Mark A. 1xbet online games login , Ph.D.

barnettContact Information

Office: BH 422/502
Phone: 532-0603

1xbet online games login Interests

Research interests generally concern individuals' social-emotional responses to others. Recent studies have examined (a) antisocial and prosocial teasing in children, and (b) children’s reactions to peers with various undesirable 1xbet online games login . Other areas of study have included the factors associated with individuals’ willingness to engage in various minor moral and legal violations, the factors that influence the development and expression of prosocial emotions (e.g., empathy) and behaviors (e.g., helping), sex-role stereotyping and sex differences, and perceptions of parental discipline.

Selected Publications

1xbet online games login , M. A., *Burns, S. R., *Sanborn, F. W., *Bartel, J. S., & **Wilds, S. J. (2004). Antisocial and prosocial teasing among children: Perceptions and individual differences. Social Development, 13, 292-310.

1xbet online games login , M. A., *Sanborn, F. W., & **Shane, A. C. (2005). Factors associated with individuals' likelihood of engaging in various minor moral and legal violations. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 27, 77-84.

1xbet online games login , M. A., *Barlett, N. D., *Livengood, J. L., **Murphy, D. L., & **Brewton, K. E. (2010). Factors associated with children's anticipated responses to ambiguous teases. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 171, 54-72.

1xbet online games login , M. A., *Livengood, J. L., *Sonnentag, T. L., *Barlett, N. D., & **Witham, R. Y. (2010). Children's anticipated responses to hypothetical peers with undesirable characteristics: Role of peers' desire to change, effort to change, and outcome. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 171, 262-269.

1xbet online games login , M. A., *Sonnentag, T. L., *Livengood, J. L., **Struble, A. L., & *Wadian, T. W. (2011). Role of fault attributions and desire, effort, and outcome expectations in children’s anticipated responses to hypothetical peers with various undesirable characteristics. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 173, 317-329.

**Struble, A. L., *Wadian, T. W., *Sonnentag, T. L., *Livengood, J. L., & 1xbet online games login , M. A. (2013). An investigation of the characteristics, experiences, and attitudes of Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers. Journal of Psychological Inquiry, 18, 17-22.

*Sonnentag, T. L., & 1xbet online games login , M. A. (2013). An exploration of moral rebelliousness with adolescents and young adults. Ethics & Behavior, 23, 214-236.

1xbet online games login , M. A., **Nichols, M. B., *Sonnentag, T. L., & *Wadian, T. W. (2013). Factors associated with early adolescents' anticipated emotional and behavioral responses to ambiguous teases on Facebook. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 2225-2229.

1xbet online games login , M. A., *Wadian, T. W., *Sonnentag, T. L., & **Nichols, M. B. (2015). Role of various fault attributions and other factors in children's anticipated response to hypothetical peers with undesirable characteristics. Social Development, 24, 113-127.

1xbet online games login , M. A., *Sonnentag, T. L., *Wadian, T. W., *Jones, T. L., & **Langley, C. A. (2015). Children's perceptions of hypothetical peers with undesirable characteristics: Role of the peers' desire to change, source of effort to change, and outcome. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 176, 55-63.

*Sonnentag, T. L., & 1xbet online games login , M. A. (2016). Role of moral identity and moral courage characteristics in adolescents’ tendencies to be a moral rebel. Ethics & Behavior, 26, 277-299.

*Wadian, T. W., *Jones, T. L., *Sonnentag, T. L., & 1xbet online games login , M. A. (2016). Cyberbullying: Adolescents’ experiences, responses, and their beliefs about their parents' recommended responses. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 6, 47-52.

*Jones, T. L., 1xbet online games login , M. A., *Wadian, T. W., & *Sonnentag, T. L. (2016). Individual differences associated with emotional and behavioral responses to ambiguous social situations in which rejection might be inferred. Journal of General Psychology, 143, 298-310.

*Wadian, T. W., 1xbet online games login , M. A., & *Sonnentag, T. L. (2017). Destigmatization by association: Improving children's reactions to an obese storybook character. Journal of General Psychology, 144,130-139.

*Jones, T. L., *Wadian, T. W., 1xbet online games login , M. A., **Hellmer, M. K., & **Pino, L. N. (2018). Young children’s ability to discriminate between antisocial and prosocial teases. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 179, 1-8.

*Sonnentag, T. L., *Wadian, T. W., 1xbet online games login , M. A., Gretz, M. R., & Bailey, S. M. (2018). Characteristics associated with individuals’ situation-specific expressions of the tendency to be a moral rebel. Ethics & Behavior, 28, 411-428.

*Wadian, T. W., *Sonnentag, T. L., *Jones, T. L., & 1xbet online games login , M. A. (2019). Role of fault attributions and other factors in adults’ attitudes toward hypothetical children with an undesirable characteristic. Psychological Reports, 122, 61-78.

Note: *current or former graduate student, **former 1xbet online games login student

Graduate and undergraduate 1xbet online games login assistants attend a weekly 1xbet online games login meeting and are actively involved in all phases of group projects (e.g., study design and development of materials, data collection and analysis, write-up for presentation and/or publication). Undergraduate assistants typically present the results of a group or independent project at the Department's Annual Undergraduate 1xbet online games login Convocation.

Current Graduate Students

  • Tucker 1xbet online games login