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Reseach Awards, August 2010


Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R.,Dalton, Timothy J., and Featherstone, Allen M., US Agency for International Development, 5,525, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI-Z)."

Barton, David G.,Multisponsor, ,000, "Arthur Capper Cooperative Center."

Dalton, Timothy J.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., and Featherstone, Allen M., US Agency for International Development, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI-Z)."

Featherstone, Allen M.,Amanor-Boadu, Vincent R., and Dalton, Timothy J., US Agency for International Development, "Pulse Value Chain Initiative-Zambia (PVCI-Z)."

Lambert, David,US Department of Energy, ,336, "The Logistics of Herbaceous Crop Residue- Based Ethanol Production under Uncertainty."

AGRICULTURAL 1xbet best casino website CENTER-HAYS
Gillen, Robert L., and Perumal, Ramasamy, 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Development of Sorghum Germplasm with Enhanced Drought Tolerance and Higher Grain Yield."

Harmoney, Keith R.,Multisponsor, ,000, "Beef 1xbet best casino website ."

Perumal, Ramasamy, and Gillen, Robert L., 1xbet best casino website , "Development of Sorghum Germplasm with Enhanced Drought Tolerance and Higher Grain Yield."

Stahlman, Phillip W.,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Maddux, Larry D. (Agronomy), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), and Thompson, Curtis R.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Stahlman, Phillip W.,Multisponsor, ,500, "Weed 1xbet best casino website ."

Blocksome, Carolyn E.,US Environmental Protection Agency, ,500, "Middle 1xbet best casino website River WRAPS Technical Services."

Devlin, Daniel L., and Graham, Steven M.(Ks Ctr for Ag Rsrces & the Env / Ks Water Rsrce Rsrch Inst), US Environmental Protection Agency, ,931, "Lower Smoky Hill River Watershed (Upper Portion) WRAPS Implementation."

Janssen, Keith A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multisponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Maddux, Larry D.,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E., Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R., 1xbet best casino website , "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Mengel, David B.,1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Increased Sorghum Yield and Profitability through Efficient Nitrogen Use."

Minton, J. Ernest,US Department of Agriculture, ,480, "Acquisition of Goods and Services - 1xbet best casino website Support Agreement #58-5430-0-922."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Roozeboom, Kraig L., Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, 1xbet best casino website , "Breeding Grain Sorghum for Improved Dryland Production."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Staggenborg, Scott A., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Development of a Forage Harvester for 1xbet best casino website Plots."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, 1xbet best casino website , "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Sorghum."

Pagadala, P. V. Vara,Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerence and Biofuel Production."

Peterson, Dallas E.,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Maddux, Larry D., Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R., 1xbet best casino website , "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Development of Enhanced Features, Improved Documentation and Expanded Databases for WEPS."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, 1xbet best casino website , "Breeding Grain Sorghum for Improved Dryland Production."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Staggenborg, Scott A., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Development of a Forage Harvester for 1xbet best casino website Plots."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Interaction of Grain Sorghum Planting Date, Hybrid Maturity, and Seeding Rate in Kansas Environment."

Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A.,Holman, Johnathon D. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), and Schlegel, Alan J.(Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Effect of Manure, Iron and Zinc Applications Methods on Grain Sorghum Yield."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Development of a Forage Harvester for 1xbet best casino website Plots."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,1xbet best casino website Water Office, ,000, "Automated Weather Stations."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Yu, Jianming, 1xbet best casino website , ,800, "Breeding Grain Sorghum for Improved Dryland Production."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Yu, Jianming, 1xbet best casino website , "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Sorghum."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Yu, Jianming, 1xbet best casino website , "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerence and Biofuel Production."

Thompson, Curtis R.,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Maddux, Larry D., Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E., Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), and Stahlman, Phillip W.(Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Thompson, Curtis R., and Janssen, Keith A., Multisponsor, ,975, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Yu, Jianming,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, Roozeboom, Kraig L., and Tesso, Tesfaye, 1xbet best casino website , "Breeding Grain Sorghum for Improved Dryland Production."

Yu, Jianming,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Sorghum."

Yu, Jianming,Pagadala, P. V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, 1xbet best casino website , "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerence and Biofuel Production."

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Blasi, Dale A., and Coetzee, Johann F.(Clinical 1xbet best casino website ), Bayer Corporation, ,330, "A Comparison of Clinical efficiency for Baytril 100 and Resflor Gold as Treatments for Undifferentiated Bovine Respiratory Disease and Evaluation of Core Body Temperature Response Post Treatment."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., Archer Daniels Midland Company, "Effects of Vitamin E Level and Source (natural vs synthetic) on Sow Vitamin E Reserves and Milk Levels."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., Archer Daniels Midland Company, "Effects of Vitamin E Level and Source (natural vs synthetic) on Sow Vitamin E Reserves and Milk Levels."

Nelssen, Jim L.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Archer Daniels Midland Company, "Effects of Vitamin E Level and Source (natural vs synthetic) on Sow Vitamin E Reserves and Milk Levels."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Nelssen, Jim L., Archer Daniels Midland Company, ,000, "Effects of Vitamin E Level and Source (natural vs synthetic) on Sow Vitamin E Reserves and Milk Levels."

Buschman, Larry L.,Multisponsor, ,500, "Insecticide Management of Field Crop Insects in Southwestern 1xbet best casino website ."

Cloyd, Raymond A.,Reese, John C., Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Minton, J. Ernest,US Department of Agriculture, ,375, "Acquisition of Goods and Services 1xbet best casino website Support Agreement # 58-5430-0-923."

Minton, J. Ernest,US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Acquisition of Goods and Services 1xbet best casino website Support Agreement #58-5430-0-924."

Phillips, Thomas W.,US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Insect Pest Management in Stored Rice."

Reese, John C.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Reese, John C., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Wilde, Gerald E.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Reese, John C., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multisponsor, ,500, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Boyer, Cheryl R.,US Department of Agriculture, ,902, "Development of Alternative Substrates for Container Nursery Crops."

Graham, Steven M., and Devlin, Daniel L.(Agronomy), US Environmental Protection Agency, ,931, "Lower Smoky Hill River Watershed (Upper Portion) WRAPS Implementation."

Kane, Mary R.,US Department of Education, ,134, "FFA-YF/YFW Organization."

Jardine, Douglas J.,Multisponsor, ,500, "Soybean Foliar Fungicide and Seed Treatment Tests."

Minton, J. Ernest,US Department of Agriculture, ,960, "Acquisition of Goods and Services - 1xbet best casino website Support Agreement #58-5430-0-925."

Todd, Richard,1xbet best casino website , 6,009, "The Mechanism of Regulated Nuclear Export of the Aspergillus Nidulans Nitrogen Transcription Factor AreA."

White, Frank F.,National Science Foundation, ,038,395, "Collaborative 1xbet best casino website CEPR: Transcription Profiling and Functional Analyses of Bacterial Disease Susceptibility Pathways of Rice."

SOUTHWEST 1xbet best casino website EXTENSION CENTER
Currie, John A.,Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Maddux, Larry D. (Agronomy), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J., Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Holman, Johnathon D.,Martin, Kent L., Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), and Schlegel, Alan J., 1xbet best casino website , "Effect of Manure, Iron and Zinc Applications Methods on Grain Sorghum Yield."

Martin, Kent L.,Holman, Johnathon D., Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (Agronomy), and Schlegel, Alan J., 1xbet best casino website , ,800, "Effect of Manure, Iron and Zinc Applications Methods on Grain Sorghum Yield."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Holman, Johnathon D., Martin, Kent L., and Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , "Effect of Manure, Iron and Zinc Applications Methods on Grain Sorghum Yield."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Currie, John A., Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Maddux, Larry D. (Agronomy), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (Agronomy), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

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Blair, John M.,1xbet best casino website , 0,887, "Konza Prairie LTER VI: Grassland Dynamics and Long-Term Trajectories of Change."

Brown, Susan J.,Denell, Robin E., and Shippy, Teresa D., US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,904, "Genetic Control of Segmentation."

Denell, Robin E.,Brown, Susan J., and Shippy, Teresa D., US Department of Health and Human Services, "Genetic Control of Segmentation."

Gido, Keith B.,Kansas Academy of Science, ,000, "Influence of Stream Fragmentation on the Abundance and Distribution of a Rare Great Plains Fish Community (Student 1xbet best casino website Grant - Joshua S. Perkin)."

Gido, Keith B.,Kansas Academy of Science, ,000, "Linking Fishes and the Environment in Prairie Streams: An Analysis on the Complicated Web of Interactions that Defines a System (Student 1xbet best casino website Grant - Erika C. Martin)."

Herman, Michael A.,Joern, Anthony, Johnson, Loretta C., and Sandercock, Brett K., US Department of Education, "Training in Integrative Biology: Ecology, Evolution and Genomics in Changing Environments."

Joern, Anthony,Herman, Michael A., Johnson, Loretta C., and Sandercock, Brett K., US Department of Education, "Training in Integrative Biology: Ecology, Evolution and Genomics in Changing Environments."

Johnson, Loretta C.,Herman, Michael A., Joern, Anthony, and Sandercock, Brett K., US Department of Education, 2,530, "Training in Integrative Biology: Ecology, Evolution and Genomics in Changing Environments."

Sandercock, Brett K.,Herman, Michael A., Joern, Anthony, and Johnson, Loretta C., US Department of Education, "Training in Integrative Biology: Ecology, Evolution and Genomics in Changing Environments."

Shippy, Teresa D.,Brown, Susan J., and Denell, Robin E., US Department of Health and Human Services, "Genetic Control of Segmentation."

Daniels, Melinda,US Department of Agriculture, ,500, "Impacts of Large-Scale Forest Loss on Stream Channel Form, Process and Sedimentation."

Bennett, Andrew G.,Rebello, Nobel S. (Physics), and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer Engineering), 1xbet best casino website , ,853, "Investigating Trajectories of Learning & Transfer of Problem Solving Expertise from Mathematics to Physics to Engineering."

Yu Oppenheim, Julie,Master Teacher, Inc., ,900, "Summer Choral Institute."

Bolton, Timothy A.,Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, Ratra, Bharat, and Stanton, Noel R., US Department of Energy, ,140, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Horton-Smith, Glenn A.,Bolton, Timothy A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, Ratra, Bharat, and Stanton, Noel R., US Department of Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Ivanov, Andrew G.,1xbet best casino website , 1,819, "Towards New Discoveries at the Energy Frontier."

Lin, Chii-Dong,US Department of Energy, 5,000, "Time-Resolved Imaging of Molecules by High-Order Harmonics and Ultra Short Rescattering Electrons."

Maravin, Yurii,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Ratra, Bharat, and Stanton, Noel R., US Department of Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Ratra, Bharat,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, and Stanton, Noel R., US Department of Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Rebello, Nobel S.,Bennett, Andrew G. (Mathematics), and Warren, Steven(Electrical and Computer Engineering), 1xbet best casino website , 1,076, "Investigating Trajectories of Learning & Transfer of Problem Solving Expertise from Mathematics to Physics to Engineering."

Stanton, Noel R.,Bolton, Timothy A., Horton-Smith, Glenn A., Ivanov, Andrew G., Maravin, Yurii, and Ratra, Bharat, US Department of Energy, "Heavy Quark and Neutrino Physics."

Roper, Donna C.,US Department of the Interior, ,905, "Testing Archaeological Sites 25FT56/130, 25FT353, 25FT354, & 25FT355, Hugh Butler Lake, Nebraska."


Herrera, Socorro G.,US Department of Education, 2,703, "Project MERIT."

Herrera, Socorro G.,US Department of Education, 6,749, "Project PEER."

Herrera, Socorro G.,US Department of Education, 6,854, "Project Pulse."


Case, Scott A.,Jones, Taylor S., Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multisponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Jones, Taylor S.,Case, Scott A., Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multisponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Kramer, Bradley A.,Case, Scott A., Jones, Taylor S., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Multisponsor, ,283, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,AAA Allied Group Inc, ,000, "50% External Funding Payment on Seat Belt Convincer Build S10-0043 for the 1xbet best casino website Department of Transportation (GEM1001791 - KS0488)."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,Case, Scott A., Jones, Taylor S., and Kramer, Bradley A., Multisponsor, "Advanced Manufacturing Institute - Manufacturing Learning Center."

Tucker, Jeffrey W.,North Central Regional Planning Commission, ,000, "Regional Industry Cluster Analysis and Innovation Networking PO8-0098."

Wang, Donghai,US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Developing Technology and Procedures to Measure Characteristics of Grain and Plants."

CENTER FOR HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE 1xbet best casino website
Leven, Blase A.,US Environmental Protection Agency, ,720, "Tremont Barrel Fill."

Anthony, Jennifer L.,1xbet best casino website , ,887, "Synthesis of Nanoporous Materials in Ionic Liquids: A Fundamental Study of the Solvent's Role."

Berry, Vikas,1xbet best casino website , 1,074, "Detailed Surface Engineering and Electrical Characterization of pi-Functionalized Graphene Sheets and Ribbons with Preserved Lattice and Electronic Characteristics."

Hohn, Keith L., and Wang, Donghai, 1xbet best casino website , 1,500, "Acid- Functionalized Nanoparticles for Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass."

Wang, Donghai, and Hohn, Keith L., 1xbet best casino website , 1,500, "Acid- Functionalized Nanoparticles for Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass."

Riding, Kyle,1xbet best casino website , 4,999, "BRIDGE: Linking the Microstructure, Performance, and Sustainability of Mixed Glass Cullet Blended Cements."

Riding, Kyle,US Department of Transportation, ,200, "Implementation of Alternatives to Asphalt Concrete Subbases for Concrete Pavement."

COMPUTING AND INFORMATION 1xbet best casino website
Neilsen, Mitchell L.,US Department of Agriculture, ,000, "Integration of Spillway Erosion Technology and WinTR-20 with WinDAM."

Gruenbacher, Don M.,Schulz, Noel N., and Soldan, David L., 1xbet best casino website , "From Defense to Degree: Accelerating Engineering Degree Opportunities for Military Veterans."

Miller, Ruth D.,National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2,458, "High Plains Small-Wind-Turbine Test Center."

Schulz, Noel N.,Gruenbacher, Don M., and Soldan, David L., 1xbet best casino website , "From Defense to Degree: Accelerating Engineering Degree Opportunities for Military Veterans."

Soldan, David L.,Gruenbacher, Don M., and Schulz, Noel N., 1xbet best casino website , 6,036, "From Defense to Degree: Accelerating Engineering Degree Opportunities for Military Veterans."

Warren, Steven,Bennett, Andrew G. (Mathematics), and Rebello, Nobel S.(Physics), 1xbet best casino website , ,482, "Investigating Trajectories of Learning & Transfer of Problem Solving Expertise from Mathematics to Physics to Engineering."

Jones, Byron W.,Unicopiers, ,000, "Graduate Assistantship - Faryad Darabi Sahneh."

Easton, Todd W.,US Army, ,989, "Part-Time M.S. Program in Industrial Engineering - Fall 2010."

Geuther, Jeffery,US Department of Energy, 1,218, "Educational and 1xbet best casino website Infrastructure Enhancement at the Kansas State University Reactor."

Hosni, Mohammad H.,US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ,230, "Innovative Nuclear Engineering Materials and Corrosion Modules for Enhancement and Expansion of the US-NE Educational Infrastructure."

Wang, Youqi,US Department of Defense, 9,990, "Application of Digital Element Approach in Textile Mechanics."


Kwon, Junehee, and Sauer, Kevin L., US Department of Agriculture, 0,000, "Assessment and Reduction of Produce Food Safety Risks in the School Foodservice System."

Sauer, Kevin L., and Kwon, Junehee, US Department of Agriculture, "Assessment and Reduction of Produce Food Safety Risks in the School Foodservice System."

Medeiros, Denis M.,US Department of Health and Human Services, ,914, "Nucleotide- Mediated Foam Cell Formation in Smooth Muscle Cells (Fellowship - Tixieanna Dissmore)."


Blecha, Frank, and Rowland, Raymond R. R.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, 6,608, "A Model for Developmental IFN Gene Regulation in the Virus-infected Fetus."

CLINICAL 1xbet best casino website
Anderson, David E.,Larson, Robert L., Mosier, Derek A. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Renter, David G. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and White, Bradley J., Biomune Company, "Evaluation of 3 Doses of Mycoplasma Bovis Bacterin to mitigate Disease following Disease Challenge."

Coetzee, Johann F., and Blasi, Dale A.(Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), Bayer Corporation, "A Comparison of Clinical efficiency for Baytril 100 and Resflor Gold as Treatments for Undifferentiated Bovine Respiratory Disease and Evaluation of Core Body Temperature Response Post Treatment."

Larson, Robert L.,Anderson, David E., Mosier, Derek A. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Renter, David G. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and White, Bradley J., Biomune Company, "Evaluation of 3 Doses of Mycoplasma Bovis Bacterin to mitigate Disease following Disease Challenge."

White, Bradley J.,Anderson, David E., Larson, Robert L., Mosier, Derek A. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Renter, David G.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Biomune Company, ,327, "Evaluation of 3 Doses of Mycoplasma Bovis Bacterin to mitigate Disease following Disease Challenge."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), Nelssen, Jim L. (Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), and Tokach, Michael D.(Animal 1xbet best casino website and Industry), Archer Daniels Midland Company, "Effects of Vitamin E Level and Source (natural vs synthetic) on Sow Vitamin E Reserves and Milk Levels."

Mosier, Derek A.,Anderson, David E. (Clinical 1xbet best casino website ), Larson, Robert L. (Clinical 1xbet best casino website ), Renter, David G., and White, Bradley J.(Clinical 1xbet best casino website ), Biomune Company, "Evaluation of 3 Doses of Mycoplasma Bovis Bacterin to mitigate Disease following Disease Challenge."

Nguyen, Thu A.,US Department of Health and Human Services, 0,000, "Increasing Efficacy of Antineoplastic Drugs with Gap Junction Enhancers."

Renter, David G.,Anderson, David E. (Clinical 1xbet best casino website ), Larson, Robert L. (Clinical 1xbet best casino website ), Mosier, Derek A., and White, Bradley J.(Clinical 1xbet best casino website ), Biomune Company, "Evaluation of 3 Doses of Mycoplasma Bovis Bacterin to mitigate Disease following Disease Challenge."

Richt, Juergen,European Commission, ,577, "ORBIVAC."

Rowland, Raymond R. R., and Blecha, Frank(Anatomy and Physiology), US Department of Health and Human Services, 6,608, "A Model for Developmental IFN Gene Regulation in the Virus- infected Fetus."

Arck, Shirley T.,University of 1xbet best casino website , ,800, "Training of Pharmacy D. Students."

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Murphy, James P.,US Department of Agriculture, ,291, "1xbet best casino website Agricultural Mediation Service."

Peters, Paula,US Department of Agriculture, 0,720, "Military Life Skills Education Program at Ft. Riley, 1xbet best casino website ."

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Atchison, Robert L., and Beck, William J., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,000, "Riparian Forest Management and Coordination Technical Assistance."

Beck, William J., and Atchison, Robert L., US Environmental Protection Agency, "Riparian Forest Management and Coordination Technical Assistance."

Biles, Larry E.,US Department of Agriculture, 5,423, "Consolidated Payment Grant 2010."

Olson, Brian L.,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Maddux, Larry D. (Agronomy), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Shoup, Douglas E.,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Dumler, Troy (Southwest Area Office), Maddux, Larry D. (Agronomy), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Dumler, Troy,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Maddux, Larry D. (Agronomy), Martin, Kent L., Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."

Martin, Kent L.,Currie, John A. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Dumler, Troy, Maddux, Larry D. (Agronomy), Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (Agronomy), Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest 1xbet best casino website Extension Center), Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (Agricultural 1xbet best casino website Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R.(Agronomy), 1xbet best casino website , ,000, "Managing Difficult Weeds with a Potential New Herbicide: Huskie."


Render, Lorne E.,National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, ,286, "Beach Museum of Art General Operating Support, 2011."


Lindsey, Matthew,Corporation for National and Community Service, ,400, "Careers for the Common Good."


Holmes, JohnElla,Lynch, Michael L., and Turner, Margaret A., US Department of Education, "Upward Bound Math and Science Program II."

Lynch, Michael L.,Holmes, JohnElla, and Turner, Margaret A., US Department of Education, "Upward Bound Math and Science Program II."

Turner, Margaret A.,Holmes, JohnElla, and Lynch, Michael L., US Department of Education, 8,680, "Upward Bound Math and Science Program II."