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Christopher Barlett, Ph.D.

Christopher Barlett

Contact Information

Office: BH 468

E-mail: cpb6666@ksu.edu

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Research Interests

Dr. Barlett's primary research interest focuses on the prediction and reduction of aggressive and violent behavior (broadly defined). His work has examined the many personality (e.g., dispositional fear of retaliation, trait aggression) and situational factors (e.g., heat, provocations, 1xbet online games loginego depletion) that can individually and interactively predict aggression. Recently, Dr. Barlett has focused his research endeavors at understanding the predictors of cyberbullying, validating his own cyberbullying theory (the BGCM), and developing a unique cyberbullying- focused intervention. 

Graduate Student Involvement

Dr. Barlett supervises several graduate students who are accepted in the Social-Personality graduate program. Dr. Barlett's graduate students will be expected to work with Dr. Barlett on projects related to his area of expertise, but also explore independent ideas that fall within Dr. Barlett's area of expertise. These independent projects should reflect the graduate student's own research agenda, which will allow each student to carve their own path toward their own independent research program.  These experiences 1xbet online sports bettingwill allow for graduate students to learn to conduct theoretically novel and independent research while gaining the theoretical, methodological, and statistical tools necessary to become a world-class scholar. Interested graduate student applicants may contact Dr. Barlett by email (cpb6666@ksu.edu) to inquire about applying to the Social-Personality graduate program at K-State. 

Undergraduate Student Involvement

Dr. Barlett supervises many undergraduate students in his research lab each semester. Students are often tasked with designing research projects, creating stimuli, collecting data, data analysis, and presenting findings. Further, Dr. Barlett regularly presents data at local, regional, national, and international conferences with undergraduate students and has a record of allowing for undergraduate student authorship for published papers (after satisfying a set of agreed 1xbet online casinoupon parameters). Interested undergraduates should email cpb6666@ksu.edu for more information about opportunities in his lab.

Representative Publications (* indicates undergraduate student authorship)


Barlett, C. P., *Seyfert, L. W., *Rinker, A. M., & *Roth, B. R. (in press). The moderating role of dispositional fear of retaliation in    cyberbullying perpetration processes. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2022.111731.

Barlett, C. P., *Seyfert, L. W., *Simmers, M. M., Chen, V. H. H., Cavalcanit, J. G., Krahe, B., Suzuke, K., Warburton, W. A., Wong, R. Y.     M.,Pimentel, C. E., & Skowronski, M. (2021). Cross-cultural similarities and differences in the theoretical predictors of cyberbullying preparation: Results from a seven-country study. Aggressive Behavior, 47, 111-119. DOI: 10.1002/ab.21923.

Barlett, C. P., *DeWitt, C. C., *Madison, C. S., *Heath, J. B., *Maronna, B., & *Kirkpatrick, S. M. (2020). Hot temperatures and even hotter tempers: Sociological mediators in the relationship between global climate change and violence over time. Psychology of Violence, 10(1), 1-7. DOI: 10.1037/vio0000235.

Barlett, C. P., *Heath, J. B., *Madison, C. S., *DeWitt, C. C., & *Kirkpatrick, S. M. (2020). You’re not anonymous online: The development and validation of a new cyberbullying intervention curriculum. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 9(2), 135-144. DOI: 10.1037/ppm0000226. 

Barlett, C. P., & *Kowalewski, D. A. (2019). Learning to cyberbully: An extension of the Barlett Gentile Cyberbullying Model. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(4), 437-443. DOI: 10.1037/ppm0000183. 

Barlett, C. P., *Kowalewski, D. A., *Kramer, S. S., & *Helmstetter, K. M. (2019). Testing the relationship between media violence exposure and cyberbullying perpetration. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 280-286. DOI: 10.1037/ppm0000179.