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Campaignn For Nonviolence a Part of:
Nonviolence Studies & Programs
Dept of Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work
204 Waters Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

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These are some suggested areas to learn more about nonviolent practices and why this is important. We will be updating these 1xbet sports betting regularly. Do you have other 1xbet sports betting that you would like to see on this page? Email us with your suggestions. nonviolence@ksu.edu

Some Basics of Human Rights

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Nonviolent Alternatives!

Conflict Resolution

Fellowship of Reconciliation 1xbet sports betting forusa.org/

URI's Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies 1xbet sports betting uri.edu:80/nonviolence/peacestudies.htm

Assertion Skills


General 1xbet sports betting

Inner Life and the Public Good 1xbet sports betting ncf.org/reports/rpt_inner_contents.html

THE NONVIOLENCE WEB 1xbet sports betting nonviolence.org/

United Nations: International Year for a Culture of Peace 1xbet sports betting unesco.org/opi/paix2000/res.htm

Why Practice Nonviolence?

Domestic Violence

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Violence in Schools

ACLU's safe schools web site http://1xbet sports betting aclu.org/issues/gay/safe_schools.html


Kansas University Sexism & Racism Victims Coalition 1xbet sports betting seekpeace.com/KUSRVC/

Soulforce - a journey to end the suffering 1xbet sports betting soulforce.org/

Sexual Abuse

WRS: Sexual Abuse Services 1xbet sports betting uni.edu/wellrec/wellness/sexualabuse/sexabuse.html

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