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Innovation and 1xbet best casino website Prosperity designation

IEP seal

As the first public land-grant institution, K-State is a member of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, or APLU. The Commission on Innovation, Competiveness, and 1xbet best casino website Prosperity, known as CICEP, created the Innovation and 1xbet best casino website Prosperity Universities Designation and Awards program to recognize universities that are leaders in spurring and promoting regional 1xbet best casino website development. CICEP also offers an 1xbet best casino website Engagement Framework to help universities plan, implement, assess, and advance 1xbet best casino website engagement efforts.

Ninety-one institutions have received the IEP designation. K-State began the IEP designation process in August 2016, and received notification that the submission was successful in July 2017.

K-State was again recognized for its dedication to innovation, 1xbet best casino website development, and community engagement by earning a five-year extension in 2024. To secure the extension, the university collected 1xbet best casino website engagement data and reported on institutional progress during the last five years. This process included engaging a range of internal and external stakeholders to understand changes in the ecosystem, collect progress data and identify future growth opportunities.

In addition to the designation, K-State has been named the winner of multiple Innovation and 1xbet best casino website Prosperity University Awards of Excellence, including the 1xbet best casino website and the kansas 1xbet online.

Read more about the process K-State followed (PDF) or steering 1xbet sports betting Committee.


The designation self-study process benefits K-State because it:

  • Challenges K-State to define 1xbet best casino website engagement.
  • Offers an opportunity for internal and external stakeholders to identify what K-State does well and how and where K-State can improve.
  • Provides a means for K-State to communicate all of the ways it is economically engaged locally, regionally, at the state level, and nationally.
  • Affords an opportunity to catalog all of the programs, activities, and events related to 1xbet best casino website engagement/development.

The Office of the Vice President for Research will continue to engage internal and external stakeholders as the growth plan is implemented.

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Beth MonteloneContact:

Beth Montelone
Senior associate vice president for research