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Eating smart is an important part of good health, but we also need to be physically active. No matter how young or old we are, our bodies benefit from movement, and most of us need more than we usually get. But it doesn’t have to be boring, expensive or time-consuming – it just needs to happen! Think about ways you like to move – activities you enjoy. How can you add these to 1xbet online casino day – all through the day? Some physical activity is better than none at all, and 1xbet online casino active minutes will add up!

  • How much 1xbet online casino do I need?Adults need to be physically active for at least 2 ½ hours during the week (about 30 minutes per day for at least 5 days each week). Even short bursts of activity are healthful, so you don’t need to find extra time. Just work to move more throughout 1xbet online casino day!
  • What about my kids? Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Active play is normal for most kids, and for good health, children should move and play throughout the day. Think of active rewards instead of sweets or “sit still” motivators – consider a ball or disc in place of a video game. Play outside with 1xbet online casino kids – you will both benefit!

Tips for Moving More

  • Start low and slow – If 1xbet online casino are just getting started, be sure 1xbet online casino ease into moving more. 1xbet online casino can start with just 10 minutes of activity at a time, then add more time and intensity (think faster, stronger movement) as 1xbet online casino get used to moving more.
  • Walking works – Adding steps to 1xbet online casino day is a great way to move more. Walk in an area that is convenient and where you are comfortable. Do you live near 1xbet online casino children’s school? Walk with them to school. Is there a park nearby? You will probably see others out “getting their steps.” Build in a brisk walk over 1xbet online casino lunch break – it will add some energy after 1xbet online casino meal.
  • Look for activities in 1xbet online casino community – There are many opportunities out there to help us move more. Often, organizations will sponsor walks or ‘fun runs’ to help raise awareness about issues. Sign up with a friend or family member – it is fun to walk with others. Consider a fitness class offered in 1xbet online casino neighborhood – you might discover a fun new way to move that really works for you!
  • Seek out ways to 1xbet online casino more – Find the stairs, and take them! Be the nice shopper that brings the cart back to the store. Park further from the door, and reward yourself when 1xbet online casino need to take extra steps. At work, use the restroom on another floor. Remind yourself to get up and move each hour if possible.
  • Build stronger muscles – Yoga, stretch bands and lifting light weights can help build 1xbet online casino muscles. Keep hand weights at 1xbet online casino desk, or use other weighty objects (maybe books or canned soup) to lift during phone calls. Remember 1xbet online casino lower body, too – lunges and squats work legs, thighs and glutes. Try to include strength-building activities at least two days each week.
  • Find an 1xbet online casino buddy – Maybe it’s 1xbet online casino dog, or 1xbet online casino neighbor, a co-worker or a family member. Commit to moving more, and find that “action figure” who will support 1xbet online casino efforts to stick to 1xbet online casino plan. When 1xbet online casino motivation drops, 1xbet online casino buddy will help you keep moving!
  • Be 1xbet online casino at any (and every) age – We all benefit from moving more – and it does not require a gym membership or special equipment. You can play with the kids in the yard or discuss current events while walking around the park. Get off the bus one stop early, and build some extra steps into 1xbet online casino commute. Check out an exercise video from the library and invite a friend or family member to watch and move with you! Parents, remember to show 1xbet online casino kids that you enjoy moving more – you will teach by 1xbet online casino example.

Adapted from https://www.bustle.com/articles/157810-11-tips-for-learning-how-to-cook-once-for-all. Accessed August 21, 2019.
Adapted from USDA’s Be 1xbet online casino Today https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/familytime_beactivetoday.pdf. Accessed August 23, 2019.
Fit Facts. Small steps to increase physical 1xbet online casino . Accessed at: https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/lifestyle/blog/6765/small-steps-to-increase-physical-1xbet online casino on August 26, 2019.