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    1xbet sports betting

1xbet sports betting & Programs
Dept of Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work
204 Waters Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506


Core Courses

  • DAS355 * An Introduction to 1xbet sports betting by Susan Allen.

  • DAS590 * WOMST590 Applied Nonviolence Feminist Practice by Torry Dickinson

1xbet sports betting Certificate Qualifying & Cross-Listed Courses

Course No
Name of the Course

DAS 355

DAS 355 - ZA

Introduction to 1xbet sports betting : Be the Change

Intro to 1xbet sports betting : Every Day Nonviolence (Online)


Susan L Allen

DAS 455 - ZA

Resolving conflict without violence:
History & Theories of Nonviolence (Online)

Thea Nietfeld
EDLST502 International Community Service Seminar Trish Gott
Mary Tolar
FSHS531 Core Conflict Resolution Terrie McCants
FSHS532 Conflict Across Cultures and Contexts Terrie McCants
FSHS533 Prevention and Intervention of Violence Terrie McCants
FSHS700 Peace and Conflict [in Northern Ireland] Terrie McCants
SOCWK568 Social Work Practice 3 Jacque Gibbons
SOCIO363 Global Problems Robert Schaeffer
ANTHRO Introduction to Anthropology Michael Wesch
WOMST480 Women and Environmentalism Valerie Carroll
HORT640 (some years) The End of Industrial Society & Agriculture as We Know It? Rhonda Janke
Isidor Wallimann


DAS 590 - ZA

Feminist Practice (one course; split projects)

Applied Nonviolence (Online)

Torry Dickinson

Susan L Allen / Thea Nietfeld

EDCEP311 Proactive Educators for the Elimination of Rape and Sexual Violence (2 semester course: Fall and Spring) Mary Todd
SOCIO507 International Development & Social Change Staff
WOMST105 Intro to Women?s Studies Torry Dickinson
SOCIO 633 Gender, Power & Development Dr. Nadia Shapkina
SOCIO 500 Human Trafficking Dr. Nadia Shapkina

B o l d = Core NVS courses , required for NVS Certificate ; some courses taught online through

DCE , as noted. All above courses count toward 15 - hour NVS Certificate . Watch for a new courses ; and

ASK us if you think a course is appropriate and should be included!

Prepare yourself to make a difference in your field and in the world around you . Join K- State's scholarly community of nonviolence thinkers ,
researchers and practitioners .

For Additional Information contact: Dr. Nadia Shapkina - shapkina@ksu.edu

Click HERE to get the pdf format on the electives

Click HERE for online course information


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