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1xbet online games login Connections

Everyone engaged in 1xbet online games login , scholarly, and creative activity and discovery at K-State is invited to attend and exhibit at this internal event held every other fall semester.

  • Explore interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • Find resources.
  • Promote your work.

At every 1xbet online games login Connections, winners of the Excellence in Innovation and Economic Engagement Award are announced. The award recognizes exemplary economic engagement across efforts in talent, innovation and place.

Science as Art

1xbet online games login Connection gives attendees a chance to win a custom Science as Art piece at the event. All Science as Art pieces are created by members of our region or the university community to showcase the beauty of science.

1xbet online games login Connections

Event history

1xbet online games login Connections is part of an ongoing series of events conceived by a group that came together in May 2013 to support K-State corporate engagement and 1xbet online games login collaboration efforts. Representatives from the 1xbet online casino, 1xbet online games login In, the Kansas State University Foundation and the Welcome to the created a Working with Industry Boot Camp and associated workshops to support faculty efforts to forge relationships with industry sponsors and to connect internally with potential collaborators. The group sponsored the first 1xbet online games login Connections event in fall 2017 and continues to sponsor subsequent events.

Sponsored by: The Office of the Vice President for 1xbet online games login , K-State Innovation Partners and the Kansas State University Foundation.