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University Distinguished Professors Group: Guidelines for Appointment

The title of University Distinguished Professor is a lifetime title that represents the highest honor Kansas State University 1xbet best casino websitecan bestow on its faculty, an award that recognizes those making outstanding contributions to teaching, research, and service to their professions and communities.

University Distinguished Professors are appointed following a University-wide competition held by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President. Notification of the competition is made to all faculty by the Provost in the Fall. A copy of the most recent from the Provost's office is listed below:

Nominations for the 2025 university distinguished professors


TO:Faculty, Department Heads, Division/School Directors, and Deans
FROM:Tanya González, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
RE:Nominations for the 2025 University Distinguished Professors

Dear faculty, department heads, division/school directors and deans,

I announce the call for nominations for the title of university distinguished professor for appointment 1xbet online sports bettingin 2025. This opportunity, coordinated through the provost's office in conjunction with the university distinguished professor group, will consider new appointments to this title for 2025. In addition to this distinguished title, each appointee shall receive an enhancement of $12,000 added to their base salaries with funds provided through the provost's office.

The review of nominations will be conducted by the university distinguished professors group, with additional review and input provided by a group of selected university distinguished professors from other Big 12 universities. The selection of the external Big 12 university distinguished professors will be made by the provost. The provost will use the recommendations of the Big 12 and K-State university distinguished professors, and consult with the Deans Council, 1xbet best casino websiteto select the 2025 class.

Read a more detailed description for the selection of university distinguished professors.

Nominations of outstanding faculty who meet the criteria for the title of university distinguished professor can be made to the provost's office by any tenured Kansas State University faculty member. The PDF files containing the entire nomination package, with original signatures, should be submitted to University Distinguished Professor Nominations at udpnominations@k-state.edu by Oct. 1st. Late or incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.

Be sure to use the University Distinguished Professors Nomination PDF Checklist before submitting nominations. Please pay special attention to how to name the PDF submission files.