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Under new management

McCain’s 2008-09 Performance Series reaches out to diverse audiences

In his first year as executive director of McCain Auditorium at Kansas State University, Todd R. Holmberg has engineered a performance schedule that embraces Americana as well as contemporary satire, sharp-tongued comedy along with razor-keen musical theater, Irish step dancing and urban opera.

&1xbet sports betting ;One of my over-arching goals for the coming year was to change the university's and the community's perception of the McCain Performance Series,&1xbet sports betting ; Holmberg said. &1xbet sports betting ;There was a noticeable perception that the series needed a breath of fresh air.&1xbet sports betting ;

To do that, Holmberg came up with &1xbet sports betting ;more ways to engage the community and the university.&1xbet sports betting ;

Garrison KeillorThe auditorium's 2008-09 Performance Series will include such high-profile national acts as Garrison Keillor and political satirists the Capitol Steps. Music genres range from the big-band sound of the Glenn Miller Orchestra to the 13-year-old prodigy Conrad Tao, who will play one of his own compositions from this year. New music doesn't get much newer than that.

&1xbet sports betting ;A lot of people have asked, 'Are you going to take the series in a different direction?' &1xbet sports betting ; Holmberg said. His answer is that it is going in many different directions, but with a common destination: engagement of diverse audiences.

&1xbet sports betting ;The goal is to attract new audiences but also to challenge your current audiences,&1xbet sports betting ;Holmberg said. &1xbet sports betting ;We're here to educate, expose, engage and inspire, not just entertain.

&1xbet sports betting ;Being program director in an educational setting, that mission is foremost in my mind,&1xbet sports betting ; he said. If a popular show such as &1xbet sports betting ;Nunsense,&1xbet sports betting ; starring Sally Struthers, fills every one of McCain's 1,650 seats, that's great, but &1xbet sports betting ;it's only one element in the bigger mission.&1xbet sports betting ;

Claremont TrioA string quartet playing contemporary music might draw far fewer people, Holmberg said, but the question should be, &1xbet sports betting ;Are these people being transformed in some way? If the answer is 'yes,' then we've succeeded.&1xbet sports betting ;

Even so, the overall schedule is far from esoteric. &1xbet sports betting ;Hairspray&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;Sweeney Todd&1xbet sports betting ; are touring musicals spun off recent film successes, and the McCain season opener is the family-pleasing Golden Dragon Acrobats from China.

Most acts illustrate Holmberg's underlying theme for the season, &1xbet sports betting ;the spirit of America.&1xbet sports betting ; Cherryholmes is a chart-topping family band that plays bluegrass, &1xbet sports betting ;a uniquely American art form,&1xbet sports betting ; he said. Savion Glover is a wizard of tap, a dance form with slave roots. The Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra will pay tribute to two great Jewish American composers, Leonard Bernstein and Aaron Copland. Riders in the Sky will revive America's tradition of show-biz cowpokery in &1xbet sports betting ;Christmas the Cowboy Way.&1xbet sports betting ; And the East Village Opera Company brings a thoroughly American rock 'n' roll attitude to the stage.

&1xbet sports betting ;I'm looking forward to the totality of the series,&1xbet sports betting ; said Holmberg, who started booking acts for K-State even as he was packing to leave his previous post as executive director for the Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra in Texas. &1xbet sports betting ;I really get to use the creative part of my brain, even though I sit behind a desk from 8 to 5 every day.&1xbet sports betting ;

Savion GloverAlready he's deep into planning the 2009-10 season and beyond.

&1xbet sports betting ;The auditorium also houses numerous K-State theater, music and dance performances,&1xbet sports betting ; Holmberg said, &1xbet sports betting ;along with the Landon Lecture Series and various other activities, so we need to have our series in place earlier to be a resource for all the entities that need McCain.&1xbet sports betting ;

The complete schedule is available at McCain's revamped Web site, http://www.k-state.edu/mccain/, which for the first time allows patrons to select their seats electronically and buy tickets in real time. But traditionalists still can order their tickets over the phone, 785-532-6428, or stop by McCain's box office. Discounts are available to faculty, staff and students.

Photos: The McCain Performance Series lineup for the 2008-2009 season includes Garrison Keillor (top, left), the Claremont Trio (Julia Bruskin, Donna Kwang and Emily Bruskin), and tap dancer Savion Glover (below, left).

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