HOW TO: Upload existing closed captions to a 1xbet best casino website

If you already have captions for your video, either by creating them yourself outside of Mediasite or by obtaining them through another source, you can pair them with your Mediasite 1xbet best casino website by following the steps below.

  1. From within the list of presentations in your HOW TO: Access your, select the name of the 1xbet best casino website to which you wish to add closed captions. A summary of the 1xbet best casino website will appear.

  2. Select Edit Details in the right column. Options for editing the 1xbet best casino website will appear.
    Edit button in the right column

  3. Select the Delivery tab.

  4. Check the Audio Transcriptions checkbox.

  5. Select a file, locating and choosing your closed caption file. Supported file formats include:

    • SubRip (SRT) preferred
    • WebVTT (VTT)
    • Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI)
    • Distribution Format Exchange Profile (DFXP)

    Audio Transcription Settings

  6. Select Save at the top-right.

  7. Optionally, make subsequent edits to the captions using HOW TO: Edit closed 1xbet online spor.

Verify the captions have been inserted into the Mediasite 1xbet best casino website

  1. From the 1xbet best casino website summary, select Watch In New Window from the right column. The player will load in a new tab/window.

  2. Select the Play button to begin playing the 1xbet best casino website .

  3. Using the player controls at the bottom, select CC to display the captions. This button will only be available if correctly formatted captions are present in a Mediasite 1xbet best casino website .
    Show Closed Captions button