jeffrey 1xbet online games login Howard, Ph.D.

Advisor: Dr. Mark Barnett

Dissertation Title

Preschoolers’ 1xbet online games login for specific affects and their social interaction (facial, prosocial, sex differences)

Dissertation Abstract

A review of the relevant research revealed little support for the theoretical assertion that young children's dispositional empathic sensitivity to a peer's distress might motivate prosocial behaviors and inhibit aggressive behaviors. It was argued that problems with the prior studies might exist at two levels. First, 1xbet online games login may be too globally defined such that the assessment of the child's differential empathic sensitivity to specific affects might be more closely related to social behavior than the total 1xbet online games login score. Second, the widely used verbal report measure of 1xbet online games login was found to have serious limitations when used with very young children which suggested the need for nonverbal assessments of the children's dispositional 1xbet online games login .

A slide-story measure of 1xbet online games login was created. The facially expressed and verbally reported empathic responses of 35 preschool children to happy, sad, angry, and physically hurt peers was assessed. Ten weeks of naturalistic observation of the children during free play followed the 1xbet online games login testing. The children's helping, comforting, physical and nonphysical aggression were recorded.

While the verbal 1xbet online games login scores for the four affects were significantly intercorrelated, only the negative affects were significantly intercorrelated using facially expressed 1xbet online games login scores indicating that it may be appropriate to distinguish between 1xbet online games login for positive and negative affects. The extremely low frequencies of observed behaviors made the determination of interrater reliability questionable so the findings for the 1xbet online games login -behavior relationships should be considered as tentative pending replication. A series of analyses compared the empathic sensitivities of children divided into high and low groups on each of the social behaviors. The major findings for the nonverbal 1xbet online games login measure were the following. High helping boys were found to be more empathic toward happy peers, and less empathic toward sad peers than were in the low helping boys. High helping girls tended to be more empathic toward sad peers than were low helping girls. No association between 1xbet online games login and comforting was found due to the low frequency of comforting. Aggression tended to be positively associated with overall 1xbet online games login level.


Ph.D., Psychology, Kansas State University, 1983