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Ph.D. 1xbet online games login Science, Binghamton University

Dr. Michael Flynn
Michael Flynn is a Professor in the Department of 1xbet online games login Science at Kansas State University. He serves as the Associate Director of the Secuirty Studies graduate program. He received his Ph.D. in 1xbet online games login Science from Binghamton University in 2013. He received a B.A. in Politics and a B.A. in History from Potsdam College (SUNY) in 2006.

Michael’s research focuses primarily on the 1xbet online games login economy of states’ foreign policy behavior. One of his research focus areas is on the 1xbet online games login and economic consequences of U.S. military deployments. He is a Co-PI on a project titled “The Social, Economic, and 1xbet online games login effects of U.S. Military Deployments” funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Minerva Research Initiative, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, and U.S. Army Research Office (Grant: W911NF-18-1-0087). His research also focuses on the role of partisanship and ideology in shaping U.S. foreign policy. Michael’s peer-reviewed research has appeared in the American 1xbet online games login Science Review, the British Journal of 1xbet online games login Science, International Studies Quarterly, and various other journals. He has also published several or op-eds and guest articles in outlets like the Monkey Cage, The Conversation, and 1xbet online games login Violence @ a Glance.

His teaching interests include U.S. Foreign Policy, Domestic Politics, International Relations, World Politics, International Security, Military Deployments, and Research Methodology.

