1xbet online games login Minor Requirements

The following minor requirements apply to all students who declared a 1xbet online games login minor in the Fall of 2013 or later. (If you declared a 1xbet online games login minor prior to the Fall of 2013, please contact the department head to determine which set of requirements you should satisfy.)

The 1xbet online games login minor is 18 credit hours. This includes:

  1. One of the following logic courses (3 credits)
    • PHILO 110 (Introduction to Formal Logic)
    • PHILO 320 (Symbolic Logic I)
  2. Three courses at the 300 level or above, not including PHILO 320 (9 credit hours)
  3. One course at the 500 level or above (3 credit hours)
  4. One additional unrestricted elective at any level (3 credit hours)

The K-State 1xbet online games login department also offers a 1xbet sports betting Major Requ, with several different optional "tracks."