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Syllabus Addendum: 1xbet online casino Policies

The Student 1xbet online casino of Conduct applies to online behavior as well as in-person or classroom behavior. You are expected to be professional and respectful when attending 1xbet online casino on Zoom. The following are 1xbet online casino policies for our meetings with Zoom. Please read carefully, these policies are effective immediately and apply for the remainder of the semester. All students are expected to adhere to the policies.

NOTE: 1xbet online casino meetings on Zoom (including video, audio, and chat text) will be recorded.Violations are subject to the K-State Student Code of Conduct and will be adjudicated accordingly.


  • Sign in with your full first name and last name as listed on the 1xbet online casino roster. Do not use anickname or other pseudonym when you log in. It makes it impossible to know who is in attendance. Using 1xbet online casino full name quickly sorts students into their groups when needed. Users who do not provide their full names will NOT be admitted to 1xbet online casino .

    • Since enrolling in 1xbet online casino , some students have changed their names to betterreflect their gender identity. If you currently use a different name than what is listed on the official roster, please send a private Canvas message so this can be noted on the roster and you can use your current name on Zoom. (If you would like to change your name officially with KSU, please see the 1xbet online games log for more information).

    • If you do not have access to a computer or smartphone with internet access, call into 1xbet online casino using a landline phone. This is not optimal; please try to locate an internet-enabled device to use for 1xbet online casino .
  • Stay focused. Please stay engaged in 1xbet online casino activities. Close any apps on your device that are not relevant and turn off notifications.

If 1xbet online casino need technical help contact the 1xbet online casino Service Desk: Search the Knowledge Base, 1xbet online spo, or Start a Live Chat.


  • Turn on 1xbet online casino video when possible. It is helpful to be able to see each other, just as in an in-person 1xbet online casino .

    • If 1xbet online casino have limited internet bandwidth or no webcam, it is ok to not use video.
    • If you're unable to find an environment without a lot of visual distractions, it isalso ok to turn off 1xbet online casino video.
  • Keep 1xbet online casino clean. Don't share anything you wouldn't put up on the projector in 1xbet online casino !


  • Mute 1xbet online casino microphone when you are not talking. This helps eliminate background noise.

  • Use a headset when possible. If 1xbet online casino own headphones with a microphone, please use them.This improves audio quality.

  • Be in a quiet place when possible. Find a quiet, distraction-free spot to log in. Turn off any music, videos, etc. in the background.


  • Stay on topic. Use the chat window for questions and comments that are relevant to 1xbet online casino . The chat window is not a place for socializing or posting comments that distract from the course activities. If you fill it up with random comments, I will be unable to sort through the information quickly to address students' real questions/concerns about the course.

  • No disrespect or hate speech. Just like in our in-person 1xbet online casino , respectful behavior is expected. Consider Zoom a professional environment, and act like you're at a job interview, even when you're typing in the chat