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Architecture, planning and design

The following K-State faculty participated in the seventh annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Jan. 9-12, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Katrina Lewis, interior architecture and product design, presented &1xbet online casino ;Drawing Out Tradition.&1xbet online casino ;

David Sachs, architecture, chaired a session and presented &1xbet online casino ;Learning to Work in China: RTKL 2003-08.&1xbet online casino ;

Clinical sciences

James W. Carpenter presented &1xbet online casino ;Patagonian Wildlife...with Emphasis on the Reintroduction of the Andean Condor,&1xbet online casino ; Ross University's School of Veterinary Medicine, Exotic Animal, Zoo, and Wildlife Club, January, St. Kitts, West Indies. He also made a variety of other presentations on exotic animal medicine.

Dan Thomson presented &1xbet online casino ;The Impact of Slaughter Checks for Looking at Management Practices in the Feedlot&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;Feeding a First World Country: Science, Politics, & Media,&1xbet online casino ; Jan. 28-29, Phoenix, Ariz.

Hans Coetzee presented &1xbet online casino ;Clinical Pharmacokinetics,&1xbet online casino ; Iowa State University, Jan. 26, Ames, Iowa.


Richard Hayter was named the 2008 Tau Beta Pi National Outstanding Adviser at the 103rd national Tau Betta Pi Convention, Sacramento, Calif.


Erica Hateley published &1xbet online casino ;Shakespeare in Children's Literature: Gender and Cultural Capital,&1xbet online casino ; New York: Routledge, 2009.

Jonathan Holden published the poem &1xbet online casino ;Western Meadowlark,&1xbet online casino ; The Poet's Guide to the Birds, Eds. Judith Kitchen and Ted Kooser, Anhinga Press, 2009.

Anne Longmuir published &1xbet online casino ;Emigrant Spinsters and the Construction of Englishness in Charlotte Brontë's Villette,&1xbet online casino ; Nineteenth Century Gender Studies, Vol. 4, No. 3.

Phillip Marzluf published &1xbet online casino ;Small Failures and Compromises: The Institutional Life of Diversity,&1xbet online casino ; invited guest blogger on CCCC Conversations on Diversity, Dec. 18.

The following K-State faculty presented at the Modern Language Association Convention, Dec. 28-30, San Francisco:

Jim Machor, &1xbet online casino ;Rethinking the Romance-to-Realism Paradigm through Reception Studies,&1xbet online casino ; Division on Nineteenth-Century American Literature; &1xbet online casino ;Reception and Reprinting as Remaking: Catharine Sedgwick, National Authorship, and Children's Literature&1xbet online casino ;; and a special session on &1xbet online casino ;Reception Criticism, Book History, and American Literary Studies: Points of Convergence.&1xbet online casino ;

Karin Westman, &1xbet online casino ;Children's Literature and War,&1xbet online casino ; session chair and organizer.

Philip Nel and colleague presented &1xbet online casino ;Tales for Little Rebels: A Collection of Radical Children's Literature,&1xbet online casino ; Bluestockings Bookstore, Dec. 20, New York, N.Y.


Abdelmoneam Raef will publish &1xbet online casino ;Land 3D-Seismic Data: Preprocessing Quality Control Utilizing Survey Design Specifications, Noise Properties, Normal Moveout, First Breaks, and Offsets,&1xbet online casino ; Journal of Earth Science special issue on near surface geophysics.

Matt Brueseke presented &1xbet online casino ;More Than Just McDermitt: Temporal-spatial Relationships of Mid-Miocene Magmatism on the Oregon Plateau,&1xbet online casino ; University of Kansas geology department 2008-09 colloquium, Jan. 29, Lawrence.

Graduate school

Carol Shanklin was awarded the 2009 Founder's Award at the 14th annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students' Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Jan. 5, Las Vegas, Nev.


Diana Farmer, Marcia Stockham and Alice Trussell published &1xbet online casino ;Revitalizing a Mentoring Program for Academic Librarians,&1xbet online casino ; College & Research Libraries, Vol. 70, No. 1, January 2009.

Adam Wathen published &1xbet online casino ;How We're Laying the Foundation for a Culture of Assessment at Our University Libraries,&1xbet online casino ; Library Connect, Vol. 7, No. 1, January 2009.

Modern languages

Maria Martinez-Ortiz published &1xbet online casino ;We Are All Malinche: The Construction and Collapse of the Mexican National Mother in Contemporary Literature and Film,&1xbet online casino ; (M)othering the Nation: Constructing and Resisting National Allegories Through the Maternal Body, Cambridge Scholars Press.

Political science

Krishna K. Tummala delivered &1xbet online casino ;Coalition Dharma: Political Corruption in India&1xbet online casino ; at the eighth Asian Forum on Public Management at National Chi Nan University, Pulin, Taiwan Dec. 12-15, 2008.


Mark Barnett and students presented &1xbet online casino ;Undergraduates' Perceptions of the Desirability of Specific Personality Traits and Body Types&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;Factors Associated with Individual Differences in the Liking of Children,&1xbet online casino ; Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference, Feb. 5-7, Tampa, Fla.

Kimberly Kirkpatrick and colleague published &1xbet online casino ;Visually-guided Capture of a Moving Stimulus by the Pigeon (Columba livia),&1xbet online casino ; Animal Cognition, Vol. 12.

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