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1xbet online games login Awards, December 2011


Crespi, John M., and Dalton, Timothy J., US Agency 1xbet online games login , "Global Impact Assessment of Three INTSORMIL Activities."

Dalton, Timothy J., and Crespi, John M., US Agency 1xbet online games login , 5,685, "Global Impact Assessment of Three INTSORMIL Activities."

Leatherman, John C.,1xbet online games login , ,235, "Marmaton 9- Elements Plan."

AGRICULTURAL 1xbet online games login CENTER-HAYS
Harmoney, Keith R.,Multisponsor, ,000, "Beef 1xbet online games login ."

Martin, Terry J., and Thompson, Carlyle A., Multisponsor, "1xbet online games login Culture."

Thompson, Carlyle A., and Martin, Terry J., Multisponsor, ,000, "1xbet online games login Culture."

Janssen, Keith A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multisponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Maddux, Larry D.,Marsh, Brian H., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Marsh, Brian H.,Maddux, Larry D., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Nelson, Nathan O.,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multisponsor, ,500, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Nelson, Nathan O., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Rice, Charles W., and Jumpponen, Ari M.(Biology), US Department of Energy, "Meta-"omics" Analysis of Microbial Carbon Cycling Responses to Altered Rainfall Inputs 1xbet online games login ."

Schaffer, Vernon A.,Multisponsor, ,570, "Foundation Seed Maintenance."

Thompson, Curtis R., and Janssen, Keith A., Multisponsor, ,700, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Aramouni, Fadi M.,American Egg Board, ,000, "The Use and Modification of Egg Albumin for Enhanced Quality of Gluten-Free Bread (1xbet online games login Fellowship - Brennan Smith)."

DeRouchey, Joel M., and Barnes, Philip L.(Biological and Agricultural Engineering), CAFO Best Waste Solutions LLC, ,447, "1xbet online games login of CAFO's Best Technology on Swine Manure Nutrient Concentration."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., Direct Biologicals, "The Use of Probiotic (Bacillus Product) in Diets for Growing and Finishing Pigs."

Drouillard, James S.,Pfizer, Inc., ,437, "1xbet online games login Protocols Agreement-Inducing Endogenous Secretion of Somatotropin and IGF-1 in Cattle with oral Administration of Menthol."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., Direct Biologicals, "The Use of Probiotic (Bacillus Product) in Diets for Growing and Finishing Pigs."

Lee, Charles D.,Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, ,449, "Extension Education Position Support."

Nelssen, Jim L.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Direct Biologicals, "The Use of Probiotic (Bacillus Product) in Diets for Growing and Finishing Pigs."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Nelssen, Jim L., Direct Biologicals, ,000, "The Use of Probiotic (Bacillus Product) in Diets for Growing and Finishing Pigs."

Buschman, Larry L.,Multisponsor, ,000, "Insecticide Management of Field 1xbet online games login Insects in Southwestern Kansas."

Cloyd, Raymond A.,Reese, John C., Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Reese, John C.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Reese, John C., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Wilde, Gerald E.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Reese, John C., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multisponsor, ,800, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Channaiah, Lakshmikantha, and Maier, Dirk E., PureLine 1xbet online games login System, "Inhibition of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium graminearum Growth and Detoxification of Aflatoxins and Deoxynivalenol (DON) in Wheat using Chlorine Dioxide (CO2)."

Fowler, Mark,Frey, David E., and Maier, Dirk E., US Department of Agriculture, "Jordanian Agricultural Marketing Cochran Fellowship Program."

Frey, David E.,Fowler, Mark, and Maier, Dirk E., US Department of Agriculture, "Jordanian Agricultural Marketing Cochran Fellowship Program."

Madl, Ronald L.,US Department of Education, ,120, "Integral Valorization of Bio- Production."

Maier, Dirk E.,Grain Elevator & Processing Society, ,000, "Memoradum of Agreement - GEAPS 551 Course Development Facilitaion."

Maier, Dirk E.,Grain Elevator & Processing Society, ,000, "Memorandum of Agreement - GEAPS 550 Course Development Facilitation."

Maier, Dirk E.,Grain Elevator & Processing Society, ,000, "Memorandum of Agreement - GEAPS 524 Course Development Facilitation."

Maier, Dirk E., and Channaiah, Lakshmikantha, PureLine 1xbet online games login System, ,647, "Inhibition of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium graminearum Growth and Detoxification of Aflatoxins and Deoxynivalenol (DON) in Wheat using Chlorine Dioxide (CO2)."

Maier, Dirk E.,Fowler, Mark, and Frey, David E., US Department of Agriculture, ,779, "Jordanian Agricultural Marketing Cochran Fellowship Program."

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Devlin, Daniel L., and Kahl, Daniel W.(Agriculture and Natural Resources), 1xbet online games login , ,500, "Kansas PRIDE Program - Tuttle Creek Watershed."

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Akhunov, Eduard D.,Gill, Bikram S., and White, Frank F., Kansas Bioscience Authority, "Trait Discovery Pipeline for 1xbet online games login ."

Garrett, Karen A.,Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), and Kennelly, Megan, The Ceres Trust, ,107, "1xbet online games login to Organic and Conventional Fertilization."

Gill, Bikram S.,Akhunov, Eduard D., and White, Frank F., Kansas Bioscience Authority, 0,000, "Trait Discovery Pipeline for 1xbet online games login ."

Jardine, Douglas J.,North Central Soybean 1xbet online games login Program, ,000, "Improving Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode through Extension Demonstration and Outreach."

Jardine, Douglas J., and Little, Christopher R., North Central Soybean 1xbet online games login Program, ,000, "Managing Frogeye Leaf Spot and Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region."

Kennelly, Megan,Garrett, Karen A., and Jumpponen, Ari M.(Biology), The Ceres Trust, "1xbet online games login to Organic and Conventional Fertilization."

Little, Christopher R., and Jardine, Douglas J., North Central Soybean 1xbet online games login Program, "Managing Frogeye Leaf Spot and Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region."

Trick, Harold N.,United Soybean Board, ,387, "Host-delivered siRNA for Nematode Resistance: Identification and Evaluation of Fertility and Fitness Genes."

White, Frank F.,Akhunov, Eduard D., and Gill, Bikram S., Kansas Bioscience Authority, "Trait Discovery Pipeline for 1xbet online games login ."

SOUTHWEST 1xbet online games login EXTENSION CENTER
Holman, Johnathon D., and Schlegel, Alan J., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management 1xbet online games login for Western Kansas."

Schlegel, Alan J., and Holman, Johnathon D., Multisponsor, ,260, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management 1xbet online games login for Western Kansas."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC, 3,300, "1xbet online games login Testing Project - Influence of Native Trait Water Optimization Alleles on Hybrid Performance and Response to QuiltXcel fungicide T, Plant Density, and Water Regime."


Jumpponen, Ari M.,Garrett, Karen A. (1xbet online games login ), and Kennelly, Megan(Plant Pathology), The Ceres Trust, ,799, "1xbet online games login to Organic and Conventional Fertilization."

Jumpponen, Ari M., and Rice, Charles W.(Agronomy), US Department of Energy, 9,140, "Meta-"omics" Analysis of Microbial Carbon Cycling Responses to Altered Rainfall Inputs 1xbet online games login ."

Paukert, Craig, and Cully, Jr., Jack F., Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, ,000, "Establishment and Operation of the Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife 1xbet online games login Unit."

Rintoul, David A., and Spooner, Brian S., Kansas State University Foundation, "Cancer Center Core."

Spooner, Brian S., and Rintoul, David A., Kansas State University Foundation, ,180, "Cancer Center Core."

Bossmann, Stefan,Kansas Bioscience Authority, ,000, "POCI - NanoScale (Assess Feasibility of Urine and/or Blood 1xbet online games login for Cancer)."

Bossmann, Stefan,Gadbury, Gary L. (Statistics), and Troyer, Deryl L.(Anatomy and Physiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,280, "Functionalized Bimagnetic Core/Shell Fe/Fe3O4 Stealth Nanoparticles for Diagnosis 1xbet online games login ."

Jankowiak, Ryszard J.,US Department of Health and Human Services, ,075, "Sequence Distribution of Tobacco Carcinogen - DNA Adducts."

Sanders, Joseph C.,1xbet online games login Endowment for the Humanities, ,334, "150 Years of Tall Tales, Heroes and Outright Lies."

Morgan, Morgan J.,Diaz De Sabates, Gabriela B. (Womens Studies), Janette, Michele (Womens Studies), and Zschoche, Sue, 1xbet online games login Endowment for the Humanities, "Annie, Get Your Camera!: Kansas History Roadshow."

Zschoche, Sue,Diaz De Sabates, Gabriela B. (Womens Studies), Janette, Michele (Womens Studies), and Morgan, Morgan J., 1xbet online games login Endowment for the Humanities, "Annie, Get Your Camera!: Kansas History Roadshow."

Sorensen, Christopher M.,Beck, B. Terry (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Eckels, Steven J. (Institute for Environmental 1xbet online games login ), and Hosni, Mohammad H.(Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), US Department of Energy, ,738, "Development of a 1xbet online games login Based, Critical Flow, Non-Vapor Compression Cooling Cycle."

Gadbury, Gary L.,Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), and Troyer, Deryl L.(Anatomy and Physiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, ,440, "Functionalized Bimagnetic Core/Shell Fe/Fe3O4 Stealth Nanoparticles for Diagnosis 1xbet online games login ."

Diaz De Sabates, Gabriela B.,Janette, Michele, Morgan, Morgan J. (History), and Zschoche, Sue(History), 1xbet online games login Endowment for the Humanities, "Annie, Get Your Camera!: Kansas History Roadshow."

Janette, Michele,Diaz De Sabates, Gabriela B., Morgan, Morgan J. (History), and Zschoche, Sue(History), 1xbet online games login Endowment for the Humanities, ,050, "Annie, Get Your Camera!: Kansas History Roadshow."


Havlicek, Barbara J.,Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, 2,882, "Kansas Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom."

Havlicek, Barbara J.,Schools for Quality Education, Inc., ,000, "Schools for Quality Education."

Middendorf, B. Jan,1xbet online games login Science Foundation, ,717, "ADVANCE LEADER Consortium."


Case, Scott A.,Jones, Taylor S., Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multisponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Jones, Taylor S.,Case, Scott A., Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multisponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Kramer, Bradley A.,Case, Scott A., Jones, Taylor S., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multisponsor, 5,000, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,Case, Scott A., Jones, Taylor S., and Kramer, Bradley A., Multisponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,US Department of Agriculture, ,280, "Drying of Solids from Phosphorus Reduction 1xbet online games login for Pathogen Reduction P10-0073."

Barnes, Philip L., and DeRouchey, Joel M.(Animal Sciences and Industry), CAFO Best Waste Solutions LLC, "1xbet online games login of CAFO's Best Technology on Swine Manure Nutrient Concentration."

Yuan, Wenqiao,1xbet online games login Science Foundation, ,000, "CAREER: Multi-Scale Structured Solid Carriers Enabling Algae Biofuel Manufacturing in the Ocean."

Jones, Byron W.,Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,585, "Kansas Defense 2010."

Pfromm, Peter H., and Rezac, Mary E., US Department of Agriculture, "Membrane Reactor Technology for the Efficient Conversion of Biomass to Industrial Chemicals."

Rezac, Mary E., and Pfromm, Peter H., US Department of Agriculture, 8,369, "Membrane Reactor Technology for the Efficient Conversion of Biomass to Industrial Chemicals."

Landman, E. Dean, and Russell, Eugene R., Kansas Department of Transportation, "Optimizing the Analysis of Routing Oversize/Overweight Loads to Provide Efficient Freight Corridors."

Russell, Eugene R., and Landman, E. Dean, Kansas Department of Transportation, ,000, "Optimizing the Analysis of Routing Oversize/Overweight Loads to Provide Efficient Freight Corridors."

Stokes, Robert W.,US Department of Transportation, ,000, "Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK) Program (FY 2009-2011)."

Andresen, Daniel A.,Hatcliff, John M., Robby, -, Vasserman, Eugene, and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer Engineering), US Department of Health and Human Services, "Development of a Prototype Healthcare Intranet for Improved Health Outcomes."

Hatcliff, John M.,Andresen, Daniel A., Robby, -, Vasserman, Eugene, and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer Engineering), US Department of Health and Human Services, ,000, "Development of a Prototype Healthcare Intranet for Improved Health Outcomes."

Robby, -,Andresen, Daniel A., Hatcliff, John M., Vasserman, Eugene, and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer Engineering), US Department of Health and Human Services, "Development of a Prototype Healthcare Intranet for Improved Health Outcomes."

Vasserman, Eugene,Andresen, Daniel A., Hatcliff, John M., Robby, - , and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer Engineering), US Department of Health and Human Services, "Development of a Prototype Healthcare Intranet for Improved Health Outcomes."

Jones, Byron W.,Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,798, "Kansas Defense 2010."

Kuhn, William B.,Sandia National Laboratories, ,905, "Phase V 1xbet online games login and Development at Kansas State University."

Kuhn, William B., and Rys, Andrew, US Department of Defense, ,000, "Extreme Environmental Electronics in Silicon-on-Sapphire."

Kuhn, William B.,US Department of Energy, ,986, "Design and Measurement Techniques for High Quality-factor Filters and Passive Components."

Miller, Ruth D.,Carter, David A. (Kansas Industrial Extension Services), Scoglio, Caterina M. (Kansas Industrial Extension Services), and Snead, Bruce C.(Kansas Industrial Extension Services), US Department of Energy, 3,968, "Resourceful Kansas: A Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Blueprint."

Miller, Ruth D.,US Department of Energy, ,000, "Wind for Schools Wind Application Center: Kansas."

Rys, Andrew, and Kuhn, William B., US Department of Defense, "Extreme Environmental Electronics in Silicon-on-Sapphire."

Warren, Steven,Andresen, Daniel A. (Computing and Information Sciences), Hatcliff, John M. (Computing and Information Sciences), Robby, - (Computing and Information Sciences), and Vasserman, Eugene(Computing and Information Sciences), US Department of Health and Human Services, "Development of a Prototype Healthcare Intranet for Improved Health Outcomes."

Jones, Byron W.,Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,277, "Kansas Defense 2010."

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Eckels, Steven J.,PAX Streamline, Inc., ,106, "Evaluation of Boiling in an Enhanced Refrigerant Evaporator."

Eckels, Steven J.,Beck, B. Terry (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), Hosni, Mohammad H. (Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering), and Sorensen, Christopher M.(Physics), US Department of Energy, 0,436, "Development of a 1xbet online games login Based, Critical Flow, Non-Vapor Compression Cooling Cycle."

Carter, David A.,Miller, Ruth D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Scoglio, Caterina M., and Snead, Bruce C., US Department of Energy, 3,968, "Resourceful Kansas: A Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Blueprint."

Scoglio, Caterina M.,Carter, David A., Miller, Ruth D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), and Snead, Bruce C., US Department of Energy, "Resourceful Kansas: A Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Blueprint."

Snead, Bruce C.,Carter, David A., Miller, Ruth D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), and Scoglio, Caterina M., US Department of Energy, "Resourceful Kansas: A Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Blueprint."

Snead, Bruce C.,1xbet online games login , 4,977, "Radon Projects for Kansas."

Beck, B. Terry,Eckels, Steven J. (Institute for Environmental 1xbet online games login ), Hosni, Mohammad H., and Sorensen, Christopher M.(Physics), US Department of Energy, "Development of a 1xbet online games login Based, Critical Flow, Non-Vapor Compression Cooling Cycle."

Hosni, Mohammad H.,Beck, B. Terry, Eckels, Steven J. (Institute for Environmental 1xbet online games login ), and Sorensen, Christopher M.(Physics), US Department of Energy, 0,436, "Development of a 1xbet online games login Based, Critical Flow, Non-Vapor Compression Cooling Cycle."


Troyer, Deryl L.,Bossmann, Stefan (Chemistry), and Gadbury, Gary L.(Statistics), US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,280, "Functionalized Bimagnetic Core/Shell Fe/Fe3O4 Stealth Nanoparticles for Diagnosis 1xbet online games login ."

Larson, Robert L.,Mosier, Derek A. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Renter, David G. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and White, Bradley J., Biomune Company, "Refinement of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model In White, Bradley J.,Larson, Robert L., Mosier, Derek A. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Renter, David G.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Biomune Company, ,184, "Refinement of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model In Calves."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Nelssen, Jim L. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Tokach, Michael D.(Animal Sciences and Industry), Direct Biologicals, "The Use of Probiotic (Bacillus Product) in Diets for Growing and Finishing Pigs."

Hesse, Richard, and Rowland, Raymond R. R., Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc., ,000, "Porcine Teschovirus/enterovirus Model Development."

Ma, Wenjun,Richt, Juergen, and Wyatt, Carol R., European Commission, 2,974, "Homosubtypic and Heterosubtypic Immunity to Influenza Viruses in Pig Model."

Mosier, Derek A.,Larson, Robert L. (Clinical Sciences), Renter, David G., and White, Bradley J.(Clinical Sciences), Biomune Company, "Refinement of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model In Calves."

Renter, David G.,Larson, Robert L. (Clinical Sciences), Mosier, Derek A., and White, Bradley J.(Clinical Sciences), Biomune Company, "Refinement of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model In Calves."

Richt, Juergen,Ma, Wenjun, and Wyatt, Carol R., European Commission, "Homosubtypic and Heterosubtypic Immunity to Influenza Viruses in Pig Model."

Richt, Juergen,US Department of Health and Human Services, 3,522, "NIAID Centers of Excellence for Influenza 1xbet online games login and Surveilance (CEIRS)."

Rowland, Raymond R. R., and Hesse, Richard, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc., "Porcine Teschovirus/enterovirus Model Development."

Wyatt, Carol R.,Ma, Wenjun, and Richt, Juergen, European Commission, "Homosubtypic and Heterosubtypic Immunity to Influenza Viruses in Pig Model."


Kahl, Daniel W., and Devlin, Daniel L.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks 1xbet online games login Rsrce Rsrch Inst), US Environmental Protection Agency, "Kansas PRIDE Program - Tuttle Creek Watershed."

Murphy, James P.,US Department of Agriculture, ,057, "Renewable Resources Extension Act Program."

Gerhard, Gary W.,Noyce Foundation, ,500, "Kansas 4-H Science Academy Basic Implementation Grant."

Gerhard, Gary W.,Noyce Foundation, ,000, "Kansas 4-H Science Academy Expanded Implementation Grant."

Duncan, Stewart R.,Multisponsor, 0, "1xbet online games login and Soils Multisponsor Programs."


Procter, David E.,Kettering Foundation, ,000, "New Center Faculty."

Polson, Cheryl J., and Shanklin, Carol W., US Department of Education, "CGSCF - For Curriculum and Course Development for a Homeland Security Masters Degree Program."

Shanklin, Carol W., and Polson, Cheryl J., US Department of Education, 3,076, "CGSCF - For Curriculum and Course Development for a Homeland Security Masters Degree Program."

Schenck-Hamlin, Donna C.,US Department of Homeland Security, ,589, "1xbet online games login Center for Food Protection and Defense."

Mason, April,US Department of Defense, ,891,194, "Kansas State University (KSU) Graduate Degree Program Development and Implementation for CGSC Leadership and Security Studies: Enhance Cooperative Degree Program in History."

SALINA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND 1xbet online games login

SALINA APPLIED AVIATION 1xbet online games login CENTER
Barnhart, Richard K., and Shappee, Eric J., University of Kansas Center for 1xbet online games login , Inc., 0, "UAS Facilities and/or Services License Agreement-KUCR."

Shappee, Eric J., and Barnhart, Richard K., University of Kansas Center for 1xbet online games login , Inc., "UAS Facilities and/or Services License Agreement-KUCR."

SALINA 1xbet online games login
Barnard, Kenneth W., and Karcz, Thomas L., 1xbet online games login Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,288, "Aeroelastic Modeling Effects and Flight Test Demonstration of Resilent Adaptive Flight Controls on a General Aviation Testbed: Dynamic Inverse and Adaptive Critic Methods."

Karcz, Thomas L., and Barnard, Kenneth W., 1xbet online games login Aeronautics and Space Administration, "Aeroelastic Modeling Effects and Flight Test Demonstration of Resilent Adaptive Flight Controls on a General Aviation Testbed: Dynamic Inverse and Adaptive Critic Methods."

VICE PRESIDENT FOR 1xbet online games login AND FINANCE

Stubbings, Donald C.,Kansas Department of Transportation, ,000, "Special Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP)."

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BIOSECURITY 1xbet online games login INSTITUTE
Dvorak, Tanya, Elizabeth R. Griffin 1xbet online games login Foundation, Inc., ,852, "Development and Efficacy of a Large Animal Handling Safety Video." Plan."