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Research Awards, April 2011


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Bergtold, Jason S.,Langemeier, Michael R., Peterson, Jeffrey M., Staggenborg, Scott A. (1xbet sports betting ), and Williams, Jeffery R., US Department of Agriculture, 9,467, "Small and Medium Size Farmers Ability and Willingness to Supply Carbon Offsets through Carbon Markets and Conservation Crop Production Systems."

Dalton, Timothy J.,Dhuyvetter, Kevin C., Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara (1xbet sports betting ), Presley, DeAnn R. (1xbet sports betting ), Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Dhuyvetter, Kevin C.,Dalton, Timothy J., Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara (1xbet sports betting ), Presley, DeAnn R. (1xbet sports betting ), Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,815, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Langemeier, Michael R.,Bergtold, Jason S., Peterson, Jeffrey M., Staggenborg, Scott A. (1xbet sports betting ), and Williams, Jeffery R., US Department of Agriculture, "Small and Medium Size Farmers Ability and Willingness to Supply Carbon Offsets through Carbon Markets and Conservation Crop Production Systems."

Leatherman, John C., and Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R. (Biological and 1xbet sports betting Engineering), US Environmental Protection Agency, ,792, "KS WRAPS Cottonwood Development, Assessment and Planning / Neosho Headwaters Assessment and Peterson, Jeffrey M.,Bergtold, Jason S., Langemeier, Michael R., Staggenborg, Scott A. (1xbet sports betting ), and Williams, Jeffery R., US Department of Agriculture, "Small and Medium Size Farmers Ability and Willingness to Supply Carbon Offsets through Carbon Markets and Conservation Crop Production Systems."

Williams, Jeffery R.,Bergtold, Jason S., Langemeier, Michael R., Peterson, Jeffrey M., and Staggenborg, Scott A. (1xbet sports betting ), US Department of Agriculture, "Small and Medium Size Farmers Ability and Willingness to Supply Carbon Offsets through Carbon Markets and Conservation Crop Production Systems."

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Geier, Patrick W.,O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), and Stahlman, Phillip W., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Managing Glyphosate- resistant Kochia Preplant and Postplanting in No-till Grain Sorghum."

Perumal, Ramasamy, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "1xbet sports betting of Sorghum Germplasm with Enhanced Drought Tolerance and Higher Grain Yield."

Stahlman, Phillip W.,Geier, Patrick W., and O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,726, "Managing Glyphosate- resistant Kochia Preplant and Postplanting in No-till Grain Sorghum."

Stahlman, Phillip W.,O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E. (1xbet sports betting ), and Thompson, Curtis R. (1xbet sports betting ), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,425, "Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Kochia in Soybeans."

Stahlman, Phillip W., Multisponsor, ,700, "Weed Research."

Stahlman, Phillip W.,Falk, Jeanne S. (Northwest Area Office), and OBrien, Robert T. (Northwest Area Office), National Sunflower Association, ,000, "Mitigating the Threat of Palmer Amaranth to Sunflower Production."

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Heer, William F.,Nelson, Randall, and Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Interaction of Grain Sorghum Planting Date, Hybrid Maturity, and Seeding Rate in Kansas Environment."

Heer, William F.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), and Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), National Sunflower Association, "Row Spacing and Population Effects on Double-Cropped Sunflower Productivity."

Janssen, Keith A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multisponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Mengel, David B., and Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,705, "Correction of Potassium Deficiency in Soybean Production in Mengel, David B.,Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Prasad, P.V. Vara, Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, The United Sorghum Checkoff Program Board, 0,000, "Enhancing Sorghum Nitrogen Use Efficiency Through Breeding, Genetics and Fertilizer Management in Kansas."

Nelson, Randall,Heer, William F., and Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Interaction of Grain Sorghum Planting Date, Hybrid Maturity, and Seeding Rate in Kansas Environment."

Peterson, Dallas E.,O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Stahlman, Phillip W. (1xbet sports betting Research Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Kochia in Soybeans."

Prasad, P.V. Vara,Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Sorghum."

Prasad, P.V. Vara,Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Biofuel Production."

Prasad, P.V. Vara,Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Mengel, David B., Tesso, Tesfaye, and Yu, Jianming, The United Sorghum Checkoff Program Board, "Enhancing Sorghum Nitrogen Use Efficiency Through Breeding, Genetics and Fertilizer Management in Kansas."

Prasad, P.V. Vara,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Presley, DeAnn R., Rice, Charles W., Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International Development, 3,610, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Prasad, P.V. Vara, and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International 1xbet sports betting , 3,359, "Transfer of Sorghum and Millet Production, Processing and Marketing Technologies in Mali - Training Component."

Presley, DeAnn R.,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara, Rice, Charles W., Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Rice, Charles W.,Staggenborg, Scott A., and Wang, Donghai (Biological and 1xbet sports betting Engineering), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Development and Utilization of Sorghum as Feedstock for Biofuel Production."

Rice, Charles W.,Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), and Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,132, "Evaluation of Soybean Inoculant Products and Techniques to Address Soybean Nodulation Problems in Kansas."

Rice, Charles W.,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara, Presley, DeAnn R., Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Heer, William F., and Nelson, Randall, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,783, "Interaction of Grain Sorghum Planting Date, Hybrid Maturity, and Seeding Rate in Kansas Environment."

Roozeboom, Kraig L.,Olson, Brian L. (Northwest Area Office), and Rice, Charles W., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Evaluation of Soybean Inoculant Products and Techniques to Address Soybean Nodulation Problems in Kansas."

Roozeboom, Kraig L., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,379, "Extension and Applied Research Programs for Kansas Soybean Production."

Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A., and Mengel, David B., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Correction of Potassium Deficiency in Soybean Production in Kansas."

Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A.,Duncan, Stewart R. (Northeast Area Office), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,336, "Improving Yields of Double Crop Soybean with Starter and Foliar Fertilization."

Schapaugh Jr, William T.,Buschman, Larry L. (Entomology), McCornack, Brian P., Smith, C. Michael (Entomology), and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J. (Entomology), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,803, "Developmentof Genetic and Chemical Tactics for Management of the Dectes Stem Borer in Soybean."

Schapaugh Jr, William T.,Kusel, Kelly R., Todd, Timothy C. (Plant Pathology), and Trick, Harold N. (Plant Pathology), Kansas Soybean Commission, 1,458, "Trait and Production Efficiency Enhancement in Soybean."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Rice, Charles W., and Wang, Donghai (Biological and 1xbet sports betting Engineering), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,500, "Development and Utilization of Sorghum as Feedstock for Biofuel Production."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara, Presley, DeAnn R., Rice, Charles W., and Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Staggenborg, Scott A., and Prasad, P.V. Vara, US Agency for International 1xbet sports betting , "Transfer of Sorghum and Millet Production, Processing and Marketing Technologies in Mali - Training Component."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Bergtold, Jason S. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Langemeier, Michael R. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Peterson, Jeffrey M. (1xbet sports betting Economics), and Williams, Jeffery R. (1xbet sports betting Economics), US Department of Agriculture, ,867, "Small and Medium Size Farmers Ability and Willingness to Supply Carbon Offsets through Carbon Markets and Conservation Crop Production Tesso, Tesfaye,Prasad, P.V. Vara, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Sorghum."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Prasad, P.V. Vara, and Yu, Jianming, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Biofuel Production."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Mengel, David B., Prasad, P.V. Vara, and Yu, Jianming, The United Sorghum Checkoff Program Board, "Enhancing Sorghum Nitrogen Use Efficiency Through Breeding, Genetics and Fertilizer Management in Kansas."

Thompson, Curtis R.,O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), Peterson, Dallas E., and Stahlman, Phillip W. (1xbet sports betting Research Center-Hays), Kansas Soybean Commission, "Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Kochia in Soybeans."

Thompson, Curtis R., and Janssen, Keith A., Multisponsor, ,475, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Yu, Jianming,Prasad, P.V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Genetic Analysis of Drought Tolerance in Grain Yu, Jianming,Prasad, P.V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Screening Sorghum Germplasm for Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Biofuel Production."

Yu, Jianming,Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Research Extension Center), Mengel, David B., Prasad, P.V. Vara, and Tesso, Tesfaye, The United Sorghum Checkoff Program Board, "Enhancing Sorghum Nitrogen Use Efficiency Through Breeding, Genetics and Fertilizer Management in Kansas."

DeRouchey, Joel M.,Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., Ajinomoto Heartland LLC, "Land O'Lakes Trial for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Goodband, Robert D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Nelssen, Jim L., and Tokach, Michael D., Ajinomoto Heartland LLC, "Land O'Lakes Trial for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Lee, Charles D., Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, ,523, "Extension Education Position Support."

Nelssen, Jim L.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Tokach, Michael D., Ajinomoto Heartland LLC, "Land O'Lakes Trial for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Tokach, Michael D.,DeRouchey, Joel M., Dritz, Steven S. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Goodband, Robert D., and Nelssen, Jim L., Ajinomoto Heartland LLC, ,000, "Land O'Lakes Trial for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Lilja, Nina,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Prasad, P.V. Vara (1xbet sports betting ), Presley, DeAnn R. (1xbet sports betting ), Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Buschman, Larry L.,McCornack, Brian P., Schapaugh Jr, William T. (1xbet sports betting ), Smith, C. Michael, and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,262, "Developmentof Genetic and Chemical Tactics for Management of the Dectes Stem Borer in Soybean."

Kambhampati, Srinivas,Bolton, Timothy A. (Physics), Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Rebello, Nobel S. (Physics), and Totten, Iris M. (Geology), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Smith, C. Michael,Buschman, Larry L., McCornack, Brian P., Schapaugh Jr, William T. (1xbet sports betting ), and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Developmentof Genetic and Chemical Tactics for Management of the Dectes Stem Borer in Soybean."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,Buschman, Larry L., McCornack, Brian P., Schapaugh Jr, William T. (1xbet sports betting ), and Smith, C. Michael, Kansas Soybean Commission, "Developmentof Genetic and Chemical Tactics for Management of the Dectes Stem Borer in Soybean."

Zurek, Ludek, Winn Feline Foundation, ,000, "Intestinal Biofilm Formation by Enterococci in Kittens - Determining the Identity and Virulence Determinants of those Associated with Life and Death."

Bhadriraju, Subramanyam,Kennelly, Megan (Plant Pathology), Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), and Rivard, Cary L. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), US Department of Agriculture, ,920, "Cochran Fellowship Dogan, Hulya, and Faubion, Jon M., US Department of Agriculture, ,193, "Study of the Interactions of Bran with Gluten Proteins During Dough 1xbet sports betting Using Rheology, Infrared Spectroscopy and Tomography."

Faubion, Jon M., and Dogan, Hulya, US Department of Agriculture, "Study of the Interactions of Bran with Gluten Proteins During Dough 1xbet sports betting Using Rheology, Infrared Spectroscopy and Tomography."

Fowler, Mark,Maier, Dirk E., and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Market 1xbet sports betting Grant - International Grains Program."

Gwirtz, Jeffrey A., and Miller, Rebecca, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Sorghum Flour Processing and 1xbet sports betting of Sorghum-based Gluten-Free Baked Maier, Dirk E.,Fowler, Mark, and O'Neil III, Howard J., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Market 1xbet sports betting Grant - International Grains Program."

Miller, Rebecca, and Gwirtz, Jeffrey A., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,000, "Sorghum Flour Processing and 1xbet sports betting of Sorghum-based Gluten-Free Baked Products."

O'Neil III, Howard J.,Fowler, Mark, and Maier, Dirk E., Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Market 1xbet sports betting Grant - International Grains Program."

Shi, Yong Cheng, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,167, "Developing Sorghum Flours with Increased Resistant Starch Content for Health Benefits."

Rivard, Cary L.,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam (Grain Science and Industry), Kennelly, Megan (Plant Pathology), and Little, Christopher R. (Plant Pathology), US Department of Agriculture, 4, "Cochran Fellowship Program."

Aiken, Robert M., and Perumal, Ramasamy, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,542, "Evaluating Advanced Breeding Lines and New Sources for Cold Tolerance in Sorghum."

Aiken, Robert M.,Lamm, Freddie R., and O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), National Sunflower Association, "Managing Deficit Sprinkler Irrigation for Sunflower Production."

Aiken, Robert M.,Heer, William F. (1xbet sports betting ), and Schlegel, Alan J. (Southwest Research Extension Center), National Sunflower Association, ,000, "Row Spacing and Population Effects on Double-Cropped Sunflower Productivity."

Lamm, Freddie R.,Aiken, Robert M., and O'Brien, Daniel M. (Northwest Area Office), National Sunflower Association, ,840, "Managing Deficit Sprinkler Irrigation for Sunflower Production."

Bockus, William W.,Rotenberg, Dorith, and Whitfield, Anna E., Heartland Plant Innovations, Inc., "Enabling Biotechnological Breakthroughs for Effective Control of Wheat Virus Diseases in Kansas."

DeWolf, Erick D., Multisponsor, ,250, "Winter Wheat Seed Treatment Tests."

Garrett, Karen A.,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara (1xbet sports betting ), Presley, DeAnn R. (1xbet sports betting ), Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,907, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Gill, Bikram S., US Department of Agriculture, ,634, "Chromosome Engineering of Stem Rust Resistance in Wheat."

Kennelly, Megan,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam (Grain Science and Industry), Little, Christopher R., and Rivard, Cary L. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), US Department of Agriculture, ,775, "Cochran Fellowship Program."

Little, Christopher R., and Todd, Timothy C., Kansas Soybean Commission, ,829, "Understanding Soybean Seed, Seedling and Root Pathogens in Kansas."

Little, Christopher R.,Bhadriraju, Subramanyam (Grain Science and Industry), Kennelly, Megan, and Rivard, Cary L. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), US Department of Agriculture, "Cochran Fellowship Program."

Rotenberg, Dorith,Bockus, William W., and Whitfield, Anna E., Heartland Plant Innovations, Inc., 0,000, "Enabling Biotechnological Breakthroughs for Effective Control of Wheat Virus Diseases in Kansas."

Todd, Timothy C.,Kusel, Kelly R., Schapaugh Jr, William T. (1xbet sports betting ), and Trick, Harold N., Kansas Soybean Commission, 0,729, "Trait and Production Efficiency Enhancement in Soybean."

Todd, Timothy C., and Little, Christopher R., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Understanding Soybean Seed, Seedling and Root Pathogens in Kansas."

Trick, Harold N.,Kusel, Kelly R., Schapaugh Jr, William T. (1xbet sports betting ), and Todd, Timothy C., Kansas Soybean Commission, "Trait and Production Efficiency Enhancement in Soybean."

Whitfield, Anna E.,Bockus, William W., and Rotenberg, Dorith, Heartland Plant Innovations, Inc., "Enabling Biotechnological Breakthroughs for Effective Control of Wheat Virus Diseases in Kansas."

Holman, Johnathon D., and Schlegel, Alan J., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research for Western Kansas."

Martin, Kent L.,Mengel, David B. (1xbet sports betting ), Prasad, P.V. Vara (1xbet sports betting ), Tesso, Tesfaye (1xbet sports betting ), and Yu, Jianming (1xbet sports betting ), The United Sorghum Checkoff Program Board, "Enhancing Sorghum Nitrogen Use Efficiency Through Breeding, Genetics and Fertilizer Management in Kansas."

Schlegel, Alan J., and Holman, Johnathon D., Multisponsor, ,000, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research for Western Kansas."

Schlegel, Alan J.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), and Heer, William F. (1xbet sports betting ), National Sunflower Association, "Row Spacing and Population Effects on Double-Cropped Sunflower Productivity."


Kanost, Michael R., US Department of Health and Human Services, 6,520, "Proteinase Systems in Insect Hemolymph."

Zolkiewski, Michal, Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, ,500, "A Yeast Expression System to Uncover Fundamental Aspects of TorsinA Function."

Ferguson, Carolyn J.,Bolton, Timothy A. (Physics), Kambhampati, Srinivas (Entomology), Rebello, Nobel S. (Physics), and Totten, Iris M. (Geology), National Science Foundation, 2,021, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Haukos, David, US Department of the Interior, 6,681, "1xbet sports betting of Conservation and Climate Adaptation Strategies for Wetlands in the Great Plains LCC Region."

Johnson, Loretta C., Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, 0, "Sigma Xi Research Award - Miranda Gray."

Jumpponen, Ari M.,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara (1xbet sports betting ), Presley, DeAnn R. (1xbet sports betting ), Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,907, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Morgan, Theodore J., National Science Foundation, 6,000, "LIT: Collaborative Research: Integrating Physiological and Genetic Mechanisms to Understand the Evolution of Cold Tolerance."

Rintoul, David A., and Spooner, Brian S., Kansas State University Foundation, "Cancer Center Core."

Spooner, Brian S., and Rintoul, David A., Kansas State University Foundation, ,817, "Cancer Center Core."

Welti, Ruth, National Science Foundation, ,750, "Metabolomics: A Functional Genomics Tool for Deciphering Functions of Arabidopsis Genes in the Context of Metabolic and Regulatory Networks."

Aikens, Christine M., Sloan Foundation, Alfred P., ,000, "Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship."

Harrington Jr, John A., National Science Foundation, ,457, "Project Manager: Kansas NSF EPSCoR."

Hutchinson, J. M. Shawn, and Hutchinson, Stacy L. (Biological and 1xbet sports betting Engineering), US Department of Defense, "Validating the Kinematic Wave Approach for Rapid Soil Erosion Assessment and Improved BMP Site Selection to Enhance Training Land Sustainability."

Totten, Iris M.,Bolton, Timothy A. (Physics), Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Kambhampati, Srinivas (Entomology), and Rebello, Nobel S. (Physics), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Naibo, Virginia M., National Science Foundation, 7,526, "Bilinear Techniques in Time-Frequency and Real Analysis."

Bolton, Timothy A.,Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Kambhampati, Srinivas (Entomology), Rebello, Nobel S., and Totten, Iris M. (Geology), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Bolton, Timothy A.,Sidwell, Ronald A., Stanton, Noel R., and Von Toerne, Eckhard, National Science Foundation, ,000, "Quarknet."

Rebello, Nobel S.,Bolton, Timothy A., Ferguson, Carolyn J. (Biology), Kambhampati, Srinivas (Entomology), and Totten, Iris M. (Geology), National Science Foundation, "Evidence-based Inquiry into the Distant, Remote, or Past (EIDRoP): Linking Evidence to Inference in the Kansas Science Classroom."

Sidwell, Ronald A.,Bolton, Timothy A., Stanton, Noel R., and Von Toerne, Eckhard, National Science Foundation, "Quarknet."

Stanton, Noel R.,Bolton, Timothy A., Sidwell, Ronald A., and Von Toerne, Eckhard, National Science Foundation, "Quarknet."

Von Toerne, Eckhard,Bolton, Timothy A., Sidwell, Ronald A., and Stanton, Noel R., National Science Foundation, "Quarknet."

Kirkpatrick, Kimberly, US Department of Health and Human Services, 3,100, "Timing, Reward Processing and Choice."

Selfa, Theresa L.,Dalton, Timothy J. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P.V. Vara (1xbet sports betting ), Presley, DeAnn R. (1xbet sports betting ), Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,907, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation 1xbet sports betting Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."


Dunn, Cindi,Middendorf, B. Jan, and Thurston, Linda P., National Science Foundation, ,122, "The Queens Borough Bridge: An NSF-Funded Consortium between a Two-Year College, Four-Year College, and National Laboratory."

Thurston, Linda P.,Dunn, Cindi, and Middendorf, B. Jan, National Science Foundation, "The Queens Borough Bridge: An NSF-Funded Consortium between a Two-Year College, Four-Year College, and National Laboratory."


Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,812, "Match for EDA "Kansas Opportunity Innovation Network" KOIN."

Kramer, Bradley A., and Becker, Gina Y., Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,480, "PFI: Kansas Bioprocessing Science and Engineering Center."

Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., North Central Regional Planning Commission, ,000, "Regional Business Profiting & Innovation Networking Project P11- 0052."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Kramer, Bradley A., Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, "Match for EDA "Kansas Opportunity Innovation Network" KOIN."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Kramer, Bradley A., North Central Regional Planning Commission, "Regional Business Profiting & Innovation Networking Project P11-0052."

Douglas-Mankin, Kyle R., and Leatherman, John C. (1xbet sports betting Economics), US Environmental Protection Agency, ,792, "KS WRAPS Cottonwood Development, Assessment and Planning / Neosho Headwaters Assessment and Planning."

Hutchinson, Stacy L., US Army, ,000, "Assessing the Relationship between Remotely Sensed Products Derived from MODIS Satellite Imagery and Landscape Ecological Measurements."

Hutchinson, Stacy L., and Hutchinson, J. M. Shawn (Geography), US Department of Defense, 5,850, "Validating the Kinematic Wave Approach for Rapid Soil Erosion Assessment and Improved BMP Site Selection to Enhance Training Land Price, Randy R., American Sugar Cane League, ,500, "1xbet sports betting of New Technologies to Estimate Sugarcane Yields, Improve Mechanical Planters, and Provide Electronic Depth Control."

Slocombe, John W., US Department of Agriculture, 0,000, "Kansas AgrAbility Project."

Steichen, James M., and Zhang, Naiqian, US Department of Defense, "Continuous, Wireless Monitoring of Sediment Flux at Multiple Low-Water Stream Crossings on Tank Trails."

Wang, Donghai,Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), and Staggenborg, Scott A. (1xbet sports betting ), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,500, "Development and Utilization of Sorghum as Feedstock for Biofuel Production."

Zhang, Naiqian, US Department of Agriculture, ,821, "A Laser System for High- Resolution Soil Surface and Standing Residue Analysis."

Zhang, Naiqian, and Steichen, James M., US Department of Defense, ,069, "Continuous, Wireless Monitoring of Sediment Flux at Multiple Low-Water Stream Crossings on Tank Trails."

Erickson, Larry E., Tetra Tech NUS, Inc, ,722, "Animal Mortality Bioenergy Project."

Natarajan, Balasubramaniam,Hatcliff, John M. (Computing and Information Sciences), Singh, Gurdip (Computing and Information Sciences), Wallentine, Virgil E. (Computing and Information Sciences), and Warren, Steven, Cerner Corporation, ,996, "Falls Predictor Device."

Stokes, Robert W., US Department of Transportation, ,000, "Traffic Assistance Services for Kansas (TASK) Program (FY 2009-2011)."

Warren, Steven,Hatcliff, John M. (Computing and Information Sciences), Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, Singh, Gurdip (Computing and Information Sciences), and Wallentine, Virgil E. (Computing and Information Sciences), Cerner Corporation, "Falls Predictor Device."

Hatcliff, John M.,Natarajan, Balasubramaniam (Civil Engineering), Singh, Gurdip, Wallentine, Virgil E., and Warren, Steven (Civil Engineering), Cerner Corporation, "Falls Predictor Device."

Singh, Gurdip,Hatcliff, John M., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam (Civil Engineering), Wallentine, Virgil E., and Warren, Steven (Civil Engineering), Cerner Corporation, ,996, "Falls Predictor Device."

Wallentine, Virgil E.,Hatcliff, John M., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam (Civil Engineering), Singh, Gurdip, and Warren, Steven (Civil Engineering), Cerner Corporation, "Falls Predictor Device."

Gruenbacher, Don M., and Schulz, Noel N., Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "Power Affiliates."

Gruenbacher, Don M.,Lewis, Christopher L., Miller, Ruth D., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, and Pahwa, Anil, US Department of Energy, 0,000, "Wind Energy and Sustainable Energy Solutions."

Kuhn, William B., and Rys, Andrew, US Department of Defense, ,000, "Extreme Environmental Electronics in Silicon-on-Sapphire."

Lewis, Christopher L.,Gruenbacher, Don M., Miller, Ruth D., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, and Pahwa, Anil, US Department of Energy, "Wind Energy and Sustainable Energy Solutions."

Miller, Ruth D.,Gruenbacher, Don M., Lewis, Christopher L., Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, and Pahwa, Anil, US Department of Energy, "Wind Energy and Sustainable Energy Solutions."

Natarajan, Balasubramaniam,Gruenbacher, Don M., Lewis, Christopher L., Miller, Ruth D., and Pahwa, Anil, US Department of Energy, "Wind Energy and Sustainable Energy Solutions."

Pahwa, Anil,Gruenbacher, Don M., Lewis, Christopher L., Miller, Ruth D., and Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, US Department of Energy, "Wind Energy and Sustainable Energy Solutions."

Rys, Andrew, and Kuhn, William B., US Department of Defense, "Extreme Environmental Electronics in Silicon-on-Sapphire."

Schulz, Noel N., and Gruenbacher, Don M., Kansas State University Foundation, "Power Affiliates."

Easton, Todd W., Digestive Health Specialists, ,000, "Developing a Scheduling Software Package for Digestive Health Specialists."

Snead, Bruce C., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,500, "Radon in Real Estate Workshops."

Cai, Liang-Wu, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, ,335, "Acoustically Tailored Composite Rotocraft Fuselage Panels."

Cai, Liang-Wu, US Department of Defense, ,764, "Two and Three-Dimensional Broadband Acoustic Metamaterials via Homogenization and Multiple Scattering from Arrays of Natural Minerals."

McGregor, Douglas S., Schlumberger Technology Corporation, 0,000, "SIC Materials for Neutron Detectors."


Kwon, Junehee,Roberts, Kevin R., Sauer, Kevin L., and Shanklin, Carol W. (Dean of Graduate School), US Department of Agriculture, "Center of Excellence for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Program."

Roberts, Kevin R.,Kwon, Junehee, Sauer, Kevin L., and Shanklin, Carol W. (Dean of Graduate School), US Department of Agriculture, ,599,981, "Center of Excellence for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Program."

Sauer, Kevin L.,Kwon, Junehee, Roberts, Kevin R., and Shanklin, Carol W. (Dean of Graduate School), US Department of Agriculture, "Center of Excellence for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Program."

Vazquez-Araujo, Laura, Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, ,728, "Understanding Needs for Grain Sorghum in Human Food Products from Consumers' Perspectives."

Wang, Weiqun, Kansas State University Foundation, ,000, "Lunar PIXImus Small Animal Densitometer (GE Medical System) Equipment Award."

Wang, Weiqun, Kansas State University Foundation, ,594, "Summer Stipend - Soyoung Lim."


Anderson, David E., ABAXIS, Inc., 2, "Validation of i-STAT and cTN-1 for Bovine Serum."

Anderson, David E.,Lillich, James D., and Roush, James K., US Department of Defense, 8,808, "Advanced Nanomaterials for Biological Processes."

Davis, Elizabeth G.,KuKanich, Katherine, and Narayanan, Sanjeevkumar (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Morris Animal Foundation, ,000, "Effect of Cefovecin on the Fecal Flora of Healthy Dogs (Veterinary Student Scholar: Megan KuKanich, Katherine,Davis, Elizabeth G., and Narayanan, Sanjeevkumar (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Morris Animal Foundation, "Effect of Cefovecin on the Fecal Flora of Healthy Dogs (Veterinary Student Scholar: Megan Lillich, James D.,Anderson, David E., and Roush, James K., US Department of Defense, "Advanced Nanomaterials for Biological Processes."

Roush, James K.,Anderson, David E., and Lillich, James D., US Department of Defense, "Advanced Nanomaterials for Biological Processes."

Dritz, Steven S.,DeRouchey, Joel M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Goodband, Robert D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Nelssen, Jim L. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Tokach, Michael D. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Ajinomoto Heartland LLC, "Land O'Lakes Trial for 15 to 25 lb Pigs."

Henry, Steven C.,Hesse, Richard, Nietfeld, Jerome C. (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), and Rowland, Raymond R. R., Pfizer, Inc., "Research Protocols Agreement - Cachexia (Chomping Disease) in Weaned Pigs: A New Disease Syndrome."

Hesse, Richard,Henry, Steven C., Nietfeld, Jerome C. (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), and Rowland, Raymond R. R., Pfizer, Inc., 3,600, "Research Protocols Agreement - Cachexia (Chomping Disease) in Weaned Pigs: A New Disease Syndrome."

Hesse, Richard,Anderson, Gary A., Burton, Kenneth R., Ma, Wenjun, Richt, Juergen, Rowland, Raymond R. R., and Vanier, Martha A. (National 1xbet sports betting Biosecurity Center), US Department of Homeland Security, "Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease (CEEZAD)."

Ma, Wenjun,Anderson, Gary A., Burton, Kenneth R., Hesse, Richard, Richt, Juergen, Rowland, Raymond R. R., and Vanier, Martha A. (National 1xbet sports betting Biosecurity Center), US Department of Homeland Security, "Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease (CEEZAD)."

Narayanan, Sanjeevkumar,Davis, Elizabeth G. (Clinical Sciences), and KuKanich, Katherine (Clinical Sciences), Morris Animal Foundation, "Effect of Cefovecin on the Fecal Flora of Healthy Dogs (Veterinary Student Scholar: Megan Lawrence)."

Richt, Juergen, and Rowland, Raymond R. R., Kansas Bioscience Authority, ,000,000, "Kansas Bioscience Matching Fund Program."

Richt, Juergen,Anderson, Gary A., Burton, Kenneth R., Hesse, Richard, Ma, Wenjun, Rowland, Raymond R. R., and Vanier, Martha A. (National 1xbet sports betting Biosecurity Center), US Department of Homeland Security, 4,457, "Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease (CEEZAD)."

Rowland, Raymond R. R., and Richt, Juergen, Kansas Bioscience Authority, "Kansas Bioscience Matching Fund Program."

Rowland, Raymond R. R.,Henry, Steven C., Hesse, Richard, and Nietfeld, Jerome C. (Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory), Pfizer, Inc., "Research Protocols Agreement - Cachexia (Chomping Disease) in Weaned Pigs: A New Disease Syndrome."

Rowland, Raymond R. R.,Anderson, Gary A., Burton, Kenneth R., Hesse, Richard, Ma, Wenjun, Richt, Juergen, and Vanier, Martha A. (National 1xbet sports betting Biosecurity Center), US Department of Homeland Security, "Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease (CEEZAD)."

Zurek, Ludek, Winn Feline Foundation, "Intestinal Biofilm Formation by Enterococci in Kittens - Determining the Identity and Virulence Determinants of those Associated with Life and Death."

Nietfeld, Jerome C.,Henry, Steven C. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Hesse, Richard (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Pfizer, Inc., "Research Protocols Agreement - Cachexia (Chomping Disease) in Weaned Pigs: A New Disease Syndrome."

Richt, Juergen,Anderson, Gary A., Burton, Kenneth R., Hesse, Richard (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Ma, Wenjun (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Vanier, Martha A. (National 1xbet sports betting Biosecurity Center), US Department of Homeland Security, "Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease VETERINARY MEDICAL TEACHING HOSPITAL
Fingland, Roger B., City of Manhattan, KS, ,400, "Veterinary Services at the Sunset Zoological Park, Manhattan, Kansas."


FOUR-H YOUTH 1xbet sports betting
Gerhard, Gary W., US Department of Justice, ,000, "Kansas 4-H Tech Wizards: 4-H National Mentoring Program."

Duncan, Stewart R.,Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (1xbet sports betting ), and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,191, "Improving Yields of Double Crop Soybean with Starter and Foliar Fertilization."

Duncan, Stewart R., and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,000, "Soybean Response to Fungicides and Insecticides."

Falk, Jeanne S.,OBrien, Robert T., and Stahlman, Phillip W. (1xbet sports betting Research Center-Hays), National Sunflower Association, "Mitigating the Threat of Palmer Amaranth to Sunflower Production."

O'Brien, Daniel M.,Geier, Patrick W. (1xbet sports betting Research Center-Hays), and Stahlman, Phillip W. (1xbet sports betting Research Center-Hays), Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, "Managing Glyphosate-resistant Kochia Preplant and Postplanting in No-till Grain Sorghum."

O'Brien, Daniel M.,Peterson, Dallas E. (1xbet sports betting ), Stahlman, Phillip W. (1xbet sports betting Research Center-Hays), and Thompson, Curtis R. (1xbet sports betting ), Kansas Soybean Commission, "Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Kochia in Soybeans."

O'Brien, Daniel M.,Aiken, Robert M. (Northwest Research Extension Center), and Lamm, Freddie R. (Northwest Research Extension Center), National Sunflower Association, "Managing Deficit Sprinkler Irrigation for Sunflower Production."

OBrien, Robert T.,Falk, Jeanne S., and Stahlman, Phillip W. (1xbet sports betting Research Center-Hays), National Sunflower Association, "Mitigating the Threat of Palmer Amaranth to Sunflower Production."

Olson, Brian L.,Rice, Charles W. (1xbet sports betting ), and Roozeboom, Kraig L. (1xbet sports betting ), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,553, "Evaluation of Soybean Inoculant Products and Techniques to Address Soybean Nodulation Problems in Kansas."

Shoup, Douglas E.,Duncan, Stewart R. (Northeast Area Office), Martin, Kent L. (Southwest Area Office), and Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (1xbet sports betting ), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,191, "Improving Yields of Double Crop Soybean with Starter and Foliar Fertilization."

Shoup, Douglas E., and Duncan, Stewart R. (Northeast Area Office), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,000, "Soybean Response to Fungicides and Insecticides."

Martin, Kent L.,Duncan, Stewart R. (Northeast Area Office), Ruiz Diaz Suarez, Dorivar A. (1xbet sports betting ), and Shoup, Douglas E. (Southeast Area Office), Kansas Soybean Commission, ,191, "Improving Yields of Double Crop Soybean with Starter and Foliar Fertilization."


Shanklin, Carol W.,Kwon, Junehee (Hospitality Management and Dietetics), Roberts, Kevin R. (Hospitality Management and Dietetics), and Sauer, Kevin L. (Hospitality Management and Dietetics), US Department of Agriculture, "Center of Excellence for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Program."


Richt, Juergen,Anderson, Gary A., Burton, Kenneth R., Hesse, Richard (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Ma, Wenjun (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Vanier, Martha A. (National 1xbet sports betting Biosecurity Center), US Department of Homeland Security, "Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease NATIONAL 1xbet sports betting BIOSECURITY CENTER
Vanier, Martha A.,Anderson, Gary A., Burton, Kenneth R., Hesse, Richard (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Ma, Wenjun (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Richt, Juergen (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and Rowland, Raymond R. R. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), US Department of Homeland Security, "Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease