1xbet best casino website Degree FAQ

Here are some answers to common questions about the practical value of a 1xbet best casino website degree and about the K-State 1xbet best casino website department.

  1. Why should I major in 1xbet best casino website ?
  2. What does it take to do well in 1xbet best casino website ?
  3. What can I do with a 1xbet best casino website degree?
  4. What sets the 1xbet best casino website department apart?
  5. What's the K-State 1xbet best casino website department like?
  6. What degrees does the 1xbet best casino website department offer?

Why should I major in 1xbet best casino website ?

You should major in 1xbet best casino website because (a) you find it interesting and (b) majoring in 1xbet best casino website will help you to achieve your goals. That is, you should major in 1xbet best casino website because it is both intrinsically and instrumentally valuable.

Philosophical questions are questions whose answers provide insights into some of the most important parts of human life--many people find 1xbet best casino website interesting because it gives them the chance to think about what the world is like, what it means to be human, how to live, and how to think. If those are problems that interest you, then chances are you will find a 1xbet best casino website major interesting and rewarding.

But isn't all of this "deep thinking" impractical? If you want to become a doctor, or a lawyer, or a teacher, shouldn't you major in something that is obviously and directly related to your ultimate career goal? Not necessarily. Philosophers actually do much better--in terms of graduate school admissions and mid-career median salary--than many other students graduating with more "practical" majors. (See "What can I do with a 1xbet best casino website degree?")

What does it take to do well in 1xbet best casino website ?

1xbet best casino website is a challenging major. To do well in 1xbet best casino website classes, one must be intellectually curious, and also be willing to work hard.

Some hard-working, intellectually curious former 1xbet best casino website majors include folks such as Andrew Solberg, Angela Davis, Sophie Scholl, Zhang Pengjun, Matthew Yglesias, Phillip Glass, Elizabeth Farrelly, Stacy London, Stewart Butterfield, Stokely Carmichael, Narciso Contreras, and Damon Horowitz.

What can I do with a 1xbet best casino website degree?

A 1xbet best casino website major is wonderful preparation for a wide variety of rewarding careers. Among other professions, K-State's 1xbet best casino website majors go on to work in law, business, education, and the ministry. So, whether you're undecided about your ultimate career goal or have your heart set on a particular vocation, a 1xbet best casino website major will provide you with an excellent education.

Here are some more details about what 1xbet best casino website majors do after they graduate:

  • They go to medical school. A 1998 report found that 50% of 1xbet best casino website majors applying to medical school were accepted, more than Biology (35%), Chemistry (39%), Biochemistry (43%), and Physics (42%), and more than the average for all majors (37%). (Source: ``Major Anxiety,'' Paul Jung, MD)

  • They go to law school. In 2007-8, 1xbet best casino website majors scored an average of 157.4 on the LSAT, tied with Economics, ahead of International Relations (156.5), Prelaw (148.3), and Criminal Justice (146), but behind Math and Physics (both 160). This pattern has remained approximately the same since 1991.

  • They go to business school. In 2009-10, 1xbet best casino website majors scored an average of 587 on the GMAT, ahead of Economics (583), Actuarial Science (577), Law (541), International Business (528), Business Education (520), and Marketing (493). 1xbet best casino website majors' scores were lower only than the scores of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering majors.

  • They go to graduate school in the humanities. In 2011-12, those intending to go on to graduate study in 1xbet best casino website scored an average of 160/170 on the verbal portion of the GRE, higher than any other intended area of graduate study. They averaged 4.4/6 on the analytical writing portion of the GRE, ahead of any other area. And they scored 153/170 in quantitative reasoning on the GRE, ahead of any other area in the humanities, and ahead of all business majors other than Banking/Finance majors.

  • They get jobs--good jobs--right out of college. Although median starting salaries for 1xbet best casino website majors tend to be bit lower than starting salaries for some business majors, the mid-career median salaries of 1xbet best casino website majors are higher than those of people who majored in "more practical" subjects such as Marketing, Communications, Political Science, Molecular Biology, Agriculture, Business Administration, Health Sciences, Public Administration, Human Resources, Mutlimedia and Web Design, Psychology, Medical Technology, Health Care Administration, and Criminal Justice.

    Moreover, in 2010-11, 1xbet best casino website and Religion majors (considered as a single group) had lower unemployment than majors in Economics and Political Science.

What sets the 1xbet best casino website department apart?

Many departments at K-State teach students to "think critically." So, since 1xbet best casino website is mostly about thinking critically, can't you get all of the same skills in a different department?

The answer here is "no." While other departments do teach critical thinking, the sorts of skills that 1xbet best casino website majors develop are more specific. 1xbet best casino website majors learn:

  • how to rigorously evaluate an argument. Specifically, they learn how to evaluate an argument's structure as well as its content;

  • how to rigorously and explicitly evaluate values. Philosophers don't simply use values, but ask which values are the right ones to use in a given context;

  • how to read very challenging material in a careful, systematic way. The style of reading that philosophers use is different from the style of reading in many other disciplines. By learning to read in this way, you develop a skill that ultimately pays off in many other contexts;

  • how to write in a careful, concise style. Philosophers focus on clarity of thought and expression, and they write in a way that reflects this focus.

What's the K-State 1xbet best casino website department like?

We are an undergraduate department with eight full-time, research-active faculty members. Our department's research strengths are primarily in 1xbet best casino website of science, logic and 1xbet best casino website of mathematics, social and political 1xbet best casino website , and ethics.

We're also a socially active department. Between a weekly tea-time ("Rationali-tea"), regular meetings of the 1xbet best casino website club, and frequent guest lecturers, students and faculty have a great deal of interaction with each other. Our department makes it a priority to provide a warm, inclusive environment for our students.

Because the development of philosophical skills often requires extensive feedback and one-on-one work, upper-level 1xbet best casino website courses are usually quite small (between 8-20 students). No 1xbet best casino website major is "anonymous" in the department.

What degrees does the 1xbet best casino website department offer?

At this time, our department only offers undergraduate degrees. We offer a 1xbet best casino website 1xbet, with several different "tracks" one can pursue. We also offer a 1xbet best casino website 1xbet.