HOW TO: Add automatic 1xbet online casino to an existing presentation

1xbet online casino help make video content more accessible to your viewers. In most cases, Mediasite will automatically create 1xbet online casino whenever you add a video presentation. In the event a presentation does not have 1xbet online casino , you can apply automatic 1xbet online casino using the steps below.

Important Note: Mediasite's automatic 1xbet online casino use automatic speech recognition (ASR) to create the caption transcript. ASR 1xbet online casino often contain transcription errors you must HOW TO: Edit closed to ensure the 1xbet online casino are accurate. Professional captioning services are recommended for 1xbet best casino web; contact the Student Access Center for more information.

  1. From within the list of presentations in your HOW TO: Access your, select the name of the presentation for which you wish to add automatic 1xbet online casino . A summary of the presentation will appear.

  2. Select Edit Details in the right column. Options for editing the presentation will appear.
    Edit button in the right column

  3. Select the Delivery tab.

  4. Check the Audio Transcriptions checkbox.

  5. Select Choose a Provider for Captioning and then Select a Captioning Profile. Choose the Mediasite Automatic 1xbet online casino captioning profile.

    Audio Transcription Settings

  6. Select Save at the top-right.

    When the presentation has been transcribed and captioned, the 1xbet online casino will be automatically posted to the Mediasite presentation. You will receive an email notification once the automatic 1xbet online casino are created.

    Pro tip: You can customize your email notification preferences in your Mediasite profile settings.

  7. IMPORTANT - Edit the 1xbet online casino for accuracy and completeness using HOW TO: Edit closed 1xbet online spor. Machine-generated ASR 1xbet online casino will not be accurate enough to satisfy accessibility requirements and will require manual edits. This step is NOT optional!

Verify the 1xbet online casino have been inserted into the Mediasite presentation

  1. From the presentation summary, select Watch In New Window from the right column. The player will load in a new tab/window.

  2. Select the Play button to begin playing the presentation.

  3. Using the player controls at the bottom, select CC to display the 1xbet online casino . This button will only be available if 1xbet online casino are present in a Mediasite presentation.
    Show Closed Captions button