Powercat 1xbet sports betting

about 1xbet sports betting us

The Powercat Financial office

Meet our leadership 1xbet sports betting and peer counselors

Students in a peer counseling session

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Students on the K-State campus

Key findings about our work

Creation of Powercat 1xbet sports betting

Powercat 1xbet sports betting began in August 2009 when the Student Governing Association allocated funds for the creation of a program to provide students free assistance and counseling on personal finances born out of a proposal initiated with the College of Health and Human Science's Personal 1xbet sports betting Planning faculty. The program was designed as a peer-to-peer program where students studying 1xbet sports betting planning or 1xbet sports betting services offer counseling to fellow students on budgeting, saving, credit, student loan repayment and transitioning to work.

Powercat 1xbet sports betting now serves as the peer-led pillar of the 1xbet sports betting Futures Initiative. 1xbet sports betting Futures brings together multiple areas of campus to focus on improving the 1xbet sports betting well-being of students with a goal of ultimately impacting each and every member of Kansas State University. Learn more

Outcomes & Assessment

Powercat 1xbet sports betting has made a difference in the 1xbet sports betting well-being of many K-State students. Our biggest successes are when we help a student get on track financially allowing them to remain at K-State to pursue their degree or when students indicate we helped reduced their 1xbet sports betting stress.

The outcomes of our efforts have provided the following impact at K-State:

  • 1xbet sports betting workshops presented to over 65,000 students on topics ranging from budgeting to transitioning to work;
  • Individual 1xbet sports betting counseling provided one-on-one to over 6,000 students;
  • Over 150 students have gained pre-professional 1xbet sports betting counseling experience as peer 1xbet sports betting counselors.

Student Learning Outcomes for Powercat 1xbet sports betting - by utilizing our services and resources students should:

  • Be satisfied with their personal 1xbet sports betting counseling experience at Powercat 1xbet sports betting ;
  • Report a reduction in 1xbet sports betting stress after receiving personal 1xbet sports betting counseling;
  • Exercise sound reasoning to analyze, make decisions and overcome 1xbet sports betting problems when serving as a peer 1xbet sports betting counselor.

A recent 2022-2023 PF assessment plan (PDF) for Powercat 1xbet sports betting is available for review.

Program Brochure

Learn more about Powercat 1xbet sports betting and its services