student 1xbet online games login Involvement Opportunities

Join Powercat 1xbet online games login through our student involvement opportunities. Paid and volunteer positions are available.

staff 1xbet online casino (paid position):

Students studying to be a 1xbet online games login professional (personal 1xbet online games login planning, business, finance, accounting, economics, agricultural economics) or helping professional (social work, couple & family therapy, family consumer science education) may apply to become a Peer 1xbet online games login Counselor. Selected students will be hired to complete extensive training, and then work 6-10 hours per week providing individual counseling, 1xbet online games login workshop and 1xbet online games login well-being programming for students. Students applying should demonstrate an interest in increasing the 1xbet online games login well-being of students by sharing knowledge learned through training and course work. This is a position that comes with commitment and responsibility as well as great rewards for counselors along the way. Professionals often comment how beneficial an experience such as being a peer counselor would have been prior to entering the profession, and would be for a potential hire in the 1xbet online games login services, 1xbet online games login planning or counseling field.

Applications for peer 1xbet online games login counselors have closed as of 5pm Feb. 16, 2024. Check back here for future application periods or apply below to volunteer as a 1xbet online games login Well-being Ambassador in the meantime.

1xbet online games login Well-being Ambassador (volunteer):

Any student may apply to serve as a 1xbet online games login Well-being Ambassador. The purpose will be to equip students with the knowledge and skills to serve as liaisons and support systems for their peers in the area of 1xbet online games login well-being. These ambassadors will volunteer as an empathetic resource, providing guidance, information, and assistance to individuals in need of 1xbet online games login help and be able to direct a student’s concerns to Powercat 1xbet online games login . Ambassadors will help educate students on making healthy 1xbet online games login decisions throughout their college career and after graduation by connecting with students to increase 1xbet online games login well-being and literacy in close conjunction with the services of Powercat 1xbet online games login .

The FWB Ambassadors meet monthly during the fall and spring semesters and also host interactive 1xbet online games login events and market the services of Powercat 1xbet online games login . The FWB Ambassadors are a K-State registered student organization.

Apply on OrgCentral