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University Support Staff Awards

All university support staff benefits eligible employees, full or part time, are eligible to be nominated for the K-State University Support Staff Award of Excellence and Belonging Award if they have completed one or more years of consecutive service to Kansas State University and if they have not been recipients of the award within the 1xbet online casinopast five years. Nominated employees must have a rating of "meets expectations" or higher on their latest performance review to be eligible for consideration.

Kansas State University University Support Staff Award of Excellence
Award Nomination Deadline: March 20th, 2024


This university-wide 1xbet online casinoaward was established to recognize exemplary performance and contributions of university support staff members who consistently excel in their positions and demonstrate integrity and a strong commitment to the mission and values of Kansas State University. The purposes of this award include:

  1. Publicizing the positive attributes and contributions made by university support staff;
  2. Rewarding and recognizing individuals who achieve excellence; and
  3. Encouraging a high degree of consciousness regarding excellence in the workplace for the entire campus staff.


Three award winners will be selected; one each from the following categories; Office and Clerical, Technical and Professional, and Service, Maintenance and Skilled Crafts. The submitted paragraphs about each winner will be printed in the annual Employee Recognition program and will be read at the University Support Staff Employee Recognition Ceremony. Each winner will receive:

  • Letter of Acknowledgment from the University President
  • Gross Check for $1000.00 (reduced by any award payment received under the University Support Staff Employee of the Year Award.)
  • Acknowledgment in K-State Today
  • Name added to plaque located in Anderson Hall (winners will be added yearly)

Eligibility and Criteria

All university support staff benefits eligible staff members, full or part time, are eligible to be nominated for the K-State University Support Staff Award of Excellence if they have completed one or more years of consecutive service to Kansas State University and if they have not been recipients of the award within the past five years. Nominated employees must have a rating of "meets expectations" or higher on their latest performance review to be eligible for consideration. 

Criteria for the award are the following:

  1. Outstanding Achievement and Performance: consistently and substantially exceeds the expectations of the position, performing at a level above and beyond normal job requirements; has made important and 1xbet online casinosignificant contributions in their area; has furthered the mission of the unit, college, and/or university.
  2. Inspirations of Excellence in Others: consistently and substantially demonstrates an ability and willingness to work positively, respectfully, and effectively with others; has significantly improved customer service or has increased student satisfaction in their area; demonstrates ability and willingness to manage changes in work priorities, procedures, and organization.
  3. Initiative and Creativity: has significantly improved a work process or system, or has significantly increased the efficiency of an operation or department/unit; consistently seeks to improve the quality of work assigned; demonstrates efforts to expand work responsibilities.

Nomination Process

Current faculty, staff, administrators, and/or students at Kansas State University may nominate university support staff members to be considered for this award. No self-nominations will be accepted and all nominations will be confidential. Nominations require the completion of the nomination form and at least 2 but no more than 3 letters of support. Nominations will be forwarded to the K-State University Support Staff Award for Excellence Selection Committee.

This award is separate from the USS Employee of the Year Award.

Awards Selection Committee

A University committee consisting of 10 members: 9 voting & 1 ex-officio, selected from the Manhattan and/or Salina campuses, consisting of one University Support Staff Senate representative, one Faculty Senate representative, one SGA Senate representative, one university support staff at-large representative, one unclassified at-large representative, one student at-large representative, previous year award winners (3), and an ex-officio HR Liaison will make up the K-State University Support Staff Award of Excellence selection committee. For the first year and only the first year, the selection committee will not include the previous year winners (3). University Support Staff Senate, Faculty Senate, and SGA Senate will provide the names for their respective representatives.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources, at 532-6277.  


Kansas State University Support Staff Belonging Award
Award Nomination Deadline: March 20th, 2024

This university-wide 1xbet online casinoaward was established to recognize outstanding work on inclusivity and belonging efforts here at K-State.


One award winner will be selected. The winner will receive:

  • Letter of Acknowledgment from the University President
  • Gross Check for $1000.00 (reduced by any award payment received under the University Support Staff Employee of the Year Award.)
  • Acknowledgment in K-State Today
  • Name added to plaque located in Anderson Hall (winners will be added yearly)

Eligibility and Criteria

All university support staff benefits eligible staff members, full or part time, are eligible to be nominated for the K-State University Support Staff Belonging Award if they have completed one or more years of consecutive service to Kansas State University and if they have not been recipients of the award within the past five years. Nominated employees must have a rating of "meets expectations" or higher on their latest performance review to be eligible for consideration. Criteria for the award are as follows:

  • Inclusive Efforts: has made 1xbet online casinosignificant contributions during the year that enhance the feeling of belonging for all K-Staters, creating a more inclusive environment; demonstrated through work on programs, policies or practices that delivered outstanding results in relation to helping everyone feel a valued part of the K-State Family.

Nomination Process

Current faculty, staff, administrators, and/or students at Kansas State University may nominate university support staff members to be considered for this award. No self-nominations will be accepted and all nominations will be confidential. Nominations require the completion of the nomination form and at least 2 but no more than 3 letters of support. Nominations will be forwarded to the K-State University Support Staff Award for Excellence Selection Committee.

Awards Selection Committee

A University committee consisting of 10 members: 9 voting & 1 ex-officio, selected from the Manhattan and/or Salina campuses, consisting of one University Support Staff Senate representative, one Faculty Senate representative, one SGA Senate representative, one university support staff at-large representative, one unclassified at-large representative, one student at-large representative, previous year award winners (3), and an ex-officio HR Liaison will make up the K-State University Support Staff Award of Excellence selection committee. For the first year and only the first year, the selection committee will not include the previous year winners (3). University Support Staff Senate, Faculty Senate, and SGA Senate will provide the names for their respective representatives.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources, at 532-6277.  


University Support Staff Opportunity Fund - Meritorious Service Awards

University Support Staff Opportunity Fund donations are made to help university support staff with academic achievement, work expenses not funded by their department or to reward outstanding leadership.


All benefit eligible university support staff members are eligible to be nominated for the K-State University Support Staff Opportunity Fund Meritorious Service Award if they have completed one or more years of consecutive service to Kansas State University and if they have not been recipients of the award within the past three years. 

Nomination Process

This award is administered by the University Support Staff Senate. Nominations are accepted throughout the year.

This award is separate from the USS Award of Excellence.


University Support Staff of the Year Award


The program provides an employee award and recognition system authorized by K.S.A. 75-37, 105. The program is designed to recognize an employee's contribution to the objectives of Kansas State University through excellence in performance and service.

Employees of the Year are selected based on either:

A notable event or achievement that is significant in scope, effort or impact on department operations or service to the campus community, or
Execution of duties of the position far beyond the service level commonly expected by the employee's customers that is of great benefit to, or reflects highly on, the department and or the university.

The award should indicate achievement well beyond the norm. In general, the minimum required level of achievement should not be so high as to be unattainable by employees who are generally recognized as performing in an outstanding manner, nor so low that the award looses significance by being easily attainable.


All university support staff benefits eligible regular, full or part time employees 1xbet online casinoare eligible. Each fiscal year departments may select one employee for the award or two employees, as co-recipients, may be selected for the award.

Nomination Process

This award is administered by the University Support Staff Senate. A call for nominations is initiated by the University Support Staff Senate at which time each college, department and administrative unit may select employees they wish to recognize. Departments must submit nominations to their respective college deans or major administrative units to their respective vice presidents. 

This award is separate from the USS Award of Excellence.

Award Types

Departments may provide a monetary award to an employee or co-recipients not to exceed $300 (net of taxes) individually, under this program during a fiscal year. The award will be paid using department funds or foundation funds.

All monetary awards must meet the conditions for a discretionary bonus set out in 29 C.F.R. 778.211. The monetary award must meet each of the following conditions in order to qualify as a discretionary bonus:

The department head retains total discretion both as to the fact of the award and as to the amount and nature of any award;
The amount and the nature of an award, if any, is determined by the department head without prior promise or agreement;
The employee has no contract right, express or implied, to any award; and
The award is not paid pursuant to any prior contract, agreement, or promise.
In effect, discretionary awards are not anticipated or expected by an employee. For example, if an employee knows that an award will be given if he or she does "x, y, and z", the award becomes non-discretionary. This type of award is not allowed under the state guidelines.

Award Payment

Monetary awards must be paid through the payroll system and included in taxable gross income, and are subject to all applicable taxes and employer contributions. These include federal and state withholding taxes, OASDI, Medicare, Unemployment Compensation Insurance, Workers Compensation Insurance, and State Leave Assessment. Monetary awards are not subject to deductions under the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS).

The maximum allowable amount is $300 (net of taxes) per individual per fiscal year. 

University Support Staff Winners from the last five years
  • 2024
    • Teresa Baughman, International Admissions Specialist, Graduate School - Office and Clerical
    • Jacob Boggs, Maintenance Repair Tech II, Facilities Custodial Services - Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts 
    • Peter Nelson, Research Technologist, Physics Department - Technical and Professional 
  • 2023
    • Arlene Jacobson, Accountant I, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department - Office and Clerical 
    • Deborah Erickson, Custodial Specialist, Division of Facilities - Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts 
    • Andy Thurlow, Machinist, Physics Department - Technical and Professional 
    • Mary Oborny, Office Specialist IV, Kinesiology Department - Belonging   
  •  2022
    • Kallie Kolterman, Mail Specialist, Division of Facilities - Office and Clerical
    • Jesica Sellers, Maintenance and Repair Technician I, K-State Libraries - Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts 
    • David Anderson, University Police Officer, Kansas State University Police Deprtment - Technical and Professional
    • Margarita "Margo" Gomez, Office Specialist III, Lafene Counseling and Psychological Services -Belonging
  •  2021
    • Rebecca (Becky) Marsh, Office of Recruitment and Admissions - Office and Clerical
    • Brent Kolterman, Division of Facilities, Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts
    • Justin Shank, Division of Facilities, Campus Planning and Project Management - Technical and Professional
  • 2020
    • Candace LaBerge, Faculty Senate - Office and Clerical 
    • Thad Pultz, Housing and Dining Services - Service and Maintenance/Skilled Crafts
    • Ray Boller, Environmental Health and Safety - Technical and Professional 
    • Carrie Fink, Office of the Registrar - Belonging