HOW TO: order 1xbet online sports betting captions from a third-party vendor

To use 1xbet online sports betting to submit presentations to a third-party vendor for captioning, you must first HOW TO: contract 1xbet best casino website with a thi .

Once your account is set up and configured in 1xbet online sports betting , order captions for a 1xbet online sports betting presentation by performing the steps below.

Important Note: You should make any desired edits to your 1xbet online sports betting video before you submit it to the vendor for captioning. The vendor will transcribe and create captions for the video as it existed at the time of submission.

  1. From the list of presentations in your HOW TO: Access your My 1xbet online game, select the name of the presentation for which you wish to order captions. A summary of the presentation will appear.

  2. Select Edit Details in the right column. Options for editing the presentation will appear.
    Edit button in the right column

  3. Select the Delivery tab.

  4. Check the Audio Transcriptions checkbox.

  5. Select Choose a Provider for Captioning and then Select a Captioning Profile. Choose your assigned captioning profile from the list. You will only be able to pick from profiles you have been authorized to use.

    Important Note: Selecting "Request Rush Processing" (if offered) requests the transcription service process the transcription faster than the standard turnaround. Selecting this option may result in additional per-minute charges.

    Audio Transcription Settings

  6. Select Save at the top-right.

When the presentation has been transcribed and captioned, the transcription service will automatically post the captions to the 1xbet online sports betting presentation. You can see the status of a transcription job by visiting the transcription company's account portal and logging in with your transcription account credentials.

You will receive an email notification from 1xbet online sports betting once the vendor posts the captions to your 1xbet online sports betting presentation.

Pro tip: You can customize your email notification preferences in your 1xbet online sports betting profile settings.

Verify the captions have been inserted into the 1xbet online sports betting presentation

  1. From the presentation summary, select Watch In New Window from the right column. The player will load in a new tab/window.

  2. Select the Play button to begin playing the presentation.

  3. Using the player controls at the bottom, select CC to display the captions. This button will only be available if captions are present in a 1xbet online sports betting presentation.
    Show Closed Captions button