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  1. 1xbet online ca
  2. Media Relations
  3. 1xbet online
  4. Feb. 12, 2009/Vol. 31, No. 14


sculpture detail
K-STATEMENT GOING 1xbet online casino

Starting July 2009, K-Statement will go digital.

&1xbet online casino ;State agencies in Kansas, including K-State, are facing budget cuts,&1xbet online casino ; said Cheryl May, assistant vice president for university relations and director of media relations. &1xbet online casino ;Cutting back is necessary to meet the financial challenges we are facing.&1xbet online casino ;

May said the decision to eliminate paper copies of K-Statement was not 1xbet online casino lightly.

&1xbet online casino ;Over the years, I've resisted taking K-Statement exclusively online because I felt that employees without easy access to e-mail or the Internet at work would be disenfranchised,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;K-Statement is for every employee, not just those who have computer access.&1xbet online casino ;

Halting the publication of K-Statement will 1xbet online casino take income from printing services, which will have a financial impact on that unit.

Because the contract to print K-Statement is pre-paid through the end of the fiscal 1xbet online casino , the publication will continue in hard copy form until the end of June.

Keep an eye out for further 1xbet online casino about how to access K-Statement come July.


Cynthia HarrisCynthia Harris published &1xbet online casino ;A Spot of Tea and Huckleberry Bread,&1xbet online casino ; EYE on Kansas online magazine, Winter 2009.

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On 1xbet online casino - February

Watercolor by Roy LangfordApril 5
Sandbar and Trees in River
&1xbet online casino ;Sandbar and Trees in River&1xbet online casino ; is on display through April 5 in the Wefald Gallery at K-State's Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art. The watercolor with graphite was done by former K-State professor Roy Langford around 1950 and is one of more than 70 pieces recently donated to the museum by Langford's family. Photo courtesy of the 1xbet online casino .

Feb. 13-14
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K-State Theater joins with Ebony Theater for a production of Lynn Nottage's critically acclaimed, &1xbet online casino ;Intimate Apparel.&1xbet online casino ; The story, set in Manhattan in 1905, revolves around Esther who sews intimate apparel for a variety of clients. She hopes to one day open a beauty parlor. When she searches for a love of her own, she finds it long-distance with a stranger who compromises her dreams. 7:30 p.m., Nichols Theater. Call 532-6428 for ticket information.

Feb. 18
'BaadAsssss Cinema:
A Bold Look at '70s
Blaxploitation Films'

As part of the Black History Month film series, filmmaker Isaac Julien explores the enduring cult appeal of blaxploitation films, pulling footage from films like &1xbet online casino ;Shaft&1xbet online casino ; and &1xbet online casino ;Superfly&1xbet online casino ; and featuring interviews with Pam Grier and Richard Roundtree. 12:30 p.m., Dow Multicultural Resource Center, Hale Library.

Feb. 20
'Aquila Theatre:
Comedy of Errors'

As part of the McCain Performance Series, the Aquila Theatre Company will present an imaginative and exuberant production of Shakespeare's classic comedy. 7:30 p.m., McCain Auditorium. Call 532-6428 for ticket 1xbet online casino .

Feb. 23
'Change How You See,
Not How You Look.'

As part of the 2009 Season of Nonviolence, Woody Winfree, founder of the I Am Beautiful Project, will cut through the cultural barbed wire about super-thin bodies and six-pack abs. 7 p.m., Forum Hall, 1xbet online casino Student Union.

Feb. 24
Free yoga class

As part of Eating Disorders Awareness Week, a free yoga session will be offered, as well as some quick tips on how to 1xbet online casino body image. 7:30 p.m., Mind/Body Room, Recreation Complex.

Feb. 25
'Dave Chappelle:
For What 1xbet online casino 's Worth'

As part of the Black History Month film series, Dave Chappelle pushes the envelope, tackling race relations and African-American popular culture. 12:30p.m., 1xbet online casino , Hale Library.

Feb. 26
IDT Roundtable Series:
1xbet online casino Life Showcase

Several 1xbet online casino professors will share their adventures in teaching with Second Life. 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Room 212, 1xbet online casino Student Union.

Feb. 26-28
'Dog Sees God: Confessions
of a Teenage Blockhead'

This parody puts the characters of the Peanuts comic strip in their teenage years, where we see them struggling with the things real life throws at them. A haunting and powerful ending. 7:30 p.m., Feb. 26-28, Purple Masque Theater, East Stadium. Call 532-6428 for ticket 1xbet online casino .

1xbet online casino collaborates to fight cancer

The complementary nature of the cancer research programs at 1xbet online casino and the University of Kansas make them ideal partners for fighting cancer. 1xbet spor

Flowers speak louder than words

Whether it's a dozen red roses, a single carnation or a flowering potted plant, the emotional power of giving flowers on Valentine's Day remains strong, according to Richard Mattson, a 1xbet online casino professor of horticulture. 1xbet onli


The trappings of turtles

turtle collectionWhen 1xbet online casino holds the small aqua-green turtle dish, Barbara Pearson is taken back to the warm, blue waters of Hawaii. 1xbet online casino feels peaceful, relaxed, centered. It takes her back to a trip five years ago 1xbet online casino took with her sister, a trip about family, rebirth and renewal. 1xbet onli


1xbet online casino HONORS WESCH

Michael WeschMichael Wesch, K-State assistant professor of cultural anthropology and the Carnegie/CASE national professor of the year for research/doctoral universities, is one of the National Geographic Society's &1xbet online casino ;Emerging Explorers&1xbet online casino ; for 2009. The honor, which goes to only 10 people in the world each year, recognizes gifted individuals who have made a significant contribution to world knowledge while still early in their careers.

Each member of the National Geographic's Emerging Explorers Program, who may be selected from virtually any field, receives a ,000 award to support 1xbet online casino and further exploration.

Wesch said he is honored by the recognition because his curiosity as a researcher started with 1xbet online casino some years ago.

&1xbet online casino ;It was by paging through National Geographic magazines as a child that I first explored the world, so this is really a special honor for me,&1xbet online casino ; Wesch said. &1xbet online casino ;It is really a sign of the times that after doing research in some of the most remote regions in the world I would ultimately gain recognition for my explorations of the Web.&1xbet online casino ;

Wesch first rose to prominence when a video he created to launch K-State's Digital Ethnography Working Group became a YouTube success. Released Jan. 31, 2007, &1xbet online casino ;Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us&1xbet online casino ; has been viewed nearly 9 million times and translated into more than 10 languages.


Eugene R. Russell Sr., professor of civil engineering at 1xbet online casino , recently received the 2008 Council of University Transportation Center Award for Distinguished Contribution to University Transportation Education and Research.

The award has been given annually since 1998 to identify individuals who have had a long history of significant and outstanding contribution to university transportation education and 1xbet online casino resulting in a lasting contribution to transportation. Russell received the award Jan. 10 in Washington, D.C.


Wild Card

A creatively adorned bike wheel outside Willard Hall.

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If you are interested in the tallgrass prairie, would like to learn more about grasslands and think you might enjoy introducing others to the joys of the prairie, 1xbet online casino 's Konza Prairie Biological Station has an opportunity for you.

New Konza Prairie docent orientation will begin Saturday, Feb. 21. The 1xbet online casino orientation session, one of 13 sessions in the docent training, runs from 9 a.m. to noon.

Trained docents guide hikes and driving tours for public and school groups visiting the Konza Prairie. Other service opportunities include helping with K-12 student research activities, workdays and special projects. Docents also have the opportunity to attend educational in-service 1xbet online casino and social events.

At the 1xbet online casino session, participants will be able to preview program materials, check out the training schedule, meet experienced docents and Konza Prairie staff and view a presentation about the Konza Prairie.

For more 1xbet online casino call 785-587-0381, e-mail konzaed@1xbet online casino edu or go to http://www.1xbet online casino edu/konza/keep.


The end of the fall semester marked the first semester completely managed with the new student information system, known as iSIS, and the final phase of the system's installation. It was also the final step in completing the LASER Project, 1xbet online casino 's largest ever information technology project.

LASER, which stands for Legacy Application Systems Empowered Replacement, began in 2002. The project's primary objectives were to move from the mainframe computing environment and replace the outdated financial and student 1xbet online casino systems with new applications featuring advanced Web-based technologies. This charge had university-wide implications given the numerous business procedures across campus.

The result is a Web-based system available from anywhere at anytime, with information updated on a real-time basis. With the elimination of Social Security numbers as the primary identifier, iSIS also better protects personal information. The new system also is positioned to integrate more easily with other 1xbet online casino systems, such as 1xbet online casino Online, to improve the instructor experience in attending to administrative details.

DESIGN 1xbet online casino RANKED AMONG BEST IN THE U.S.

A recent survey of architecture and design firms has ranked 1xbet online casino 's bachelor of interior design and interior architecture programs as the best in the nation, with three other architecture degree programs also earning top 10 rankings.

According to the 2009 survey of leading architecture and design professionals published in the journal DesignIntelligence, 1xbet online casino ranks: First among bachelor of interior design and interior architecture programs; Second among master of interior design and interior architecture programs; Second among bachelor of landscape architecture programs; and Eighth among master of landscape architecture programs. 1xbet online casino 's master of architecture program also was ranked 11th.

For survey purposes, 1xbet online casino 's bachelor's programs in interior design and interior architecture and product design -- which are in different colleges -- are combined.
The annual survey is conducted by DesignIntelligence and the Design Futures Council, in conjunction with the Almanac of 1xbet online casino and Design.



• A recording of classified job opportunities is available 24 hours a day on the Employment 1xbet online casino Line, 785-532-6271.

• A list of employment opportunities is posted at www.1xbet online casino edu/hr/

• For additional 1xbet online casino , call 785-532-6277 or come to the Division of Human Resources in 103 Edwards Hall. Applications are accepted 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays.


• A complete listing of vacancies can be seen at www.1xbet online casino edu/affact/

• For additional 1xbet online casino , call the office of affirmative action at 785-532-6220 or come by 214 Anderson Hall.

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