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Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Carl R. Ice, College of Engineering
Kansas State University

T209 Unger Complex
Manhattan, KS 66506
Ph: (785) 532-7024

1xbet online casino @ksu.edu

Financial support 1xbet online casino National Science Foundation Grant No. 1743701 is gratefully acknowledged


  • Congratulationsto recent 1xbet online casino PhDs, Sonjoy Dey and Gerson Leonel on securing full time positions at Intel Corp. in Hillsboro, Oregon.
  • 1xbet online casino UGs from our lab on being awarded the Outstanding Graduating Seniors in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering for Fall 2023 term--Mohammed Rasheed (outstanding senior award) and Porter Herold (most outstanding senior award). Each semester the department recognizes Outstanding Seniors. Faculty in the department nominate and vote on graduating seniors who they deem outstanding.
  • Singh delivered plenary lecture at the iConFIRM 2023 : International Conference on Fundamental and Industrial 1xbet online casino in Materials at IIT-Ropar, India. (virtual/remote)
  • Post-doc student Shakir Bin Mujib's most recent research work was published in peer-reviewed journal, International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science. 1xbet online casino , Shakir! Click HERE for the article.
  • Read about our sixth 1xbet online casino 1xbet online casino PDC workshop that was held in Austria Kansa.
  • Graduate student Sonjoy Dey's most recent research work was published in peer-reviewed journal, Nanotechnology. 1xbet online casino , Sonjoy! Click HERE for the article.
  • Graduate student Gerson Leonel's two most recent research works were published in peer-reviewed journals, Open Ceramics and International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology. 1xbet online casino , Gerson! Click HERE and HERE for the articles.
  • Thank you to all who were able to join us in-person and remotely for theNSFPIRE-MATCOM workshop, held in conjunction with TU Darmstadt.

2023 workshop pic

  • 1xbet online casino UG researcher scholar Mabel Anstine recognized as MNE outstanding graduating senior for Spring 2023.


  • Graduate student Sonjoy Dey two most recent research works were published in peer-reviewed journals, ACS Omega and Nanomaterials. 1xbet online casino , Sonjoy!
  • Graduate student Sonjoy Dey is the recipient of the Dr. Pau Chang Lu Graduate Scholarship, which is awarded by K-State MNE Department. 1xbet online casino , Sonjoy!


  • Former 1xbet online casino summer scholar, Henry Price, has been awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations, Henry! Read about it HERE
  • 1xbet online casino to Prof. Alex Navrotsky for being awarded the title of Regents Professor!
Alex Regents Professor
  • Nice article 1xbet online casino Gerson Leonel, Xin G., Gurpreet Singh ,and Alexandra Navrotsky. The illustration shows the Chemical analysis of the samples performed by surveying Si 2p, C 1s, and O 1s with XPS parallel imaging to determine the spatial distributions of Si, C, and O in the samples using a Kratos Analytical Ltd AXIS Supra+.

Ceramics article

  • Dr. Aitana Tamayo of “Institute of Ceramics and Glass (ICV), Spain” visited Kansas State University to discuss collaborations in polymer-derived ceramic 1xbet online casino .

Aitana visit

  • NSF 1xbet online casino partners meet to discuss the project at ICACC 2023

ICACC 2023

  • Recent work from our lab has appeared in ACS Omega journal. 1xbet online casino to UG student Mohammed who is co-author on the journal article.

  • Four UG students--Alison, Caitlin, Jessica and Mohammed presented their 1xbet online casino at theFall 2022 Undergraduate 1xbet online casino Showcase, organized by the Office of Undergraduate 1xbet online casino and Creative Inquiry.

  • Graduate student Sonjoy presented 1xbet online casino at the MRS, Fall meeting in Boston.

  • Singh delivered keynote lecture (virtual) at the International Conference on Advanced 1xbet online casino , Metallurgy and Manufacturing (ICAMMM-2022) held at PEC, Chandigarh, India.

  • PhD students Murilo, Sonjoy and Shakir (now post-doc) and UG 1xbet online casino Mohammed Rashid delivered several poster presentations at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in Columbus, OH

  • Graduate 1xbet online casino Lokesh [co-advised with IIT-M] presented poster at the International Symposium on Accelerated Materials Development and Additive Manufacturing: Scientific and Technological Perspectives (AMDAM) and the 76th Annual Technical Meeting of the Indian Institute of Metals at Hyderabad, India.

  • 1xbet online casino co-organized a symposium [Controlled Synthesis, Processing, and Applications of Structural and Functional Nanomaterials] at the American Ceramic Society's MS&T conference in Pittsburgh, PA.LINK

  • Graduate students Shakir and Sonjoy presented their 1xbet online casino at the American Ceramic Society's MS&T conference inPittsburgh, PA.

  • Graduate 1xbet online casino Lokesh [co-advised with IIT-M] delivered Keynote lecture at the MSE congress in Darmstadt Germany.

  • Singh was invited speaker [via Teams] at the European Materials 1xbet online casino Society Meeting (E-MRS), Poland.

  • Grand opening of the Navrotsky Eyring Center for Materials of the Universe. 1xbet online casino , Prof. Navrotsky! Read about it HERE

  • Shariq Haseen successfully defended his PhD thesis. Shariq's major advisor was Prof. Peter Kroll. 1xbet online casino , Shariq!

  • The 6th annual NSF 1xbet online casino PDC meeting will be held in conjunction with Graduate School from TU Darmstadt from June 26 to July 01, 2023. The location for the workshop is the Darmstädter Haus, located in the Kleinwalsertal region in the Austrian province of Vorarlberg.

  • Recent PhD 1xbet online casino our lab Shakir takes 2nd place at Engineering Ceramics Division (ECD), American Ceramic Society (#ACerS) poster competition at the 46th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites. Congrats!

  • 1xbet online casino to Shakir Bin Mujib, fresh PhD from our lab. Made important contributions to development of ceramic composite materials comprising of quaternary covalent ceramics, their mechanical properties and use in battery applications. Author of 12 journal papers.

  • Thank you to all who were able to join the 5th annual1xbet online casino 1xbet online casino PDC meeting held in conjuction with Graduate School 1xbet online casino TU Darmstadt!2022 workshop pic

  • The United Nations has approved 2022 as the International Year of Glass. NSF 1xbet online casino co. PI, Prof. Himanshu Jain from Lehigh University participated in the National Day of Glass Conference and was featured on the cover of the May 2022 issue of ACerS bulletin. Congratulations, Prof. Jain! Read about it HERE

  • PhD student Shakir Bin Mujib awarded the "Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Outstanding GRA award" for Spring 2022. 1xbet online casino !

  • Congratulations Maren Ellis (1xbet online casino summer scholar) and Elena Mannebach on being awarded the Outstanding Graduating Seniors in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering for Spring 2022 term! Each semester the department recognizes Outstanding Seniors. Faculty in the department nominate and vote on graduating seniors who they deem outstanding.Kansa

  • Graduate studentShakir Bin Mujibvisited 1xbet online casino . Marshall’s lab for X-ray micro CT of ceramic matrix composite samples. ThanksAly BadranandSpencer Dansereau!Shakir UCB
  • Dr. Singh’s lab hosted undergraduate 1xbet online casino researchersHannah Hayesand Takhya Holley from University of Texas Arlington during the spring break. Pictures:Heloisa Ramlowshows the students how to mount samples for electron microscope analysis. In between experiments, the group takes a break at a localcoffee shop.UTA scholars

  • Dr. Singh has been elected as ASME fellow. 1xbet online casino , Dr. Singh! Read about it Kansa

  • Graduate 1xbet online casino , Gerson Leonel, from Arizona State University visits Dr. Singh's lab to gain hands on experience in PDC powder synthesis training.Gerson

  • Dr. Singh and Graduate 1xbet online casino Shakir Bin Mujib received the Nanomaterials and Energy Prize for 2021. The prize is offered by the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK.

  • Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky from ASU recently received funding from the 1xbet online casino for a Mid-scale Research Infrastructure-1 Program to establish a national high pressure facility on the ASU campus, which will be unique in the United States. The open facility is named FORCE: Facility for Open Research in a Compressed Environment. Congratulations, Prof. Navrotsky! Read about it HERE

  • Lokesh Vendra, PhD track 1xbet online casino from IIT Madras is spending 3 months in Dr. Gurpreet Singh's lab. Lokesh will work on scanning electron microscopy, and use of polymers and ceramics (such as polysiloxane derived SiOC) for energy applications, including renewable energy storage application such as Li-ion batteries. Welcome, Lokesh!Lokesh

  • Prof. Alex Navrotsky traveled to TU-Darmstadt in early September, where she attended a 1xbet online casino workshop and presented two lectures.

  • 1xbet online casino graduate 1xbet online casino Aly Badran was awarded “Best 1xbet online casino presentation”, at the 12th CCAC (Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics) Student Conference. Aly presented on his work done in the 1xbet online casino project. Congratulations, Aly!

  • Videos 1xbet online casino our fourth annual meeting (for which we received permission) are posted on our YouTube channel. Click HERE to view the videos.

  • Fourth Annual NSF 1xbet online casino PDC meeting - Day 2: July 20, 2021

Workshop group pic

Ellie and Alex

Mabel and Alex

Gerson and Alex






UG presentation

  • Fourth Annual NSF 1xbet online casino PDC meeting - Day 1: July 19, 2021

Day 1

Day 1 - 2

Day 1 - 3

Day 1 - 4

Day 1 - 5

  • 1xbet online casino researchers Ellie Christman and Joel Garcia from Lehigh visit KSU to learn about PDCs.

Ellie and Joel

  • NSF 1xbet online casino PI, Gurpreet Singh, receives the College of Engineering Frankenhoff Outstanding Research Award. The award requires nomination by the department and based upon research accomplishments during the past five years only.

  • 1xbet online casino undergraduate student researcher, Dylan Kruep, was recognized as anOutstanding Senior by the The Alan Levin Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering. 1xbet online casino , Dylan! kansas 1xbet sports betting St

  • 1xbet online casino 1xbet online casino international partnerGabriela Mera, is the guest editor of a special issue in the journal Molecules, "Recent Advances in Polymer-Derived Ceramics and Ceramic Nanocomposites":https://lnkd.in/eh-Uu7n
    The deadline for submission is July 31, 2021.

  • 1xbet online casino . Alexandra Navrostsky received her COVID-19 vaccine; she was vaccinated by Cara Christ, Arizona health commissioner.

Navrotsky flu shot

  • Himanshu Jain is the winner of 2020 Journal of Non-Crystallline Solids NF Mott award, which recognizes a scientist with a history of outstanding contributions to the field of non-crystalline solids. 1xbet online casino , Prof. Jain!

Himanshu Jain

  • 2020 letter from 1xbet online casino co-PI, Alexandra Navrotsky.

  • The Germany Chapter of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is organizing a virtual Round Table on “Frontiers in Advanced Ceramics”, on December 04, 2020 (12:00-18:30 CET). The workshop is being organized bySanjay Mathurand Emanuel Ionescu, on behalf of the ACerSGermany Chapter.
    The workshop and Round Table Discussions are meant to inform young scientists and students about the future trends and emerging frontiers on the topic mentioned above.
    The participation to the event is free of charge.
    When: December 4th, 2020; 11:00 am - 6:00 pm UTC
    Where: Zoom (https://zoom.us)
    How: Join the free webinar by providing your contact details at:https://lnkd.in/e7Mftic
    More information is available at:https://lnkd.in/ee-EDR5
    Feel free to invite your colleagues to register and attend the workshop!

  • The Journal of Materials Science Robert W.Cahn Best Paper Prize (the "CahnPrize") recognizes a truly exceptional original 1xbet online casino paper published in the journal in a particular calendar year.
    NSF 1xbet online casino student Aly Badran's research paper "Automated segmentation of computed tomography images of fiber-reinforced composites by deep learning“ (Journal of Materials Science (2020) 55:16273-16289), won the best paper for December and now is finalist for the Cahn Prize of 2020.
    The authors of the winning paper will receive an 1xbet online casino of ,000.
    1xbet online casino Aly! https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10853-020-05148-7

  • NSF 1xbet online casino international partner, Gabriela Mera, is the guesteditor for the Special Issue "Advanced Low Dimensional Nanocarbon Based Silica Composites", in the journal Materials. Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2020.
  • Zhongkan Ren, former PhD 1xbet online casino with Dr. Gurpreet Singh, joins KSU Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE) department as postdoc. 1xbet online casino , Zhongkan!

  • NSF 1xbet online casino international partners Drs.Philippe MieleandChrystelle Salameh are guest editors for the special issue "Advanced Functional Polymer‐Derived Ceramic Fibers: Preparation, Properties and Applications", in the journal1xbet online casino . Last day to submit manuscripts is 30 November, 2020.

  • Zhongkan Ren successfully defended his PhD thesis today. He is the fourth 1xbet online casino to obtain PhD from my lab in 11 years Cngratulations, Zhongkan! (...conducting thesis defense via Zoom is not fun!).

  • Casey Sugie successfully defended her Master's thesis. 1xbet online casino , Casey!

  • Our first virtual NSF-1xbet online casino workshop on PDCs takes place from August 17-20, 2020, with approximately two hours of seminars and discussions each day.

  • 1xbet online casino PI, Dr. Gurpreet Singh, will be receiving 2019-2020 College of Engineering Dean’s Award of Excellence in Research. "Thanks to my highly motivated student researchers and collaborators who inspire me on a daily basis."

  • Web'Tech #8 Tuesday, April 14 at 11:00 a.m. "Introduction to the Science and Technology Development of "Polymer-Derived Ceramics", taught by NSF 1xbet online casino international partner, Samuel Bernard. Registration for the webinar is in French (Name, organization, and email) but the seminar is in English.

  • The Deadline for nominations for The Rishi Raj Medal for Innovation and Commercialization 1xbet online casino has been extended to April 15, 2020. The 1xbet online casino is a medal, ,500 1xbet online casino and registration waiver to attend ACerSAnnual Meeting.
    Thank you 1xbet online casino Rishi Raj, for helping create this award, which recognizes individuals whose innovation lies at the cusp of commercialization in a field related, at least in part, to ceramics and glass.
    For more information, please visit- https://ceramics.org/awards/rishi-raj-medal-for-innovation-and-commercialization

  • co-PIAlexandra Navrotskyhas been elevated to Distinguished Life Membership of The American Ceramic Society, the highest honor of the Society, which has been recommended by ACerSDistinguished Life Members Sub-Committee. 1xbet online casino Prof. Navrotsky!

  • A very productive mid-term review at the 1xbet online casino . Thank you to our NSFProgram Officers,Maija Kuklaand Cassandra Dudka, for organizing this meeting during these trying times.

Maija and Cassandra

E MRS award

  • NSF 1xbet online casino international partner, Gabriela Merawill serve as the Guest Editor for the upcoming special issue "Advanced Low-Dimensional Nanocarbon-based Silica Composites", scheduled to appear in the journal, 1xbet online casino , of MDPI.The dead-line for submissions is December 31, 2020. The Article Processing Charge for publication of the invited paper is waived.

  • 1xbet online casino PIREproject partnerRishi Raj@CUBoulder teaches how science, technology, philosophy and poetry come together. To learn more about this course, visit http://rishirajboulder.com/daVinci/

  • NSF 1xbet online casino partners discussed 2020 project agenda over a dinner meeting in Daytona, FL

Daytona 2020

  • Foreign PDC 1xbet online casino partners at PACRIM13 meeting in Okinawa, Japan.



  • First NSF 1xbet online casino Project scholar Susana Aguirre-Medel (UT-Arlington) during her PhD dissertation defense.1xbet online casino Susana!


  • Henry and CaseySugie, 1xbet online casino scholars from UC Davis spent summer in Ralf Riedel and GabrielaMera’s lab at TU Darmstadt.

Casey and Henry

  • Photos from the NSF 1xbet online casino Project workshop:

PIRE workshop-1

PIRE workshop-2

  • NSF 1xbet online casino undergraduate students conducting their summer research in Prof. Chrystelle Salameh's lab in Montpellier. Students from receive hands on experience in fiber extrusion and 3D printing of ceramic materials.

Sophie and Jake

  • NSF 1xbet online casino Europe partners attending CICC-11 PDC conference in Kunming, China


  • NSF 1xbet online casino Europe partners Dr. Chrystelle Salameh (U-Montpellier) and Dr. GianSoraru(U-Trento) attending CICC-11 PDC conference in Kunming, China


  • NSF-1xbet online casino PI Dr. Gurpreet Singh is visited UniversitätzuKöln to deliver lecture, review (exchange ideas) the European ENHANCE project. Thanks to host, NSF-1xbet online casino project affiliate Dr. Sanjay Mathur, Chair Inorganics and Materials Chemistry Dept.
Sanjay Mathur
  • 1xbet online casino members Philippe Miele and Chrystelle Salameh are on the Scientific Organizing Committee of the International conferenceEuroboron8 conference that will take place in Montpellier, 24-27th June 2019. Philippe Miele, Conference chairman, International advisory committee Chrystelle Salameh, co-chair.
  • 1xbet online casino member Dr. Sanjay Mathur organized an international workshop to bring together final year Master students with young PhD scholars. It was a binational (German-French) event and very successful in terms of information exchange and networking. This was supported by international MRS andACerSchapters.

  • 1xbet online casino members to organize PDC related symposia at GFMAT-Toronto-2019, and HTCMC in Bordeaux, France, on September 22-26, 2019.
  • Singh and Kroll to send their UG 1xbet online casino researchers for summer abroad to University of Montpellier and University of Trento, respectively. Students will learn PDC processing and characterization techniques.
  • Second NSF 1xbet online casino PDC workshop will be held July 15-19, 2019 in Boulder, Colorado.

  • American Ceramic Society Bulletin published featured article onnonoxidePDC CMCs.Link

  • Professor Alexandra1xbet online casino accepted Professorship and Center Directorship at Arizona State University--start date October 2019.
  • NSF 1xbet online casino partner Professor Chrystelle Salameh from Montpellier visiting Gurpreet Singh's group at K-State to discuss summer UG student exchange visit.
  • NSF 1xbet online casino partners discussed 2019 project agenda over a dinner meeting in Daytona, FL
Daytona 2019

  • 1xbet online casino lab Annual Newsletter available here, happy holidays!:xmas 2018pdf.pdf

  • Co-I Dr. Elsa Olivetti co-authored paper on manufacturing scalability in clean energy and materials-intensive technologies, the work provides the overall framework for her efforts in the 1xbet online casino program: Huang, Kevin J., Liang Li, and Elsa A. Olivetti. "Designing for Manufacturing Scalability in Clean Energy Research." Joule 2.9 (2018): 1642-1647.

  • Co-PI Rishi Raj delivered invited lecture at the MRS Boston meeting.
Rishi MRS
  • PI Singh is collaborating with NASA, Made in Space, and Sierra turbines on Turbine Part Manufacturing in Microgravity. NASA has agreed to sponsor two MIS pilot payloads towards turbine engine development. One of the payloads is for manufacturing ceramic parts 1xbet online casino a pre-ceramic polymer.
  • Co-PI 1xbet online casino continues philanthropic efforts, donates 0K to establish1xbet online casino 1xbet online casino . The American Ceramic Society’s1xbet online casino Award recognizes innovative thermodynamic 1xbet online casino .Link

  • NSF 1xbet online casino Partner Professor Philip Miele delivered keynote lecture at the #MSE Congress in Darmstadt, Germany.
  • co-PI 1xbet online casino .1xbet online casino and Riedel attended the "Spinel and related 1xbet online casino " workshop inRudesheim, Germany
Ralf and Alex
  • co-PIs Rishi Raj andGiandoSorarupublish in Journal of the American Ceramic Society.Link

  • NSF 1xbet online casino PI Singh’s review article on polymer derived ceramics for energy storage applications.Link

  • 1xbet online casino .1xbet online casino 1xbet online casino #UC Davis was recently appointed to the California Council on Science and Technology. Way to go Prof.1xbet online casino !
  • NSF 1xbet online casino Scholars CaseySugie and Sally Burke visiting Technical University Darmstadt, Germany for 1xbet online casino abroad experience.
Sally and Casey
  • NSF 1xbet online casino Scholars Susana Aguirre-Medel and Kendall Hendrix visiting University of Trento, Italy for 1xbet online casino abroad experience.
  • NSF 1xbet online casino collaborators Singh, Kroll, Bernard, and Riedel attended the 7th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC7) Meeting in Brazil
Gurpreet Sam Kroll Reidel
  • NSF 1xbet online casino Scholars IsabellaCesaroneand ThomasSiggillino visiting Sorbonne University and University of Limoges for 1xbet online casino abroad experience.
  • Happy 75th birthday to NSF 1xbet online casino co-PI Professor Alexandra1xbet online casino of University of California Davis Professor1xbet online casino of UC-Davis teaching a new course “EMS 289C: Topics in Glasses, Amorphous, and Disordered 1xbet online casino ”, SPRING 2018.