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ALUMNI - 1960s and 1970s

1xbet online casino

We want to create a way for our many alumni members to keep in touch with each other, as well as to recognize their past association with us.We will be happy to include contact information for you if you like.

If you wish to correct any of the categories of information listed below, or post an e-mail address, URL, home address or other comments, just e-mail us.Names of past members with e-mail addresses or URLs available will be underlined.

Unfortunately, we do not yet have very many callsigns for members in the 60s and 70s.During that time, only names were entered in the club ledger.Any input will be welcome!

Ackerman, Grant
KT&1xbet online casino ;W
1964 - 1965ex-WA&1xbet online casino ;HUUStation Manager 1964-65
Adams, Charles
1960 - 1960
Alloway, Jay
WA&1xbet online casino ;GWR
1966 - 1967
Anderson, Karl
K&1xbet online casino ;JHC
1961 - 1963
Annett, Clarence
1976 - 1977
Aldis, Dave
WB&1xbet online casino ;HXM
1973 - 1975
Arbuckle, Bob
1960 - 1960
Asbil, Kent
1970 - 1971
Babcocke, Stephen
1967 - 1967
Baird, Joe
1973 - 1975ex-WN&1xbet online casino ;NJQ
Balls, Jerry
1963 - 1966
Balzer, Gary
1960 - 1960
Barnes, Bill
WB&1xbet online casino ;NSQ
1979 - 1983President, '80 - '81
Beery, Tom
1977 - 1980
Beichley, Duane
K&1xbet online casino ;JKA
1965 - 1967
Benham, Bill
K&1xbet online casino ;EUT
1963 - 1965
Benton, Howard
K&1xbet online casino ;LKD
1960 - 1964
Berry, Robert
1975 - 1977
Blaesi, John
1973 - 1974
Blocksome, Kent
1970 - 1971ex-K&1xbet online casino ;EOB
Blocksome, Rod
K&1xbet online casino ;DAS
1963 - 1972
Boman, Roger
WB&1xbet online casino ;CTZ
1975 - 1977
Boughton, Willis
1967 - 1968
Brining, Robert
1968 - 1969
Brown, Joe
1964 - 1965
Buckner, John
WD&1xbet online casino ;BWA
1978 - 1979
Buller, Leroy
K&1xbet online casino ;WA
1972 - 1977ex-WA&1xbet online casino ;SWCLee's Amateur Radio Page
Bunney, Don
K&1xbet online casino ;TRI
1960 - 1961
Bush, Allen
WB&1xbet online casino ;ARQ
1976 - 1977
Butler, Mark
WB&1xbet online casino ;ZHL
1976 - 1980
Cahill, Bill
WA&1xbet online casino ;HLO
1965 - 1969
Carter, Dick
WB&1xbet online casino ;IZY
1962 - 1967
Casey, A. Scott
WB&1xbet online casino ;JDK
1971 - 1975
Casten, Jim
1963 - 1964
Christakes, George
1968 - 1969
Cleveland, George
1963 - 1964
Collins, George
1977 - 1979ex-WD&1xbet online casino ;BCL, ex-AD&1xbet online casino ;W
Condit, Larry
1963 - 1968ex-K&1xbet online casino ;FLU
Condray, Jerry
1963 - 1968
Connelly, Patrick
1960 - 1960
Cook, Bill
1965 - 1966
Cooper, Rhonda
1970 - 1971
Coupland, Bill
W&1xbet online casino ;OWT
1962 - 1966ex-K&1xbet online casino ;ZBF
Cox, Dan
WN&1xbet online casino ;SAB
1966 - 1968
Cullison, Marvin
WB&1xbet online casino ;VHC
1979 - 1982
Danewitz, Larry
K&1xbet online casino ;JRO
1960 - 1960
Dawes, Dr. Bill
W&1xbet online casino ;IPV
1973 - 1982Past Adviser, Silent Key
Delahan, Franz
1971 - 1972ex-K3RML
Denniston, Ken
1971 - 1972
DePew, Howard
KA&1xbet online casino ;DER
1978 - 1979
DeTar, George
WA&1xbet online casino ;ZUP
1973 - 1974
Dickenson, Randall
1973 - 1974
Dickeson, Tom
WA&1xbet online casino ;UFR
1971 - 1974
Dietrich, Jim
1968 - 1969
Dildine, R. Stephen
1964 - 1966
Droege, Jim
W&1xbet online casino ;VS
1977 - 1979ex-WD&1xbet online casino ;BDM
Dugan, Dennis
WA&1xbet online casino ;YPC
1971 - 1974
Dunn, Diane
KA&1xbet online casino ;BCZ
1977 - 1979
Eberhart, Frank
1962 - 1964
Elliott, Tom
WA&1xbet online casino ;NKT
1967 - 1968
Emerson, Penny
1962 - 1963
Engel, Glenn
WB&1xbet online casino ;HXS
1975 - 1979
Euler, Bob
WA&1xbet online casino ;HUJ
1964 - 1966
Fick, Ronald
K&1xbet online casino ;JDC
1966 - 1967
Fienhage, John
WD&1xbet online casino ;CIS
1977 - 1980
Frahm, Bruce
K&1xbet online casino ;BJ
1972 - 1975ex-WA&1xbet online casino ;TASweb site
Fritch, Derry
WD&1xbet online casino ;DHK
1977 - 1979
Galliardt, Robert
KA&1xbet online casino ;DIP
1978 - 1979
Gard, Mike
WA&1xbet online casino ;LTQ
1967 - 1969
Gentges, Frank
1962 - 1965ex-K&1xbet online casino ;BRA
Going, Norris
WA&1xbet online casino ;WVN
1968 - 1972
Grochowsky, Robert
K&1xbet online casino ;QLC
1964 - 1965ex-KN&1xbet online casino ;QLC / Topeka, Ks.
Gugler, Bruce
1967 - 1968ex-WN&1xbet online casino ;KVH
Hageman, Richard
K&1xbet online casino ;FTT
1963 - 1972
Hale, Bill
1961 - 1961
Hamilton, Jerry
K&1xbet online casino ;REG
1962 - 1966
Hart, Bill
K&1xbet online casino ;EQF
1961 - 1961
Hernison, David C.
1970 - 1971
Hett, Charles
K&1xbet online casino ;THN
1963 - 1964Lenexa, Ks.
Heufelder, George
1971 - 1972
Hickinbotham, Jim
WN&1xbet online casino ;YQT
1971 - 1972
Hinton, Reed
1963 - 1964
Hobbs, Klio
KB&1xbet online casino ;OZL
1960 - 1960Topeka, Ks.
Hollis, Phil
1962 - 1964
Horney, John
WA&1xbet online casino ;LZT
1976 - 1978
Hull, William
1962 - 1963
Humphreys, Randy
K&1xbet online casino ;BGC
1975 - 1977ex-WB&1xbet online casino ;SNTpresident, 1976 - 77
9035 West 175thOlathe, KS66062
Hurst, Charles
1963 - 1964
Hyde, Robert
1964 - 1965
Irwin, Jerry
WA&1xbet online casino ;GLD
1967 - 1968
Jacobs, Dave
WB&1xbet online casino ;SRX
1977 - 1982
Jakowatz, Judy
1967 - 1969
Janke, Jim
1974 - 1976
Jeans, Carl
1962 - 1963
Johnson, David
WN&1xbet online casino ;ILW
1971 - 1974
Johnson, Gary
K&1xbet online casino ;HGJ
1960 - 1960trustee emeritus
Jones, Gary
1971 - 1974ex-K3OWN
Jones, Martin
K&1xbet online casino ;MJ
1977 - 1981ex-WB&1xbet online casino ;NHZpast president
Jurgensmeier, John
1971 - 1972
Jurrens, Karla
1977 - 1981ex-KA&1xbet online casino ;HET
Jurrens, Wm. Greg
WD&1xbet online casino ;ACD
1977 - 1982
Kaplan, John
1961 - 1961
Kershner, Robert N.
1962 - 1965ex-K&1xbet online casino ;UJK
Kimball, Harry
WN&1xbet online casino ;LUX
1973 - 1977
Kirk, Jerry
WA&1xbet online casino ;KEF
1967 - 1969
Kisner, D. R.
1963 - 1964
Klamm, Ken
WB&1xbet online casino ;NHX
1977 - 1982
Klassen, William
1963 - 1964
Knudson, Ken D.
1962 - 1966ex-K&1xbet online casino ;WUEPast President
Kopka, Judith
1967 - 1968
Koudele, Larry
WB&1xbet online casino ;AJZ
1974 - 1975
Kreimer, Daniel
WA&1xbet online casino ;ADO
1976 - 1977
Lammert, Walter
WB&1xbet online casino ;GNP
1975 - 1977Web site
Lear, Bill
1971 - 1977
Lillibridge, Richard
1963 - 1964
Long, John
1964 - 1966
Lough, Jay
WA&1xbet online casino ;MET
1970 - 1973
Lovgren, Bob
WD&1xbet online casino ;CJR
1977 - 1982
Lutz, Bruce
1967 - 1967
Lyon, Jeff
1967 - 1968
Maddock, Alfred (Charles)
W&1xbet online casino ;OSN
1971 - 1977
Markley, Dick
1960 - 1960
Marr, Steve
K&1xbet online casino ;UY
1973 - 1978ex-KD&1xbet online casino ;ZQ,ex-WB&1xbet online casino ;NJS
Martin, Dr. Dan
WA&1xbet online casino ;BUD
1976 - 1977
Martin, Larry
1963 - 1964
Matson, Dean
WB&1xbet online casino ;OWF
1975 - 1977
Mayer, Joe
1963 - 1964
McClenahan, Bill
1962 - 1963
McDonald, Dennis
WD&1xbet online casino ;CEV
1977 - 1984
McHarg, Chris
1977 - 1981
McKnight, Cliff
1967 - 1968
Meadows, Harold (Jack)
1971 - 1974ex-WB&1xbet online casino ;DAV
Meisinger, Chuck
1960 - 1961
Michaels, David
WA&1xbet online casino ;NXD
1972 - 1975
Middleton, Elizabeth
WA&1xbet online casino ;AHD
1976 - 1977
Miller, Randall
1969 - 1972
Mills, J. Dean
K&1xbet online casino ;QDD
1960 - 1961
Mockabee, Eugene
K&1xbet online casino ;DNV
1960 - 1960
Mock, John
1960 - 1960
Moffitt, G. Mike
WB&1xbet online casino ;SFV
1977 - 1979
Monroe, Dale
1960 - 1960
Murphy, Richard
1962 - 1963
Nall, Dave
WD&1xbet online casino ;EMI
1977 - 1982
Napper, Dick
1966 - 1968
Nelson, Gary
1963 - 1964
Nelson, Kirk
WB&1xbet online casino ;HKE
1974 - 1977
Nemley, Max
1963 - 1964
Noble, Barbara
WA&1xbet online casino ;FEQ
1963 - 1965
Nordin, John
WN&1xbet online casino ;FPL
1971 - 1972
Nugent, Mike
WB&1xbet online casino ;HTI
1977 - 1978
O'Connor, Jim
1979 - 1980
Odell, Ed
1962 - 1965
Opdycke, Don
K&1xbet online casino ;YBS
1962 - 1964
Patterson, Dale
1960 - 1960
Patterson, Paul
1973 - 1974
Pearce, Ronald
1962 - 1963
Perry, Dale
1963 - 1965
Peters, Dennis
1966 - 1968
Peterson, Eldon
1963- 1968ex-K&1xbet online casino ;UAX
Peterson, Ernest
1967 - 1967
Phillips, Larry
K&1xbet online casino ;LP
1974 - 1977ex-WA&1xbet online casino ;YVX
Pinick, George
WA&1xbet online casino ;GNC
1966 - 1971
Pletcher, Robert
NN&1xbet online casino ;N
1976 - 1977ex-WB&1xbet online casino ;TOM
Pollock, Jon
1963 - 1965
Pomeroy, Stephen
WN&1xbet online casino ;SIV
1975 - 1977
Prevost, Helen
1967 - 1968
Privette, Pat
1969 - 1972
Pruett, Karl
WA&1xbet online casino ;NPK
1967 - 1971
Prus, Les
1973 - 1974
Rasure, John
WB&1xbet online casino ;ZIT
1977 - 1982
Rector, John
WB&1xbet online casino ;SHS
1975 - 1977
Redlinger, Joe
1967 - 1967
Reichle, John
WA&1xbet online casino ;SIB
1968 - 1971
Rezac, Galen
1962 - 1963
Rezac, Ronald
1962 - 1964
Richter, Don
WA&1xbet online casino ;WVM
1968 - 1972
Riebe, Delbert
WN&1xbet online casino ;PLV
1975 - 1980
Riedl, Patrick
1965 - 1966
Rinke, Jim
WN&1xbet online casino ;SIW
1975 - 1977
Roesler, Harold
1975 - 1976
Ronenheim, Harold
1965 - 1966
Rosenblatt, Lewis
1962 - 1964
Rosenstiel, Larry
1963 - 1964
Rueck, Jon
WN&1xbet online casino ;WZC
1969 - 1969now KB&1xbet online casino ;DVC
Runng, Carl
1971 - 1971
Russell, John
WB&1xbet online casino ;CQN
1973 - 1976
Sabin, Ed
1967 - 1967
Sanders, Robyn
KA&1xbet online casino ;BNN
1977 - 1982now Robyn Klamm
Schmidt, Charles
WD&1xbet online casino ;AQR
1977 - 1977
Schroeder, Robert
1965 - 1966
Schulz, Gary
WA&1xbet online casino ;AIH
1966 - 1967
Seals, Marilyn
WB&1xbet online casino ;EDG
1973 - 1975
Seaton, Mary
1961 - 1961
Seaton, Randy
1960 - 1961
Severance, Jim
KA&1xbet online casino ;BEV
1979 - 1981
Shannon, Ken
1966 - 1967
Shields, Tom
WA&1xbet online casino ;OUJ
1967 - 1967
Shrader, Richard
1964 - 1965
Sigle, Arris
1966 - 1970
Slack, Doyle
WD&1xbet online casino ;GGM
1979 - 1983
Slesinski, Ron
1974 - 1975
Smith, Jim
WA&1xbet online casino ;DXE
1965 - 1968
Soldan, Dave
N&1xbet online casino ;IN
1966 - pres.ex-WA&1xbet online casino ;MLElicense trustee
Springer, John
1962 - 1963
Stafford, Kirby
WB&1xbet online casino ;ZTS
1977 - 1979
Stephens, Alan
WN&1xbet online casino ;OGQ
1965 - 1967
Stillwell, Mike
AC&1xbet online casino ;I
1977 - 1980ex-WD&1xbet online casino ;BWF, ex-N&1xbet online casino ;AEU
Stockwell, John
WN&1xbet online casino ;TVS
1976 - 1977
Stueve, Gerald
1973 - 1974
Svoboda, Alan
N&1xbet online casino ;SC
1975 - 1980ex-WB&1xbet online casino ;SCW
Tefft, Fred
1971 - 1972
Thornton, Gary
WD&1xbet online casino ;BWC
1977 - 1978
Tinkham, Dennis
K&1xbet online casino ;JBI
1962 - 1963
Toburen, Mary
K&1xbet online casino ;ROQ
1960 - 1960
Trennepohl, James
WA&1xbet online casino ;IYX
1968 - 1969
Trollman, Mike
K&1xbet online casino ;SFW
1960 - 1960
Tucker, Rick
W&1xbet online casino ;RT
1967 - 1977ex-WA&1xbet online casino ;GSG
Umholtz, Bob
1972 - 1974
Unruh, Eric
WB&1xbet online casino ;RYN
1979 - 1982
Wahlen, Marvin
1962 - 1963
Weber, Vince
WN&1xbet online casino ;SIW
1975 - 1977
Weberg, Chris
1968 - 1969
Weinsaft, Nathan
WB&1xbet online casino ;VDM
1979 - 1984
Werth, Joe
1976 - 1980ex-WB&1xbet online casino ;SOT
Wheaton, Sheldon
KC&1xbet online casino ;CW
1978 - 1980ex-KA&1xbet online casino ;DRH personal web page
Trustee: Garmin Waypoint ARC
White, Mark
1973 - 1974
Wick, Bradford
W&1xbet online casino ;CO
1971 - 1977ex-WA&1xbet online casino ;WCO
Wilcox, Dick
K&1xbet online casino ;VZN
1964 - 1967
Wileman, Stan
1973 - 1974
Wilson, Cliff
K&1xbet online casino ;MWP
1960 - 1960
Woods, Michael
1964 - 1965

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modified 9/25/20