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  1. 1xbet online ga
  2. Media Relations
  3. 1xbet online
  4. July 24, 2008/Vol. 31, No. 2


Eisenhower Hall

Two recent changes to the federally guaranteed 1xbet online games login loan program are good news for Larry Moederstudents and can help with their educational costs for the coming school year, said Larry Moeder, assistant vice president for student financial assistance and admissions at 1xbet online games login .

&1xbet online games login ;The changes, part of the recently enacted Ensuring Continued Access to Students Loans Act of 2008, will reduce the need for high-cost private student loans,&1xbet online games login ; Moeder said. &1xbet online games login ;They also can help make a K-State education, already cited as one of the nation's best values, even more affordable.&1xbet online games login ;

In 2007, 1xbet online games login was recognized as one of Kiplinger's 100 best values in public college education and was one of the Princeton Review's best value colleges in America.

The first change to the 1xbet online games login loan program increases unsubsidized federally guaranteed 1xbet online games login loan eligibility by ,000 for a typical undergraduate per academic year.

&1xbet online games login ;To continue emphasizing responsible student loan borrowing, K-State is notifying students enrolled for the fall 2008 term of this additional available assistance.&1xbet online games login ;

The law also introduced a new repayment option for parents of dependent students borrowing under the Federal Parent PLUS Loan program.

&1xbet online games login ;Until now, repayment on a Parent PLUS Loan typically began for the parent borrower 60 days after the loan has been disbursed,&1xbet online games login ; Moeder said. &1xbet online games login ;The new repayment option will allow the parent borrower to begin repayment six months after the dependent student has ceased to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis, which is typically after the student has graduated. This repayment option is particularly beneficial because economic concerns are on everyone's minds.&1xbet online games login ;

Moeder said 1xbet online games login has e-mailed information on the changes to all students who have been admitted.


Richard A. Marston published &1xbet online games login ;Presidential Address: Land, Life and Environmental Change in Mountains,&1xbet online games login ; Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 98, No. 3.

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Under new management

In his first year as executive director of McCain Auditorium at Kansas State University, Todd R. Holmberg has engineered a performance schedule that embraces Americana as well as contemporary satire, sharp-tongued comedy along with razor-keen musical theater, Irish step dancing and urban opera. 1xbet spor

Oil exploration in the lab

Research by Zhijian &1xbet online games login ;Z.J.&1xbet online games login ; Pei and Wenqiao &1xbet online games login ;Wayne&1xbet online games login ; Yuan could advance the large-scale cultivation and manufacturing of oil-rich algae for biofuel. 1xbet best


Three for all

violin detailThe members of the Tallgrass Trio are willing to tune up for almost any type of music. The group has performed everything 1xbet online games login original compositions, easy listening tunes and contemporary pop 1xbet online games login bands like Radiohead, to traditional classical music. No matter what's on the page, the members of the group agree that they just want people to enjoy their music. 1xbet onli



Jack Taylor, assistant director of undergraduate admissions, answers questions from YOUniversity TV producer Kara Matuska about why students choose 1xbet online games login and the process of becoming a Wildcat.

YOUniversity TV, a Web-based video producer, was on campus July 2 to film a tour of 1xbet online games login that is slated to appear early this fall on its Web site, http://www.youniversitytv.com. The short video tours of college campuses are made with a young audience in mind.

Matuska also interviewed Michael Wesch, assistant professor of anthropology, and Chris Sorensen, university distinguished professor of physics and 2007 CASE/Carnegie national professor of the year, about the experiences 1xbet online games login students can expect in the classroom.


The International 1xbet online games login Center's perennial garden, designed to absorb runoff from storms, has earned recognition from two landscape architecture organizations.

The Prairie Gateway Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects presented Lee R. Skabelund, assistant professor of landscape architecture, with a 2008 award of excellence for his work on the project. The society's Central States Conference also has recognized Skabelund with a 2008 award of merit in the built-design category.


Konza in the nation's capital

The Konza Prairie Biological Station is the subject of an exhibition in Washington, D.C.
&1xbet online games login ;A Sea of Tallgrass: The Konza Prairie&1xbet online games login ; runs through Sept. 12 at the U.S. Department of Interior Museum.

The exhibition consists of photographs by Judd Patterson, who earned a master's in geography from 1xbet online games login in May.

The exhibition's curator is Deborah Wallis Wurdinger, who earned a bachelor's in anthropology from 1xbet online games login in 1993.


&1xbet online games login ;UPGRADE K-STATE&1xbet online games login ; SURVEY RESULTS AVAILABLE

The &1xbet online games login ;Upgrade K-State: Tell Us What You Need&1xbet online games login ; report is now available at http://upgrade.1xbet online games login edu/results

The report, which compiles results from Upgrade 1xbet online games login e-mail comments, targeted IT focus groups and open forums held this spring, offers a broad scan of the current state of 1xbet online games login 's information technology services and future needs as perceived by a wide range of K-Staters.

More than 230 people participated in the focus groups and open forums and more than 100 comments were received by email. The information gathered here provides a foundation for future strategic planning for the next generation of IT services at 1xbet online games login .

The report is being used by the Campus IT Needs Assessment Working Group to develop recommendations this summer for the provost and the computing executive committee regarding next steps to better align central IT services with critical campus needs. In addition, central IT leadership and staff will review the documentation for &1xbet online games login ;quick win&1xbet online games login ; action items to improve central IT services. To provide additional feedback or comments, please visit the Upgrade K-State Web site at http://upgrade.1xbet online games login edu

HOT-WEATHER OPTIONS AT THE BEACH 1xbet online games login

Beach archIf it's too hot or rainy to go outside and the kids are bouncing off the walls, the Marianna Kistler Beach 1xbet online games login of Art has two new activities that will let families learn about the 1xbet online games login and the world around them.

ARTotes contain worksheets, books, activities and games that help families explore the permanent collection, said Kathrine Schlageck, senior educator at the Beach 1xbet online games login . Three varieties of totes are available so far.

&1xbet online games login ;The series out now focuses on the elements of art,&1xbet online games login ; Schlageck said. Totes on shape, form and line are available now; color and texture will be available by the end of the summer.

The second new activity is the Exploration Station in the new wing of the museum. The station has activities and resources that will change with the wing's exhibitions. The station's current focus is &1xbet online games login ;More Than Words: Illustrated Letters From the Smithsonian Archives of American Art.&1xbet online games login ;

&1xbet online games login ;When people stop at the Exploration Station they can make postcards and mini travel journals inspired by the exhibition,&1xbet online games login ; Schlageck said. Visitors can take home their creations.

&1xbet online games login ;The overall idea is to provide fun ways for people to learn about the exhibitions and interact with the art,&1xbet online games login ; Schlageck said.

For more information, contact Schlageck at 785-532-7718 or drop by the 1xbet online games login on the southeast corner of the campus at 14th Street and Anderson Avenue. Free visitor parking is available next to the building. Normal 1xbet online games login hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursdays; and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The 1xbet online games login is closed Mondays.



• A recording of classified job opportunities is 1xbet online games login 24 hours a day on the Employment Information Line, 785-532-6271.

• A list of employment opportunities is posted at www.1xbet online games login edu/hr/

• For additional information, call 785-532-6277 or come to the Division of Human Resources in 103 Edwards Hall. Applications are accepted 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays.


• A complete listing of vacancies can be seen at www.1xbet online games login edu/affact/

• For additional information, call the office of affirmative action at 785-532-6220 or come by 214 Anderson Hall.

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