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Behavioral 1xbet best casino website Preparedness, Response, and Recovery in Kansas: Keeping People Connected in Times of Crisis

The Kansas All-Hazards Behavioral 1xbet best casino website Program (KAHBH) is a program that is funded by a contract between the Kansas State University School of Family Studies and Human Services, the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, Mental 1xbet best casino website (SRS), and the Kansas Department of 1xbet best casino website and Environment (KDHE). The KAHBH Program is responsible for the following core tasks:

  1. To develop a compendium of resources for use at community and regional levels, to meet the peri- and post-event psychosocial needs of victims, at-risk individuals, family members, and emergency first responders.
  2. Assist hospital and public 1xbet best casino website regions by identifying key behavioral 1xbet best casino website professionals in the State who can assist these regions in developing behavioral 1xbet best casino website components of their plans.
  3. To assist SRS in the development of an All-Hazards Behavioral 1xbet best casino website Plan/Annex (which will serve as the SRS Behavioral 1xbet best casino website ANNEX /Appendix to the Kansas Emergency Operations Plan).
  4. To work with SRS Mental 1xbet best casino website to identify the minimum behavioral 1xbet best casino website training competencies, to develop a curriculum, and to provide the training and refresher courses for 1xbet best casino website care professionals and community leaders responding to a Presidentially declared disaster or other public 1xbet best casino website emergencies.
  5. To develop a system for SRS Mental 1xbet best casino website to identify and track the number of 1xbet best casino website professionals and community leaders trained in the recognition, outreach, treatment and referral of patients exhibiting behavioral 1xbet best casino website consequences related to a Presidentially declared disaster and other public 1xbet best casino website emergencies.
  6. To include the Kansas Department of 1xbet best casino website and Environment (KDHE) in behavioral 1xbet best casino website preparedness networks and work groups overseeing the All-Hazards Behavioral 1xbet best casino website Plan development and implementation, and work with KDHE to ensure that regional hospital preparedness plans are integrated with this plan
  7. To work with SRS Mental 1xbet best casino website to design a process to make application, to coordinate community outreach services, and to provide on-site program management for the FEMA/SAMHSA Center for Mental 1xbet best casino website Services Immediate Services Program and Regular Services Program in the event of a Presidentially declared disaster.

Current News and Events:

2007 Kansas All-Hazards Behavioral 1xbet best casino website Symposium
October 23-24th - Salina, Kansas

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Kansas Disaster Assistance Resources for January 2007 Western Kansas Storms

SRS Mental 1xbet best casino website Messenger newsletter featuring KAHBH

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