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  2. »Data, Assessment and Institutional Research
  3. »Enterprise Data Warehouse

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226 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Dr. North
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

(785) 532-2115

SQL Server Data Marts

The SQL Server data marts have been used to serve the university data needs 1xbet sports bettingfor a few years. The data marts consist of:

  • Student data mart
  • Financial aid data mart
  • Human Resources data mart and
  • Financials data mart.  


Each data mart consists of mainly star schemas with the source of data being the primary ERP systems:  KSIS, HRIS, and FIS. The structures in the data marts are updated via nightly load.    


The student data mart 1xbet sports bettingcontains data from application to graduation. It has application data from KSIS, Slate and CollegeNet; it includes enrollment, the program/plan stack and census day reporting; it has degrees and retention analysis.  


The human resources data mart includes human resource transaction, and payroll information including payroll funding.   1xbet online sports bettingWe have begun to bring in budget data to report against payroll funding and to be able to project fiscal year expenditures. 


The financial aid data mart contains financial aid disbursement information and student financial transactions.  


Direct access to the data marts is currently limited, and specific data are available upon 1xbet best casino websiterequest via DAIR website.