadal Teran, Carlos, and Phillips, Thomas W. (Entomology), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,000, "Demonstrating a New Stored Wheat Cooling Technology for Improved Pest Control during On- Farm Storage."

Maier, Dirk E.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Fowler, Mark, and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Wheat Commission, 0,000, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program Support Project."

O'Neil III, Howard J.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Fowler, Mark, and Maier, Dirk E., Kansas Corn Commission, ,750, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program."

O'Neil III, Howard J.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Fowler, Mark, and Maier, Dirk E., Kansas Wheat Commission, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program Support Project."

O'Neil III, Howard J., US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "US Grain and Oilseed Marketing System Training."

Regan, Rebecca, Kansas Wheat Commission, 0,000, "Kansas Wheat Quality Laboratory: Quality Evaluation from KAES Wheat Breeding Programs and Protein/Hardness Screening of Early Progeny Wheat."

Shi, Yong Cheng, and Zhang, Guorong (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Kansas Wheat Commission, ,400, "Evaluating Hard Winter Wheat for Asian-style and Instant Noodles."

Stark, Charles, Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Jim and Carol Brown Endowed Professorship in Grain Science."

Vadlani, Praveen V., US Department of Agriculture, 7,529, "Lignocellulosic Biomass Conversion to Infrastructure Compatible Fuel, Products and Power."

Blocksome, Carolyn E., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,000, "Kansas Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan."

Fry, Jack D., National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, 1xbet best casino website ., ,500, "Research Support Agreement (Grant-in-Aid) for the 2013 National Bermudagrass Test BG-13-04."

Fry, Jack D., National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, 1xbet best casino website ., ,500, "Research Support Agreement (Grant-in-Aid) for the 2013 National Zoysiagrass Test ZG-13-04."

Fry, Jack D., National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, 1xbet best casino website ., 0, "Turfgrass Testing - Kentucky Bluegrass."

Reid, William R., University of Missouri, ,887, "Missouri Pecan Growers."

Kane, Mary R., US Department of Education, ,428, "FFA-YF/YFW PLANT PATHOLOGY
De Wolf, Erick D.,Knapp, Mary C. (Agronomy), and Redmond, Christopher A. (Agronomy), Kansas Crop Improvement Association, ,400, "Kansas Wheat Dashboard: Information about Emerging Stripe Bust Epidemics and Other Threats to Wheat Production."

Jardine, Douglas J., US Department of Agriculture, ,500, "Integrated Management of Oomycete Diseases of Soybean and other Crop Plants."

Lei, Li, and Toomajian, Christopher, US Department of Health and Human Services, "Alternative Polyadenylation Site Usage Variation and its Genetic Basis (Li Lei)."

Little, Christopher R.,Adee, Eric A. (Agronomy), and Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,122, "Influences of Irrigation Regimes, Planting Date, and Soil Compaction Upon SDS in Kansas."

Poland, Jesse A., Monsanto Company, ,700, "Monsanto Beachell-Borlaug International Scholars Program (Ms. Emily Delorean's PhD Study)."

Todd, Timothy C.,Kusel, Kelly R. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), Schapaugh Jr, William T. (Agronomy), and Trick, Harold N., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Breeding and Management of Soybean for Improved Performance."

Toomajian, Christopher, and Lei, Li, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,500, "Alternative Polyadenylation Site Usage Variation and its Genetic Basis (Li Lei)."

Trick, Harold N.,Kusel, Kelly R. (Southeast Agricultural Research Center), Schapaugh Jr, William T. (Agronomy), and Todd, Timothy C., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,059, "Breeding and Management of Soybean for Improved Performance."

Kusel, Kelly R.,Schapaugh Jr, William T. (Agronomy), Todd, Timothy C. (Plant Pathology), and Trick, Harold N. (Plant Pathology), Kansas Soybean Commission, "Breeding and Management of Soybean for Improved Performance."

Gillen, Robert L., Multi-Sponsor, ,520, "ASW Multi-Sponsor Research 36."

Kisekka, Isaya, and Aguilar, Jonathan P. (Southwest Area Office), Kansas Water Office, ,443, "Mobile Drip Irrigation for Water Limited Crop Production."

Kisekka, Isaya, and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Vietnam Education 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Vietnam Education 1xbet best casino website Fellowship."

Schlegel, Alan J., Syngenta Seeds, 1xbet best casino website ., ,960, "Research Testing Project - Influence of Agrisure Artesian ™ Water-optimization Alleles on Hybrid Performance and Response to Plant Density and Water Regime."

Zukoff, Sarah N., Monsanto Company, ,040, "Service Order #28."

Zukoff, Sarah N., US Department of Agriculture, ,998, "Identifying Pest Management Solutions for Problematic Western Bean Cutworm Infestations."


Nesse, Katherine, Illinois Department of Human Services, ,210, "IECAM Project Agreement - Child Care - Quality Discretionary."

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Durrett, Timothy P., US Department of Energy, ,539, "Optimization and Production of Acetyl-triacylglycerols for use as Fuels, Lubricants, and Specialty Chemicals."

Geisbrecht, Brian V., American Heart Association, Midwest Affiliate, ,000, "Pre- doctoral Fellowship: Application for Jordan Woehl: Inhibition of the Classical and Lectin Pathways of Complement by S. aureus Eap."

Geisbrecht, Brian V., US Department of Health and Human Services, 8,000, "Cheminformatic Discovery of Alternative Pathway C3 Pro-Convertase Inhibitors."

Geisbrecht, Erika R., and Vishal, Kumar, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,500, "The Role of Drosophila Trim32 in Progressive Muscle Wasting (Kumar Vishal)."

Kanost, Michael R., US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,000, "Proteinase Systems in Insect Hemolymph."

Klebba, Phillip E., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,634, "Cancer Center Research Core."

Vishal, Kumar, and Geisbrecht, Erika R., US Department of Health and Human Services, "The Role of Drosophila Trim32 in Progressive Muscle Wasting (Kumar Vishal)."

Zolkiewska, Anna, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,625, "K-INBRE DRPP Mentor to S. Lee: Anna Zolkiewska."

Blair, John M.,Dodds, Walter K., Joern, Anthony, and Nippert, Jesse B., National Science 1xbet best casino website , ,998, "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Brown, Susan J., US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,000, "Bioinformatics Core - KINBRE."

Chapes, Stephen K., US Department of Health and Human Services, ,200, "K- INBRE Star Trainees: Peters, Sensenich."

Chapes, Stephen K., US Department of Health and Human Services, ,200, "KINBRE Summer Scholar/Translational Scholar Awards: Colter; Feuerborn; Hodge; Meier; Vontz; Lloyd; Troupe."

Chapes, Stephen K., US Department of Health and Human Services, ,000, "K- INBRE Undergraduate Coordinator Office Campus Coordinator Award - S.K. Chapes."

Chapes, Stephen K., US Department of Health and Human Services, ,500, "Undergraduate Coordinator Office - KINBRE."

Culumber, Zachary W., and Tobler, Michael, US Department of Health and Human Services, "Molecular Pathways Mediating Responses to Toxic Hydrogen Sulfide Exposure (Zachary Culumber)."

Dodds, Walter K.,Blair, John M., Joern, Anthony, and Nippert, Jesse B., National Science 1xbet best casino website , "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Gido, Keith B., US Department of the Interior, 4,250, "Effectiveness of the Sedgwick County Lincoln Street Passageway."

Haukos, David A., and Hope, Andrew, US Department of the Interior, "Climate Change Science in the Arctic: Temporal and Spatial Diversification among Arctic Shrews and their Parasites across the Northern Continents."

Hope, Andrew, and Haukos, David A., US Department of the Interior, ,050, "Climate Change Science in the Arctic: Temporal and Spatial Diversification among Arctic Shrews and their Parasites across the Northern Continents."

Joern, Anthony,Blair, John M., Dodds, Walter K., and Nippert, Jesse B., National Science 1xbet best casino website , "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Jumpponen, Ari M., US Department of Agriculture, ,021, "Soil Microbial Community Composition in a Long-term Prescribed Fire Study on the Florida Coastal Lee, Stella Yu-Chien, US Department of Health and Human Services, 2,500, "Alterations of Autophagy in CLN5 Deficient Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis."

Meekins, David A., and Michel, Kristin, US Department of Health and Human Services, "Serpin-6 Protein-Protein Interactions in Mosquito Immunity Against Malaria (David Meekins)."

Michel, Kristin, and Meekins, David A., US Department of Health and Human Services, ,500, "Serpin-6 Protein-Protein Interactions in Mosquito Immunity Against Malaria (David Meekins)."

Nippert, Jesse B.,Blair, John M., Dodds, Walter K., and Joern, Anthony, National Science 1xbet best casino website , "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Rothenburg, Stefan, US Department of Health and Human Services, 7,000, "Importance of Species-Specific Interactions of PKR with Poxvirus Inhibitors for Virus Replication and Host Range."

Spooner, Brian S., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,344, "Biology Summer Graduate Fellowships."

Spooner, Brian S., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,504, "Cancer Center Research Awards."

Tobler, Michael, and Culumber, Zachary W., US Department of Health and Human Services, ,448, "Molecular Pathways Mediating Responses to Toxic Hydrogen Sulfide Exposure (Zachary Culumber)."

Bossmann, Stefan, and Culbertson, Christopher T., National Science 1xbet best casino website , 2,500, "REU Site: Biosecurity Research Experience for Undergraduates in Chemistry at Kansas University."

Culbertson, Christopher T., and Bossmann, Stefan, National Science 1xbet best casino website , 2,500, "REU Site: Biosecurity Research Experience for Undergraduates in Chemistry at Kansas University."

Li, Ping, and Liu, Weiwei, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,500, "Target Profiling of NRMTs for Potential Cancer Therapeutics (Wei Liu)."

Liu, Weiwei, and Li, Ping, US Department of Health and Human Services, "Target Profiling of NRMTs for Potential Cancer Therapeutics (Wei Liu)."

Maatta, Eric A., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , 4,299, "Center for Basic Cancer Research: Fraternal Order of Eagles Fund."

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Montelone, Beth A.,Grauer, Bette (Dean of Engineering), Mason, April (Office of the Provost), Morales, Amanda I. (Curriculum and Instruction), Thurston, Linda P. (Dean of Education), and Wiley, Zelia Z. (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), National Science 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Pathways to STEM: Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation."

Breen, Louise A., and Lynn-Sherow, Bonnie, Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Chapman Center for Personnel."

Breen, Louise A., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "George Kren Lynn-Sherow, Bonnie, and Breen, Louise A., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Chapman Center for Personnel."

Ben-Itzhak, Itzhak, National Science 1xbet best casino website , ,500, "Collaborative Research: Imaging and Controlling Ultrafast Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules, and Nanostructures."

Firsova, Tanya, National Science 1xbet best casino website , 9,998, "Holomorphic Dynamics in One and Several Variables."

Naibo, Virginia M., National Science 1xbet best casino website , 5,463, "Methods and Applications for Bilinear Operators."

Reznikoff, Sarah, Simons 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Combinatorially defined C*-algebras and interactions with Set Theory."

Spencer, Craig, US Department of Defense, ,000, "Applications of Harmonic Analysis to Diophantine Problems and Discrepancy Theory."

Bolton, Timothy A.,Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, and Ratra, Bharat, US Department of Energy, 0,000, "Research at Kansas State University into the Basic Nature of Matter, Energy, Space, and Time."

Corwin, Kristan L., and Flanders, Bret N., National Science 1xbet best casino website , 2,026, "REU Site: Physics at Kansas State University - Interactions of Matter, Light and Learning."

Flanders, Bret N., and Corwin, Kristan L., National Science 1xbet best casino website , 2,026, "REU Site: Physics at Kansas State University - Interactions of Matter, Light and Learning."

Horton-Smith, Glenn A.,Bolton, Timothy A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, and Ratra, Bharat, US Department of Energy, 0,000, "Research at Kansas State University into the Basic Nature of Matter, Energy, Space, and Time."

Ivanov, Andrew G.,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Maravin, Yurii, and Ratra, Bharat, US Department of Energy, 0,000, "Research at Kansas State University into the Basic Nature of Matter, Energy, Space, and Time."

Kaadze, Ketino, US Department of Energy, 0,692, "LHC CMS Detector Upgrade HCAL Subsystem."

Maravin, Yurii,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., and Ratra, Bharat, US Department of Energy, 0,000, "Research at Kansas State University into the Basic Nature of Matter, Energy, Space, and Ratra, Bharat,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., and Maravin, Yurii, US Department of Energy, 0,000, "Research at Kansas State University into the Basic Nature of Matter, Energy, Space, and Time."

Thumm, Uwe, National Science 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Attosecond Time-resolved Quantum Dynamics: From Atoms Towards Nanostructures."

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Monaco, Gregory E., and Young, Michael, Great Plains Network Consortium, 8,538, "Funding for Executive Director - Great Plains Network."

Young, Michael, and Monaco, Gregory E., Great Plains Network Consortium, "Funding for Executive Director - Great Plains Network."

Furnas, Kelly R., and Wolgast, Stephen L., Collegian Media Group, "Student Publications Positions."

Wolgast, Stephen L., and Furnas, Kelly R., Collegian Media Group, ,992, "Student Publications Positions."

Logan, Brad R., and Ritterbush, Lauren W., US Department of the Interior, ,314, "Phase III National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of the Sam Kimble Site (14RY201), a Wildcat Creek Valley Archaeological Site, Riley County, Kansas."

Ritterbush, Lauren W., and Logan, Brad R., US Department of the Interior, ,350, "Phase III National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of the Sam Kimble Site (14RY201), a Wildcat Creek Valley Archaeological Site, Riley County, Kansas."


Morales, Amanda I.,Grauer, Bette (Dean of Engineering), Mason, April (Office of the Provost), Montelone, Beth A. (Dean of Arts and 1xbet best casino website ), Thurston, Linda P. (Dean of Education), and Wiley, Zelia Z. (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), National Science 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Pathways to STEM: Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation."

Dalton, Andrew, and Herrera, Socorro G., US Department of Education, 9,782, "KANCO 2."

Herrera, Socorro G., US Department of Education, 8,894, "DESTINY 2."

Herrera, Socorro G., and Dalton, Andrew, US Department of Education, "KANCO 2."

Shuman, Cindy, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,500, "Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (FLEX)."

Spears, Jacqueline D., Esri, ,000, "Using ArcGIS Online to Teach Climate Science and Climate Change."

Thurston, Linda P.,Grauer, Bette (Dean of Engineering), Mason, April (Office of the Provost), Montelone, Beth A. (Dean of Arts and 1xbet best casino website ), Morales, Amanda I. (Curriculum and Instruction), and Wiley, Zelia Z. (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), National Science 1xbet best casino website , 0,000, "Pathways to STEM: Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation."


Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multi-Sponsor, ,450, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Kramer, Bradley A., Multi-Sponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Harner III, Joseph P., and He, Mei, US Department of Health and Human Services, ,056, "Start-up Package Support - Mei He."

He, Mei, and Harner III, Joseph P., US Department of Health and Human Services, ,056, "Start-up Package Support - Mei He."

Sheshukov, Aleksey Y., and Kisekka, Isaya (Southwest Research Extension Center), Vietnam Education 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Vietnam Education 1xbet best casino website CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
Rezac, Mary E., National Science 1xbet best casino website , ,998, "FEW Workshop: Water- and Energy-efficient Food Production: Solutions for America's Bread Basket."

Grauer, Bette,Mason, April (Office of the Provost), Montelone, Beth A. (Dean of Arts and 1xbet best casino website ), Morales, Amanda I. (Curriculum and Instruction), Thurston, Linda P. (Dean of Education), and Wiley, Zelia Z. (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), National Science 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Pathways to STEM: Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation."

Dyer, Stephen A., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, ,000, "Development of a Graduate-level "Sensors and Systems" Course."

Gruenbacher, Don M., and Schulz, Noel N., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,696, "Power Affiliates."

Prakash, Punit, Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "EEC Cancer Center Research."

Schulz, Noel N., and Gruenbacher, Don M., Kansas State University 1xbet best casino website , ,696, "Power Affiliates."

Eckels, Steven J., and McCullough, Elizabeth A., Multi-Sponsor, ,800, "Thermal Properties of Textile Products."

McCullough, Elizabeth A., and Eckels, Steven J., Multi-Sponsor, "Thermal Properties of Textile Products."

Carter, David A., Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation, ,039, "Pollution Prevention Student Intern Program 2015."

Bellinger, Steven L.,McGregor, Douglas S., and Shultis, J. Kenneth, US Department of Defense, 1,141, "Advanced Trenched Structure for Solid-State Neutron Detectors."

Lease, Kevin B., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,683, "Kansas Space Grant Consortium."

McGregor, Douglas S.,Bellinger, Steven L., and Shultis, J. Kenneth, US Department of Defense, 1,141, "Advanced Trenched Structure for Solid-State Neutron Detectors."

McGregor, Douglas S., and Shultis, J. Kenneth, US Department of Defense, 7,077, "Wearable Detection Device (WDD) - Low Visibility Gamma Neutron Sensor."

Shultis, J. Kenneth,Bellinger, Steven L., and McGregor, Douglas S., US Department of Defense, ,031, "Advanced Trenched Structure for Solid-State Neutron Detectors."

Shultis, J. Kenneth, and McGregor, Douglas S., US Department of Defense, ,769, "Wearable Detection Device (WDD) - Low Visibility Gamma Neutron Sensor."

Wang, Youqi, US Department of Defense, ,000, "Design Methodology for Accelerated Development of Manufacturing and Technical Readiness Levels for Integrally Fabricated 3D Woven C-C Aeroshells."


Haub, Mark D., Isagenix International, LLC, ,635, "Determining the Impact of Meal Replacement Products on Human Blood Glucose Levels - Year 2."

Barstow, Thomas J., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,000, "Determining the Effect of Space Flight on the Incidence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Disease - Continuation."

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