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Govindsamy Vediyappan, Assistant Professor

Govindsamy Vediyappan

Contact information

339 Ackert Hall
(785) 532-6662


Ph.D., 1994, University of Madras, India.

Area(s) of Specialization

Medical mycology, fungi-bacteria interactions, bacterial multidrug resistance (MDR) 1xbet online casino pumps, and antimicrobial development.

Research Focus

Candida albicans is commensal and an opportunistic human fungal pathogen. Humans being the 1xbet online casino host, C. albicans resides in the 1xbet online casino , gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital tracts. C. albicans and other Candida species cause mucosal, disseminated and invasive infections, especially among patients who are immune-suppressed or hospitalized with diseases such as cancer or HIV. The fungus also interacts synergistically with certain bacteria in the oral cavity forming mixed biofilms and augments both 1xbet online casino and fungal virulence.

A better 1xbet online casino of C. albicans virulence, particularly its yeast-to-hypha conversion and hyphal growth, will allow us to design novel intervention strategies. Unlike several classes of antibacterial drugs available for treatments, there are only three major classes of antifungals exist for treatments. To address this unmet medical need, we are characterizing bioactive small molecules 1xbet online casino natural and synthetic products for their antivirulence/antifungal properties, and determining their mode-of-actions (MOA) using molecular, genetic and biochemical approaches.

We are also interested in deciphering the molecular mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial pathogens, particularly the contribution of multiple drug resistance (MDR) by 1xbet online casino pumps, which extrudes drugs from the bacteria. Active drug 1xbet online casino is one of the major intrinsic mechanisms of MDR in bacteria and contributes clinically relevant drug resistance. A single MDR 1xbet online casino pump system (e.g. AcrAB-TolC) can effectively remove hundreds of structurally diverse antimicrobial drugs from bacterial cells leading to therapeutic failures in clinics. Understanding MDR 1xbet online casino pumps in bacteria, including 1xbet online casino pump inhibitors (EPI), will allow us to develop effective therapeutics against bacterial pathogens.

Selected Publications

Horn C,and Vediyappan G. 2021. Anticapsular and 1xbet online casino Activity of α-Cyperone.Antibiotics, 10:51. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10010051. PMID:33419126.

Edouarzin E, Horn C, Paudyal A, Zhang C, Lu J, Tong Z, Giaever G, Nislow C, Veerapandian R, Hua DH, Vediyappan G.. 2020. Broad-spectrum 1xbet online casino activities and mechanism of drimane sesquiterpenoids.Microb Cell. 2020 Mar 12;7(6):146-159. doi: 10.15698/mic2020.06.719.PMID:32548177Free PMC article.

Veerapandian R, Paudyal A, Chang A, Vediyappan G.. 2020. Separation of Bioactive Small Molecules, Peptide 1xbet online casino Natural Source and Proteins 1xbet online casino Microbe by Preparative Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) Method.J Vis Exp. 2020 Jun 14;(160). doi: 10.3791/61101.PMID:32597857

Veerapandian, R., and G. Vediyappan. 2019. Gymnemic Acids Inhibit Adhesive Nanofibrillar Mediated Streptococcus gordonii-Candida albicans Mono-Species and Dual-Species 1xbet online casino . Front Microbiol. 2019 Oct 11;10:2328. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02328. eCollection 2019. PMID:31681200.

Vediyappan G. , V. Dumontet, F. Pelisser and C. d’Enfert. 2013. Gymnemic acids inhibit hyphal growth and 1xbet online casino in Candida albicans. PLOS 1xbet online casino 8: e74189, PMID: 24040201. 1xbet best casino website Today,K-State in the news,

Barabote, R.D., J. Thekkiniath, R.E. Strauss, G. Vediyappan, J.A. Fralick and M.J. San Francisco. 2011. Xenobiotic 1xbet online casino in bacteria and fungi: a genomics update. Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. 77:237-306, PMID: 21692371, Review (Editor Toone, E.J., Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

Vediyappan G, T. Rossignol, and C. d'Enfert. 2010.Interaction ofCandida albicansbiofilms with 1xbet online casino : transcriptional response and binding of 1xbet online casino to beta-glucans. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.54(5):2096-111.

Govind, R.,G. Vediyappan, R.D. Rolfe, B. Dupuy, and J.A. Fralick. 2009.Bacteriophage mediated toxin gene regulation inClostridium difficile.J. Virology83 (23):12037-45.

Enjalbert, B., A. Rachini, G. Vediyappan, D. Pietrella, R. Spaccapelo, A. Vecchiarelli, A.J. Brown, and C. d'Enfert. 2009.A multifunctional, syntheticGaussia princepsluciferase reporter for live imaging ofCandida albicansinfections.Infect Immun.77(11):4847-58.

Vediyappan G, Raja Rao GK, and Rudreshan B. 1998. Properties of extracellular chitinase 1xbet online casino Myrothecium verrucaria, an antagonist to the groundnut rust, Puccinia arachidis. 1xbet online casino . J. Plant Pathology. 20:62-68.

Vediyappan Govindsamy and Rudreshan Balasubramanian. 1994. Purification and properties of apoplastic chitinases 1xbet online casino rust infected leaves of Arachis hypogaea L. Botanica Helvetica. 104:79-86.

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