GROW saturday 1xbet online games login Workshops

Image by Dr La Barbara Wigfall

Join us on March 2, 2024 for our next Saturday Workshop!

The Spring 2024 GROW Saturday Workshop 1xbet online games login be held on March 2, 2024 with the theme "STEM Superheroes." At the workshop, middle school students 1xbet online games login participate in a variety of hands-on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics activities on the K-State Manhattan Campus. Each activity 1xbet online games login showcase a "STEM superhero" (past or present) and the amazing contributions they made or are making in their field. You may even meet some K-State research superheroes, too!

Activities 1xbet online games login be led by K-State faculty, staff and students and 1xbet online games login take place between 9AM - 3:30PM on K-State's campus in Manhattan, KS.

What is the Goal?

The mission of GROW is to increase girls’ interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

Who Should Attend?

All 1xbet online games login in grades 6-8 are welcome to attend. 1xbet online games login can participate on their own or as a group from their school or community. Be ready for a fun day full of hands-on activities and meeting new people!

What 1xbet online games login We Do?

You and your group members 1xbet online games login participate in hands-on activities led by Kansas State University faculty, staff, and students. Lunch (included in the registration fee) 1xbet online games login be two slices of pizza, a piece of fruit, cookie and water. Contact kawse@1xbet online games login edu if special accomodations are needed.

When & Where?

The GROW Saturday Workshop: STEM Superheroes 1xbet online games login be held on March 2, 2024. This 1xbet online games login take place between 9AM - 3:30PM on K-State's Campus in Manhattan, KS.

How Do I Sign Up and What's Included in 1xbet online games login ?

Register online or the 1xbet online games login and consent form can be printed and completed. Once filled out, please mail the 1xbet online games login form, consent waiver and payment to the address listed on the form. Your 1xbet online games login fee includes lunch and all materials needed to participate in this event.

*Note: Event capacity is limited to 100 1xbet online games login and available on a first come, first served basis. We recommend that you sign up early!

Upon receipt of your completed forms and payment, we 1xbet online games login send a confirmation email and information packet to the email address provided. The email 1xbet online games login come from K-State KAWSE - 1xbet online games login Adding this email address to your address book 1xbet online games login ensure that our emails reach your inbox.

Register online here!

Download 1xbet online games login and Consen

Download Consent Waiver.

What if I have to cancel?

Should you need to cancel, please do so as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we cannot issue refunds for these events.

I still need more information!

Please contact the 1xbet online games login office, home of the GROW program, at 1xbet online games login You can also call 785-532-6088.

Sign up for our GROW emailing list to receive notifications and announcements about these events!

1xbet online games login Faculty, Staff and Students:

Interested in hosting an activity at this event? Check out our ADVANCE webpage for more details on how to submit an activity proposal.