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Research Awards, December 2011


Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Dalton, Timothy J., and Featherstone, Allen M., US Agency for International Development, 5,934, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative- Zambia (PVCI-Z)."

Bergtold, Jason S.,Aistrup, Joseph (Political Science), Kulcsar, Laszlo (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Peterson, Jeffrey M., 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, "Farmers' Decisions to Grow Crops for Fuel."

Dalton, Timothy J.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., and Featherstone, Allen M., US Agency for International Development, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI- Z)."

Featherstone, Allen M.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., and Dalton, Timothy J., US Agency for International Development, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI- Z)."

Langemeier, Michael R.,Barnes, Philip L. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Graber, Ronald W. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Keane, Timothy D. (Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning), Nelson, Nathan O. (Agronomy), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.(Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), US Department of Agriculture, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."

Peterson, Hikaru H.,Kahl, Daniel W. (Agriculture and Natural Resources), and Procter, David E.(Center for Engagement and Community Development), US Department of Agriculture, "Business Strategies for New and Existing Rural Grocery Stores: Roles of Local Foods, Institutional Sales, and Community Food Assessment."

Peterson, Jeffrey M.,Aistrup, Joseph (Political Science), Bergtold, Jason S., and Kulcsar, Laszlo(Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, 0,232, "Farmers' Decisions to Grow Crops for Fuel."

Stahlman, Phillip W.,Multi-Sponsor, ,250, "Weed Research."

Blocksome, Carolyn E., and Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), US Environmental Protection Agency, "Kansas Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan."

Janssen, Keith A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multi-Sponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Maddux, Larry D.,Marsh, Brian H., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Marsh, Brian H.,Maddux, Larry D., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Nelson, Nathan O.,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multi-Sponsor, ,500, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Nelson, Nathan O.,Barnes, Philip L. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Graber, Ronald W. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Keane, Timothy D. (Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning), Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.(Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), US Department of Agriculture, ,500, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Nelson, Nathan O., Multi-Sponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Rice, Charles W.,Harrington Jr, John A. (Geography), and Hutchinson, Stacy L. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), National Science Foundation, 2,220, "Understanding Climate Change in the Great Plains: Source, Impact, and Thompson, Curtis R., and Janssen, Keith A., Multi-Sponsor, ,350, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Bergstrom, Jonathan R.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., 1xbet online games login Pork Board, "Reducing Feed Cost through Improved Knowledge Using Soybean Hulls in Modern Commercial Swine Nursery and Finishing DeRouchey, Joel M.,Bergstrom, Jonathan R., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., 1xbet online games login Pork Board, ,243, "Reducing Feed Cost through Improved Knowledge Using Soybean Hulls in Modern Commercial Swine Nursery and Finishing Diets."

Goodband, Robert D.,Bergstrom, Jonathan R., DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., 1xbet online games login Pork Board, "Reducing Feed Cost through Improved Knowledge Using Soybean Hulls in Modern Commercial Swine Nursery and Finishing Nelssen, Jim L.,Bergstrom, Jonathan R., DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., 1xbet online games login Pork Board, "Reducing Feed Cost through Improved Knowledge Using Soybean Hulls in Modern Commercial Swine Nursery and Finishing Sexten, Andrea K.,Intervet, Inc., ,000, "Merck's Statistical Analysis and Reporting Project."

Smith, J. Scott,McCormick Science Institute, ,077, "Inhibition of Heterocyclic Amines in Cooked Meat Products by Black Pepper."

Tokach, Michael D.,Bergstrom, Jonathan R., DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Nelssen, Jim L., 1xbet online games login Pork Board, "Reducing Feed Cost through Improved Knowledge Using Soybean Hulls in Modern Commercial Swine Nursery and Finishing ENTOMOLOGY
Miller, Frannie L.,Boyer, Cheryl R. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), and Rivard, Cary L.(Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), Kansas Health Foundation, "Kansas Neighborhood Gardens: Growing New Roots for Healthy Communities."

Maier, Dirk E.,Grain Elevator & Processing Society, ,000, "Memorandum of Agreement - GEAPS 501 Course Development Facilitation."

Maier, Dirk E.,Grain Elevator & Processing Society, ,000, "Memorandum of Agreement - GEAPS 520 Course Development Facilitation."

Maier, Dirk E.,Grain Elevator & Processing Society, ,000, "Memorandum of Agreement - GEAPS 545 Course Development Facilitation."

Maier, Dirk E.,Grain Elevator & Processing Society, ,000, "Memorandum of Agreement - GEAPS 552 Course Development Facilitation."

Maier, Dirk E.,US Soybean Export Council, Inc., ,180, "Service Agreement - AM-AQ RAPCO Speakers & AM-AQ RAPCO Participants."

Boyer, Cheryl R.,Miller, Frannie L. (Entomology), and Rivard, Cary L., Kansas Health Foundation, 6,030, "Kansas Neighborhood Gardens: Growing New Roots for Healthy Communities."

Rivard, Cary L.,Boyer, Cheryl R., and Miller, Frannie L.(Entomology), Kansas Health Foundation, "Kansas Neighborhood Gardens: Growing New Roots for Healthy Communities."

Devlin, Daniel L.,Barnes, Philip L. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Graber, Ronald W., Keane, Timothy D. (Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning), Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Nelson, Nathan O. (Agronomy), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.(Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), US Department of Agriculture, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."

Devlin, Daniel L., and Blocksome, Carolyn E.(Agronomy), US Environmental Protection Agency, ,000, "Kansas Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan."

Graber, Ronald W.,Barnes, Philip L. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Devlin, Daniel L., Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Keane, Timothy D. (Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning), Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Nelson, Nathan O. (Agronomy), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.(Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), US Department of Agriculture, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."

Bockus, William W.,Rotenberg, Dorith, and Whitfield, Anna E., Kansas Bioscience Authority, "Enabling Biotechnological Breakthroughs for Effective Control of Wheat Virus Diseases in Kansas."

Gill, Bikram S.,Genome Canada, 0,000, "BAC DNA."

Gill, Bikram S.,Kansas Bioscience Authority, 0,000, "Trait Discovery Pipeline for Wheat."

Gill, Bikram S.,Kansas Bioscience Authority, 0,000, "Wheat with Altered Starch Properties for Specific end Uses."

Rotenberg, Dorith,Bockus, William W., and Whitfield, Anna E., Kansas Bioscience Authority, 9,999, "Enabling Biotechnological Breakthroughs for Effective Control of Wheat Virus Diseases in Kansas."

Whitfield, Anna E.,Bockus, William W., and Rotenberg, Dorith, Kansas Bioscience Authority, "Enabling Biotechnological Breakthroughs for Effective Control of Wheat Virus Diseases in Kansas."


Keane, Timothy D.,Barnes, Philip L. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), Graber, Ronald W. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Nelson, Nathan O. (Agronomy), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.(Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), US Department of Agriculture, ,500, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."


Blair, John M.,1xbet online games login Science Foundation, 0,000, "Konza Prairie LTER VI: Grassland Dynamics and Long-Term Trajectories of Change."

Nippert, Jesse B.,1xbet online games login Science Foundation, ,358, "Ecosystem Transformations Along the Colorado Front Range: Prairie Dog Interactions with Multiple Components of Global Environmental Change."

Spooner, Brian S.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,101, "Cancer Center Core."

Li, Jun,1xbet online games login Science Foundation, 3,684, "Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy."

Harrington Jr, John A.,Hutchinson, Stacy L. (Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), and Rice, Charles W.(Agronomy), 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, "Understanding Climate Change in the Great Plains: Source, Impact, and Mitigation."

Datta, Saugata,US Department of Energy, 0,709, "Small Scale Field Test Demonstrating CO2 Sequestration in Arbuckle Saline Aquifer and by CO2-EOR at Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas."

Peterson, Jeffrey M.,Aistrup, Joseph (Political Science), Bergtold, Jason S. (Agricultural Economics), and Kulcsar, Laszlo(Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, ,116, "Farmers' Decisions to Grow Crops for Fuel."

Barstow, Thomas J.,Day, Dwight D. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Kuhn, William B. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Natarajan, Balasubramaniam (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Sobering, Timothy J. (Vice President Electronics Design Laboratory), and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,535, "Developing BioSensor Networks and Telecommunication Sub-systems for Long-duration Missions, EVA Suits, and Robotic Precursor Scout Missions - Coordinated Research Spanning Early-stage Innovations through Game Changing Technologies."

Aistrup, Joseph,Bergtold, Jason S. (Agricultural Economics), Kulcsar, Laszlo (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Peterson, Jeffrey M.(Agricultural Economics), 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, ,116, "Farmers' Decisions to Grow Crops for Fuel."

Kulcsar, Laszlo,Aistrup, Joseph (Political Science), Bergtold, Jason S. (Agricultural Economics), and Peterson, Jeffrey M.(Agricultural Economics), 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, ,116, "Farmers' Decisions to Grow Crops for Fuel."


Havlicek, Barbara J.,Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, 6,663, "Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom."

Procter, David E.,Kahl, Daniel W. (Agriculture and Natural Resources), and Peterson, Hikaru H.(Agricultural Economics), US Department of Agriculture, "Business Strategies for New and Existing Rural Grocery Stores: Roles of Local Foods, Institutional Sales, and Community Food Assessment."

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Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,812, "Match for EDA "Kansas Opportunity Innovation Network" KOIN."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Kramer, Bradley A., Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, "Match for EDA "Kansas Opportunity Innovation Network" KOIN."

BIOLOGICAL AND AGRICULTURAL 1xbet online games login
Barnes, Philip L.,Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R., Graber, Ronald W. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Keane, Timothy D. (Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning), Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Nelson, Nathan O. (Agronomy), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y., US Department of Agriculture, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."

Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R.,Barnes, Philip L., Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Graber, Ronald W. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Keane, Timothy D. (Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning), Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Nelson, Nathan O. (Agronomy), and Sheshukov, Aleksey Y., US Department of Agriculture, 9,000, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."

Hutchinson, Stacy L.,Harrington Jr, John A. (Geography), and Rice, Charles W.(Agronomy), 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, "Understanding Climate Change in the Great Plains: Source, Impact, and Mitigation."

Hutchinson, Stacy L.,US Army, ,998, "Assessing the Relationship between Remotely Sensed Products Derived from MODIS Satellite Imagery and Landscape Ecological Measurements."

Sheshukov, Aleksey Y.,Barnes, Philip L., Devlin, Daniel L. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R., Graber, Ronald W. (Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), Keane, Timothy D. (Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning), Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), and Nelson, Nathan O.(Agronomy), US Department of Agriculture, "Measuring Success of Targeted BMP Implementation and Getting Smarter about Ephemeral Gully Sediment and Nutrient Sources and BMPs."

CHEMICAL 1xbet online games login
Berry, Vikas,US Department of Defense, ,000, "Tapered Graphene Nanoribbons of Controlled Tapering Angle: Structurally Tuning the Charge-carrier Properties."

Edgar, James H.,Jones, Byron W. (1xbet online games login Experiment Station), and Schulz, Noel N.(Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Kansas Board of Regents, ,333, "Kansas Defense 2010 (FY09)."

Hohn, Keith L.,US Department of Defense, 0,000, "Bimetallic Nanoparticle Catalysts for Reforming of Logistics Fuels."

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Hossain, Mustaque A., and Najjar, Yacoub M., TENCATE Geosynthetics, 7,367, "Accelerated Testing of Paved Roads with Geosynthetic-Reinforced Base (CISL Experiment No. 18)."

Najjar, Yacoub M., and Hossain, Mustaque A., TENCATE Geosynthetics, "Accelerated Testing of Paved Roads with Geosynthetic-Reinforced Base (CISL Experiment No. 18)."

Riding, Kyle,Kansas Department of Transportation, ,000, "Sustainable and Durable Concrete Pavement Aggregates."

Riding, Kyle,US Department of Transportation, ,998, "Effect of Y-Cracking on CRCP Performance (PS-14)."

Hsu, William H., iQ Gateway LLC, ,000, "Computational Information and Knowledge Management: Data Mining, Analytics, and Information Extraction and Integration Neilsen, Mitchell L.,Sandia 1xbet online games login Laboratories, ,000, "Interface Development for Thermal Battery Models (FY11)."

DEAN OF 1xbet online games login
Bitsie-Baldwin, LaVerne, and Larson, Nancy J.(Kansas Industrial Extension Services), US Environmental Protection Agency, "Kansas Pollution Prevention Grants - 2011 (P2)."

ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER 1xbet online games login
Day, Dwight D.,Barstow, Thomas J. (Kinesiology), Gruenbacher, Don M., Kuhn, William B., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, Sobering, Timothy J. (Vice President Electronics Design Laboratory), and Warren, Steven, 1xbet online games login Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Developing BioSensor Networks and Telecommunication Sub-systems for Long-duration Missions, EVA Suits, and Robotic Precursor Scout Missions - Coordinated Research Spanning Early-stage Innovations through Game Gruenbacher, Don M.,Barstow, Thomas J. (Kinesiology), Day, Dwight D., Kuhn, William B., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, Sobering, Timothy J. (Vice President Electronics Design Laboratory), and Warren, Steven, 1xbet online games login Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Developing BioSensor Networks and Telecommunication Sub-systems for Long-duration Missions, EVA Suits, and Robotic Precursor Scout Missions - Coordinated Research Spanning Early-stage Innovations through Game Kuhn, William B.,Barstow, Thomas J. (Kinesiology), Day, Dwight D., Gruenbacher, Don M., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, Sobering, Timothy J. (Vice President Electronics Design Laboratory), and Warren, Steven, 1xbet online games login Aeronautics and Space Administration, 8,255, "Developing BioSensor Networks and Telecommunication Sub-systems for Long-duration Missions, EVA Suits, and Robotic Precursor Scout Missions - Coordinated Research Spanning Early-stage Innovations through Game Changing Technologies."

Natarajan, Balasubramaniam,Barstow, Thomas J. (Kinesiology), Day, Dwight D., Gruenbacher, Don M., Kuhn, William B., Sobering, Timothy J. (Vice President Electronics Design Laboratory), and Warren, Steven, 1xbet online games login Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Developing BioSensor Networks and Telecommunication Sub-systems for Long-duration Missions, EVA Suits, and Robotic Precursor Scout Missions - Coordinated Research Spanning Early-stage Innovations through Game Schulz, Noel N.,Edgar, James H. (Chemical 1xbet online games login ), and Jones, Byron W.(1xbet online games login Experiment Station), Kansas Board of Regents, ,000, "Kansas Defense 2010 (FY09)."

Warren, Steven,Barstow, Thomas J. (Kinesiology), Day, Dwight D., Gruenbacher, Don M., Kuhn, William B., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, and Sobering, Timothy J. (Vice President Electronics Design Laboratory), 1xbet online games login Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Developing BioSensor Networks and Telecommunication Sub-systems for Long-duration Missions, EVA Suits, and Robotic Precursor Scout Missions - Coordinated Research Spanning Early-stage Innovations through 1xbet online games login EXPERIMENT STATION
Jones, Byron W.,Edgar, James H. (Chemical 1xbet online games login ), and Schulz, Noel N.(Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Kansas Board of Regents, ,000, "Kansas Defense 2010 (FY09)."

Larson, Nancy J., and Bitsie-Baldwin, LaVerne(Dean of 1xbet online games login ), US Environmental Protection Agency, ,997, "Kansas Pollution Prevention Grants - 2011 (P2)."

MECHANICAL AND NUCLEAR 1xbet online games login
Cai, Liang-Wu,US Department of Defense, ,000, "Two and Three-Dimensional Broadband Acoustic Metamaterials via Homogenization and Multiple Scattering from Arrays of Natural Minerals."

McGregor, Douglas S., and Shultis, J. Kenneth, US Department of Defense, 3,000, "Neutron Detector."

Shultis, J. Kenneth, and McGregor, Douglas S., US Department of Defense, "Neutron Detector."


Melgarejo, L Tonatiuh,Kansas State University Research Foundation, ,679, "Host Defense Peptides-Synthesis and Pilot Project for Leshmania and Gonorrhea Studies."

Griffin, Charles L.,US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,507, "Technical Support for SRS Strategic Development & Faith Based & Community Initiatives."

Markham, Melinda S., Family Process Institute, ,418, "The Process of Communicating with Former Partners for Divorced or Separated Parents who Share Physical COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE

Marcus, Daniel C., and Wangemann, A. Philine, US Department of Health and Human Services, "Cellular Regulation of Cochlear Blood Flow."

Wangemann, A. Philine, and Marcus, Daniel C., US Department of Health and Human Services, 4,108, "Cellular Regulation of Cochlear Blood Flow."

Weiss, Mark L.,Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "2011 Northeast Kansas Parkinson Association Research Fund."

Anderson, David E.,US Department of Defense, ,492, "Advanced Functional Nanomaterials for Biological Processes, KSU subtitle: Evaluation of a Novel Multi-component Nanocomposite Material in a Rat Subcutaneous Implant Model."

Dritz, Steven S.,Bergstrom, Jonathan R. (Animal Sciences and Industry), DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Nelssen, Jim L. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Tokach, Michael D.(Animal Sciences and Industry), 1xbet online games login Pork Board, "Reducing Feed Cost through Improved Knowledge Using Soybean Hulls in Modern Commercial Swine Nursery and Finishing Diets."

Ganta, Roman Reddy R.,US Department of Health and Human Services, 1,964, "Vector and Host Contributions to the Regulation of E. chaffeensis Gene Expression."


Kahl, Daniel W.,Peterson, Hikaru H. (Agricultural Economics), and Procter, David E.(Center for Engagement and Community Development), US Department of Agriculture, "Business Strategies for New and Existing Rural Grocery Stores: Roles of Local Foods, Institutional Sales, and Community Food Assessment."

Lindquist, Jack W.,Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership, Inc., 7,995, "Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership, Inc.."

Duncan, Stewart R., Multi-Sponsor, ,500, "Crop and Soils Multisponsor OFFICE OF THE PROVOST

Procter, David E.,Kahl, Daniel W. (Agriculture and Natural Resources), and Peterson, Hikaru H.(Agricultural Economics), US Department of Agriculture, 8,889, "Business Strategies for New and Existing Rural Grocery Stores: Roles of Local Foods, Institutional Sales, and Community Food Assessment."

Peterson, Jeffrey M.,Aistrup, Joseph (Political Science), Bergtold, Jason S. (Agricultural Economics), and Kulcsar, Laszlo(Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), 1xbet online games login Science Foundation, "Farmers' Decisions to Grow Crops for Fuel."


Vanier, Martha A.,US Department of Defense, 0,000, "Infrastructure Support for the KSU Biosecurity Research Institute Facility (NCMI FY11 Operations and Maintenance)."

Guikema, James A.,1xbet online games login Science Foundation, ,300, "1xbet online games login Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Award."

Rice, Charles W.,Harrington Jr, John A. (Geography), and Hutchinson, Stacy L.(Biological and Agricultural 1xbet online games login ), National Science Foundation, "Understanding Climate Change in the Great Plains: Source, Impact, and Mitigation."

Sobering, Timothy J.,Barstow, Thomas J. (Kinesiology), Day, Dwight D. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Gruenbacher, Don M. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Kuhn, William B. (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), Natarajan, Balasubramaniam (Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer 1xbet online games login ), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,884, "Developing BioSensor Networks and Telecommunication Sub-systems for Long-duration Missions, EVA Suits, and Robotic Precursor Scout Missions - Coordinated Research Spanning Early-stage Innovations through Game Changing Technologies."