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Research Awards, February 2010


Barton, David G.,Multisponsor, ,000, "Arthur Capper Cooperative Center."

Boland, Michael A.,1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, 2,000, "Agricultural Marketing Resources."

Dalton, Timothy J.,Dhuyvetter, Kevin C., Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Dhuyvetter, Kevin C.,Dalton, Timothy J., Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,934, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Langemeier, Michael R.,Nelson, Richard G. (Kansas Industrial Extension Services), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Wang, Donghai(Biological and Agricultural Engineering), 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,095, "Investigation/Simulation of Environmental Impacts and Economic Impacts and Economic Feasibility for Sweet Sorghum as a Sustainable Bioenergy Crop in South Central United States to help meet EISA Goals."

Janssen, Keith A., and Thompson, Curtis R., Multisponsor, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Maddux, Larry D.,Marsh, Brian H., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Marsh, Brian H.,Maddux, Larry D., Nelson, Nathan O., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Mengel, David B., and Minton, J. Ernest, Oklahoma State University, ,000, "Memorandum of Understanding between Kansas State University and the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station for Salary Support: Joint Canola Breeding and Management Program."

Nelson, Nathan O.,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Pierzynski, Gary M., Multisponsor, ,500, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Pierzynski, Gary M.,Maddux, Larry D., Marsh, Brian H., and Nelson, Nathan O., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Investigations."

Prasad, P. V. Vara,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Presley, DeAnn R., Rice, Charles W., Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International Development, 9,506, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Prasad, P. V. Vara, and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International Development, ,000, "Transfer of Sorghum and Millet Production, Processing and Marketing Technologies in Mali - Training Component."

Prasad, P. V. Vara,1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,094, "Breeding and Testing of New Switchgrass Culitvars for Increased Biomass Production in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas and Kansas."

Presley, DeAnn R.,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara, Rice, Charles W., Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Rice, Charles W.,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara, Presley, DeAnn R., Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A., US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara, Presley, DeAnn R., Rice, Charles W., and Selfa, Theresa L.(Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Staggenborg, Scott A., and Prasad, P. V. Vara, US Agency for International Development, "Transfer of Sorghum and Millet Production, Processing and Marketing Technologies in Mali - Training Component."

Staggenborg, Scott A.,Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Nelson, Richard G. (Kansas Industrial Extension Services), and Wang, Donghai(Biological and Agricultural Engineering), 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,095, "Investigation/Simulation of Environmental Impacts and Economic Impacts and Economic Feasibility for Sweet Sorghum as a Sustainable Bioenergy Crop in South Central United States to help meet EISA Goals."

Tesso, Tesfaye,Global Crop Diversity Trust, ,000, "Breeding Sorghum for Hot an Humid Climate: Exploiting Sources of Disease Resistance and High Grain Quality."

Tesso, Tesfaye,1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, ,000, "Accelerated Development of Cold Tolerant Sorghum Germplasm and Enhanced Application of Sorghum Genomic Resources."

Thompson, Curtis R., and Janssen, Keith A., Multisponsor, ,600, "Field Herbicidal Evaluations."

Lee, Charles D.,Kansas 1xbet online sports betting Wildlife and Parks, ,144, "Extension Education Position Support."

Lilja, Nina,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Prasad, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Cloyd, Raymond A., and Zhu, Kun Yan, American Floral Endowment, ,000, "Effect of Pesticide Mixtures in Controlling Arthropod Pests of Greenhouses."

Cloyd, Raymond A.,Reese, John C., Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Reese, John C.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Reese, John C., and Wilde, Gerald E., Multisponsor, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Wilde, Gerald E.,Cloyd, Raymond A., Reese, John C., and Whitworth, Robert "Jeff" J., Multisponsor, ,000, "Chemical Control of Insect Pests of Corn and Other Field Crops, Small Grain and Forage."

Zhu, Kun Yan, and Cloyd, Raymond A., American Floral Endowment, "Effect of Pesticide Mixtures in Controlling Arthropod Pests of Greenhouses."

Shi, Yong Cheng,Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, 8,862, "Sponsored Research Agreement- Starch Derivatives."

Boyer, Cheryl R.,Griffin, Jason, and Kennelly, Megan(Plant Pathology), 1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, "Rediscovering Conifers in Kansas."

Bremer, Dale J.,Fry, Jack D., Griffin, Jason, and Keeley, Steven J., Multisponsor, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Fry, Jack D.,Bremer, Dale J., Griffin, Jason, and Keeley, Steven J., Multisponsor, ,486, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Griffin, Jason,Bremer, Dale J., Fry, Jack D., and Keeley, Steven J., Multisponsor, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Griffin, Jason,Boyer, Cheryl R., and Kennelly, Megan(Plant Pathology), 1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, ,750, "Rediscovering Conifers in Kansas."

Keeley, Steven J.,Bremer, Dale J., Fry, Jack D., and Griffin, Jason, Multisponsor, "Turfgrass Investigations."

Park, Sunghun,HI Green System, 0,002, "Metabolic Engineering of Health-Promoting Phytochemicals in Tomato."

Garrett, Karen A.,Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), and Kennelly, Megan, The Ceres Trust, ,699, "The Response of Soil Microbial Communities to Organic and Conventional Fertilization."

Garrett, Karen A.,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,967, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Kennelly, Megan,Garrett, Karen A., and Jumpponen, Ari M.(Biology), The Ceres Trust, "The Response of Soil Microbial Communities to Organic and Conventional Fertilization."

Kennelly, Megan,Boyer, Cheryl R. (Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), and Griffin, Jason(Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources), 1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, ,938, "Rediscovering Conifers in Kansas."

Trick, Harold N.,United Soybean Board, ,200, "Towards Broad and Effective Cyst Nematode Resistance in Soybean."

Valent, Barbara S.,1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, 0,497, "The Interactome of Pathogenicity Factors in the Rice Blast Fungus "Magnaporthe oryzae"."

Holman, Johnathon D., and Schlegel, Alan J., Multisponsor, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research for Western Kansas."

Schlegel, Alan J., and Holman, Johnathon D., Multisponsor, ,750, "Soil Fertility and Soil Management Research for Western Kansas."


Chapes, Stephen K.,American Heart Assocation, Midwest Affiliate, ,500, "Understanding Adipocyte-Macrophage Interactions."

Chapes, Stephen K., and Von Ohlen, Tonia L., 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 8,160, "Definition of Host Genes Required for Intracellular Pathogen Growth."

Fleming, Sherry D.,1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 9,036, "Natural Antibodies and Tissue Injury."

Jumpponen, Ari M.,Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), and Kennelly, Megan(Plant Pathology), The Ceres Trust, ,121, "The Response of Soil Microbial Communities to Organic and Conventional Fertilization."

Jumpponen, Ari M.,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), Selfa, Theresa L. (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,967, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Nippert, Jesse B.,National Science Foundation, ,000, "Global Environmental Change and Local Ecosystems: A Kansas MSP-Start Project for P-20 Students."

Sandercock, Brett K., and Wisely, Samantha, 1xbet online sports betting Energy, ,000, "Environmental Impacts of Wind Power Development on Population Biology of Greater Prairie Chickens."

Ungerer, Mark,National Science Foundation, 4,057, "Hybrid Speciation,Transposable Elements, and Genome Evolution in Wild Sunflowers."

Von Ohlen, Tonia L., and Chapes, Stephen K., 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, "Definition of Host Genes Required for Intracellular Pathogen Growth."

Wisely, Samantha, and Sandercock, Brett K., 1xbet online sports betting Energy, "Environmental Impacts of Wind Power Development on Population Biology of Greater Prairie Chickens."

Aikens, Christine M.,National Science Foundation, 9,500, "CAREER: Theoretical Development of Bio-Inspired Water Splitting Photocatalysts."

Aikens, Christine M.,1xbet online sports betting Defense, ,357, "Structure and Optical Properties of Noble Metal Nanoparticles."

Hua, Duy H., and Chang, Kyeong-Ok(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 4,197, "Development of Novel Therapeutic Agents for Norovirus Infections."

Daniels, Robert, and Hutchinson, J. M. Shawn, US Environmental Protection Agency, "GISSAL WRAPS Memorandum of Agreement."

Hutchinson, J. M. Shawn, and Hutchinson, Stacy L.(Biological and Agricultural Engineering), 1xbet online sports betting Defense, "Validating the Kinematic Wave Approach for Rapid Soil Erosion Assessment and Improved BMP Site Selection to Enhance Training Land Sustainability."

Hutchinson, J. M. Shawn, and Daniels, Robert, US Environmental Protection Agency, ,340, "GISSAL WRAPS Memorandum of Agreement."

Datta, Saugata, and Raef, Abdelmoneam, 1xbet online sports betting Energy, 1,126, "Modeling CO2 Sequestration in Saline Aquifer and Depleted Oil Reservoir to Evaluate Regional CO2 Sequestration Potential of Ozark Plateau Aquifer System, South-Central Kansas."

Raef, Abdelmoneam, and Datta, Saugata, 1xbet online sports betting Energy, "Modeling CO2 Sequestration in Saline Aquifer and Depleted Oil Reservoir to Evaluate Regional CO2 Sequestration Potential of Ozark Plateau Aquifer System, South-Central Kansas."

Spencer, Craig,National Security Agency, ,602, "Circle Method Approaches to Arithmetic Geometry, Diophantine Inequalities and Additive Combinatorics."

Selfa, Theresa L.,Dalton, Timothy J. (Agricultural Economics), Dhuyvetter, Kevin C. (Agricultural Economics), Garrett, Karen A. (Plant Pathology), Jumpponen, Ari M. (Biology), Lilja, Nina (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Prasad, P. V. Vara (Agronomy), Presley, DeAnn R. (Agronomy), Rice, Charles W. (Agronomy), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), US Agency for International Development, ,967, "Improving Soil Quality and Crop Productivity through Farmers Tested and Recommended Conservation Agricultural Practices in Cropping Systems of West Africa."

Williams, L. Susan,National Science Foundation, ,478, "Doctoral Dissertation Research: Pushed to the Margins: Methamphetamine, Crime, and Inequality (Travis Linnemann)."


Vruwink, David R., and Katz, Jeffrey P.(Management), Multisponsor, "MBA Practicum."

Katz, Jeffrey P., and Vruwink, David R.(Accounting), Multisponsor, 0, "MBA Practicum."


Kramer, Bradley A., and Tucker, Jeffrey W., Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,510, "EDA "Early-Stage Technology Development Assistance Center: Phase II"."

Tucker, Jeffrey W., and Kramer, Bradley A., Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, "EDA "Early-Stage Technology Development Assistance Center: Phase II"."

Hutchinson, Stacy L., and Hutchinson, J. M. Shawn(Geography), 1xbet online sports betting Defense, 7,478, "Validating the Kinematic Wave Approach for Rapid Soil Erosion Assessment and Improved BMP Site Selection to Enhance Training Land Sustainability."

Wang, Donghai,Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Nelson, Richard G. (Kansas Industrial Extension Services), and Staggenborg, Scott A.(Agronomy), 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,095, "Investigation/Simulation of Environmental Impacts and Economic Impacts and Economic Feasibility for Sweet Sorghum as a Sustainable Bioenergy Crop in South Central United States to help meet EISA Goals."

Yuan, Wenqiao,National Science Foundation, 0,000, "CAREER: Multi-Scale Structured Solid Carriers Enabling Algae Biofuel Manufacturing in the Ocean."

Jones, Byron W.,Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,558, "Kansas Defense 2010."

Rezac, Mary E.,1xbet online sports betting Energy, 5,000, "High Temperature Membrane Reactors."

Dissanayake, Sunanda,Kansas 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,000, "Improving Safety of Teenage and Young Adult Drivers in Kansas (Phase 11)."

Landman, E. Dean, and Russell, Eugene R., Kansas 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, "Accommodating Oversized/Overweight Vehicles at Roundabouts."

Landman, E. Dean, and Russell, Eugene R., Transoft Solutions, Inc, "Accommodating Oversized/Overweight Vehicles at Roundabouts."

Landman, E. Dean, and Russell, Eugene R., 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, 5,000, "Accommodating Oversized/Overweight Vehicles at Roundabouts Pooled Fund Study."

Russell, Eugene R., and Landman, E. Dean, Kansas 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,000, "Accommodating Oversized/Overweight Vehicles at Roundabouts."

Russell, Eugene R., and Landman, E. Dean, Transoft Solutions, Inc, ,000, "Accommodating Oversized/Overweight Vehicles at Roundabouts."

Russell, Eugene R., and Landman, E. Dean, 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, 5,000, "Accommodating Oversized/Overweight Vehicles at Roundabouts Pooled Fund Study."

Ou, Xinming (Simon),National Science Foundation, 9,661, "CAREER: Reasoning about Uncertainty in Cybersecurity."

Das, Sanjoy,Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, Schulz, Noel N., and Scoglio, Caterina M., 1xbet online sports betting Defense, "Advanced Computational and Sensor Network Methods for MVDC Shipboard Power Systems."

Jones, Byron W.,Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,125, "Kansas Defense 2010."

Natarajan, Balasubramaniam,Das, Sanjoy, Schulz, Noel N., and Scoglio, Caterina M., 1xbet online sports betting Defense, "Advanced Computational and Sensor Network Methods for MVDC Shipboard Power Systems."

Schulz, Noel N.,Das, Sanjoy, Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, and Scoglio, Caterina M., 1xbet online sports betting Defense, 9,380, "Advanced Computational and Sensor Network Methods for MVDC Shipboard Power Systems."

Scoglio, Caterina M.,Das, Sanjoy, Natarajan, Balasubramaniam, and Schulz, Noel N., 1xbet online sports betting Defense, "Advanced Computational and Sensor Network Methods for MVDC Shipboard Power Systems."

Jones, Byron W.,Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, ,400, "Kansas Defense 2010."

Eckels, Steven J., and McCullough, Elizabeth A., 1xbet online sports betting Defense, "Evaluation of Personal Cooling Systems (PCS) for Soldiers."

Jones, Byron W.,1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,999, "Phase II: In-Flight Sensor System and Database Deployment."

McCullough, Elizabeth A., and Eckels, Steven J., 1xbet online sports betting Defense, 9,927, "Evaluation of Personal Cooling Systems (PCS) for Soldiers."

Nelson, Richard G.,Langemeier, Michael R. (Agricultural Economics), Staggenborg, Scott A. (Agronomy), and Wang, Donghai(Biological and Agricultural Engineering), 1xbet online sports betting Transportation, ,190, "Investigation/Simulation of Environmental Impacts and Economic Impacts and Economic Feasibility for Sweet Sorghum as a Sustainable Bioenergy Crop in South Central United States to help meet EISA Goals."

McGregor, Douglas S.,1xbet online sports betting Defense, 2,672, "Multi-Disciplined Research in Nuclear Detection."


DeLuccie, Mary L.,1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, ,303, "Federal Aid in Support of the Child and Adult Care Food Program."

Olsen, Charlotte S., and Pederson-Archuleta, Kristy L., 1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, ,000, "Women Managing the Farm."

Pederson-Archuleta, Kristy L., and Olsen, Charlotte S., 1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, "Women Managing the Farm."


Schultz, Bruce D., and Lillich, James D.(Clinical Sciences), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, ,565, "Neuroendocrine-modulated Epithelial HCO3-transport."

Anderson, David E.,Larson, Robert L., Renter, David G. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and White, Bradley J., Biomune Company, "Reproducibility of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model in Calves."

Larson, Robert L.,Anderson, David E., Renter, David G. (Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), and White, Bradley J., Biomune Company, "Reproducibility of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model in Calves."

Lillich, James D., and Schultz, Bruce D.(Anatomy and Physiology), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, "Neuroendocrine-modulated Epithelial HCO3-transport."

Thomson, Daniel U.,Epitopix, LLC, 0,720, "Efficacy of Vaccination with an Escherichia coli Bacterial Extract for Pre-harvest Control and Shedding of E. coli O157:H7 in Cattle."

White, Bradley J.,Anderson, David E., Larson, Robert L., and Renter, David G.(Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology), Biomune Company, ,206, "Reproducibility of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model in Calves."

Chang, Kyeong-Ok, and Hua, Duy H.(Chemistry), 1xbet online sports betting Health and Human Services, 3,783, "Development of Novel Therapeutic Agents for Norovirus Infections."

Dryden, Michael W., and Payne, Patricia A., Summit VetPharm LLC, ,265, "Efficacy of Vectra 3D and Comfortis against C. felis Infesting Dogs."

Payne, Patricia A., and Dryden, Michael W., Summit VetPharm LLC, "Efficacy of Vectra 3D and Comfortis against C. felis Infesting Dogs."

Renter, David G.,Anderson, David E. (Clinical Sciences), Larson, Robert L. (Clinical Sciences), and White, Bradley J.(Clinical Sciences), Biomune Company, "Reproducibility of a Mycoplasma Bovis Respiratory Challenge Model in Calves."


Biles, Larry E.,1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, 1,783, "Consolidated Payment Grant 2009."

Biles, Larry E.,1xbet online sports betting Agriculture, ,000, "NRCS Technical Service MOU 2008."

Duncan, Stewart R.,Multisponsor, 0, "Crop and Soils Multisponsor Programs."


Brokesh, Lonna D., and Fattaey, Abdullah A., US Environmental Protection Agency, "K- State Center for Child Development Urban Stormwater Management."

Fattaey, Abdullah A., and Brokesh, Lonna D., US Environmental Protection Agency, ,711, "K-State Center for Child Development Urban Stormwater Management."