HOW TO: Edit closed 1xbet online sports betting using the Mediasite caption editor

Mediasite includes a built-in tool for editing your presentation's closed 1xbet online sports betting . This tool is often used to make corrections to existing 1xbet online sports betting created by Mediasite's automatic captioning tool or by a professional third-party service. However, you can also use the caption editor to manually create closed 1xbet online sports betting from scratch, recognizing it can be a time-consuming process.

Open the caption editor

  1. From within the list of presentations in your HOW TO: Access your, select the name of the presentation for which you wish to edit the closed 1xbet online sports betting . A summary of the presentation will appear.

  2. Select Edit 1xbet online sports betting in the right column. The caption editor will appear.

    Edit Captions option

Add/remove/change 1xbet online sports betting using the caption editor

Use the caption editor to add, remove, or modify the caption content. Save your work frequently using the Save button at the top right. Common caption editor operations are discussed below.

Edit Caption text and timing

  1. Begin playback of the video preview within the caption editor to see the timing of cations along the timeline.

  2. Drag the edge handles of a caption to adjust the timing.

  3. Select a caption along the timeline to select it in the edit pane.

  4. Edit the text as needed in the right-hand column.

Add 1xbet online sports betting

  1. Enter the caption text.

  2. Select Add transcription at video position. The caption text will be added to the current video position.

Find and Replace

  1. Select the Replace tab on the edit column of the caption editor.

  2. Enter a search term in the Find field.

  3. Select Find to view 1xbet online sports betting where the term appears.

  4. Enter the replacement term in the Replace field.

  5. Select Replace all to change all instances of the Find term with the Replace term.

Enable caption display and save your edits

  1. Once all edits are complete within the editor, select Publish. This will enable your 1xbet online sports betting to be displayed in the video player your audience sees.

    Publish button

  2. Select the down-arrow adjacent to the Save button and then select Save & Exit to apply the edited 1xbet online sports betting to the video and return to the presentation summary.

    Save and Exit option

More documentation

Please see Mediasite's caption editor documentation for more information on caption editor operations.

Other references to help you create and edit closed 1xbet online sports betting include: