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Research Awards, November, 2014


Barnaby Jr, Glenn A., and Hadley, Gregg L. (Agriculture and Natural Resources), 1xbet online casino Agriculture, "2014 Farm Bill - Producer Education - Kansas State University Extension Services."

Obour, Augustine K.,Perumal, Ramasamy, Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), and Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,034, "Evaluating Nitrogen and Iron Use Efficiency in Advanced Sorghum Lines."

Perumal, Ramasamy,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), and Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "1xbet online casino Sorghum Germplasm with Enhanced Drought Tolerance and Higher Grain Yield."

Perumal, Ramasamy,Obour, Augustine K., Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), and Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Evaluating Nitrogen and Iron Use Efficiency in Advanced Sorghum Lines."

Perumal, Ramasamy,Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), and Tesso, Tesfaye (Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,987, "Germplasm Screening, Host-Plant Interactions, and Inoculation Techniques for Sorghum Stalk Rot Diseases in Kansas."

Perumal, Ramasamy,Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), and Tesso, Tesfaye (Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,400, "Improving Yield Potential of Grain Sorghum through Drought and Heat Tolerance."

Perumal, Ramasamy,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Price, Kevin (Agronomy), Tesso, Tesfaye (Agronomy), and Van Der Merwe, Deon (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Remote Sensing Screening Tools for Sorghum Breeding Programs."

Adee, Eric A.,Ciampitti, Ignacio, Cramer, Gary L., and Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Best Management Practices for Top-Yields in Sorghum."

Adee, Eric A.,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Ciampitti, Ignacio,Adee, Eric A., Cramer, Gary L., and Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,725, "Best Management Practices for Top-Yields in Sorghum."

Ciampitti, Ignacio,Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Thompson, Curtis R., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,188, "Sorghum Production Schools for Kansas."

Cramer, Gary L.,Adee, Eric A., Ciampitti, Ignacio, and Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Best Management Practices for Top-Yields in Sorghum."

Janssen, Keith A.,Shoup, Douglas E., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multi-Sponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Jugulam, Mithila,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Thompson, Curtis R., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Evaluation of Sorghum Germplasm for Herbicide Tolerance."

Lin, Xiaomao, National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, ,500, "Weather Data Library Data Sets."

Maddux, Larry D.,Adee, Eric A., Marsh, Brian H., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Marsh, Brian H.,Adee, Eric A., Maddux, Larry D., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Nelson, Nathan O.,Adee, Eric A., Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, ,050, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Little, Christopher R., Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Breeding Sorghum for Improved Production and Utilization."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Jugulam, Mithila, and Thompson, Curtis R., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Evaluation of Sorghum Germplasm for Herbicide Tolerance."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,600, "Improving Yield Potential of Grain Sorghum through Drought and Heat Tolerance."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Price, Kevin, Tesso, Tesfaye, and Van Der Merwe, Deon (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Remote Sensing Screening Tools for Sorghum Breeding Programs."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,Adee, Eric A., Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Nelson, Nathan O., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Price, Kevin,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Tesso, Tesfaye, and Van Der Merwe, Deon (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Remote Sensing Screening Tools for Sorghum Breeding Programs."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Little, Christopher R., Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Breeding Sorghum for Improved Production and Utilization."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Ciampitti, Ignacio, and Thompson, Curtis R., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Sorghum Production Schools for Kansas."

Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A.,Adee, Eric A., Ciampitti, Ignacio, and Cramer, Gary L., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Best Management Practices for Top-Yields in Sorghum."

Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A.,Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), and Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,293, "Evaluating Nitrogen and Iron Use Efficiency in Advanced Sorghum Lines."

Stamm, Michael J., 1xbet online casino Agriculture, 0,000, "Development and Management of Canola in the Great Plains."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Little, Christopher R., Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,700, "Breeding Sorghum for Improved Production and Utilization."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), and Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,987, "Germplasm Screening, Host-Plant Interactions, and Inoculation Techniques for Sorghum Stalk Rot Diseases in Kansas."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Improving Yield Potential of Grain Sorghum through Drought and Heat Tolerance."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Price, Kevin, and Van Der Merwe, Deon (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,400, "Remote Sensing Screening Tools for Sorghum Breeding Programs."

Thompson, Curtis R.,Jugulam, Mithila, and Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Evaluation of Sorghum Germplasm for Herbicide Tolerance."

Thompson, Curtis R.,Ciampitti, Ignacio, and Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Sorghum Production Schools for Kansas."

Thompson, Curtis R.,Janssen, Keith A., and Shoup, Douglas E., Multi-Sponsor, ,000, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Blasi, Dale A., and Sexten, Andrea K., Merial Limited, ,200, "Evaluation of the Productivity of a Single Subcutaneous Injection of LongRange in Stocker Calves when Compared to a Positive (Dectomax) and a Negative (Saline) Control."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason, Micronutrients, "Comparing the Effects of Added Zn from IntelliBondr Z or ZnO on Nursery Pig Growth Performance."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Tokach, Michael D., and Woodworth, Jason, Micronutrients, "Comparing the Effects of Added Zn from IntelliBondr Z or ZnO on Nursery Pig Growth Performance."

Odde, Kenneth G., Merck & Company, Inc., 0,000, "Capturing Value from Superior Livestock Data 2014."

Sexten, Andrea K., and Blasi, Dale A., Merial Limited, "Evaluation of the Productivity of a Single Subcutaneous Injection of LongRange in Stocker Calves when Compared to a Positive (Dectomax) and a Negative (Saline) Control."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Woodworth, Jason, Micronutrients, "Comparing the Effects of Added Zn from IntelliBondr Z or ZnO on Nursery Pig Growth Performance."

Woodworth, Jason,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Micronutrients, ,000, "Comparing the Effects of Added Zn from IntelliBondr Z or ZnO on Nursery Pig Growth Performance."

Cloyd, Raymond A.,Phillips, Thomas W., Reese, John C., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multi-Sponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

McCornack, Brian P.,Smith, C. Michael, and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Effect of Chinch Bug Feeding and Drought on Sorghum Stand Establishment and Yield."

Phillips, Thomas W.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Reese, John C., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multi-Sponsor, ,000, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Reese, John C.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Phillips, Thomas W., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multi-Sponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Smith, C. Michael,McCornack, Brian P., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,344, "Effect of Chinch Bug Feeding and Drought on Sorghum Stand Establishment and Yield."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,McCornack, Brian P., and Smith, C. Michael, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Effect of Chinch Bug Feeding and Drought on Sorghum Stand Establishment and Yield."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Phillips, Thomas W., and Reese, John C., Multi-Sponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Alavi, Sajid,Aldrich, Greg, and Bhadriraju, Subramanyam, Multi-Sponsor, "Grain Science."

Aldrich, Greg,Alavi, Sajid, and Bhadriraju, Subramanyam, Multi-Sponsor, "Grain Science."

Bhadriraju, Subramanyam,Alavi, Sajid, and Aldrich, Greg, Multi-Sponsor, ,788, "Grain Science."

Campabadal Teran, Carlos,Fowler, Mark, Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Market 1xbet online casino Grant - International Grains Program."

Fowler, Mark,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Market 1xbet online casino Grant - International Grains Program."

Maier, Dirk E.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Fowler, Mark, and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Market 1xbet online casino Grant - International Grains Program."

O'Neil III, Howard J.,Campabadal Teran, Carlos, Fowler, Mark, and Maier, Dirk E., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Market 1xbet online casino Grant - International Grains Program."

Aiken, Robert M.,Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), and Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "1xbet online casino Sorghum Germplasm with Enhanced Drought Tolerance and Higher Grain Yield."

Aiken, Robert M.,Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Price, Kevin (Agronomy), Tesso, Tesfaye (Agronomy), and Van Der Merwe, Deon (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,600, "Remote Sensing Screening Tools for Sorghum Breeding Programs."

Akhunov, Eduard D., Heartland Plant Innovations, Inc., ,000, "Collaborative Research to Enhance the Flavor and Nutrition of Whole Wheat Foods."

Little, Christopher R.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), and Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "1xbet online casino Sorghum Germplasm with Enhanced Drought Tolerance and Higher Grain Yield."

Little, Christopher R.,Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), and Tesso, Tesfaye (Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,894, "Germplasm Screening, Host-Plant Interactions, and Inoculation Techniques for Sorghum Stalk Rot Diseases in Kansas."

Todd, Richard B., Kansas State University Foundation, ,012, "Cancer Research."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Obour, Augustine K. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), and Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,293, "Evaluating Nitrogen and Iron Use Efficiency in Advanced Sorghum Lines."


Durrett, Timothy P., US Agency for International 1xbet online casino , ,466, "Targeted Engineering of Brassica juncea Seed Biochemistry to produce Reduced-viscosity Plant Oils for direct use as Biofuel."

Blair, John M.,Dodds, Walter K., Joern, Anthony, and Nippert, Jesse B., 1xbet online casino , ,127,000, "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Clem, Rollie J., and Passarelli, A. Lorena, 1xbet online casino Health and Human Services, "Arbovirus Midgut Escape Mechanisms."

Dodds, Walter K.,Blair, John M., Joern, Anthony, and Nippert, Jesse B., 1xbet online casino , "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Joern, Anthony,Blair, John M., Dodds, Walter K., and Nippert, Jesse B., 1xbet online casino , "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Nippert, Jesse B.,Blair, John M., Dodds, Walter K., and Joern, Anthony, 1xbet online casino , "LTER: Long-Term Research on Grassland Dynamics - Assessing Sensitivity and Resilience to Global Change."

Passarelli, A. Lorena, and Clem, Rollie J., 1xbet online casino Health and Human Services, 8,536, "Arbovirus Midgut Escape Mechanisms."

Tobler, Michael, 1xbet online casino , 1,524, "Relicated Ecological Speciation in Extreme Habitats: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Consequences of Multi-Trait Divergence."

Yang, Zhilong, 1xbet online casino Health and Human Services, 4,779, "Host Innate Immune Response Induction and Shutoff During Poxvirus Infection."

Aakeroy, Christer B., 1xbet online casino Defense, ,600, "Theory and Experiment of Cocrystals: Principles, Synthesis and Properties."

Rebello, Nobel S., 1xbet online casino , ,449, "Science Inquiry Using Physical and Virtual Experiments: Systematic Investigation of Issues and Conditions for Learning."

Roper, Donna C., Trileaf Corporation, ,500, "Trileaf Cell Towers Project."


Herrera, Socorro G., and Mercer, Debbie K., Ministry of Education, Ecuador, "Go Teacher Program."

Mercer, Debbie K., and Herrera, Socorro G., Ministry of Education, Ecuador, ,948,466, "Go Teacher Program."

Shuman, Cindy, 1xbet online casino , ,276, "Evaluation Services, Track 1 Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)."

Shuman, Cindy, 1xbet online casino , ,000, "Track-2: The Smart MATerial Design, Analysis, and Processing (SMATDAP) Consortium: Building Next-generation Polymers and the Tools to Accelerate Cost-effective Commericial Production Accelerate Cost-effective Commercial Production - Evaluation."


Jones, Taylor S.,Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multi-Sponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Kramer, Bradley A.,Jones, Taylor S., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multi-Sponsor, 0,000, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,Jones, Taylor S., and Kramer, Bradley A., Multi-Sponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Dissanayake, Sunanda, and Fitzsimmons, Eric J., Kansas 1xbet online casino Transportation, "Demonstration and Development of an Implementation Plan to Integrate the United States Road Assessment Program (USRAP) into Existing Kansas Highway Safety Programs."

Fitzsimmons, Eric J., and Dissanayake, Sunanda, Kansas 1xbet online casino Transportation, ,999, "Demonstration and Development of an Implementation Plan to Integrate the United States Road Assessment Program (USRAP) into Existing Kansas Highway Safety Programs."

Fitzsimmons, Eric J., Transportation Research Board, ,939, "NCHRP 03-111 Effectiveness of Work Zone Transportation Management Plan Strategies."

Stokes, Robert W., 1xbet online casino Transportation, 0,000, "Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK) Program (FY 2015 - 2017)."

Gruenbacher, Don M., and Schulz, Noel N., Kansas State University Foundation, "Power Affiliates."

Schulz, Noel N., and Gruenbacher, Don M., Kansas State University Foundation, ,337, "Power Affiliates."

Ben-Arieh, David H., Via Christi Regional Medical Center, Inc., ,283, "Throughput Enhancement in the Mercy Emergency 1xbet online casino ."

Hanson, Brian R., and Snead, Bruce C., US Environmental Protection Agency, "Radon Projects for Kansas."

Snead, Bruce C., and Hanson, Brian R., US Environmental Protection Agency, 0,000, "Radon Projects for Kansas."

Geuther, Jeffrey A.,McGregor, Douglas S., Roberts, Jeremy A., and Ugorowski, Philip B., 1xbet online casino Energy, "Develop an Active Sensor Array Prototype for Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory."

McGregor, Douglas S.,Geuther, Jeffrey A., Roberts, Jeremy A., and Ugorowski, Philip B., 1xbet online casino Energy, ,680, "Develop an Active Sensor Array Prototype for Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory."

Roberts, Jeremy A.,Geuther, Jeffrey A., McGregor, Douglas S., and Ugorowski, Philip B., 1xbet online casino Energy, "Develop an Active Sensor Array Prototype for Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory."

Ugorowski, Philip B.,Geuther, Jeffrey A., McGregor, Douglas S., and Roberts, Jeremy A., 1xbet online casino Energy, "Develop an Active Sensor Array Prototype for Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory."


Behnke, Brad J., American Cancer Society, Inc., 0,000, "Modulation of Tumor Oxygenation to Enhance Radiotherapy."

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Gehring, Ronette,Apley, Michael D. (Clinical Sciences), and DeDonder, Keith D. (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), Merial Limited, "A Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Investigation of Gamithromysin in the Treatment of Naturally Occurring Bovine Respiratory Disease in Feedlot Cattle Comparing Minimal Inhibitory Concentration and Concentration-time Kill Curve Techniques."

Apley, Michael D.,DeDonder, Keith D. (Diagnostic 1xbet online casino /Pathobiology), and Gehring, Ronette (Anatomy and Physiology), Merial Limited, ,784, "A Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Investigation of Gamithromysin in the Treatment of Naturally Occurring Bovine Respiratory Disease in Feedlot Cattle Comparing Minimal Inhibitory Concentration and Concentration-time Kill Curve Techniques."

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DeDonder, Keith D.,Apley, Michael D. (Clinical Sciences), and Gehring, Ronette (Anatomy and Physiology), Merial Limited, "A Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Investigation of Gamithromysin in the Treatment of Naturally Occurring Bovine Respiratory Disease in Feedlot Cattle Comparing Minimal Inhibitory Concentration and Concentration-time Kill Curve Techniques."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Woodworth, Jason (Animal Sciences and Industry), Micronutrients, "Comparing the Effects of Added Zn from IntelliBondr Z or ZnO on Nursery Pig Growth Performance."

Fang, Ying, Zoetis LLC, ,085, "In Vitro Evaluation of nsp2TF-mutated PRRS Viruses: Application in 1xbet online casino Improved Zoetis PRRS Vaccines."

Richt, Juergen, 1xbet online casino Homeland Security, ,000, "The National Center of Excellence for Zoonotic and Animal Disease Defense: Workshops to Coordinate and Enhance the Agro-security Enterprise Phase III."

Sanderson, Michael W., Kansas 1xbet online casino Agriculture, ,000, "MOA - A Secure Beef Supply (SBS) Plan for Business Continuity in a Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak."

Sanderson, Michael W., 1xbet online casino Agriculture, ,000, "A Secure Beef Supply (SBS) Plan for Business Continutity in a Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak."

Van Der Merwe, Deon,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Price, Kevin (Agronomy), and Tesso, Tesfaye (Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Remote Sensing Screening Tools for Sorghum Breeding Programs."


Hadley, Gregg L., and Barnaby Jr, Glenn A. (Agricultural Economics), 1xbet online casino Agriculture, ,545, "2014 Farm Bill - Producer Education - Kansas State University Extension Services."

Shoup, Douglas E.,Janssen, Keith A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multi-Sponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Biles, Larry E., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,300, "Riparian Forest Management Technical Assistance and Coordination SFY14-SFY16."


Niehoff, Ruth A., Kansas State University Foundation, ,380, "Spainhour Faculty Chair for KAWSE."


Beardsley, Craig A., and Burton, Kenneth R., 1xbet online casino Homeland Security, "Development of Guidance to Ensure a Risk-Informed Planning Process and Appropriate Decision Making for Use by State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT) Government Entities in Creation of Emergency Operation Plans to Defend Food and Agriculture Infrastructure."

Burton, Kenneth R., and Beardsley, Craig A., 1xbet online casino Homeland Security, ,200, "Development of Guidance to Ensure a Risk-Informed Planning Process and Appropriate Decision Making for Use by State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT) Government Entities in Creation of Emergency Operation Plans to Defend Food and Agriculture Infrastructure."