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Psychology Undergraduate Student Handbook


This handbook is intended to help you understand and make effective use of the educational opportunities available within the framework of our psychology curriculum. With these opportunities come responsibilities to plan carefully and to use resources of the University to support development of your personal, academic, and professional objectives. The faculty in the Department are available to assist you in this endeavor.

The primary responsibility for meeting graduation requirements rests with you. Although this handbook delineates many requirements of the University, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Department, it should not be utilized as a sole source of information to the exclusion of other University publications. You should check the Undergraduate Catalog for the current policies.

You should be aware that the educational process is constantly evolving. This may result in periodic changes in curriculum requirements. You are advised that these changes may have an impact upon course prerequisites and course offerings that may affect their program of study. The Department will make every effort to accommodate students who would be adversely 1xbet best casino websiteaffected by such changes. However, you are responsible for informing yourself of changes and determining the impact the changes will have upon your course sequencing and ultimately your graduation date.


Our undergraduate major in psychology is designed to provide you with a broad liberal arts education and an understanding of how psychologists study behavior and what psychologists have learned about behavior. The knowledge and skills you obtain are useful in a wide variety of employment settings and careers. Additional course work and experiences are available if you are interested in advanced study at the graduate level and if you are interested in careers in social services. The minimum requirements for completing a major in psychology are such that you could complete the requirements of a second major in the College of Arts and Sciences or a second degree in another college in four years with timely planning.

Psychology is both an academic discipline and a profession. To become a professional psychologist, you will need advanced training. Our undergraduate program in psychology does not train you to become a professional psychologist; however, we offer you the opportunity to earn academic credit for participating in research and in supervised field experiences in social service agencies, industry, and government settings.


With Bachelors Degree Only

Many of our graduates seek employment immediately after graduation, and they are successful in a variety of settings: social services, business, industry, and government. While some positions do not require that the person be a psychologist, having a major in psychology provides a background that is useful in many endeavors. Many employers have an interest in hiring people with knowledge and experience in people-oriented activities, e.g. supporting, motivating, and developing others.

While many positions do not require that the person be a psychologist, having a major in psychology provides a background that is useful in many endeavors. Many employers have an interest in hiring people with knowledge and experience in people-oriented activities. For example, K-State psychology graduates now hold such positions as marketing analyst for a motel chain, research assistant for an aircraft company, director of a college admissions office, vice president of a pipe supply company, advertising consultant to a soap company, and parole officer.

With Graduate or Professional Degree

The remaining students enter graduate or professional programs in psychology (e.g. clinical, industrial/organizational, experimental, school), social work, law, medicine, and so forth. A psychology 1xbet sports bettingbackground allows graduates to compete for a variety of positions that draw upon their knowledge and skills.

Students who pursue advanced training in psychology can have careers as professional psychologists. Many psychologists find careers in public service or in private practice. For example, clinical and counseling psychologists may work in a variety of settings, from mental hospitals to community mental health clinics or university counseling centers. School psychologists work toward improving the intellectual, social, and emotional development of school-age children. Industrial psychologists may be employed directly by industrial and business firms, or they may provide consulting services to industry. More recently, psychologists have been included on the staffs of executive and legislative branches of government. Some psychologists teach in universities, community colleges, and high schools. Others have careers in research. Whether in behavioral neuroscience, social psychology, personality, industrial/organizational psychology, cognitive psychology, or human factors psychology, the research may be part of a professional's role in universities, manufacturing firms, the military, or consulting firms.


To become a psychology major, you must meet the following criteria:

A. Present evidence of having earned a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 (on a 4.0 scale) based on a minimum of 15 credit hours earned at Kansas State University and sophomore standing. Sophomore standing is a minimum of 30 total credit hours, including transfer hours.


B. Present evidence of 60 or more transfer credit hours from another accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50.

Until you have met the requirements to be in the major, you will be designated as a Pre-Psychology (UPPSY) student.

Students interested in becoming a psychology major (BPSYCH-BA or BPSYCH-BS) should follow the directions in Declaring a Major in Psychology.


A. If you are currently majoring in a program within the College of Arts and Sciences:

Step 1: Inform the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Services Office, 107 Calvin Hall, of your intention to change to or add a psychology major.

a. Until you have met the requirements to be in the major, you will be designated as a Pre-Psychology (UPPSY) student. Please submit the information form (pdf) to the Department of Psychological Sciences in 492 Bluemont Hall or email it to psych@ksu.edu.


B. If you are currently majoring in a program located in a college other 1xbet online games loginthan the College of Arts and Sciences:

Step 1: Go to your current college's Dean's office to notify them of your intentions to change your major or add another major and obtain a "Program/Plan Change Form."

Step 2: Submit the "Program/Plan Change Form" to the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Services Office, 107 Calvin Hall, and notify them of your intention to become a psychology major.

b. Until you have met the requirements to be in the major, you will be designated as a Pre-Psychology (UPPSY) student. Please submit the information form to the Department of Psychological Sciences in 492 Bluemont Hall or email it to psych@ksu.edu.

NOTE: If adding a minor, please go directly to the department where the minor is housed. Psychology is not offered as a minor.


Students in Psychology are assigned to one of the professional Academic Advisors.

Students should meet with their advisor at least two times per year during pre-enrollment periods. However, it is suggested to meet with your advisor as often as you need in order to keep you on track academically and personally.


Students entering Kansas State University during or after the fall 2008 semester are required to successfully complete 120 credit hours of required courses in the curriculum. Students can receive either a Bachelor of Arts degree or a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology.

To graduate from Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in psychology you must fulfill the general college requirements, all departmental course requirements, and have cumulative GPAs of at least 2.5 in both (a) all psychology courses undertaken at Kansas State University and (b) all course work undertaken at Kansas State University.

Worksheets: BS Requirements Worksheet (pdf), BA Requirements Worksheet (pdf), Degree Planner Instructions



During the pre-enrollment period (approximately October for spring enrollment and March for fall enrollment), pre-psychology and psychology major students should make an appointment to see their academic advisor. Students should meet with their advisor before they will be able to enroll in classes for the next semester.

Step 1: Who is your advisor?

a. Go to KSIS > Student Center page > Advisor (5th box down on the right)

Step 2: When do you enroll?

a. Go to KSIS > Student Center page > Enrollment Dates (4th box down on the right)

Step 3: Obtain your Degree Audit Report System (DARS) report. Instructions (pdf) for obtaining your audit.

Step 4: Work up a tentative class schedule. You will be asked about this when you sign up for your advising appointment.

a. Course schedules can be found at: http://courses.k-state.edu/schedules.html

Step 5: Schedule an appointment with your advisor prior to your enrollment date.

a. Your academic advisor should notify you by email in regards to when they will start scheduling appointments.

b. Go to: https://ksupsychology.acuityscheduling.com

c. If your advisor is not listed or does not show any advising appointments available, please go to the Department office, 492 Bluemont Hall between 8am-12pm or 1-5pm, to schedule an appointment.

Step 6: Attend your appointment on your scheduled day and time.

a. Bring your printed DARS report.

b. Bring your tentative course schedule.

Step 7: Register for classes on your enrollment date.


Psychology Courses

Students who have taken Psychology courses at another institution and wish to transfer those courses to Kansas State University should complete the transfer credit application. Students will need to attach a syllabus for each course listed. If students do not have the syllabus for the semester they took a course, please obtain a current syllabus from the respective college or university.

Return the complete application with syllabi to 492 Bluemont Hall or email it to psych@ksu.edu.

Other Courses

Academic credit for college-level courses you took at other institutions may be used to satisfy the requirements for your degree. The grades you obtained in these courses are not used to compute your KSU GPA. Whether and how a course is applied to your degree requirements depends on the course content, how that content matches the content of courses here, and where you took the course. Those courses that have already been identified for transfer are automatically applied to 1xbet online sports bettingyour Degree Audit Report (DARS). If you want to check to see how a course will transfer, please review the transfer equivalency website.

If you have already taken a class (other than psychology) and it transfers in as an "Unknown," please contact the College of Arts & Sciences Deans office to determine how it might be applied to your degree or contact the Professional Advisor in Psychological Sciences.


Students should consider with care the consequences 1xbet best casino websiteof dropping or adding courses. Students should review their academic plans to assess the impact of the proposed change financial aid and on future semesters.

More information:
K-State Undergraduate Catalog
K-State Academic Calendar


Academic credit is not awarded just for experience. Students should talk to their advisor about their interest in research or teaching as well as any career or volunteer experiences for which they want to receive credit. If students wish to receive academic credit for experiential learning, they will need to have faculty supervision, which must be set-up prior to their experience. Additionally, students must provide evidence that they learned something from that experience and that what was learned is related to the field of psychology.

Work Experience


The University faculty carefully considers the necessary prerequisite courses for any particular course. As such, students are required to complete successfully all prerequisite courses prior to attempting a course. Students who have not successfully completed prerequisite courses will not be allowed to enroll in the course. In exceptional cases, the instructor can waive the prerequisite.


Some courses offered in the Department may require instructors' permission for enrolling. You may contact the instructor in person or by email to ask for permission.





Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will be dealt with as appropriate. For a description of Academic Conduct, Academic Honesty, and Student Grievance Procedures, please view the K-State Honor & Integrity System website.


To graduate from Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in psychology you must fulfill the general college requirements, all departmental course requirements, and have cumulative GPAs of at least 2.5 in both (a) all psychology courses undertaken at Kansas State University and (b) all course work undertaken at Kansas State University.

You must file an application for graduation clearance during the first 4 weeks of the semester in which you expect to graduate (second Friday of June for August graduation). Directions for applying online through KSIS.

As a reminder, you must apply for all majors and/or minors that you wish to complete.

If you do not graduate as scheduled, you must submit a new application.



The University and Department support Study Abroad experiences. Students interested in studying abroad should contact the Study Abroad Office in 304 Fairchild Hall. Additionally, prior to going abroad, students should meet with the Undergraduate 1xbet sports bettingProgram Director for Psychological Sciences to make sure that psychology courses they take abroad will transfer to K-State.


Admission to an advanced degree program in psychology requires relevant research, teaching, or work/volunteer experience, strong letters of recommendation, a high grade point average, strong scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and a broad and basic education in psychology. Undergraduate students who anticipate advanced study in psychology should consider taking more psychology courses than are required for the major and should consult with their faculty advisor for suggestions.

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