Facilitate a hands-on STEM themed 1xbet best casino website with GROW and EXCITE

GROW and EXCITE are outreach programs for middle and high school students. They are designed to encourage and support girls' interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. K-State faculty, staff and students are invited to design and facilitate hands-on activities for our workshop participants.

Why facilitate an 1xbet best casino website ?

Facilitating an 1xbet best casino website is a great recruitment opportunity for your college, department, and field. Faculty members also often use these experiences to demonstrate the broader impacts of their research in grant proposals. Students may also use this experience as volunteer credit and include it on their resume.

KAWSE is happy to provide documentation and/or letters of support for those who collaborate with us. Contact us at kawse@k-state.edu to learn more.

What opportunities do you offer?

We host Saturday and Summer Workshops.

The Saturday Workshops, held once per semester, are open to middle-school students (grades 6-8). Each Saturday Workshop has a theme and activities should relate to that theme. These events last from 9 AM to 3 PM, with hands-on activities occurring at 10 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM and 2 PM.

The Summer Workshops are open to middle and high-school students. Held the first week of June, the Summer Workshops are a 3-day, 2-night long event with no set theme. Activities can occur at various times and for various lengths during these workshops.

How can I learn more?

Read below for more information on our upcoming Saturday and Summer Workshops. If you have additional questions, contact KAWSE via kawse@k-state.edu or by leaving us a message at 785-532-6088.

GROW/ excite 1xbet best casino website Summer Workshop

Unlike GROW Saturday Workshops, there is no set theme for the summer workshops. Our goal is to provide students with hands-on experiences in a broad range of science, technology, engineering and math disciplines and introduce them to career options in STEM.

The summer workshops are normally attended by 50-100 students.

  • GROW: middle school students who just completed grades 5, 6, and 7, ages 10-13.
  • EXCITE: high school students who just completed grades 8, 9, 10 and 11, ages 13-17.

The participants will be organized by age into groups of 10-12 students. We normally having 5-6 GROW groups and 2-3 EXCITE groups. Each group will rotate through a variety of 1xbet best casino website sessions throughout the workshop. They will be chaperoned by K-State student mentors, who will make sure the groups arrive and leave 1xbet best casino website sessions on time. The chaperones will also be available to assist presenters throughout their 1xbet best casino website as needed.

1xbet best casino website Planning

You may choose which age groups (GROW, EXCITE or both) you wish to do an 1xbet best casino website for. In the past, presenters have elected to do a variation of the same 1xbet best casino website for both groups, or have held two completely different activities.

You are welcome to reserve a lab or classroom of your choice for your 1xbet best casino website or KAWSE can reserve a room for you.

1xbet best casino website sessions are hosted throughout the day during normal business hours. They begin on Wednesday in the afternoon, take place all day Thursday, and end Friday morning before lunch. 1xbet best casino website sessions can vary in length, however we ask that you keep your 1xbet best casino website within the following ranges:

  • GROW: 1-2 hours
  • EXCITE: 1-3 hours

In order to give more students a chance to participate in your 1xbet best casino website , we ask that you consider presenting your 1xbet best casino website at least twice, if your availability allows. You are welcome to repeat your 1xbet best casino website multiple times (the norm is 1-3 times).

We have a small budget for 1xbet best casino website supplies. When completing your 1xbet best casino website proposal form, please indiciate any supplies you would like KAWSE to purchase for you. Please note that final approval of supplies is contingent upon budget availability.

1xbet best casino website Proposals

You can submit your 1xbet best casino website proposal using our Excel or Qualtrics forms (see below). 1xbet best casino website proposals are due in May. You will receive confirmation from the KAWSE office once we have received your proposal. If you need to make changes to your proposal, please contact us as soon as possible at kawse@ksu.edu.

1xbet best casino website Proposal Form (Qualtrics)

1xbet best casino website Proposal Form (Excel)

1xbet best casino website

GROW Saturday Workshop - Fall 2024 date 1xbet best casino website TBD

K-State faculty, staff and students are invited to design and facilitate a hands-on science, technology, engineering and/or math 1xbet best casino website for middle school students at the Spring 2024 Welcome to the GROW Program at 1 workshop, on the K-State campus in Manhattan.

Once the workshop theme is finalized, it will be announced on this webpage. KAWSE staff are available to help brainstorm 1xbet best casino website ideas and relate facilitators’ area of expertise to the pending event theme. KAWSE can also help find student volunteers to assist with the 1xbet best casino website .

1xbet best casino website sessions are 45 minutes long and attended by 8-12 middle school students at a time. Sessions begin at 10 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM and 2 PM. Facilitators may choose to host the morning sessions, afternoon sessions, or all sessions. A GROW student employee will chaperone each group to and from sessions, and will be present during the 1xbet best casino website to help facilitate as necessary. A free lunch is provided at noon for those facilitators who request one. 1xbet best casino website proposals will need to be submitted using Qualtrics or Excel by the fall deadline.

View our 1xbet best casino webs for more information.

1xbet best casino website Proposal Form (Qualtrics)

1xbet best casino website Proposal Form (Excel)

The KAWSE office is happy to provide letters of support to grant agencies for those who collaborate with us. If your grant allows, please consider including KAWSE as a part of your budget. To learn more, please contact us at kawse@ksu.edu.

Expected attendance is between 80-100 middle school students, grades 6-8. The GROW program is organized by the Welcome to 1xbet best casino website ! Event registration information will be available on the grow 1xbet if you would like to register your middle school student or share with friends, Welcome to the GROW Program at.


Please contact the KAWSE office at kawse@ksu.edu, calling 785-532-6088 or visiting 215 Fairchild.

View Photos from the 2023 Summer Workshop

View Example Program Booklets: