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KSUARC / MAARS Field Day Photo

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This photo was submitted by Mike Stillwell, AC&1xbet online sports betting ;I (ex-N&1xbet online sports betting ;AEU). Members from W&1xbet online sports betting ;QQQ and MAARS have often joined together for ARRL Field Day in June. This picture appears to be from the early to mid 70s. Starting from the left is Scott Casey, WB&1xbet online sports betting ;JDK, Dave Soldan, N&1xbet online sports betting ;IN, Danny Carley, N&1xbet online sports betting ;ANM, standing, and sitting is George Collins, KC1V. The young man leaning on the tree is unidentified. Sitting, with the beard, is Jim Janke, K9WIE. In the striped shirt is Duane Roepke, WB&1xbet online sports betting ;TOH. The fellow with the hat worked for AIB and had a call of K1???. The young boy may be Mike Stilwell's son.

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