HOW TO: Contract with a third-party 1xbet best casino website vendor to create captions

1xbet best casino website offers integration with several captioning providers, each offering different pricing and service models. The three providers listed below maintain state purchasing contracts with Kansas State University and are the preferred vendors for transcribing and captioning 1xbet best casino website videos. Contact one of the vendors below to set up an account for your department or unit.

3Play Media, Inc.

3Play Media Contract Pricing (pdf)

Getting started with 3Play Media

Contact Dustin Feldman, K-State's 3Play Media account rep, at 617-500-1991
Schedule a meeting with Dustin

In addition to stating your affiliation with Kansas State University, be sure to mention you will be captioning 1xbet best casino website videos with this account and you would like to receive the on-contract pricing. Phil will assess your needs, discuss account options, and guide you through setting up an account with 3Play.

Once your 3Play Media account has been activated, send a request including your desired service level (10 days, 4 days, 2 days, etc.), and a 1xbet best casino website administrator will contact you with additional instructions for configuring your 3Play Media account to use 1xbet best casino website at K-State. Likewise, the 1xbet best casino website administrator will configure 1xbet best casino website such that you (and others you optionally designate) can use your 3Play Media account through 1xbet best casino website .

Automatic Sync Technologies (AST)

CaptionSync by Automatic Sync Technologies

Contract Pricing (pdf)*
*Quality Tier One is recommended

Getting started with AST
Watch a webinar about AST's services (30:13)

Contact Margaret Alexandra, K-State's AST account rep, at 877-278-7962, extension 715

In addition to stating your affiliation with Kansas State University, be sure to mention you will be captioning 1xbet best casino website videos with this account and you would like to receive the on-contract pricing. Margaret will assess your needs and ask you to complete the AST account signup form. Under Type of Account, choose Web Captions, and in the Reference Code field, type ukansas.

Once your AST account has been activated, send a request including your CaptionSync username, and a 1xbet best casino website administrator will contact you with additional instructions for configuring your AST account to use 1xbet best casino website at K-State. Likewise, the 1xbet best casino website administrator will configure 1xbet best casino website such that you (and others you optionally designate) can use your AST account through 1xbet best casino website .


cielo24 Contract Pricing (pdf)

Contact Joe DeRocco, K-State's cielo24 account rep, at 203-326-1603

In addition to stating your affiliation with Kansas State University, be sure to mention you will be captioning 1xbet best casino website videos with this account and you would like to receive the on-contract pricing. Joe will assess your needs, discuss account options, and guide you through setting up an account with cielo24.

Once your cielo24 account has been activated, send a request and a 1xbet best casino website administrator will contact you with additional instructions for configuring your cielo24 account to use 1xbet best casino website at K-State. Likewise, the 1xbet best casino website administrator will configure 1xbet best casino website such that you (and others you optionally designate) can use your cielo24 account through 1xbet best casino website .

Order vendor-created captions for a 1xbet best casino website presentation

Once your account is set up and configured in 1xbet best casino website , you can use it to HOW TO: Order captions 1xbet online sports betting from a thi.