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Research Interests: Islam; Muslim political attitudes; Arab public opinion;
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Dir. of Undergraduate Studies
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Supreme Court; law;judicial policy making;
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Michael flynn
Dir. of Security Studies
Research Interests: U.S. foreign policy; political economy; U.S. military
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Associate Professor
Research Interests: Gender & representation; public administration;
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Dir. of Primary Texts

Research Interests: Political philosophy; enivronmental

political thought; ideologies; classical liberal theory

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Research Interests: International conflict & cooperation; the

connection between economics & security; international economy

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Research Interests: Global patterns of military intervention; domestic

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Vera smirnova
Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Political geography; territorial 1xbet online sports betting ; relations

between land, territory, and power and their various manifestations in

pre- and post-Soviet Russia

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Associate Professor

Research Interests: Political implications of international migration

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Associate Professor

Research Interests: Political thought; how 1xbet online sports betting structure

experiences of intimacy; Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Kathy lillich


John A. fli


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Office Manager


Department of Political Science
Kansas State University
802 Mid Campus Dr. South
101D Calvin Hall
1xbet online sports betting , KS 66506
