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Research Awards, February 2012


Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Dalton, Timothy J., Lilja, Nina (International Agricultural Programs), Ross, Kara, and Zereyesus, Yacob, 1xbet sports betting , ,076,750, "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Barnaby Jr, Glenn A.,1xbet sports betting , ,000, "Risk Management Education Covering Livestock Risk Protection for Feeder Cattle (LRP), Common Crop Insurance Policy (COMBO); Vegetative Index-Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (VI-PRF) and Other Insurance Products for Beginning, Retiring/Transitioning, and other Farmers and Ranchers, and Interested Individuals in Wyoming 2011-12."

Dalton, Timothy J.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Lilja, Nina (International Agricultural Programs), Ross, Kara, and Zereyesus, Yacob, 1xbet sports betting , "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Golden, Bill B.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , ,336, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Leatherman, John C.,US Environmental Protection Agency, ,588, "Upper Neosho Implementation FY 2012."

Ross, Kara,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Dalton, Timothy J., Lilja, Nina (International Agricultural Programs), and Zereyesus, Yacob, 1xbet sports betting , "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Tonsor, Glynn, and Thomson, Daniel U.(Clinical Sciences), 1xbet sports betting , 8,261, "Beef and Dairy Cattle Animal Welfare: Market Opportunities and Threats."

Zereyesus, Yacob,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., Dalton, Timothy J., Lilja, Nina (International Agricultural Programs), and Ross, Kara, 1xbet sports betting , "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Blanco, Humberto,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , ,001, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Geier, Patrick W.,O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), and Stahlman, Phillip W., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Managing Glyphosate- resistant Kochia Preplant and Postplanting in No-till Grain Sorghum."

Perumal, Ramasamy,Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Development of Sorghum Germplasm with Enhanced Drought Tolerance and Higher Grain Yield."

Perumal, Ramasamy, and Aiken, Robert M.(Northwest Research Extension Center), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,345, "Evaluating Advanced Breeding Lines and New Sources for Cold Tolerance in Sorghum."

Perumal, Ramasamy,Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), and Tesso, Tesfaye(Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,400, "Screening Exotic Sorghum Germplasm to Identify New Sources of Stalk Rot Resistance."

Stahlman, Phillip W.,Geier, Patrick W., and O'Brien, Daniel M.(Northwest Area Office), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,503, "Managing Glyphosate- resistant Kochia Preplant and Postplanting in No-till Grain Sorghum."

Adee, Eric,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Dille, Johanna A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Dynamics of Nitrogen Rate and Form, Annual Weeds, and Soil-Applied Janssen, Keith A.,Shoup, Douglas E., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multi- Sponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Maddux, Larry D.,Adee, Eric, Marsh, Brian H., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Marsh, Brian H.,Adee, Eric, Maddux, Larry D., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Mengel, David B.,Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,795, "Increased Sorghum Yield and Profitability through Efficient Nitrogen Use."

Nelson, Nathan O.,Adee, Eric, Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, ,000, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Nelson, Randall, and Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,872, "Harvest and Residue Management of Sorghum to Facilitate Double- Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Roozeboom, Kraig L., Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Breeding Sorghum for Improved Production and Utilization."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Sorghum."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Biofuel Production."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A., and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , ,001, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,Adee, Eric, Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Nelson, Nathan O., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Rice, Charles W.,Staggenborg, Scott A., and Wang, Donghai(Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Development and Utilization of Sorghum as Feedstock for Biofuel Production."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Breeding Sorghum for Improved Production and Utilization."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,982, "Extension Programs for Kansas Grain Sorghum Production."

Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Nelson, Randall, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Harvest and Residue Management of Sorghum to Facilitate Double-Cropped Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A.,Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), and Shoup, Douglas E.(Southeast Area Office), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,250, "Effect of Manure, Iron, and Zinc Application Methods on Grain Sorghum."

Schapaugh Jr, William T.,North Central Soybean Research Program, ,000, "Nested Association Mapping (NAP) of Genes Controlling Soybean Yield and Other Key Traits."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Rice, Charles W., and Wang, Donghai(Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,500, "Development and Utilization of Sorghum as Feedstock for Biofuel Production."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), and Steward, David R. (Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - Staggenborg, Scott A.,1xbet sports betting Energy, ,870, "Regional Biomass Feedstock Partnership."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,200, "Breeding Sorghum for Improved Production and Utilization."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Sorghum."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), and Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,200, "Screening Exotic Sorghum Germplasm to Identify New Sources of Stalk Rot Tesso, Tesfaye,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Biofuel Production."

Thompson, Curtis R., and Dille, Johanna A., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Dynamics of Nitrogen Rate and Form, Annual Weeds, and Soil-Applied Thompson, Curtis R.,Janssen, Keith A., and Shoup, Douglas E., Multi- Sponsor, ,000, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Yu, Jianming,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Breeding Sorghum for Improved Production and Utilization."

Yu, Jianming,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Yu, Jianming,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Biofuel Production."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "ASI Salary."

Cloyd, Raymond A.,Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers Research Foundation, ,000, "Determine the Effect of Pesticide Mixtures on Arthropod Pests of Cut Flowers."

Cloyd, Raymond A.,Reese, John C., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multi-Sponsor, ,000, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Nechols, James R.,1xbet sports betting , ,411, "Strenghtening Fruit Pest Predictive Models by Incorporating Effects of Weather on Reproductive Behavior."

Phillips, Thomas W.,1xbet sports betting , ,337, "Evaluation of Methyl Bromide Alternatives for their efficacy at controlling pests of dry cured ham and aged cheese products."

Reese, John C.,Cloyd, Raymond A., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multi-Sponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,Cloyd, Raymond A., and Reese, John C., Multi-Sponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Bhadriraju, Subramanyam,Multi-Sponsor, ,000, "Grain Science."

Bhadriraju, Subramanyam, and Dogan, Hulya, 1xbet sports betting , "Graduate Training to Meet Current and Future Challenges in Post-Harvest Protection & Biosecurity."

Dogan, Hulya, and Bhadriraju, Subramanyam, 1xbet sports betting , 0,000, "Graduate Training to Meet Current and Future Challenges in Post-Harvest Protection & Biosecurity."

Fowler, Mark,Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program."

Maier, Dirk E.,Fowler, Mark, and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program."

Maier, Dirk E.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "Grain Science & Industry Charles D. Singleton Chair."

Maier, Dirk E.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "Grain Science & Industry NAMA Instructor of Milling."

Maier, Dirk E., and McKinney, Leland, 1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, "Personnel Training for Food Safety in Bulk Grain Based Product Processing and Handling."

Maier, Dirk E.,1xbet sports betting Labor, ,000, "Grain Safety Education and Training."

McKinney, Leland, and Maier, Dirk E., 1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, 6,982, "Personnel Training for Food Safety in Bulk Grain Based Product Processing and Handling."

O'Neil III, Howard J.,Fowler, Mark, and Maier, Dirk E., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Market Development Grant - International Grains Program."

Shi, Yong Cheng,Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Developing Sorghum Flours with Increased Resistant Starch Content for Health Benefits."

Bremer, Dale J.,Fry, Jack D., Griffin, Jason, and Keeley, Steven J., Multi-Sponsor, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Fry, Jack D.,Bremer, Dale J., Griffin, Jason, and Keeley, Steven J., Multi-Sponsor, ,000, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Fry, Jack D.,National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, Inc., ,000, "Turfgrass Testing - Kentucky Bluegrass."

Griffin, Jason,Bremer, Dale J., Fry, Jack D., and Keeley, Steven J., Multi-Sponsor, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Keeley, Steven J.,Bremer, Dale J., Fry, Jack D., and Griffin, Jason, Multi-Sponsor, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Park, Sunghun, and Valent, Barbara S.(Plant Pathology), 1xbet sports betting , ,983, "Manipulation of Plasmodesmata by Magnaporthe Orysze During Rice Blast Disease."

Lilja, Nina,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R. (Agricultural Economics), Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Ross, Kara (Agricultural Economics), and Zereyesus, Yacob(Agricultural Economics), 1xbet sports betting , ,046, "METSS Ghana Implementation (Sustaining Growth Through Effective Management and Collaboration)."

Devlin, Daniel L., and Barnes, Philip L., Kansas Department of Health and Environment, 0,981, "KS WRAPS -- Little Arkansas WRAPS Implementation Project SFY Devlin, Daniel L.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , ,674, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Leatherman, John C.,US Environmental Protection Agency, ,288, "Upper Neosho Implementation FY 2012."

Aiken, Robert M., and Perumal, Ramasamy(Agricultural Research Center- Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,085, "Evaluating Advanced Breeding Lines and New Sources for Cold Tolerance in Sorghum."

Aiken, Robert M.,Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R., Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , ,340, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Lamm, Freddie R.,Aiken, Robert M., Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R. (Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala PLANT PATHOLOGY
Bockus, William W.,Multi-Sponsor, ,500, "Seed Treatment."

DeWolf, Erick D.,1xbet sports betting , ,000, "The Incursion of New Wheat Stem Rust Races into the United States: Preparation through Research, Education & Extension."

Kennelly, Megan,Multi-Sponsor, ,500, "Evaluation and Testing of Fungicides and Nematicides on Horticultural Crops."

Little, Christopher R.,Perumal, Ramasamy (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), and Tesso, Tesfaye(Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,400, "Screening Exotic Sorghum Germplasm to Identify New Sources of Stalk Rot Resistance."

Toomajian, Christopher,National Science Foundation, ,661, "Arabidopsis 2010: Transcriptomes for Functional and Evolutionary Studies."

Valent, Barbara S.,Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, 3,793, "Fellowship Agreement."

Valent, Barbara S.,US Agency for International Development, ,000, "Memorandum of Agreement."

Valent, Barbara S., and Park, Sunghun(Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), 1xbet sports betting , 4,778, "Manipulation of Plasmodesmata by Magnaporthe Orysze During Rice Blast Disease."

Holman, Johnathon D.,Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J., and Shoup, Douglas E.(Southeast Area Office), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Effect of Manure, Iron, and Zinc Application Methods on Grain Sorghum."

Holman, Johnathon D., and Schlegel, Alan J., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research for Western Kansas."

Holman, Johnathon D.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Klocke, Norman L., Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J., Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , ,339, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Klocke, Norman L.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D., Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J., Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Holman, Johnathon D., Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), and Shoup, Douglas E.(Southeast Area Office), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Effect of Manure, Iron, and Zinc Application Methods on Grain Sorghum."

Schlegel, Alan J., and Holman, Johnathon D., Multi-Sponsor, ,940, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research for Western Kansas."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D., Klocke, Norman L., Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."


Brown, Susan J.,1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, ,187, "KSU Bioinformatics Core."

Ferguson, Carolyn J.,Bolton, Timothy A. (Physics), Maatta, Eric A. (Chemistry), Rebello, Nobel S. (Physics), and Tanona, Scott(Philosophy), National Science Foundation, 5,962, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Roelofs, Jeroen,1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, ,072, "Mechanism of Chaperone-assisted Assembly of Proteasome Regulatory Particle."

Maatta, Eric A.,Bolton, Timothy A. (Physics), Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Rebello, Nobel S. (Physics), and Tanona, Scott(Philosophy), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Daniels, Melinda,National Science Foundation, ,695, "Doctoral Dissertation Research: Thermal, Hydraulic and Geomorphological Dynamics at Stream Confluences (Katie Costigan)."

Lynn-Sherow, Bonnie,Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "Chapman Center for Personnel."

Spencer, Craig,1xbet sports betting Defense, ,999, "The Circle Method and Diophantine Problems."

Tanona, Scott,Bolton, Timothy A. (Physics), Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Maatta, Eric A. (Chemistry), and Rebello, Nobel S.(Physics), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Bolton, Timothy A.,Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Maatta, Eric A. (Chemistry), Rebello, Nobel S., and Tanona, Scott(Philosophy), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Bolton, Timothy A.,Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, Ratra, Bharat, and Stanton, Noel R., 1xbet sports betting Energy, 0,000, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Chang, Zenghu,Cocke, Charles L., and Lei, Shuting(Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), 1xbet sports betting Defense, 9,167, "Attosecond Optical Technology Based on Recollision and Gating."

Cocke, Charles L.,Chang, Zenghu, and Lei, Shuting(Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), 1xbet sports betting Defense, "Attosecond Optical Technology Based on Recollision and Gating."

Corwin, Kristan L., and Weaver, Oliver L., National Science Foundation, 2,657, "REU Site: Laser-Matter Interactions on Atomic and Nanoscales."

Esry, Brett D.,Simons Foundation, 4,312, "Sabbatical 2012-2013: Ultracold and Ultrafast Physics."

Horton-Smith, Glenn A.,Bolton, Timothy A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, Ratra, Bharat, and Stanton, Noel R., 1xbet sports betting Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Ivanov, Andrew G.,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Maravin, Yurii, Ratra, Bharat, and Stanton, Noel R., 1xbet sports betting Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Maravin, Yurii,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Ratra, Bharat, and Stanton, Noel R., 1xbet sports betting Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Ratra, Bharat,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, and Stanton, Noel R., 1xbet sports betting Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Rebello, Nobel S.,Bolton, Timothy A., Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Maatta, Eric A. (Chemistry), and Tanona, Scott(Philosophy), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Stanton, Noel R.,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, and Ratra, Bharat, 1xbet sports betting Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Weaver, Oliver L., and Corwin, Kristan L., National Science Foundation, "REU Site: Laser-Matter Interactions on Atomic and Nanoscales."

Kirkpatrick, Kimberly,1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, 6,410, "Timing, Reward Processing and Choice."


Kovar, Stacy E.,Multi-Sponsor, ,250, "MBA Practicum."


Middendorf, B. Jan,1xbet sports betting Education, ,333, "Mueller Aerospace & Engineering Discovery Magnet."


Case, Scott A.,Jones, Taylor S., Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multi-Sponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Jones, Taylor S.,Case, Scott A., Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multi-Sponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Kramer, Bradley A.,Case, Scott A., Jones, Taylor S., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multi-Sponsor, ,000, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,Harvey County KS Economic Development Council, Inc., ,500, "Regional Innovation Readiness Assessment Project (P12-0024)."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,Case, Scott A., Jones, Taylor S., and Kramer, Bradley A., Multi-Sponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Rogers, Danny H.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , 4, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."

Wang, Donghai,Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,500, "Development and Utilization of Sorghum as Feedstock for Biofuel Production."

Mathews, Alexander P.,National Science Foundation, ,200, "Enhancement of Gas- Liquid Mass Transfer Using Magnetite Nanoparticles."

Peterman, Robert J.,Beck, B. Terry (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), and Wu, Chih-Hang(Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), 1xbet sports betting Transportation, ,896, "Quantifying the Effect of Prestressing Steel and Concrete Variables on the Transfer Length in Pretensioned Concrete Crossties."

Steward, David R.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), 1xbet sports betting , "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - Stokes, Robert W.,1xbet sports betting Transportation, ,000, "Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK) Program (FY 2012 - 2014)."

Day, Dwight D.,Sandia National Laboratories, ,000, "Advanced Memory Subsystem Research."

Dyer, Stephen A., and Burrack, Frederick(Assessment and Program Review), National Science Foundation, ,078, "Music, Signals & Systems: A Multi-Campus, Cross- Disciplinary Proposal for Inclusive General Education."

Kuhn, William B.,1xbet sports betting Energy, ,606, "Research in Silicon-on-Insulator RFIC Design, FY 2012."

Easton, Todd W.,1xbet sports betting Defense, ,003, "Part-Time M. S. Program in Industrial Engineering - Spring 2012."

Lei, Shuting,Chang, Zenghu (Physics), and Cocke, Charles L. (Physics), 1xbet sports betting Defense, "Attosecond Optical Technology Based on Recollision Wu, Chih-Hang,Beck, B. Terry (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), and Peterman, Robert J.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting Transportation, ,936, "Quantifying the Effect of Prestressing Steel and Concrete Variables on the Transfer Length in Pretensioned Concrete Crossties."

Beck, B. Terry,Peterman, Robert J. (Civil Engineering), and Wu, Chih- Hang(Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering), 1xbet sports betting Transportation, ,936, "Quantifying the Effect of Prestressing Steel and Concrete Variables on the Transfer Length in Pretensioned Concrete Crossties."

McGregor, Douglas S.,Schlumberger Technology Corporation, ,000, "SIC Materials for Neutron Detectors."

McGregor, Douglas S.,1xbet sports betting Defense, 2,303, "Microstructured Semiconductor Neutron Detector."

McGregor, Douglas S.,1xbet sports betting Defense, ,000, "Replacement Technology for 3He-Gas Filled Neutron Detectors."


Lin, Dingbo,Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "Fall 2011 Cancer Research Award Mentor."

Lindshield, Brian L.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "5alpha-reductase Inhibitors for Reduction of Prostate Tumor Growth."

O'Conner, Nancy T.,1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, 5,177, "Program for Training and Consultation of CMHC Practitioners Delivering Intensive Home Based Family Therapy Services."


Marcus, Daniel C., and Wangemann, A. Philine, 1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, "Cellular Regulation of Cochlear Blood Flow."

Wangemann, A. Philine, and Marcus, Daniel C., 1xbet sports betting Health and Human Services, ,346, "Cellular Regulation of Cochlear Blood Flow."

Weiss, Mark L.,Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals, ,884, "Transposagen Prject III."

Weiss, Mark L.,Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals, ,662, "Transposagen Project II."

Rush, Bonnie R.,Ross University, 1,462, "Clinical Training for Ross University."

Thomson, Daniel U., and Tonsor, Glynn (Agricultural Economics), 1xbet sports betting , "Beef and Dairy Cattle Animal Welfare: Market Opportunities and DEAN OF VETERINARY MEDICAL CENTER
Richardson, Ralph C.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,499, "Professorships/Chairs."

Dryden, Michael W., and Payne, Patricia A., Pfizer, Inc., 0,049, "Service Protocols Agreement-Comparative Efficacy of Revolution ® (selamectin), Trifexis ™ (spinosad/milbemycin oxime) and Comfortis® (spinosad) against the KS1 Strain of Ctenocephalides Felis in Dogs."

Payne, Patricia A., and Dryden, Michael W., Pfizer, Inc., "Service Protocols Agreement-Comparative Efficacy of Revolution ® (selamectin), Trifexis ™ (spinosad/milbemycin oxime) and Comfortis® (spinosad) against the KS1 Strain of Ctenocephalides Felis in KANSAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE

Shoup, Douglas E.,Janssen, Keith A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multi- Sponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Gerhard, Gary W., and Hecht, Elizabeth V., 1xbet sports betting , ,000, "4-H and Fish and Wildlife Service GIS Mapping Project."

Gerhard, Gary W.,1xbet sports betting Justice, ,000, "Kansas 4-H Tech Wizards: 4-H National Mentoring Program."

Hecht, Elizabeth V., and Gerhard, Gary W., 1xbet sports betting , "4-H and Fish and Wildlife Service GIS Mapping Project."

O'Brien, Daniel M.,Geier, Patrick W. (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), and Stahlman, Phillip W.(Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Managing Glyphosate-resistant Kochia Preplant and Postplanting in No-till Grain Sorghum."

Shoup, Douglas E.,Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), and Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest Research Extension Center), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Effect of Manure, Iron, and Zinc Application Methods on Grain Sorghum."

Dumler, Troy,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Blanco, Humberto (Agricultural Research Center-Hays), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Golden, Bill B. (Agricultural Economics), Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Klocke, Norman L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), Pagadala, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Rogers, Danny H. (Biological and Agricultural Engineering), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Steward, David R.(Civil Engineering), 1xbet sports betting , 4, "Water Conservation Technologies and Management Practices in the Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU."


Burrack, Frederick, and Dyer, Stephen A.(Electrical and Computer Engineering), National Science Foundation, ,078, "Music, Signals & Systems: A Multi- Campus, Cross-Disciplinary Proposal for Inclusive General Education."

Procter, David E.,Kettering Foundation, ,000, "New Centers 2012."


Greene, Kathleen V.,National Science Foundation, ,310, "McNair Scholars Program."

Ring, Debra J.,1xbet sports betting , ,178, "Child and Adult Care Food Program - Jardine Site."