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Preparing and Planning

In preparing for potential disruption to campus services or access, it is important to check frequently with the K-State website for detailed information about campus planning and resources. This will ensure 1xbet online games login have the most up-to-date information.

Preparing 1xbet online games login course for online or remote delivery

Some faculty have taught courses online or used remote technologies, but others have not. The information below is designed to assist all faculty as they prepare their class for online/remote delivery to 1xbet online games login .

How should I prepare for the technical aspect of online or remote delivery?

  • 1xbet online games login will need some basic equipment. To engage with 1xbet online games login students from home, you will need a laptop or desktop computer and internet access. If you are going to engage with students using video, you will need a web camera and the ability to capture audio. If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk: Search the Knowledge Base, 1xbet online spo, or Start a Live Chat..

  • 1xbet online games login digital course files will need to be available to you from off-campus sites. It is possible that the campus could be closed, so you will need to plan for this by uploading 1xbet online games login course files from 1xbet online games login on-campus location/computer to the cloud or to another easily accessible digital location. This will allow you to be able to access the files from home or elsewhere. The Division of Information Technology encourages the use of uploading files to OneDrive. Please contact contact the IT Service Desk for assistance: Search the Knowledge Base, 1xbet online spo, or Start a Live Chat.

  • Use the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access tools and systems securely, whether in the U.S. or out of the county. The K-State Global Protect VPN is available for Windows and Macs. To access, use the links below:

How do I set up the 1xbet online games login on Canvas?

  • Every 1xbet online games login already has a Canvas site. Even if you are not teaching an online course or using 1xbet online games login Canvas course site, you still have a Canvas “shell” that is populated with 1xbet online games login students’ names and email contact information. To activate it, you will need to make sure that the 1xbet online games login is published.

  • Upload 1xbet online games login course documents to Canvas. Consider uploading all course materials, such as syllabus and course schedule (including any necessary revisions), readings, assignments, and any other teaching materials that 1xbet online games login want to share with students. When 1xbet online games login upload them to Canvas, students will have access to them.

How do I communicate with my 1xbet online games login online?

  • From each Canvas course site, you can communicate with 1xbet online games login students simply and easily. You can email 1xbet online games login students through the Inbox feature Canvas. 1xbet online games login can also post 1xbet online games login announcements as needed as another communication tool. Of course, you can still use 1xbet online games login email, but Canvas allows you to communicate with all of the students at the same time.

  • Share the Student Checklist in Preparation for Remote Learning with 1xbet online games login students. This checklist will help 1xbet online games login to take the steps they need to prepare for remote learning experiences.

  • Be prepared for more frequent communication. During the transition from face-to-face to remote teaching, 1xbet online games login may receive more student inquiries than 1xbet online games login usually would since students may have questions about the course materials or new activities or expectations for the course. To make sure 1xbet online games login are frequently notified of communications in Canvas, 1xbet online games login can adjust 1xbet online games login notification settings.

How do I teach my 1xbet online games login remotely?

  • Decide how 1xbet online games login want to operate the class. Explore the different 1xbet online games login use classrooms and.

  • You will likely need to change 1xbet online games login course schedule. Depending on when the disruption is occurring during the semester, you may need to make changes to 1xbet online games login course schedule. Areas to consider for revision might include:
    • assignments
    • testing format
    • projects
    • presentations
    • labs
  • Think about the learning outcomes for the class as 1xbet online games login guide. You might need to streamline or change the weighting on 1xbet online games login assignments, quizzes, projects, or other course expectations. The student learning outcomes should guide 1xbet online games login considerations.
    • Presentations. Moving online does not mean 1xbet online games login must omit presentations. Canvas and other technologies (e.g., FaceTime) are other options.
    • Group work. 1xbet online games login has excellent functionality for the use of groups.
  • Any changes you make should be communicated to 1xbet online games login department head and with students through a revised syllabus. Be clear in communicating the changes to students by emailing them any revised documents and sharing them in 1xbet online games login course Canvas site.

  • Join the Keep Teaching: Resources for Higher Ed virtual community. Created by K-State Global Campus, this free community connects 1xbet online games login to hundreds of educators and higher education professionals all over the world who are working toward academic continuity on their campuses.

  • If 1xbet online games login have questions, ask for help. There are instructional designers around campus who can provide you with excellent assistance in helping to set up 1xbet online games login class, as well as giving ideas on how to make the experience better for students. Also, you likely have colleagues who have taught online. Don’t be afraid to ask them for help.

I have experience teaching an online 1xbet online games login . How can I help?

  • Be supportive. Help 1xbet online games login colleagues as they consider all of the options available.

  • Mentor others. You can provide answers to questions, assist in the use of Canvas, and put people at ease with 1xbet online games login experience.